最难忘的一次经历,英语 60——70词~~!

作者&投稿:苑致 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
一次难忘的经历英语作文 60字左右 中考用~

An Unforgetful ExperienceI’ll never forget the trip to Canada in 2005.
At the age of 13, I was totally thoughtless. My friend and I flew to Toronto. We spent a night in an inn. After chatting and playing, a pretty strange idea came to me and I felt like doing it.
It was 3a.m. in the morning! I went silently outside which was only 2~3 degrees, came to my friends’ room’s window quietly. As I knocked on it and made some horrible sound, I ran away immediately! When I was visiting Niagra Fall the next day, my friend told me ghosts disturbed them last night so that they were frightened! I said nothing but sniggered. At last, I told them it was I that made the sound, and they felt kind of relaxed. Hopefully, they didn’t really feel scared or I would blame myself.
What an unforgetful experience I had!

I went to the Great Wall with my friends last summer. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing. We walked on the wall for about two hours. We took lots of photos. Then we met a group of foreigners. They let us to help them take photos. We were really glad to help them. We also took photos with them and talked with them in English. We told them the history of the Great Wall. They were very surprised because we could speak English so well.

Dear Peter,

I’d be very glad to tell you what happened in class today. As you know, I am a shy boy and I am always afraid of raising my hand to answer my teachers’ questions in class even though I know the answer. However, today, I plucked up courage and raised my hand when my teacher asked, so that I could have a try. It was not higher than others’, but my teacher found me and called my name. After I gave my answer, all my classmates cheered for me. What’s more, my teacher praised me, which made me very happy. I’ve made up my mind to prepare my lessons better and answer more questions in class in the future.

I will remember this experience forever, for it gave me confidence, courage and support from my classmates and teacher. Have you had the same experiences in your studies? I look forward to receiving your letter soon.

Best wishes!

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你好!难忘的 unforgettable 英[ˌʌnfəˈgetəbl] 美[ˌʌnfərˈgetəbl]adj. 难忘的; 铭刻肺腑的;[例句]A visit to the Museum is an unforgettable experience 参观博物馆是一段令人难忘的经历。

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韶叛了哥: 你好! 难忘的一次经历 An unforgettable experience

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