英语翻译 在学校里我们一起学习,一起玩耍,一起成长

作者&投稿:盈音 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


It's already an old story that we grew up and became mature together.

Let us learn together. Let us grow together. Let us live the first day of rainbow colors. "

Let us learn together. Grow with us. Let us live a rainbow-colored on the first day. ”

Let us learn together. Grow with us. Let us live a rainbow-colored on the first day. ”

Let us join together to learn. Let us grow together. Together, let us live a rainbow of colors of the first day. "

这些都是 自己选一个把~

we study together, play together, and grow together in school

We learn together. play and grow up together

we are learning together in school, play together, grow together

Together, we study, play and grow up in school.

We study, play and grow up together.

新龙县19169009903: 英语翻译 在学校里我们一起学习,一起玩耍,一起成长 -
喻党欣力: we study together, play together, and grow together in school

新龙县19169009903: 在学校,我每天很早就起床了,我和我的同学们一起在教室里学习,在操场上锻炼身体,我们玩得很快乐.英文帮我用英文翻译“在学校,我每天很早就起床... -
喻党欣力:[答案] I get up early in school everyday. Studying in classroom, doing phsical exercises on the playground with my classmates. We all enjoy ourselves very much.

新龙县19169009903: 我们在一起学习有很多有趣的事情翻译we had learing together -
喻党欣力: there always be many interesting things when we learn together.

新龙县19169009903: 英语翻译1.刚才与你交谈的那个人是我们公司的一个工程师2.我仍然记得我们一起在学校学习的那些日子3.在巴黎生活50年后,拉回到了他生长的小村庄4.你... -
喻党欣力:[答案] 1.The man who(m)you talked with just now is an engineer of our company .师 2.I still remember the days when we studied together in school. 3.After he lived in Paris for 50 years ,La returned to the small village where he grew up. 4.Can you tell me the ...

新龙县19169009903: 新的学期到了我步入了新的学校新的班级有了新的老师和同学还有新的朋友在新的学校里我们要共同努力共同学习一起加油吧!用英语怎莫说 -
喻党欣力: New semester arrived,I stepped into the new school,new class,had the new teachers and classmates,in the school and new friends ,we should work together,study together,come on together.

新龙县19169009903: a day at school(翻译) -
喻党欣力: 在学校的一天我是一名初中生,我喜欢上学.我的学校离我家很近,所以我总是步行去上学,早上8点开始上课,我很少迟到.我最喜欢的科目是地理.我喜欢了解世界上不同的地方.在上午,我们通常学习语文、数学、英语.我们在上午9:50休息,当铃声响起的时候,我和我最好的朋友汤姆和杰克跑到操场上.我们经常做游戏.在上午10:10休息结束.休息时间是多么短啊!午饭从上午11:50到下午12:30结束.然后我和汤姆、杰克参加学校乐队的练习.我们一起演奏美妙的音乐.在学校我总是过得很开心.望采纳

新龙县19169009903: 在我们每天的学习生活中,我们互相帮助,共同进步,一起成长.英文 -
喻党欣力: "In schools, and every day I got up very early, I and my classmates studying in the classroom, in the playground physical exercise, we really enjoyed ourselves. In our everyday life of studying, we help each other, make progress together, grow up ...

新龙县19169009903: 英语翻译翻译下列句子(英语)1我们在学校学习语文数学等科目2非常高兴你能选择学习汉语 -
喻党欣力:[答案] 1、我们在学校学习语文数学等科目 we learn languages in school subjects such as math 2、非常高兴你能选择学习汉语 very glad that you can choose to study Chinese

新龙县19169009903: 我们在一个学校一个年级一个班我们每天一起上学英语翻译 -
喻党欣力: We go to school together every day studying in the same class, grade and school.

新龙县19169009903: 英语翻译帮忙把这篇作文翻译成英文,我们已经相处了两年了.在这段时间里,我们一起学习,一起讨论,一起玩耍.有困难时总会互相帮助,不开心时总会找... -
喻党欣力:[答案] We have gotten along for two years already. Within this time period, we study together, discuss together, play together. Always help each other during difficult times, always look for the other side to air one's grievances during unhappy times. We would ...


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