
作者&投稿:冉贩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

德裔美国科学家。1879 年3月14日生于德国乌耳姆镇的一个小业主家庭,1955年4 月18日卒于美国普林斯顿。自幼喜爱音乐,是一名熟练的小提琴手。1900年毕业于苏黎世联邦工业大学并取得瑞士籍。后在伯尔尼瑞士专利局找到固定工作。他早期的一系列历史性成就都是在这里作出的。1909年首次在学术界任职,出任苏黎世大学理论物理学副教授。1914年,应M.普朗克和W.能斯脱的邀请,回德国任威廉皇家物理研究所所长兼柏林大学教授。1933年希特勒上台,爱因斯坦因为是犹太人,又坚决捍卫民主,首遭迫害,被迫移居美国的普林斯顿。1940年入美国籍。1945年退休。爱因斯坦在量子论、分子运动论、相对论等物理学的三个不同领域取得了历史性成就,特别是狭义相对论的建立和光量子论的提出,推动了物理学理论的革命,他对社会进步事业也有重要贡献。量子论的进一步发展 爱因斯坦的一项开创性贡献是发展了量子论。量子论是普朗克于1900年为解决黑体辐射谱而提出的一个假说。他认为物体发出辐射时所放出的能量不是连续的,而是量子化的。然而,大多数人,包括普朗克本人在内,都不敢把能量不连续概念再向前推进一步,甚至一再企图把这一概念纳入经典物理学体系。爱因斯坦预感到量子论带来的不是小的修正,而是整个物理学的根本变革。1905年他在《关于光的产生和转化的探讨》一文中,把普朗克的量子概念扩充到光在空间中的传播,提出光量子假说,认为:对于时间平均值(即统计的平均现象),光表现为波动;而对于瞬时值(即涨落现象),光表现为粒子(见量子光学)。这是历史上首次揭示了微观粒子的波动性和粒子性的统一 ,即波粒二象性。以后的物理学发展表明:波粒二象性是整个微观世界的最基本的特征。根据光量子概念,他圆满地解释了经典物理学无法解释的光电效应的经验规律,为此获得1921年诺贝尔物理学奖。1916年他又把量子概念扩展到物体内部的振动上去,基本上说明了低温下固体比热容同温度间的关系。1916年他继续发展量子论,从N.玻尔的量子跃迁概念导出黑体辐射谱。在这项研究中他把统计物理概念和量子论结合起来,提出自发发射及受激发射等概念。从量子论的基础直到受激发射概念,对天体物理学有很大的影响。其中受激发射概念,为60年代蓬勃发展起来的激光技术提供了理论基础。分子运动论爱因斯坦在《根据分子运动论研究静止液体中悬浮微粒的运动》一文中,以原子论解释布朗运动。这种运动是一些极小的微粒悬浮在液体中的不规则运动,首先被R.布朗发现。3年后 ,法国物理学家J.B.佩兰以精密的实验证实了爱因斯坦的理论预测,从而解决了半个多世纪来科学界和哲学界争论不休的原子是否存在的问题,使原子假说成为一种基础巩固的科学理论。
相对论作为爱因斯坦终生事业的标志是他的相对论。他在1905年发表的题为《论动体的电动力学》的论文中,完整地提出了狭义相对论,在很大程度上解决了19世纪末出现的经典物理学的危机,推动了整个物理学理论的革命。19世纪末是物理学的变革时期,新的实验结果冲击着伽利略、I.牛顿以来建立的经典物理学体系。以H.A.洛伦兹为代表的老一代理论物理学家力图在原有的理论框架上解决旧理论与新事物之间的矛盾。爱因斯坦则认为出路在于对整个理论基础进行根本性的变革。他根据惯性参考系的相对性和光速的不变性这两个具有普遍意义的概括,改造了经典物理学中的时间、空间及运动等基本概念,否定了绝对静止空间的存在 ,否定了同时概念的绝对性。在这一体系中,运动的尺子要缩短,运动的时钟要变慢。狭义相对论最出色的成就之一是揭示了能量和质量之间的联系,质量(m)和能量(E)的相当性:E=mc2,是作为相对论的一个推论。由此可以解释放射性元素(如镭)所以能放出大量能量的原因。质能相当性是原子物理学和粒子物理学的理论基础,满意地解释了长期存在的恒星能源的疑难问题。狭义相对论已成为后来解释高能天体物理现象的一种基本的理论工具。
狭义相对论建立后,爱因斯坦力图把相对性原理的适用范围扩大到非惯性系。他从伽利略发现的引力场中一切物体都具有同一加速度(即惯性质量同引力质量相等)的实验事实,于1907年提出了等效原理:“引力场同参照系的相当的加速度在物理上完全等价。”并且由此推论:在引力场中 ,时钟要走快,光波波长要变化,光线要弯曲。经过多年的努力,终于在1915年建立了本质上与牛顿引力理论完全不同的引力理论——广义相对论。根据广义相对论,爱因斯坦推算出水星近日点反常进动,同观测结果完全一致,解决了60多年来天文学一大难题。同时,他推断由遥远的恒星所发的光,在经过太阳附近会弯曲(见光线引力偏折)。这一预言于1919 年由.S.爱丁通过日蚀的观测而得到证实。1916年,他预言引力波的存在。后人通过对1974年发现的射电脉冲双星PSR1913+16的周期性变化进行了四年的连续观测 ,1979年宣布间接证实了引力波的存在,对广义相对论又是一个有力的证明。 广义相对论建立后,爱因斯坦试图把广义相对论再加以推广,使它不仅包括引力场,也包括电磁场,就是说要寻求一种统一场理论,用场的概念来解释物质结构和量子现象 。由于这是当时没有条件解决的难题,他工作了25年之久,至逝世前仍未完成。70年代和80年代一系列实验有力地支持电弱统一理论,统一场论的思想以新的形式又开始活跃起来。社会进步事业 爱因斯坦在科学思想上的贡献 ,历史上只有N.哥白尼、I.牛顿和C.R.达尔文可以与之媲美。可是爱因斯坦并不把自己的注意力限于自然科学领域,以极大的热忱关心社会,关心政治。在第一次世界大战期间,他投入公开的和地下的反战活动。1933年纳粹攫取德国政权后,爱因斯坦是科学界首要的受迫害对象,幸而当时他在美国讲学 ,未遭毒手。1939年获悉铀核裂变及其链式反应的发现,在匈牙利物理学家L.西拉德的推动下,上书罗斯福总统,建议研制原子弹,以防德国抢先。于是罗斯福决心制造原子弹,于1945年在新墨西哥州试验成功。第二次世界大战结束前夕 ,美国在日本广岛和长崎上空投掷原子弹,爱因斯坦对此强烈不满。战后,为开展反对核战争的和平运动和反对美国国内法西斯危险,进行了不懈的斗争。爱因斯坦对当时中国劳动人民的苦难寄予深切同情。九一八事变后,他一再向各国呼吁,用联合的经济抵制的办法制止日本对华军事侵略。1936年沈钧儒等“七君子”因主张抗日被捕,他热情参与了正义的营救和声援。

Albert Einstein (/ˈælbərt ˈaɪnʃtaɪn/; German: [ˈalbɐrt ˈaɪnʃtaɪn] ( listen); 14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist. Einstein's work is also known for its influence on the philosophy of science. He developed the general theory of relativity, one of the two pillars of modern physics (alongside quantum mechanics). Einstein is best known in popular culture for his mass–energy equivalence formula E = mc2 (which has been dubbed "the world's most famous equation"). He received the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics for his "services to theoretical physics", in particular his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect, a pivotal step in the evolution of quantum theory.

Near the beginning of his career, Einstein thought that Newtonian mechanics was no longer enough to reconcile the laws of classical mechanics with the laws of the electromagnetic field. This led to the development of his special theory of relativity. He realized, however, that the principle of relativity could also be extended to gravitational fields, and with his subsequent theory of gravitation in 1916, he published a paper on the general relativity. He continued to deal with problems of statistical mechanics and quantum theory, which led to his explanations of particle theory and the motion of molecules. He also investigated the thermal properties of light which laid the foundation of the photon theory of light. In 1917, Einstein applied the general theory of relativity to model the large-scale structure of the universe.

He was visiting the United States when Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933 and, being Jewish, did not go back to Germany, where he had been a professor at the Berlin Academy of Sciences. He settled in the U.S., becoming an American citizen in 1940.[10] On the eve of World War II, he endorsed a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt alerting him to the potential development of "extremely powerful bombs of a new type" and recommending that the U.S. begin similar research. This eventually led to what would become the Manhattan Project. Einstein supported defending the Allied forces, but largely denounced the idea of using the newly discovered nuclear fission as a weapon. Later, with the British philosopher Bertrand Russell, Einstein signed the Russell–Einstein Manifesto, which highlighted the danger of nuclear weapons. Einstein was affiliated with the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, until his death in 1955.

Einstein published more than 300 scientific papers along with over 150 non-scientific works. On 5 December 2014, universities and archives announced the release of Einstein's papers, comprising more than 30,000 unique documents. Einstein's intellectual achievements and originality have made the word "Einstein" synonymous with genius
阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(德语:Albert Einstein,1879年3月14日-1955年4月18日),旧译恩斯坦,20世纪犹太裔理论物理学家,科学哲学家,创立了相对论,现代物理学的两大支柱之一(另一个是量子力学)。爱因斯坦的质能方程E = mc2最著称于世(世人称之为‘全世界最著名的方程’),他也因为“对理论物理的贡献,特别是发现了光电效应”而获得1921年诺贝尔物理学奖,这个发现深深影响量子理论的建立。


Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany on Mar. 14, 1879. Einstein's parents, who were non observant Jews, moved from Ulm to Munich when Einstein was an infant. The family business was the manufacture of electrical parts. When the business failed, in 1894, the family moved to Milan, Italy. At this time Einstein decided officially to relinquish his German citizenship. Within a year, still without having completed secondary school, Einstein failed an examination that would have allowed him to pursue a course of study leading to a diploma as an electrical engineer at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. He spent the next year in nearby Aarau at the cantonal secondary school, where he enjoyed excellent teachers and first-rate facilities in physics. Einstein returned in 1896 to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, where he graduated, in 1900 as a secondary school teacher of mathematics and physics.

After two years he obtained a post at the Swiss patent office in Bern. The patent-office work required Einstein's careful attention, but while employed (1902-09) there, he completed an astonishing range of publications in theoretical physics. For the most part these texts were written in his spare time and without the benefit of close contact with either the scientific literature or theoretician colleagues. Einstein submitted one of his scientific papers to the University of Zurich to obtain a Ph.D. degree in 1905. In 1908 he sent a second paper to the University of Bern and became a lecturer there. The next year Einstein received a regular appointment as associate professor of physics at the University of Zurich.

By 1909, Einstein was recognized throughout German-speaking Europe as a leading scientific thinker. In quick succession he held professorships at the German University of Prague and at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. In 1914 he advanced to the most prestigious and best-paying post that a theoretical physicist could hold in central Europe, professor at the Kaiser-Wilhelm Gesellschaft in Berlin.

When British eclipse expeditions in 1919 confirmed his predictions about the general theory of relativity, Einstein was bombarded by the popular press. Einstein's personal ethics also fired public imagination. Einstein, who after returning to Germany in 1914 did not reapply for German citizenship, was one of only a handful of German professors who remained a pacifist and did not support Germany's war aims. After the war, when the victorious allies sought to exclude German scientists from international meetings, Einstein--a Jew traveling with a Swiss passport--remained an acceptable German envoy. Einstein's political views as a pacifist and a Zionist pitted him against conservatives in Germany, who branded him a traitor and a defeatist. The public success accorded his theories of relativity evoked savage attacks in the 1920s by the anti-Semitic physicists Johannes Stark and Philipp Lenard, men who after 1932 tried to create a so-called Aryan physics in Germany. Just how controversial the theories of relativity remained for less flexibly minded physicists is revealed in the circumstances surrounding Einstein's reception of a Nobel Prize in 1921--awarded not for relativity but for his 1905 work on the photoelectric effect.

With the rise of fascism in Germany, Einstein moved, in 1933 to the United States and abandoned his pacifism. He reluctantly agreed that the new menace had to be put down through force of arms. In this context Einstein sent a letter, in 1939, to President Franklin D. Roosevelt that urged that the United States proceed to develop an atomic bomb before Germany did. The letter, composed by Einstein's friend Leo Szilard, was one of many exchanged between the White House and Einstein, and it contributed to Roosevelt's decision to fund what became the Manhattan Project.

As much he appeared to the public as a champion of unpopular causes, Einstein's central concerns always revolved around physics. At the age of 59, when other theoretical physicists would long since have abandoned original scientific research, Einstein and his co-workers Leopold Infeld and Banesh Hoffmann achieved a major new result in the general theory of relativity.

Until the end of his life Einstein sought a unified field theory, whereby the phenomena of gravitation and electromagnetism could be derived from one set of equations. After 1920, however, while retaining relativity as a fundamental concept, theoretical physicists focused more attention on the theory of quantum mechanics, as elaborated by Max Planck, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, and others, and Einstein's later thoughts went somewhat neglected for decades. This picture has changed in more recent years. Physicists are now striving to combine Einstein's relativity theory with quantum theory in a "theory of everything," by means of such highly advanced mathematical models as superstring theories.

Albert Einstein was born in Germany on March 14th,1879.When he was a young boy he used to ask lots of questions,for example,"How does darkness happen?" By the time he was fourteen years old, he had learned maths all by himself. He was a shy person and did not enjoy school very much .He found it hard to get along with the other boys. All through his life Einstein was content to spend most of his time alone, although he married twice and had lots of close friends.
From the age of seventeen,Einstein studied in Switzerland. To earn enough money to continue his studies,he worked there first as a teacher.then in a government office. With the pay that he received and saved,he went on with his studies at university,where he received a doctor's degree in 1905,The period between 1905and 1915 was an important one for Einstein;he began the research and studies which led to his new discoveries in physics.
At the end of the First World War in 1918.Einstein received worldwide praise for his scientific research.He was given the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921,and was invited to give talks in many countries.
In 1933 Einstein and his family left Europe for the USA.He had been invited to teach at a university there.He accepted the job of Professor of Physics,but asked for very little money.He had never been interested in becoming rich. He once refused to speak on the radio for$1,000 a minute.Another time someone saw him using a cheque for$1,5000 as a bookmark. Then he lost the book!
Einstein lived the rest of his life quietly in the USA,In 1940 he tookAmerican nationality.Besides his work in physics,he spend a lot of time working for human rights and progress.
Einstein had always been fond of music and had learn music as a young boy.At the university town where he lived he continued to make music at home with his friends. It was said that he found in music the peace which was missing in a world full of wars and killings.Such was Albert Einstein, a simple man and the 20th century's greatest scientist.He died on April 18th,1955 at the age of 76.
Before Einstein,scientists believed that light travelled through space in a straight line. But Einstein was able to prove that light coming from the stars was bent as it passed the sun. As a result,it appeared to scientists on earth that the stars had moved. He worked out just how much the light would be bent;he could also work out how far the stars would appear to have moved.
His discovery was completely new;it was said that only three people in the world could understand it at that time.The difficulty was how he could prove his ideas to other scientists.Many of them did mot accept his scientific ideas.But Einstein stuck to his opinion and went on with his research.By 1919,scientists who had been watching the stars supported his work and he quickly became world-famous. From that time on Einstein was greatly respected as the leading scientist of the century.
The First World War(1914-1918) had brought him great sadness. He had taken Swiss nationality in 1901 and therefore did not have to join the army.as Switzerland did not take sides in the war.However, he thought that the war was a terrible thing. All through his life he believed that fighting and killing in wars was wrong.What he wanted to see was an end to all the armies of the world.
When Germany was ruled by Hitler in the early 1930s,Einstein,who was a Jew,found it impossible to continue living in Germany.His friends were beaten,or taken away,or their homes were destroyed.while he was in America,Einstein wrote a letter to a newspaper to say that these acts were wrong.It meant that he would never be able to visit Germany again .That is why Einstein and his family left Europe for the USA in 1933.

Albert Einstein
born March 14, 1879, Ulm, Württemberg, Germany
died April 18, 1955, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.

Albert Einstein.
Courtesy of the Nobelstiftelsen, Stockholm
German-American physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity and won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect. In the first 15 years of the 20th century, Einstein—recognized in his own time as one of the most creative intellects in human history—advanced a series of theories that proposed entirely new ways of thinking about space, time, and gravitation. His theories of relativity and gravitation were a profound advance over the old Newtonian physics and revolutionized scientific and philosophical inquiry.

Herein lay the unique drama of Einstein's life. He was a self-confessed lone traveler; his mind and heart soared with the cosmos, yet he could not armour himself against the intrusion of the often horrendous events of the human community. Almost reluctantly he admitted that he had a “passionate sense of social justice and social responsibility.” His celebrity gave him an influential voice that he used to champion such causes as pacifism, liberalism, and Zionism. The irony for this idealistic man was that his famous postulation of an energy-mass equation, which states that a particle of matter can be converted into an enormous quantity of energy, had its spectacular proof in the creation of the atomic and hydrogen bombs, the most destructive weapons ever known.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was considered the greatest scientist of the 20th century and one of the greatest of all time. His discoveries and theories have greatly influenced science in many fields.

Einstein was born in 1879 in Ulm, a city in Germany. As a boy, he was slow to learn to talk, but later in his childhood he showed great curiosity about nature and ability to solve difficult mathematical problems. After he left school, he went to Switzerland, where he graduated from the university with a degree in mathematics.

In 1905, Einstein began to publish a series of papers which shook the whole scientific and intellectual world, and for the theories he established in the papers he won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.

Because Einstein was Jewish, when Hitler took over Germany in 1933, he had to leave the country and finally settled in the United States. There he continued his study on the structure of the universe until his death in 1955.

Among the several important discoveries Einstein made in his life, the greatest is the creation of his famous Theory of Relativity


Albert Einstein was born at Ulm, in Württemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. Six weeks later the family moved to Munich and he began his schooling there at the Luitpold Gymnasium. Later, they moved to Italy and Albert continued his education at Aarau, Switzerland and in 1896 ...

爱因斯坦(1879-1955),美籍德国犹太人。他创立了代表现代科学的相对论,并为核能开发奠定了理论基础,在现代科学技术和他的深刻影响及广泛应用方面开创了现代科学新纪元,被公认为自伽利略、牛顿以来最伟大的科学家、思想家。Einstein ( 18791955 ), American Jews in germany. He founded the modern ...

英语:Albert Einstein (\/ˈælbərt ˈaɪnʃtaɪn\/; German: [ˈalbɐrt ˈaɪnʃtaɪn] ( listen); 14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) was a German-born theoretical physicist. Einstein's work is also known ...

Einstein, Albert born March 14, 1879, Ulm, Württemberg, Ger.died April 18, 1955, Princeton, N.J., U.S.German-Swiss-U.S. scientist.Born to a Jewish family in Germany, he grew up in Munich, and his family moved to Switzerland in 1894. He became a junior examiner at ...

Many people consider Albert Einstein(1879-1955) a genius.This story about him shows that he also had a sense of humour.许多人认为阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦(1879-1955)是一位天才。关于他的这个故事表现出他也很有幽默感。Einstein often received invitations to explain his theories at different ...

全名是Albert Einstein(阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦)Albert Einstein is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating and influential figures of the modern era. As a preeminent physicist, he radically transformed our understanding of the universe. As an ardent humanist, he took an active and outspoken ...

[编辑本段]爱因斯坦的光电效应 英文名称爱因斯坦Photoelectric effect [ 爱因斯坦是当代伟大的物理学家。他遇事爱思考、研究,常常从一点小事中受到启发。 有一次,他要把墙上的一幅旧画换下来,就搬来一架梯子,一步一步爬上去。突然,他又想起一个问题,沉思起来,忘记自己在做什么了,猛地从梯子上摔下来。摔到地上...


3、他通常被认为是继爱因斯坦之后最伟大的科学家。He is routinely described as the greatest scientist since Einstein.4、爱因斯坦敢于抛弃常识和长期公认的理论。Einstein had the chutzpah to discard common sense and long-established theory.5、爱因斯坦的方程式表明宇宙正在膨胀。Einstein's equations ...

伽利略:Galileo 牛顿:Newton 达尔文:Darwin 爱因斯坦:Einstein 居里夫人:Madam curie

麻城市13910672853: 爱因斯坦的英文介绍 -
勾善曲同: 全名是Albert Einstein(阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦)Albert Einstein is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating and influential figures of the modern era. As a preeminent physicist, he radically transformed our understanding of the universe. As an ardent...

麻城市13910672853: 莫是英语翻译高手!勿进!急!急!帮忙用英语简介爱因斯坦,谢谢!1.世纪最杰出的物理学家,因相对论而举世闻名.1879年出生于德国,从17岁开始求学... -
勾善曲同:[答案] The most distinguished physicists of the century, and as a result of world-famous theory of relativity. Born in Germany in 1879, from the 17-year-old started school in Switzerland, and achieved a doctorate degree. 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics. In 1933 his ...

麻城市13910672853: 用英语写一篇介绍爱因斯坦的英语作文,一百二十字左右英语作文 -
勾善曲同:[答案] instein,virtuous descendant American scientist.1879 Year March 14's wasing born in Germany black ear 姆 is a small owner ... 爱因斯坦,德裔美国科学家.1879 年3月14日生于德国乌耳姆镇的一个小业主家庭,1955年4 月18日卒于美国普林斯顿.自幼...

麻城市13910672853: 急求爱因斯坦英文简介150 - 200词 生词不要太多 -
勾善曲同:[答案] Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was considered the greatest scientist of the 20th century and one of the greatest of all time.His... 1879 in Ulm,a city in Germany.As a boy,he was slow to learn to talk,but later in his childhood he showed great curiosity about ...

麻城市13910672853: 爱因斯坦简介有么?100字以内的英文! -
勾善曲同:[答案] Albert Einstein (Albert Einstein,1,879 on March 14 -1,955 on April 18),world-renowned German-American scientists,for the Jews,the pioneers and founders of modern physics,relativity,'quality A relation...

麻城市13910672853: [English]Einstein用英文介绍爱因斯坦的一生及其事迹 -
勾善曲同:[答案] Albert Einstein was born at Ulm,in W眉rttemberg,Germany,on March 14,1879.Six weeks later the family moved to Munich and he began his schooling there at the Luitpold Gymnasium.Later,they moved to Italy...

麻城市13910672853: 谁能给我一篇用英文介绍的爱因斯坦不要太长 -
勾善曲同: Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany, in March 14, 1879, and graduated from University of Zurich, a Jewish physicist who died in April 18, 1955 at the age of 76. 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦,在1879年3月14日出生于德国符腾堡王国乌尔姆市,毕业于苏黎世大学,犹太裔物理学家,在1955年4月18日去世,享年76岁. 这样可以嘛·-·

麻城市13910672853: 英语作文 介绍爱因斯坦的1.1879年出生于德国,从17岁开始求学于瑞士,并在哪里取得博士学位,1921年获得诺贝尔物理奖.1933年全家迁往美国,度过余生... -
勾善曲同:[答案] Albert Einstein was a theoretical physicist. He is best known for his theories of special relativity and general relativity in the 20th century. Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, in the Kingdom of Württemberg in the German Empire on March 14, 1879. His ...

麻城市13910672853: 帮忙翻译: (搜急求爱因斯坦英文简介)把第一条翻译一下感激不尽... -
勾善曲同: 问题补充:一段英语,一段英语的翻译 Albert Einstein Albert Einstein 艾伯特爱因斯坦被视为 20 世纪和最好的之一最伟大科学家整时间. 他的发现

麻城市13910672853: 阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦的英文版介绍,好的多给分,非常急!要有一些基本介绍,比如:姓名,生日,籍贯,成就什么的.我很着急. -
勾善曲同:[答案] Einstein's profile In Britain the hero selection millennium (Reuters), the first rank, Marx is Einstein by one second, Reuters ... 1940年入美国国籍.有一句熟悉的格言是“任何事都是相对的.”但爱因斯坦的理论可不是这一哲学式陈词滥调的重复,它是一种...

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