
作者&投稿:秘饶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语单词在线造句 在线 急急!!!!!~

humour(幽默):The story is full of humour.
punchline(点睛之笔):This statement is the punchline of this article.
up to now (到目前为止) : Up to now, the work has been quite smooth
content(满足的):He was content with his work
performer(表演者):He is a rotten performer on television
astonish(吃惊的):We were astonished at the news of her sudden death
ordinary(平常的) :She had on an ordinary dress
bored(厌倦的):The show is bored
subtle(微妙的) :She smiled a subtle smile
entertain (使欢乐,使娱乐)We were all entertained by his humorous stories
charming(令人高兴的;迷人的)She is a charming young lady
overcome(战胜;克服)The learner of a second language has many obstacles to overcome

1. there was a time when she didn't get in touch with me. 曾经有一段时间她不理我
2. it happened that I didn't want to get in touch with her. 碰巧我也不想搭理她。
it happens/happened that...表示 “碰巧.......”
3. something strange happened to us when we want to go out for dinner. 在我们要出去吃饭时,发生了些奇怪的事。
happened to do/be.....when 表示“在...时候发生了.....事情”
4. I didn't say anything until she asked me. 直到她问我,我才说话。
5. It's the first time that i have written to a person I don't know. 这是我第一次给我不认识的人写信。
6. it was the first time that i had written to a stranger. 那是我第一次给陌生人写信。's high time that we said goodbye to each other. 我们该说再见了。's high time for us to say goodbye. 我们该说再见了。
7,8句表达的意思相同,差别主要体现在表达形式上, 第7句,that后面的是个句子;第8句,用到的是to do sth这一不定式短语。

My neighbors helped me in my time of need.

at the beginning of......
The teacher handed out the books at the beginning of the lesson.

be popular with Sb
Most people would like to be popular with others, but not everyone can achieve this goal.

different kinds of......
Books have different kinds of covers.

for example
Greenhouse gases, for example, are global problems.

How about......
How about that?


These shoes need to be repaired.
At the beginning of the term, I found it difficult to study English.
在这学期初, 我觉得学英语很困难。
I know many women who have a career and a family—Kehr for example.
How about jack? We can't just leave him here.
他怎么办, 我们不能把他留在这儿。

I need you .
At the beginning of the movie,I heard the wonderful music.
Jay is popular with modern youth.
Different kinds of people,have different tastes.
Let's take John for example.
How about go shopping?

You need to do it better next time. 下一次你需要做得更好

We pay our rent at the beginning of every month. 我们每个月的月初交房租

Video games are popular with children 电子游戏很受孩子们的喜爱/电子游戏很受孩子们的欢迎

There are different kinds of cakes in that bakery 那个面包店里有很多不同种类的蛋糕

Many countries, for example, Mexico and Japan, have a lot of earthquakes 许多国家,例如墨西哥和日本,经常有地震发生

How about going to my house tomorrow morning? 明天早上去我家怎么样?

I feel a need to talk to you about it.
at the beginning of the book is a funny story
He is very popular with everyone
The world has different kinds of animals
You can buy fruit here - oranges and bananas, for example.
你可以在这里买水果, 例如买柑橘和香蕉。
how about going to swim

线的组词大全(约50个) 线的词语解释_线是什么意思?

1、 克劳瑟先生的电话分机正占着线呢,您稍等一下好吗?2、 私人飞行员如何进入航空路线呢?3、 因此,谁又是你能信任的、来找到通往真理的生命线呢?4、 什么是好日子和坏日子的界线呢?我猜,是爱吧?毕淑敏 5、 那墨斗线呢?朱砂腐呢?黑狗血呢?6、 靠里有个冷气玻璃柜台装着各色西点,后面一...

用off the coast造句意思为远离海岸线
off the coast 沿海;离开海岸;在海面上;在远离沿岸海面 NATO warships have launched an anti-piracy operation off the coast of Somalia byescorting one ship to port with plans for a similar operation on Tuesday.北约军舰在索马里沿海开展一项反海盗的行动,他们护送了一艘船进港,另一个类似的...

用went camping,went fishing ,hurt my foot各造两个造句
He went camping yesterday.hurt my foot造句:I went fishing yesterday and hurt my foot unfortunately.He trackled me in the yard and hurt my foot accidently.英语造句技巧:1)主语:是句子的主体,动作的执行者,它可以是名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式,甚至句子也 可以担当主语。例如:The ...

They could be sitting on a train learning English as they commute to work or studying with friends who they met via the online course forums”. 学生甚至可在上下班的火车上学习英语,或 与 通过 在 线课 程 论坛 结 识 的 朋 友 一 同 学习。With these two additional functions, ...

The matter weighed upon his conscience.这件事使他的良心痛苦不安。Firemen reached the house on fire in time.消防队员及时赶到那幢失火的房子。They unloaded the books from the truck.他们把书从卡车上卸下来。He frankly admitted his error.他坦率地承认错误。My news will astonish you.我的...

1、 生活不是单行线,一条路走不通,你可以转弯。2、 人生是一条没有回程的单行线,上帝不会给你一张返程的票。3、 一条路径由一系列将两个路口连通的单行线组成.4、 恐怕不行这是条单行线.不好意思耽误你的时间了.5、 爱情是条单行线,要向前走还是要重蹈覆辙,你不得不做出个选择.6、 不...


英语简单造句单词 connect带翻译
3、As with an operation map, you connect inputs and outputs of one operation to the corresponding inputs and outputs of another operation. 与操作映射一样,您将一个操作的输入和输出连接到另一个操作的对应输入和输出。connect详解:connect是一个英语单词,动词,意思是“连接;联合;关连;...


新兴区19333408480: 英语单词在线造句 -
夔时威锐: 1. I never think about the possibility of defeat .我从没考虑过失败的可能性.2. Have you considered the possible consequences?你想过可能造成的后果吗?3. A good salesperson has to be agg...

新兴区19333408480: 英语题目.造句!!!在线等候!!!!
夔时威锐: 1. I went to school. 2. I am being teacher. 3. I am going to buy a big house

新兴区19333408480: 英语题 造句!!!!在线等候!!!
夔时威锐: I used to got up at the time when others were still in bed. I used to work over time. As time went by, I grow up. By the time my father found me, I had already become somebody. As a result, my father was very proud of me. From then on, he often helped me do the housework. Now I work even harder as I grow older.

新兴区19333408480: 英语造句i~~~~ -
夔时威锐: 1);I write to you is to complain a problem which our foreignor can't get used to it.2); You should not blame the company alone ,in my opinion the government should take most of the blame for it.3);Make sure keep a certain distance with the people in front.

新兴区19333408480: 英语 根据汉语完成句子. 在线求助.. -
夔时威锐: 1、have been ill; has to2、学?have learnt_...

新兴区19333408480: 英语的连词成句,在线等,急!!! -
夔时威锐: Girl likes swimming in the river What is her first language? S...

新兴区19333408480: 英语造句 五年级认识的 -
夔时威锐: i can smell the flowers.我可以闻到花香 i can taste the food 我可以品尝食物 i can hear the birds ,听到鸟叫

新兴区19333408480: 英语造句的...(⊙⊙?) -
夔时威锐: He steals bread from the shop. I find my missing watch in the classroom.

新兴区19333408480: 英语关联词造句(做的事) -
夔时威锐: Not only he but also I like to do what we like.亲:祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thx!

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