
作者&投稿:苌玛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

chapter1 chapter2 chapter3

  一个50岁的警察重返他的母校。该校校长请他给学校的学生做次演讲。演讲的内容是关于对伟大的祖国的爱。所有的学生安安静静地坐在一个比较大的会议室中。这位年迈的警察走上前去开始演讲。他说:“孩子们,40 年前我就在这个学校学习。你们现在可比我们幸福多了。请思考下,然后告诉我:现在你们为什么这么幸福?”

At the same time, the elimination of quotas, and if the countries do not be monitoring and management is bound to lead to disorderly competition in export markets, according to Chinese enterprises to participate in disorderly competition in the unspoken rules speculated that most enterprises will eventually compete with the low-cost way to fight for market Some companies will even take the means of below-cost prices to compete, leading to a decline in export prices. Some enterprises export prices forecast for next year, next year the average export price of socks this year, lower than about 20% or more.

     Third, the financial crisis brought about by the impact of RMB appreciation

   (A) The survival of low-cost advantage is difficult

   Appreciation of the renminbi, making low-price competition models rely on textile exports become more narrow profit margins, to bring greater pressure on small and medium enterprises and challenges. RMB appreciation on textile exports is a direct blow, and it is great. Because the appreciation of the RMB might raise the cost of textile enterprises is bound to a corresponding increase in exports of textiles in the international market quotations, on the small and medium sized textile export enterprises in terms of product structure and its characteristics is bound to weaken in the international market, low-cost competitive advantage The result will be a certain degree of inhibition of export, thereby reducing the number of textile exports.

   (B) would be increased competition

   The RMB exchange rate adjustment the biggest impact on the textile exports mainly those large, low-grade, primary textiles, which is small and medium socks factory's flagship product. Therefore, the situation will be more severe for small and medium socks factory, export sales of products will greatly increase the pressure. First, there is an international production and export of similar products in neighboring countries and other strong competitors, followed by the domestic textile industry within the competition among enterprises will be more fantasy-oriented. Therefore, the adjustment of the RMB currency that is, the domestic textile industry's competitiveness challenge.

   (C) small and medium socks factory will be very difficult

   City Hosiery exports to small and medium private enterprises are mostly because of its own strength, branding, marketing strategies and other deficiencies, making considerable number of them in the future the fierce competition in international trade at a distinct disadvantage, and the risk of being eliminated position. As for the socks small and medium enterprises, the yuan appreciation will significantly increase the cost of labor socks (currently about 30% of ex-factory price), so that the textile manufacturers are forced to move along the coast to the inland areas at lower labor costs, thus breaking the the existing industry structure for the international market. This may be a more fatal blow.

   (D) enterprise exports a significant reduction in benefits

   Appreciation of the renminbi later expressed in foreign currency prices of export products rose 3 percent appreciation of the renminbi, then sell the original 100 yuan, you have risen to 103 yuan, to Zhejiang enterprises competitiveness on foreign markets will have a more significant impact; such as maintain the international market prices remain unchanged, it means reduced export profits. In fact, since July 2005, many foreign trade enterprises in Zhejiang Province, in order to maintain the original meager export earnings, basically in order to raise prices to cope with changes in exchange rates. In particular, some new products, price increases were faster than that. At present the textile industry, the average gross profit margin of only 5% -10%. 5% appreciation of the renminbi over the unprofitable textile exports had. Ru Yuan but not the majority of enterprises can raise prices, at present by raising prices, to allow foreign customers to fully assume the cost of RMB revaluation has brought more difficult, because the export of textile products is still low, and substitutability strong.

     Fourth, to address the financial crisis response

    (A) The Government should give appropriate support socks

   Government departments should be strong support for the development of Haining socks, which can give such support: the organization of training hosiery and textiles import and export business related personnel to participate in export duties, exchange of knowledge and practical knowledge, special training courses, the experiences of some enterprises in the circumvent the restrictions and exchange rate risks to the success of inspection and their promotion; to strengthen self-discipline, lead the organization through the import and export chambers of commerce, associations and other organizations to promote the textile industry to strengthen self-discipline, standardize business operations, to avoid disorderly competition, intensive use of resources; to strengthen service, the textile industry in the current extraordinary times, government departments and enterprises should strengthen communication and liaison support to the reduced, quality service on the overweight, listen to the opinions and recommendations of textile enterprises; introduction of policies that support and encourage the textile enterprises to implement brand and development strategies to promote the textile industry from the OEM to create their own brand of rapid development, choose to determine a number of basic conditions, and develop the potential of the brand, has concentrated on training, fighting for Haining Socks fostered a number of brands, actively respond to textile exports in the international complex environment test.

    (B) actively respond to and solve customer's worries

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At the same time, the elimination of quotas, and if the countries do not be monitoring and management is bound to lead to disorderly competition in export markets, according to Chinese enterprises to participate in disorderly competition in the unspoken rules speculated that most enterprises will eventually compete with the low-cost way to fight for market Some companies will even take the means of below-cost prices to compete, leading to a decline in export prices. Some enterprises export prices forecast for next year, next year the average export price of socks this year, lower than about 20% or more.
Third, the financial crisis brought about by the impact of RMB appreciation
(A) The survival of low-cost advantage is difficult
Appreciation of the renminbi, making low-price competition models rely on textile exports become more narrow profit margins, to bring greater pressure on small and medium enterprises and challenges. RMB appreciation on textile exports is a direct blow, and it is great. Because the appreciation of the RMB might raise the cost of textile enterprises is bound to a corresponding increase in exports of textiles in the international market quotations, on the small and medium sized textile export enterprises in terms of product structure and its characteristics is bound to weaken in the international market, low-cost competitive advantage The result will be a certain degree of inhibition of export, thereby reducing the number of textile exports.
(B) would be increased competition
The RMB exchange rate adjustment the biggest impact on the textile exports mainly those large, low-grade, primary textiles, which is small and medium socks factory's flagship product. Therefore, the situation will be more severe for small and medium socks factory, export sales of products will greatly increase the pressure. First, there is an international production and export of similar products in neighboring countries and other strong competitors, followed by the domestic textile industry within the competition among enterprises will be more fantasy-oriented. Therefore, the adjustment of the RMB currency that is, the domestic textile industry's competitiveness challenge.
(C) small and medium socks factory will be very difficult
City Hosiery exports to small and medium private enterprises are mostly because of its own strength, branding, marketing strategies and other deficiencies, making considerable number of them in the future the fierce competition in international trade at a distinct disadvantage, and the risk of being eliminated position. As for the socks small and medium enterprises, the yuan appreciation will significantly increase the cost of labor socks (currently about 30% of ex-factory price), so that the textile manufacturers are forced to move along the coast to the inland areas at lower labor costs, thus breaking the the existing industry structure for the international market. This may be a more fatal blow.
(D) enterprise exports a significant reduction in benefits
Appreciation of the renminbi later expressed in foreign currency prices of export products rose 3 percent appreciation of the renminbi, then sell the original 100 yuan, you have risen to 103 yuan, to Zhejiang enterprises competitiveness on foreign markets will have a more significant impact; such as maintain the international market prices remain unchanged, it means reduced export profits. In fact, since July 2005, many foreign trade enterprises in Zhejiang Province, in order to maintain the original meager export earnings, basically in order to raise prices to cope with changes in exchange rates. In particular, some new products, price increases were faster than that. At present the textile industry, the average gross profit margin of only 5% -10%. 5% appreciation of the renminbi over the unprofitable textile exports had. Ru Yuan but not the majority of enterprises can raise prices, at present by raising prices, to allow foreign customers to fully assume the cost of RMB revaluation has brought more difficult, because the export of textile products is still low, and substitutability strong.
Fourth, to address the financial crisis response
(A) The Government should give appropriate support socks
Government departments should be strong support for the development of Haining socks, which can give such support: the organization of training hosiery and textiles import and export business related personnel to participate in export duties, exchange of knowledge and practical knowledge, special training courses, the experiences of some enterprises in the circumvent the restrictions and exchange rate risks to the success of inspection and their promotion; to strengthen self-discipline, lead the organization through the import and export chambers of commerce, associations and other organizations to promote the textile industry to strengthen self-discipline, standardize business operations, to avoid disorderly competition, intensive use of resources; to strengthen service, the textile industry in the current extraordinary times, government departments and enterprises should strengthen communication and liaison support to the reduced, quality service on the overweight, listen to the opinions and recommendations of textile enterprises; introduction of policies that support and encourage the textile enterprises to implement brand and development strategies to promote the textile industry from the OEM to create their own brand of rapid development, choose to determine a number of basic conditions, and develop the potential of the brand, has concentrated on training, fighting for Haining Socks fostered a number of brands, actively respond to textile exports in the international complex environment test.




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翻译如下:你为什么这么幸福?一个50岁的警察重返他的母校。该校校长请他给学校的学生做次演讲。演讲的内容是关于对伟大的祖国的爱。所有的学生安安静静地坐在一个比较大的会议室中。这位年迈的警察走上前去开始演讲。他说:“孩子们,40 年前我就在这个学校学习。你们现在可比我们幸福多了。请思考下...

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宁城县15690562424: 第一篇、第二篇、第三篇……英文怎么说? -
尘仁吉姆:[答案] chapter1 chapter2 chapter3

宁城县15690562424: 翻译第二篇英语短文 -
尘仁吉姆: 剪纸是一种传统的艺术在中国已经使其沿着纸的历史悠久的路线.这种艺术在汉朝纸发明后,一旦成为艺术的主要形式之一,和当时流行的人民;即使在皇室女士也在剪纸判断的能力. 大部分的剪纸艺术家是女性.他们的作品的主题通常包括一...

宁城县15690562424: 英语短文翻译2篇
尘仁吉姆: 我的第一个字母在fat中 不在hat中;我的第二个字母在dad中 不在bed中;我的第三个字母在Nice中 不在nine中 我的第四个字母在sheep中 不在ship中 我是什么 我的第一个字母在Nice中 不在nine中 我的第二个字母在father中 不在mother中 我的第三个字母在pen中 不在ten中 我是什么

宁城县15690562424: ...and he wanted to ask him how long he was going to live.But the man had gone.谢谢大家了,我还会多悬赏分数的,谢谢,谢谢回答时请注明第一篇、第... -
尘仁吉姆:[答案] 第一篇 你有猫吗?你家附近有猫薄荷吗?如果你不知道的话,你的猫可能知道.猫喜爱猫薄荷这种植物,而且经常可以看到... 就相当于人们做茶用的薄荷草. 很多提神的茶是用树的浆果做的. 第二篇 亨特先生在他的花园里砍树的枝桠,当他在锯的时候...

宁城县15690562424: 英语翻译2篇短文
尘仁吉姆: 1 打扰了,附近有一家电影院呢?是的,有一家.请问电影院在哪里?它在医院附近.它离这儿远吗?不,它不远.谢谢你.不用谢. 2.你在放学后有什么打算?我想买双鞋.鞋店在哪里?在医院旁边.我怎样才能到达医院?你可以乘坐301号巴士去.在电影院下车.然后步行3分钟.医院的左边.谢谢你.不用谢.

宁城县15690562424: 英语翻译,那个第二篇文章 -
尘仁吉姆: 安妮的姐姐摩根非常沮丧,因为她的一家子需要搬家了.然而,她知道她应该克服所有困难以很家人一起.她发现使自己躲在一个角落中并平静下来非常困难,因为她老是担心会被人发现.她很孤独,但是她必须得学会喜欢这里.她最想念的是外出散步,并带着她的狗.她很喜欢看着小狗在公园里跑的样子.她希望自己能够告诉他的邻居她很失望自己没法再这样做了,但是她知道这样很危险!

宁城县15690562424: 请翻译第二篇英语短文,谢谢. -
尘仁吉姆: 端午节是中国传统的一个节日.它在每年农历的5月初五到来,这也正是天气变暖的好时候.端午节是为了纪念中国古代的伟大诗人屈原.粽子是端午节的特别食物,它是由竹叶包裹,用糯米做成的金字塔状的饺子.粽子的种类繁多,里面有甜和咸的内陷.赛龙舟则是端午节的另一个特别活动.中国人会在这一天包粽子,吃粽子以及赛龙舟.这些传统使他们铭记屈原,并且鼓舞着他们热爱自己的祖国.楼主的图片像素好低好不容易看清的_(:з」∠)_纯人工翻译~希望对你有帮助~

宁城县15690562424: 翻译2篇英语短文
尘仁吉姆: 1. 大概全部的运动员都想要在奥运会上打破世界纪录.依沙白伊娃就创造了打破24次记录的成绩. 这一次她创下了5.5米的记录. 当她最后一次越过那条高杠时,她发出了欢悦的尖叫.

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