周年纪念献给my ex的诗,可以帮忙翻译下吗?

作者&投稿:蔡裕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
My Shadow(我的影子)英文诗翻译~


searching the woods
(XXIVth Birthday Poem)
You have been there in green shadows,
your face paler than the great ranked trees,
paler than stunted clearing
where the moon
burns shrub and tussock with her cool glare.
You have stumbled over bodies
buried in this shroud of leaves
(lost children,失去了孩子
crazed princes)疯狂的王子们

baffed by a mass of briared thorns
that climbing darkened a darkening sky
You have paused for breathing moments
sensing confnement of your onward roaring arteries
until all was quiet.
Then, worse than
blood stalked you with its fensing teeth.

it never comes to me that meeting u could be called miracle.
but today, I believe it can be.
I met u, loved u ,however left u,
also let my miracle of my life leave me.
u should have yr own life somewhere ,your world now is without me.
and u won't bother to think of a boy,
who still miss you so much.
now I know that miracle never happen twice
in spite of the close distance between us.
And once I let it go,never can I have it back.
but, would u pls answer it,my friend:
how can I let go the memories of thee?

Meet originally is really miracle, but I met you, being in love with you
Can I was end to abandon you still, abandonning the miracle in the life
Now of you, should be to have own life, also should can't remind of again me
Meet from the last one time till now, even if what we leave is so near, diding not meet any further however
I just know, such miracle only have once, abandon, sought to do not come back any further
But you can tell me, to your memory, then can wanting to be how forget?

meeting someone is a miracle. i met you and was in love with you
but i finally gave up you and also the miracle in my life
you should have your own life now and will not remember me again
from the first meeting til now, although we have been so close to each other, we haven't met again
so at the end, i knew the miracle would only happen once and will never happen again
but could you tell me, how can i remember the memories i had with you?

meeting someone is a miracle. i met you and was in love with you
but i finally gave up you and also the miracle in my life
you should have your own life now and will not remember me again
from the first meeting til now, although we have been so close to each other, we haven't met again
so at the end, i knew the miracle would only happen once and will never happen again
but could you tell me, how can i remember the memories i had with you?

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柳初右旋: 母亲节由来 敬重母亲、弘扬母爱的母亲节,至今已成为一个约定俗成的国际性节日. 母亲节起源于美国.1906年5月9日,美国费城的安娜·贾薇丝的母亲不幸去世,她悲痛万分.在次年母亲逝世周年忌日,安...

桐柏县17512117948: 我的朋友和他夫人结婚周年纪念,想求一首七言诗送给他们,祝福他们幸福的,谢谢大家 -
柳初右旋: 下面五首,你随便选吧:一、 膝 下 弄 孙 乐 悠闲,半 生 感 悟 苦 也甜.画 眉 恩 爱 已 存史,白 发 共 勉 写 续篇. 二、 携 手 共 度 五 十秋,半 百 年 华 岁 月稠.烟 云 过 眼 云 霄外,晚 霞 似 火 乐 悠悠. 三、 金 菊 作 伴 丹 桂香,五 福 登 堂 乐 无疆.伉 俪 同 步 越 风雨,夫 唱 妇 随 歌 夕阳. 四、 喜 逾 古 稀 更 从容,半 百 风 雨 苦 乐同.许 身 彼 此 终 不悔,皓 首 朱 颜沐春 风. 五、 欣 逢 金 婚 庆 华辰,翁 媪 节 操 不 染尘.相 约 百 年 今 度半,再 谱 新 曲 启 后人.

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桐柏县17512117948: 400分求诗一首 -
柳初右旋: 望 西楼 夜如水 清风拂面 银月人尤美 遥记当年情浓 而今把酒长空醉 对影邀广寒独徘徊 伊人可知自难寐 别是一番滋味 何处烛摇曳 可解思量 长叹息 思念 谁 自己以前写的,但根据你的要求已做修改,不过自己的爱情经历自己最清楚,有些情景或许和你们的往事不一定搭配,你自己再斟酌修改为好!

桐柏县17512117948: 从汶川回来的排长歌曲的歌词是什么`!? -
柳初右旋: -谨以此歌纪念5.12一周年,并献给所有经历此次抗震救灾的战友们. 从汶川回来的排长 你脸上多了份沧桑 你从不愿提起那段时光 梦里泪湿了眼眶 从汶川回来的排长 你更爱穿这身军装 你终于知道了她的份量 不仅仅是坚强 你满身伤痕的回来了 你满身疲倦的模样 你还是黑黑的脸庞 却越来越坚毅的目光 你忘不了汶川这地方 你忘不了孩子们受的伤 你一直都无法想象 那原来美丽的村庄 怎么会这样 你忘不了这样的战场 你忘不了战友受的伤 你忘不了乡亲们的善良 你说他们给你的军功章 是所有军人的荣光 从汶川回来的排长 你还想回到那地方 你一定会看到麦田的金黄 还有孩子们快乐的歌唱

桐柏县17512117948: 求一首英文诗,关于Romeo and Juliet,从Romeo角度写的.使用英文诗的格式(Ex:sound devices,figurative language...),最少20行, -
柳初右旋:[答案] To My Beloved Juliet: My love for your very passionBurns deeply within my soulWaiting for your touchYour lovely,beautiful skinGentle as the new born roseBlooming brightly,eternallyFilling my heart with holy bliss The beauty of your eyesStaring deep into ...

桐柏县17512117948: 老师要我们编一首关于母校的诗!谁能帮帮我? -
柳初右旋: 献给母校的诗 在这里 有师资一流的教师 有朝气蓬勃的学生在这里 有汇集了各国风景名胜的地博园 有种植了各地奇花异草的生物园在这里 有我们最珍贵的回忆 有我们最难忘的初中生涯 有我们最知心的朋友在这里 有我们军训时那难忘的辛劳 ...

桐柏县17512117948: 和女朋友交往一周年了!想给她写一段亲密的话!怎么写呀? -
柳初右旋: 不知不觉中,我们已经交往一周年了,突然发现,和你在一起时时间过得非常快.也不知从何时起,只要身边没有你,就会疯狂的想念,想起你对我笑,对我撒娇,对我抱怨,对我的一切一切.我爱你,只因为是你,所以我相信我们会永远一直这样下去,一直到老.

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