英语高手或者爱好者COME IN!

作者&投稿:鲍闹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语天才,come in,come in ,come in~

A:Tom!We __are___ _going____ __to___ have a friend trip tomorrow afternoon.Do you know where we _are____ __going___?
B:Yes,we are going to see the car factory in my _hometowm____.
A:Where _are____ __we___ _going____ ___to__ meet?
B:__We___ ___are__ __going____ __to___ meet outside the school at 14:00.
A:How are we ___getting___ __to___ the factory?
B:We _are____ __getting___ there by bus.
A:__OK___!See you then!
B:_See____ __you___!

They are _going____ __to___ America _on____ _holiday____ next year.
His uncle is returning __to___ Hong Kong next week.
3.The woman _depends____(依靠) on her son.

1.do one's lessons _做功课___________
2.对......说不 _say no to sb.
3.过来__come over
4.在日历上__in the calendar______
5.文学俱乐部 __literature club____________

解析:but she has not decided yet(她仍然没有决定)提示用【进行时态】
你的疑问:now that 的意思是【既然】
详解:这是Now that引导的原因状语从句.
句意是:因为丢掉了工作,Lucy一直考虑回学校,但是她还没有做出决定。即从她丢掉工作那一刻起,就一直考虑回学校,一直持续到现在, 应该用现在完成进行时,现在完成进行时表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作。
例如: I have been looking for my lost book for three days, but I still haven’t found it.

You see the world is out there waiting for me that's why I wanna be as free as can be
I know that you've been good and you've been sweet
so don't put up a fight just let it be
well I hope one day while I'm missing you
and so will you be thinking of me
then we can be together to laugh about the past
but the love is still there for you and me


void f1(int a)()里的叫参数(这里int a是参数,或者说 a 是参数,参数类型是int),最前面的是返回值,void 是无返回值的意思。有参有返回值:int f1(char c)返回值是int类型的,在f1这个函数中,要有一个renturn 语句,后面跟的要是int类型的,例如:return 0;无参无返回值:void f1(...


C语言高手进 int * p = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int));
malloc()函数的作用是分配制定字节数的空间 sizeof()为单目运算 求出对应类型所占用的字节数 (类型名)为单目运算 为强制类型转换 要注意的是 malloce函数申请得到的空间是无类型的空间 必须强制转换成对应指针可以指向的空间的类型 这里定义的是int *p 所以p指针只能指向int型空间 sizeof(int) 求得...

770600 5416426 4685386 38066951 9508963 30132012 我所在的几个

scanf("%c",&yes);} } 2.include <stdio.h> void main(){ int gj, mj, xj, t1, t2;for (gj=1; gj<=20; gj++){ for (mj=1; mj<34; mj++){ xj=100-gj-mj;t1=xj%3;t2=5*gj+3*mj+xj\/3;if (t1==0&&t2==100)printf("gj=%d,mj=%d,xj=%d\\n",gj,mj,xj);} }...

这中间有个过程,起先学着敲书上现成的程序,然后明白程序是怎么回事后就自己想一些简单有趣(比如一些小游戏,简单计算器什么的),写个几百行千来行后应该一些项目什么的只是个经验问题了,切记,编程是个训练的过程,而不只是看书或COPY书上代码 本回答被提问者采纳 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 ...

兄弟你程序很多不应有的问题啊~~include <math.h> void main(){long d;dounle x;\/\/double写错 Scanf("%d",d);\/\/scanf的s不是大写 X=1\/2*SIN(d*pi\/180.0);\/\/哪来的X,注意大小写, 还有 SIN写不对,要小写啊,另外pi是什么? 要说是变量但是没有定义, 要说是宏常量但是也没有定义~...

如果你想真正弄明白子函数是怎么调用的,首先你要知道子函数在计算机中是怎么表示的。N=3 子函数在计算机中内存中分配堆栈机制。第一次输出:当函数执行hanoi(n, 'A', 'B', 'C'); 时,会在内存当中把HANOI首地址压入栈中,继续执行到 if ( n == 1 ) move( one , three );else { hano...


include<stdio.h> int prime(int m){int i;for( i=2;i<=m\/2;i++)if(m%i==0) return 0;return 1;} void main(){int m,n,i,count=0,sum=0;printf("输入2个整数M和N(M>=1,N<=500)");scanf("%d %d",&m,&n);for(i=m+1;i<n;i++)if(prime(i)){ sum+=i;...

西乡县13217157416: 英语高手come in1.在否定句中何时用don't to...何时用not to...2.what's the difference between"have gone to..","have been to...","have been in..." and "... -
屈钢瑞斯:[答案] 1.a.没有don't to.只有don't do b.not to.be not to do sth.是固定用法,表示不会去做某事.如.I am not to go there.我不会去那. 2.a.have gone to.表示已经去了,但现在还没回来. b.have been to.表示已经去了,现在回来了. c.have been in..in后面 一般是一个...

西乡县13217157416: 英语高手come in!写出下列缩略语的汉语全称:WTO( )、APEC( )、ATM( )、EMS( )、CEO( )、NBA( ) -
屈钢瑞斯:[答案] WTO:World Trade Organization世贸组织APEC:The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation亚太经合组织 ATM:Automatic Teller Machine 自动提款机 EMS:Express Mail Service邮政快递CEO:Chief Executive Officer首席执行官...

西乡县13217157416: 英语高手的come in!!!!
屈钢瑞斯: to have/who does this photo belong to

西乡县13217157416: 英语高手COME IN!"Can you help me carry the heary box upstairs?"Mr.White asks.(改为复合句)Mr.white asks - _ - __ - ___help - __heary box upstairs.同... -
屈钢瑞斯:[答案] 第一道:if they can carry同义句:1.since left2.because are often seen3.Only failed4.catch early5.not forget6.is said7.in order8.seen to9.does not any10.called a11.full of11.On way12.little wrong with13....

西乡县13217157416: 英语高手COME IN -
屈钢瑞斯: 如果是单独说,这事除外,用 This is an exception.如果放在句子里说,如我可以帮你做什么都可以,这个除外.则用 I can do anything for you except this one.

西乡县13217157416: 英语高手Come in~!阅读理解~全对采纳!
屈钢瑞斯: 1. Yes 2. He was born on August 19,1948 3. His mother married Roger Clinton 4. Clinton is his family name 5. Georgetown University 1. Yes,he was. 2. He was born on August 19,1946. 3. His mother married Roger Clinton when he was four years ...

西乡县13217157416: 英语作文的高手come in...
屈钢瑞斯: Here is Jim's family. now, Jim is reading a book, his sister is listening to the music. Jim's father is watching TV, and his mother is cooking. He also has a brother, he is playing with his friends.

西乡县13217157416: 英语高手come in
屈钢瑞斯:in developing countries , there is no complete security and medical and reletive system. and furthmore, they just forcus on the developing , ignore the envirment change so that the citizen 's health damage greatly. so, it cause vast majority of deaths occur in deveolopoin countrieds

西乡县13217157416: “走进”用英语怎么说?
屈钢瑞斯: entercome within come into 都可以

西乡县13217157416: 英语高手come in,帮我解释一下几道英语题目,非常感谢:P
屈钢瑞斯: 1. 选B 当定语从句的先行词是不定代词(anything)时,从句的关系代词用that 2. 选C 这里的did 起强调作用.“我昨天的确看到他了.” 3.选A 同样,这里的Do 也是其强调作用,表示“一定再来”


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