
作者&投稿:茶冉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

With Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson dead, all fantasy. And millions of people waiting for him, he will be back in July of audiovisual feast, everything is shattered. Hear the news of his death was like a bolt from the blue, my idol to leave this world. I deeply regret slams the central sea shore Angle, the eternal classics on the screen, then once rode and gentle voice transient time from the tragic color, and that the air moves, awesome unruly dancing in the struggle, and also seems to be fighting. Michael experienced too much honor and disgrace, sadness and joyous. With a heavy heart into his (online), write down the sentence: up after a genius, art. Now the world people are in for his condolences and regret, meanwhile the world for his attention also comes again. I do not see more around the MJ fans (this professional 5120), in respect of Michael, I often walk in wooden bridge, and Beijing lifted a big fan of spontaneous news of the memorial to comfort me, I just know that in China, Michael not lonely, I also not lonely. When you see a eulogy of online only 19 essay (effect) on June 28, these eulogy at noon and used in many Chinese ambiguous and comfort, I have a little disappointed, Michael need most is not such. His music in the highest attainments, but does not have to be the mainstream of society and traditional social widely accepted, as his faithful fans, and he let more people to understand why he is my duty.
I am not dedicated fans, can become the idol of I should have not only outstanding talent and have a great soul, but Michael is worthy of stars. He created a series of myths, leading the trend of The Times, he is a king of pop music called ", this is the most successful musicians in history "(the latest guinness world record certification). He just 50 years of life, the 45 years to art career. 5 years old when he began acting career, and I'm afraid we are in the study of the literacy and counting. He has eight brothers and sisters, almost the whole family are all music artists from the initial Jackson, his brother (5) in the five people grow and become monolith, from his idol tianjiao generation of elvis Presley feet step by step so as to rise beyond the achievements and the king lifted the musician, admittedly he is a born beauty, He is good at music producer, composition, barrel, scene, singing, dancing, instruments, having remarkable achievement, He created the modern music popular, he put the MV to the top, right WeiLe address: (if no Michael Jackson, the world at least 50 years later will have modern MV, pop music will be back at least 20 years).
He was black and white rock, r&b, creating a unique style, and with false MJ, convulsions, energy, enthusiasm, sad, alert, happy and confident, rich, fashionable, sincere, festival, mysterious, personal characteristics, singing vocals etc also can complete mechanical dance, tap, classic and modern dance, the perfect combination of space, let his surprise and superb performance. Michael is itself a stage designer for writers often his work, with specific historical scenario or natural environment, abound change, the peak of his THRILLER "(the world) is the first album sales this characteristics developed acme. Each one of his performance in the world is caused great sensation everywhere and screaming, also have fainted, His fans all over the world, he's billionaire voice echoed in each corner, and countless star for countless creators upon him for inspiration, his magical steps are countless stars. He and many top stars have cooperation, including sports stars have film star, President Reagan, Clinton and bush is himself for his prize awards. Michael Jackson is a magic monster and filled with a mysterious force in music when he, the rhythm of the pulse can drive around the world. He wants to keep the guinness book of records has been broken. (the guinness world records awarded him the total yield of eight world record. Mainly includes: world history - the best-selling album Thriller ". The first one in the region outside the United States sell 100 million albums artist. First in one year, billions of dollars in the artists; and he is also the highest reward artist in history. The us singles list of the young singer (11 years, Jackson + 5 band boyzone); the first single issued the first week that American music won the champion list singer (" + AD + Not + of "); in the United States had champion list the longest Thriller, "the album (37 weeks); the most successful music video (the Thriller, sales of 100 million sets). This series of achievement to guinness world records for the special issued a new Jackson authentication: the guinness book of world records of history's most successful artist. Support charities most pop star (39); the longest history of music video (" Ghosts", 35 minutes), the most expensive music video ads, making ($700 million); the most valuable Oscar (12 June 1999 sotheby Jackson in the price of $154.2 with David captured Selznick + + O because the wind was the best movie awards) etc.)
Art is difficult to reach a certain height is generally accepted, like van gogh's, Bach's music. Whether the concert or MV, Michael is always dynamite in dance, so someone will say it into a madman, barbarian, this is ignorance, superficial view. MJ every MV is simple, the feeling is not careful, he will not taste experience of thought, expression of hidden behind the madness of the lofty aspiration should be. He wrote songs for African poor, singing world harmony. He wrote songs for war refugees, singing world peace, so broad mind if he is mad, that we are crazy people don't become a walking corpse? He sing praises love freedom, justice, he calls for protecting the earth, for happiness of life, so that if he is the trend of advanced, so we still savages where is a historical era? He's in MV, ethnicity, color of skin, different levels, different age and even different people dance together by oppression, nor by power, this is great secular constraints of freedom, is the ideal human dream. Michael is in the most barbarous way to express the most exquisite emotional. Not only is he who danced with demons and ghosts, dance, art, but also a kind of false stubborn challenges and vision of pure beauty. Soft beauty is a punk is not beautiful? Wan affection is a kind of beauty, it is straightforward will not beautiful? Wild dance is the real inner do all the excitement, the enthusiasm, generous, pour in the dance, all claims to the darkness into light, Shouting, like a severe burning flame instantly break chains to pursue dreams, and project in this audience roar awakened and liberation. Michael was the most charitable organization support, support the artisan alone, 39 charity, it is most concerned about children's growth, Michael has a much higher realm, he was an actor than some of the political butters are fully: do you see Michael is a flow of blood, and the art of humanism with great philanthropist.
Such a man, for art, and lead the soul of noble art, and in his artistic rings scatter the powder, and under the spirit of carrying the love light of aromatic throughout the world, only appreciate him to get to comprehend. However he is, after all, a artist, that he could not get rid of the bad luck, the glory of the man behind the attacks are bleak. Media distortion of the hype, interests, racist ruthless tether feminists, but the people do not understand the truth was demonized remarks. Smart people often have their own opinion, not conformity, not superstitious, they believe their eyes and rational thinking, Wisdom is found, true feeling, capture the essence, the extraction and don't watch the spirit. A how valuable love is the artist, if such a person also face, smear, so this misunderstanding endure "world" is how absurd: farmer save the snake, snake bite dead to farmers.
Michael is not a devil, is an angel is not the devil. Michael is the art of music ", or philanthropist genius. He died in the history of mankind, like a falling star of another. His achievements, and will likely after...
Silence to idol!!!!!
Michael Jackson死了,一切幻想都破灭了。亿万人期待着他的七月复出,他将带来怎样的视听盛宴,一切都化为泡影。听到他的死讯真像是晴天霹雳,我的超级偶像离开了这个世界。深深的遗憾猛击我心海的岸角,那些永恒的经典再度搬上荧屏,那时而高亢时而柔美的歌声瞬时间蒙上了悲壮的色彩,而那行云流水般的舞步,劲爆不羁的舞姿也似乎是在挣扎和抗争。迈克尔经历过太多的荣与辱,悲与欢。怀着沉重的心情进入他的(网上)灵堂,写下了一句话:艺术鬼才,后无来者。如今世界人民都在为他哀悼和惋惜,与此同时全世界对他的关注率也再次迎来高潮。我的周围并不多见MJ的歌迷(本专业5120人),在对迈克尔的敬仰上,我往往行走在独木桥上,而北京歌迷自发掀起了盛大的悼念活动的消息给了我一丝安慰,我才知道在中国,迈克尔不孤单,我也不孤单。当看到网上成文的悼词只有寥寥19篇(迄6月28日中午),这些悼词许多又惯以中国式的暧昧和慰藉,我有一点点失望,迈克尔最需要的不是这些。他在音乐上的造诣业已登峰造极,却并没有能够被主流社会与传统社会所广泛接受,作为他的忠实歌迷,悼念他并借以让更多的人理解他是我应尽的责任。
我不是专注的追星族,能成为我崇拜的偶像不仅要有卓越的才艺而且更要有伟大的灵魂,而迈克尔是当之无愧的明星。他创造了一系列神话,引领了一时代的潮流,他被誉为流行音乐之王,堪称是“历史上最成功的音乐家”(最新吉尼斯世界记录认证)。他短短50岁的一生,把45年都献给了艺术事业。5岁的时候他就开始了表演生涯,而此时的我们恐怕还在学习识字和数数。他有8个兄弟姐妹,几乎全家人都是音乐艺人,他从最初的Jackson 5(兄弟5人组)中逐渐成长并发展成为一枝独秀一代天骄,他从偶像“猫王”的脚下一步步的崛起以致成为与猫王齐名并成就超越后者的音乐家,不可否认他是是天生丽质;他是出色的音乐全才,在作词,作曲,场景制作,编曲,演唱,舞蹈,乐器演奏方面都有着卓越的成就;他开创了现代MV,他把流行音乐推向了巅峰,(有权威乐评说:如果没有迈克尔•杰克逊,世界至少将迟50年才有现代MV,流行乐坛将退后至少20年。)

我高一 用的就是这篇纪念 MJ 的稿子 得到了 学校演讲比赛的第一名呢
希望也能帮到你 我自己当初是做了很多改动的 天了与多次也
你需要调整一下 稿子的顺序 然后在 开头和结尾加一些自己的话
You heard Micheal Jackson’s song, right?!

You saw Micheal Jackson’s dance, right?!

You watched Micheal Jackson’s Music Videos, right?!

You knew about Micheal Jackson’s charities, right?!

You observed Micheal Jackson’s appearance, right?!

Besides all those, whatelse do you know about Micheal Jackson?!

Is that the talents he expressed through music and dance?

Is that the big heart that he expressed through his soul musics?

Or the bashfulness he expressed through his laugh?

He said

The reason his skin was getting whiter was he got leukoderma, u denied what he said.
He said
He loves children was beacause their innocent, you denied it.
He said
He’s the instrument of nature, his mission was to bring the joys to children from all ages, you denied it again.
He said
He loves arts, he’s the slave of music, you said that’s a lie.
He said
He wish there are no more disputes in the earth, people should stop lieing, you don’t know what that means.
He said
He belies in god, you say that’s another lie.
He’s Micheal Jackson.
You are not!
You don’t believe a word he said.
You think you are right.
Who do you think you are?!
You are an adult, right?
You believe in what you experienced.
You believed in who you’ve been through.
You believed in your convention.
Maybe the saddest part was just that…

You used a of suffered ordinary heart

To criticized a angel’s heart?!

I remember the first time i seen hie moonwalk.

he made world dance

he made music come to my life

And he give me soul

he give me rhythm

Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958–June 25, 2009)was an American recording artist, entertainer, and businessman. The seventh child of the Jackson family, he debuted on the professional music scene at the age of 11 as a member of The Jackson 5 and began a solo career in 1971 while still a member of the group. Referred to as the "King of Pop" in subsequent years, five of his solo studio albums are among the world’s best-selling records: Off the Wall (1979), Thriller (1982), Bad (1987), Dangerous (1991) and HIStory (1995)。
In the early 1980s, he became a dominant figure in popular music and the first African-American entertainer to amass a strong crossover following on MTV. The popularity of his music videos airing on MTV, such as "Beat It", "Billie Jean" and Thriller-credited for transforming the music video into an art form and a promotional tool-helped bring the relatively new channel to fame. Videos such as "Black or White" and "Scream" made Jackson an enduring staple on MTV in the 1990s. With stage performances and music videos, Jackson popularized a number of physically complicated dance techniques, such as the robot and the moonwalk. His distinctive musical sound and vocal style influenced many hip hop, pop and contemporary R&B artists。

One of the few artists to have been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice, his other achievements include multiple Guinness World Records-including one for "Most Successful Entertainer of All Time"-13 Grammy Awards, 13 number one singles in his solo career-more than any other male artist in the Hot 100 era-and the sales of over 750 million albums worldwide. Cited as one of the world’s most famous men, Jackson’s highly publicized personal life, coupled with his successful career, made him a part of popular culture for almost four decades。

  在80年代初,他成为了流行音乐的主要人物和第一位非洲裔演员转型向MTV。他在MTV音乐,播出,如“BEAT IT”,“比莉珍”和惊悚,转化为一种艺术形式的音乐,视频和宣传工具,贷记影片人气,促成了新的成名渠道。影片如“BLACK OR WHITE”和“scream”成为了MTV杰克逊在90年代持久的舞台。与舞台表演,音乐录像,杰克逊推广复杂的身体技巧,如机械舞和月球漫步量。他的声音和独特的音乐唱腔影响了许多嘻哈音乐,流行音乐和当代R&B艺术家。

  为数不多的艺术家之一已两次入选摇滚名人堂的,他的其他成就包括多个吉尼斯世界纪录,其中包括“最成功的艺人”-13格莱美奖,13个单曲一个接一个在他的单曲中出现比任何其他的Hot 100时代的男歌手更多的超过750万张的全球销售。作为世界上最有名的人,例如杰克逊的广为宣传的个人生活与他的事业成功,使他成为近40年来流行文化的一部分。


Thank you, thank you dear friends, from the bottom of my heart, for such a loving and spirited welcome, and thank you, Mr. President, for you kind invitation to me which I am so honored to accept. I also want to express a special thanks to you Shmuley, who for 11 years served as Rabbi here at Oxford. You and I have been working so hard to form Heal the Kids, as well as writing our book about childlike qualities, and in all of our efforts you have been such a supportive and loving friend.

And I would also like to thank Toba Friedman, our director of operations at Heal the Kids, who is returning tonight to the alma mater where she served as a Marshall scholar, as well as Marilyn Piels, another central member of our Heal the Kids team. I am humbled to be lecturing in a place that has previously been filled by such notable figures as Mother Theresa, Albert Einstein, Ronald Reagan, Robert Kennedy and Malcolm X. I've even heard that Kermit the Frog has made an appearance here, and I've always felt a kinship with Kermit's message that it's not easy being green. I'm sure he didn't find it any easier being up here than I do. As I looked round Oxford today, I couldn't help but be aware of the majesty and grandeur of this great institution, not to mention the brilliance of the great and gifted minds that have roamed these streets for centuries. The walls of Oxford have not only housed the greatest philosophical and scientific geniuses -- they have also ushered forth some of the most cherished creators of children's literature, from JRR Tolkien to CS Lewis. Today I was allowed to hobble into the dining hall in Christ Church to see Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland immortalized in the stained glass windows. And even one of my own fellow Americans, the beloved Dr Seuss graced these halls and then went on to leave his mark on the imaginations of millions of children throughout the world.

I suppose I should start by listing my qualifications to speak before you this evening. Friends, I do not claim to have the academic expertise of other speakers who have addressed this hall, just as they could lay little claim at being adept at the moonwalk -- and you know, Einstein in particular was really terrible at that. But I do have a claim to having experienced more places and cultures than most people will ever see. Human knowledge consists not only of libraries of parchment and ink -- it is also comprised of the volumes of knowledge that are written on the human heart, chiseled on the human soul, and engraved on the human psyche. And friends, I have encountered so much in this relatively short life of mine that I still cannot believe I am only 42. I often tell Shmuley that in soul years I'm sure that I'm at least 80 - and tonight I even walk like I'm 80.

So please harken to my message, because what I have to tell you tonight can bring healing to humanity and healing to our planet. Through the grace of God, I have been fortunate to have achieved many of my artistic and professional aspirations realized early in my lifetime. But these, friends are accomplishments, and accomplishments alone are not synonymous with who I am. Indeed, the cheery five-year-old who belted out Rockin' Robin and Ben to adoring crowds was not indicative of the boy behind the smile. Tonight, I come before you less as an icon of pop (whatever that means anyway), and more as an icon of a generation, a generation that no longer knows what it means to be children. All of us are products of our childhood. But I am the product of a lack of a childhood, an absence of that precious and wondrous age when we frolic playfully without a care in the world, basking in the adoration of parents and relatives, where our biggest concern is studying for that big spelling test come Monday morning. Those of you who are familiar with the Jackson Five know that I began performing at the tender age of five and that ever since then, I haven't stopped dancing or singing. But while performing and making music undoubtedly remain as some of my greatest joys, when I was young I wanted more than anything else to be a typical little boy. I wanted to build tree houses, have water balloon fights, and play hide and seek with my friends.

But fate had it otherwise and all I could do was envy the laughter and playtime that seemed to be going on all around me. There was no respite from my professional life. But on Sundays I would go Pioneering, the term used for the missionary work that Jehovah's Witnesses do. And it was then that I was able to see the magic of other people's childhood. Since I was already a celebrity, I would have to don a disguise of fat suit, wig, beard and glasses and we would spend the day in the suburbs of Southern California, going door-to-door or making the rounds of shopping malls, distributing our Watchtower magazine. I loved to set foot in all those regular suburban houses and catch sight of the shag rugs and La-Z-Boy armchairs with kids playing Monopoly and grandmas baby-sitting and all those wonderful, ordinary and starry scenes of everyday life. Many, I know, would argue that these things seem like no big deal. But to me they were mesmerizing. I used to think that I was unique in feeling that I was without a childhood. I believed that indeed there were only a handful with whom I could share those feelings.

When I recently met with Shirley Temple Black, the great child star of the 1930s and 40s, we said nothing to each other at first. We simply cried together, for she could share a pain with me that only others like my close friends Elizabeth Taylor and McCauley Culkin knew. I do not tell you this to gain your sympathy but to impress upon you my first important point -- it is not just Hollywood child stars that have suffered from a nonexistent childhood. Today, it's a universal calamity, a global catastrophe. Childhood has become the great casualty of modern-day living. All around us we are producing scores of kids who have not had the joy, who have not been accorded the right, who have not been allowed the freedom, or knowing what it's like to be a kid. Today children are constantly encouraged to grow up faster, as if this period known as childhood is a burdensome stage, to be endured and ushered through, as swiftly as possible. And on that subject, I am certainly one of the world's greatest experts. Ours is a generation that has witnessed the abrogation of the parent-child covenant. Psychologists are publishing libraries of books detailing the destructive effects of denying one's children the unconditional love that is so necessary to the healthy development of their minds and character. And because of all the neglect, too many of our kids have, essentially, to raise themselves. They are growing more distant from their parents, grandparents and other family members, as all around us the indestructible bond that once glued together the generations, unravels. This violation has bred a new generation, Generation O let us call it, that has now picked up the torch from Generation X.

谢谢,谢谢各位亲爱的朋友,对大家如此热烈的欢迎,我由衷的表示感谢,谢谢主席,对您的盛意邀请,我感到万分荣幸。同时,我特别地感谢犹太教律法家Shmuley,感谢您十一年来在牛津所做的工作。您和我一起努力建立“拯救儿童”,就如创作我们的直白书一样艰辛,但自始至终你都给予极大的支持和爱心。我还要感谢“拯救儿童”的理事Toba Friedman,她将于今晚返回母校,在此,她曾经作为一个Marshall学者工作过。当然还感谢我们“拯救儿童”组织的另一位中心成员Marilyn Piels。

能来到这样一个曾经汇集过特蕾莎修女、爱因斯坦、罗纳德·里根、罗伯特·肯尼迪和 Malcolm X等著名人物的地方演讲我感到受宠若惊。听说Kermit the Frog曾经来过这里,我也和他有同感就是,没有深厚阅历的人来这里可并不容易,但我相信他一定没有想到我竟会这么容易的做到。

今天我参观牛津大学,真的忍不住被这一伟大建筑的宏伟壮观所吸引,更不必说这世纪之城才俊云集的绚烂了。牛津不仅荟萃了最出色沉着的科学英才,还引导出了从J.R.R.托尔金到C.S.刘易斯等不少极富爱心的儿童文学家。今天,我被允许在教堂餐厅里参观了雕刻在彩色玻璃窗里的Lewis Carroll的爱丽斯梦游仙境。同时发现还有我的一位美国同胞,亲爱的苏斯先生也为此增色,启发着全世界的千万儿童的想象力。



多亏上帝的恩典,我很幸运地提前实现了自己一生的艺术和职业抱负。但这些成绩和我是谁,完全不同性质。事实上,在崇拜者面前活泼快乐地表演Rocking Robin和Ben的五岁小男孩并不意味笑容背后的他也同样快乐。

今晚,我不想以一个流行偶像的身份出现在大家面前,我更愿意作一代人的见证,一代不再了解作为孩子有什么意义的人。大家都有过童年,可我却缺少它,缺少那些宝贵的美妙的无忧无虑嬉戏玩耍的时光,而那些日子我们本该惬意地沉浸在父母亲人的疼爱中,为星期一重要的拼写考试下功夫做准备。熟悉The Jackson 5的朋友都知道我5岁时就开始表演,从那以后,就再也没有停止过跳舞唱歌。




现在,这已经成为全世界的灾难。童年成了当代生活的牺牲品。我们使很多孩子不曾拥有欢乐,不曾得到相应的权利,不曾获得自由,而且还认为一个孩子就该是这样的。 现在,孩子们经常被鼓励长大得快一些,好象这个叫做童年的时期是一个累赘的阶段,大人们很不耐烦地想着法儿让它尽可能地快些结束。在这个问题上,我无疑是世界上最专业的人士之一了。我这一代正是废除亲子盟约必要性的见证。


Thank you, thank you dear friends, from the bottom of my heart, for such a loving and spirited welcome, and thank you, Mr. President, for you kind invitation to me which I am so honored to accept. I also want to express a special thanks to you Shmuley, who for 11 years served as Rabbi here at Oxford. You and I have been working so hard to form Heal the Kids, as well as writing our book about childlike qualities, and in all of our efforts you have been such a supportive and loving friend.

And I would also like to thank Toba Friedman, our director of operations at Heal the Kids, who is returning tonight to the alma mater where she served as a Marshall scholar, as well as Marilyn Piels, another central member of our Heal the Kids team. I am humbled to be lecturing in a place that has previously been filled by such notable figures as Mother Theresa, Albert Einstein, Ronald Reagan, Robert Kennedy and Malcolm X. I've even heard that Kermit the Frog has made an appearance here, and I've always felt a kinship with Kermit's message that it's not easy being green. I'm sure he didn't find it any easier being up here than I do. As I looked round Oxford today, I couldn't help but be aware of the majesty and grandeur of this great institution, not to mention the brilliance of the great and gifted minds that have roamed these streets for centuries. The walls of Oxford have not only housed the greatest philosophical and scientific geniuses -- they have also ushered forth some of the most cherished creators of children's literature, from JRR Tolkien to CS Lewis. Today I was allowed to hobble into the dining hall in Christ Church to see Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland immortalized in the stained glass windows. And even one of my own fellow Americans, the beloved Dr Seuss graced these halls and then went on to leave his mark on the imaginations of millions of children throughout the world.

I suppose I should start by listing my qualifications to speak before you this evening. Friends, I do not claim to have the academic expertise of other speakers who have addressed this hall, just as they could lay little claim at being adept at the moonwalk -- and you know, Einstein in particular was really terrible at that. But I do have a claim to having experienced more places and cultures than most people will ever see. Human knowledge consists not only of libraries of parchment and ink -- it is also comprised of the volumes of knowledge that are written on the human heart, chiseled on the human soul, and engraved on the human psyche. And friends, I have encountered so much in this relatively short life of mine that I still cannot believe I am only 42. I often tell Shmuley that in soul years I'm sure that I'm at least 80 - and tonight I even walk like I'm 80.

So please harken to my message, because what I have to tell you tonight can bring healing to humanity and healing to our planet. Through the grace of God, I have been fortunate to have achieved many of my artistic and professional aspirations realized early in my lifetime. But these, friends are accomplishments, and accomplishments alone are not synonymous with who I am. Indeed, the cheery five-year-old who belted out Rockin' Robin and Ben to adoring crowds was not indicative of the boy behind the smile. Tonight, I come before you less as an icon of pop (whatever that means anyway), and more as an icon of a generation, a generation that no longer knows what it means to be children. All of us are products of our childhood. But I am the product of a lack of a childhood, an absence of that precious and wondrous age when we frolic playfully without a care in the world, basking in the adoration of parents and relatives, where our biggest concern is studying for that big spelling test come Monday morning. Those of you who are familiar with the Jackson Five know that I began performing at the tender age of five and that ever since then, I haven't stopped dancing or singing. But while performing and making music undoubtedly remain as some of my greatest joys, when I was young I wanted more than anything else to be a typical little boy. I wanted to build tree houses, have water balloon fights, and play hide and seek with my friends.

But fate had it otherwise and all I could do was envy the laughter and playtime that seemed to be going on all around me. There was no respite from my professional life. But on Sundays I would go Pioneering, the term used for the missionary work that Jehovah's Witnesses do. And it was then that I was able to see the magic of other people's childhood. Since I was already a celebrity, I would have to don a disguise of fat suit, wig, beard and glasses and we would spend the day in the suburbs of Southern California, going door-to-door or making the rounds of shopping malls, distributing our Watchtower magazine. I loved to set foot in all those regular suburban houses and catch sight of the shag rugs and La-Z-Boy armchairs with kids playing Monopoly and grandmas baby-sitting and all those wonderful, ordinary and starry scenes of everyday life. Many, I know, would argue that these things seem like no big deal. But to me they were mesmerizing. I used to think that I was unique in feeling that I was without a childhood. I believed that indeed there were only a handful with whom I could share those feelings.

When I recently met with Shirley Temple Black, the great child star of the 1930s and 40s, we said nothing to each other at first. We simply cried together, for she could share a pain with me that only others like my close friends Elizabeth Taylor and McCauley Culkin knew. I do not tell you this to gain your sympathy but to impress upon you my first important point -- it is not just Hollywood child stars that have suffered from a nonexistent childhood. Today, it's a universal calamity, a global catastrophe. Childhood has become the great casualty of modern-day living. All around us we are producing scores of kids who have not had the joy, who have not been accorded the right, who have not been allowed the freedom, or knowing what it's like to be a kid. Today children are constantly encouraged to grow up faster, as if this period known as childhood is a burdensome stage, to be endured and ushered through, as swiftly as possible. And on that subject, I am certainly one of the world's greatest experts. Ours is a generation that has witnessed the abrogation of the parent-child covenant. Psychologists are publishing libraries of books detailing the destructive effects of denying one's children the unconditional love that is so necessary to the healthy development of their minds and character. And because of all the neglect, too many of our kids have, essentially, to raise themselves. They are growing more distant from their parents, grandparents and other family members, as all around us the indestructible bond that once glued together the generations, unravels. This violation has bred a new generation, Generation O let us call it, that has now picked up the torch from Generation X.

Heal The World written and composed by Michael Jackson from Dangerous (1991)治愈这世界 词曲:迈克尔·杰克逊 专辑:危险 (1991)there's a place in your heart 在你心里 有个空间 and i know that it is love 它 就是爱 and this place could be much 它可比未来 brighter than tomorrow ...

迈克尔杰克逊《黑白之间》歌词 深邃的夜空下,寻找那失去的光阴,黑白之间,我漫步,寻找真实的自我。穿越无尽的迷雾,我呼唤,渴望自由的光芒。以下是《黑白之间》的歌词详解:1. 歌词背景与意境 《黑白之间》作为迈克尔·杰克逊的经典之作,歌词描绘了一个人在黑白交错的世界里寻找自我和真实的故事。歌曲...



全名:Michael Joseph Jackson 中译名:迈克尔·约瑟夫·杰克逊 台湾译名:麦可·杰克森 香港译名:米高·积逊 出生日期:1958年8月29日 星座:处女座 体重:130磅(60公斤左右)视力:远视 眼珠色:深棕 发色:黑色 鞋码:美国10号(欧洲:42)身高:1.78 米(5英尺10英寸)学历:高中毕业 出生地点:...

2.《Beat it》 这是迈克尔杰克逊在1982年创作出来的歌曲,收录在《Thriller》中,主要唱的是反对社会暴力的音乐作品,可以说这首歌至今还在传唱,模仿。里面的开头曲也是成为很多综艺节目的BGM,初中的时候看MV的时候就觉得MJ好厉害,唱着歌就让两个黑帮化解矛盾,并且一起跳舞,用舞蹈感染人心,虽然...

关于迈克 杰克逊的
在两个排行榜的冠军位置上它都停留了一周。紧接着“Billie Jean”发行该曲的聪明营销策略使其在短期内获得了巨大的点播率,并促进《Thriller》专辑在1983年二月底爬升到冠军的位次。而在全球范围内,这只单曲几乎在各个国家(除了意大利)的排行榜上都闯入了前5名。在丹麦的排行榜上它也是冠军。迈克尔...

应该是Dangerous的MV合集 这是两首不同的MV 1.埃及的是Remember the Time(获了MTV最佳音乐录影带奖)扮演国王的艾迪墨菲是MJ的好朋友,很厉害的黑人演员 2.开头是小鬼当家疯玩音乐,然后爸爸被弹到非洲,结尾站在自由女神火炬上的是Black or White MJ邀请了世界各地的舞蹈家,结合各民族元素的经典曲目...

关于迈克尔杰克逊< Billie Jean>背后的故事~
23年过去了,迈克尔·杰克逊可以确信无疑:没有人能制作出比这更强的"smelly jelly”。[1] 编辑本段歌词及翻译 Billie Jean 比利·金(比莉·简) [1st Verse] She Was More Like A Beauty Queen From A Movie Scene 她就像银幕上的绝代佳人 I Said Don't Mind 我说“好吧, But What Do You Mean I Am...

长子:Prince Michael Jackson, Jr(出生日期:1997年2月13日,Debbie Rowe所生)长女:Paris Michael Katherine Jackson(出生日期:1998年4月3日,Debbie Rowe所生)次子:Prince Michael Jackson II(出生日期:2002年3月,生母不详)

贵州省19498347012: 求一篇关于迈克尔杰克逊的英语演讲稿...大概4.5分钟左右的字数,谢谢~~~ -
姓帝复方: 我高一 用的就是这篇纪念 MJ 的稿子 得到了 学校演讲比赛的第一名呢 希望也能帮到你 我自己当初是做了很多改动的 天了与多次也 你需要调整一下 稿子的顺序 然后在 开头和结尾加一些自己的话 MJ的歌,你听到了 You heard Micheal Jackson'...

贵州省19498347012: 用英语讲迈克尔杰克逊的一生 30分钟演讲 -
姓帝复方: 1. try the link below, a dedicated website on his biography:http://www.allmichaeljackson.com/biography.html2. this one is shorter:http://www.soulwalking.co.uk/Michael%20Jackson.html3. the following tells us about his life in each year:http://www....

贵州省19498347012: 求有关迈克尔杰克逊(Michael Jackson)的英文演讲稿 -
姓帝复方: Michael在1993格莱美得到传奇奖的感言 I love you too...I hope this finally to put to rest another rumor that has been in the press for too many years, me and Janet really are two different people. in the past two months i gone from "where is he?" to ...

贵州省19498347012: 关于迈克尔杰克逊的英语演讲稿 -
姓帝复方: It is with the deepest grief that we pay great respects to the memory of Michael Jackson, who died a sudden death from coma at home.Michael Jackson was born on August 28, 1958, in Indiana, USA. He is praised as the King of Pop, the most ...

贵州省19498347012: 我需要关于MJ的英语演讲稿,急急急..谢谢谢
姓帝复方: http://www.rollingstone.com/rockdaily/index.php/2009/09/13/read-madonnas-vmas-speech-dedicated-to-michael-jackson/

贵州省19498347012: 求关于迈克尔·杰克逊的英文演讲,适合高中生的,篇幅不要太长,谢谢 -
姓帝复方: Grammy Awards Acceptance Speech – February 24 1993 My childhood was completely taken away from me. There was no Christmas, there were no birthdays, it was not a normal childhood, nor the normal pleasures of childhood - those were ...

贵州省19498347012: 【求助】英语达人,关于迈克尔杰克逊的演讲稿 -
姓帝复方: with all those hardships in 50 years 风风雨雨中,走过了五十个年头 from one of the Jackson 5 to today's pop king,he had made out of himself all the way 从当初Jackson 5中的一员,成为了当今的流行音乐之王 During 50 years' lifetime,he won ...

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