
作者&投稿:凌娥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

  医学名称是睡眠瘫痪症(sleep paralysis),它就是一般说谓的‘鬼压床’。
  其实,睡眠瘫痪症是发生在睡眠周期中的快速动眼期(REM stage),快速动眼期正是我们进入熟睡开始作梦的睡眠周期。在快速动眼期中我们的骨骼肌除了呼吸肌及眼肌外,都处于极低张力的状态。这是一种保护作用,可以避免我们随著梦境作出动作,而伤害到自己或是枕边人。而睡眠瘫痪症则是因在快速动眼期中不知是什么原因,意识已清醒过来,但是肢体的肌肉仍停留在低张力状态,而造成不听意识指挥的情形。



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闪电球充满人性? 多个目击者均指出,闪电球会在空气中慢慢飘浮。并且,它甚有“人性”,会选择从大门或窗户进入屋内,并在走廊中慢慢“踱步”

色彩幻变,威力惊人 由于闪电球附有大量能量,所以其颜色会经常转变,当中包括:浅绿色、浅蓝色、浅黄色、白色和红色。而它的巨大能量,亦曾多次造成破坏。据闻,科学家G. W. Richman也是在研究时,怀疑被闪电球“杀死”! 墙上轰出大洞1849年,有数名巴黎居民,一起目睹一个红色闪电球,在离地二十呎的半空中飘浮。突然,闪电球竟在瞬间爆开,向四方八面发出闪电,令一间房屋的墙上轰开了一个炮弹般大的洞!

飞机上乱窜 1984年,闪电球在一架苏联客机内,大肆捣乱。它掠过乘客的头顶,飞至机尾,然后竟突然分成两团半月形的闪电,使机舱留下两个大洞!另一次,某商务机舱内亦出现闪电球,当它飘至一名空姐面前时,却在空姐们的尖叫声中,瞬间消失!





Ball lightning
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For other uses, see Ball lightning (disambiguation).
Ball lightning reportedly takes the form of a short-lived, glowing, floating object often the size and shape of a basketball, but it can also be golf ball sized or smaller. It is sometimes associated with thunderstorms, but unlike lightning flashes arcing between two points, which last a small fraction of a second, ball lightning reportedly lasts many seconds. There have been some reports of production of a similar phenomenon in the laboratory, but some still disagree on whether it is a real phenomenon.

Contents [hide]
1 Reports
1.1 Historical and fictional accounts
2 Laboratory experiments
3 Analysis
4 Esoteric explanations
5 Quotations
6 See also
7 Further reading
8 References
9 External links

Ball lightning discharges were once thought to be extremely rare occurrences, [1] but recent research shows that a few percent of the US population have been witnesses.[citation needed] Surveys have been taken of eyewitness accounts by at least 3000 people.[citation needed]

Ball lightning is photographed very rarely, and details of witness accounts can vary widely. Many of the properties observed in ball lightning accounts conflict with each other, and it is very possible that several different phenomena are being incorrectly grouped together. It is also possible that some photos are fakes.

The discharges reportedly appear during thunderstorms, sometimes issuing from a lightning flash, but large numbers of encounters reportedly occur during good weather with no storms within hundreds of miles.

Ball lightning reportedly tends to float (or hover) in the air and take on a ball-like appearance. Its shape has been described as spherical, ovoid, teardrop, or rod-like with one dimension being much larger than the others. The longest dimension reported is between fifteen and forty centimeters. Many are red to yellow in color, sometimes transparent, and some contain radial filaments or sparks. Other colors, such as blue or white occur as well.

Sometimes the discharge is described as being attracted to a certain object, and sometimes as moving randomly. After several seconds the discharge reportedly leaves, disperses, is absorbed into something, or, rarely, vanishes in an explosion.

A 19th Century depiction of ball lightningBall lightning was reported in World War II as "escorting" bombers, flying alongside their wingtips. Pilots of the time referred to the phenomenon as "foo fighters," initially believing that the lights were from enemy planes. Other accounts place ball lightning as appearing over a kitchen stove or wandering down the aisle of an airliner. One report described ball lightning engulfing and following a car, causing the electrical supply to overload and fail.[citation needed]

Historical and fictional accounts
One of the earliest reported, and most destructive, occurrences is said to have taken place during The Great Thunderstorm at Widecombe-in-the-Moor, Devon, in England, on October 21, 1638. Four people died and around 60 were injured when what appeared to have been ball lightning struck a church.[citation needed]

Another reference to ball lightning appears in a children's book set in the 1800s by Laura Ingalls Wilder[2]. The books are considered historical fiction, but the author always insisted they were descriptive of actual events in her life. In Wilder's description, three separate balls of lightning appear during a winter blizzard near a cast iron stove in the family's kitchen. They are described as appearing near the stovepipe, then rolling across the floor, only to disappear as the mother chases them with a willow-branch broom.[3]

Notorious British occultist Aleister Crowley also reported witnessing what he referred to as "globular electricity" during a thunderstorm on Lake Pasquaney in New Hampshire in 1916. As related in his Confessions, he was sheltered in a small cottage when he "noticed, with what I can only describe as calm amazement, that a dazzling globe of electric fire, apparently between six and twelve inches in diameter, was stationary about six inches below and to the right of my right knee. As I looked at it, it exploded with a sharp report quite impossible to confuse with the continuous turmoil of the lightning, thunder and hail, or that of the lashed water and smashed wood which was creating a pandemonium outside the cottage. I felt a very slight shock in the middle of my right hand, which was closer to the globe than any other part of my body."[4]

A famous anecdote from 1753 depicts ball lightning as having violent potential. Professor Georg Richmann, of Saint Petersburg, Russia created a kite flying apparatus similar to that built by Benjamin Franklin a year earlier. He was attending a meeting of the Academy of Sciences, when he heard thunder. The Professor ran home with his engraver to capture the event for posterity. While the experiment was underway, ball lightning appeared, collided with Richmann's head and killed him, leaving a red spot. His shoes were blown open, parts of his clothes singed, the engraver knocked out; the doorframe of the room was split, and the door itself torn off its hinges.[5][6]

Laboratory experiments
Many attempts have been made over the years to produce ball lightning in the laboratory, but it is easy to mistake other phenomena for ball lightning. Most prominent among these are glowing spheres produced by high-energy arcs between metal electrodes. Such arcs often expel small droplets of molten metal that are heated to extremely high temperatures. Because of their high heat content, these droplets will continue to glow quite brightly for several seconds after landing on a floor or other surface, and their odd physical characteristics can cause them to roll, still glowing brightly, for some distance after landing. They thus mimic the most common description of ball lightning before cooling down into a small speck of metallic dust. The most familiar instance of these glowing spheres is the "weld spatter" usually seen during arc welding operations. The spheres can also be produced when a switch carrying very large electric currents is operated improperly, or during certain grinding or other machining operations.

Some laboratory experiments claim to have produced ball lightning, but there is no consensus that the phenomenon reproduced is related to the natural one. The natural occurrences are, by their nature, difficult to document accurately. Consequently, many scientists continue to dispute the existence of ball lightning as a distinct physical phenomenon.[7] In one such occurrence, Singer reports that staff at the Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge apparently saw ball lightning, although Brian Pippard, the Head of Department, was skeptical of its reality.[8]

In February 2006, scientists at Tel Aviv University claimed to have produced ball lightning in the lab using a microwave drill and ceramic substrate.[9]. More recently (June, 2006) researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics successfully recreated the phenomenon using a relatively simple water tank experiment. The experiment involves two electrodes placed in a small tank of salt water, with one electrode covered by a clay tube. A large current of over 60 amps was then run through the water for 150 milliseconds, vaporizing water inside the clay tube and causing a ball of plasma to appear above the tank for 0.3 seconds. Although the plasma glows brightly it was found to be quite cold, much like a neon tube [10].

An early attempt to explain ball lightning was recorded by Nikola Tesla in 1904. [11]

Difficult features of the lightning include its persistence and its near-neutral buoyancy in air. A popular hypothesis is that ball lightning is a highly ionized plasma contained by self-generated magnetic fields: a plasmoid.[citation needed] This hypothesis is not initially credible. If the gas is highly ionized, and if it is near thermodynamic equilibrium, then it must be very hot. Since it must be in pressure equilibrium with the surrounding air, it will be much lighter and hence float up rapidly. Magnetic fields, if present, might provide the plasmoid's coherence, but will not reduce this buoyancy. In addition a hot plasma cannot persist for long, because of recombination and heat conduction.

There may, however, be some novel form of plasma for which the above arguments do not fully apply. For example, a plasma may be composed of negative and positive ions, rather than electrons and positive ions. In that case, the recombination may be rather slow even at ambient temperature. One such theory involves positively charged hydrogen and negatively charged nitrites (NO2–) and nitrates (NO3–). In this theory, the role of the ions as seeds for the condensation of water droplets is important.[citation needed]

Some researchers suggest that ball lightning has a more diverse range of properties than previously thought (e.g. Singer, 1971). Japanese investigators (e.g. Ofuruton et al) report that Japanese ball lightning can occur in fine weather and be unconnected with lightning. The diameter is said to be typically 20-30 cm but sometimes even larger up to a few meters. Ball lightning can split and recombine and can exhibit large mechanical energy like carving trenches (e.g. Fitzgerald 1978) and holes into the ground. Ball lightning is also said to have an odd motion such as looping and the appearance of bouncing along the ground. Other suggestions include:

that ball lightning may represent the missing science of burning natural vortices. This theory by Coleman was published in Weather and in the 2006 Journal of Scientific Exploration 20,2,215-238.
that some stored chemical energy is slowly being released. see Abrahamson, J. and J. Dinniss (2000). Ball lightning caused by oxidation of nanoparticle networks from normal lightning strikes on soil. Nature 403:519-521.
that ball lightning is some form of induction phenomenon (electromagnetic knot), ball lightning having allegedly been witnessed inside metal aircraft.[3]
that the lightning is a Hill's vortex, like a smoke ring.[12]
that it is an optical illusion similar to the aftereffect of a photographer's flash directed into a person's eyes.[13][citation needed]
There is also a theory that poltergeists and human combustions might be subdivisions of ball lightning phenomena http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn1720
Esoteric explanations
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Ball lighting has been connected to reports of several supernatural phenomena, ranging from will o' the wisps to UFOs. Some people believe the ball lightning phenomena are ghosts or spirits. References can be seen in the will o' the wisp and other spirits that take the guise of orbs of light. Some UFO skeptics have suggested that many apparent close encounters are actually observations of ball lightning. UFO enthusiasts report seeing ball lightning often at crop circle sites and believe them to be some kind of intelligence or come from some kind of intelligence while not denying that it is indeed ball lightning.

Another exotic explanation that has been offered for ball lightning is that it is the passage of microscopic primordial black holes through the Earth's atmosphere. No such tiny black holes have ever been positively detected, and it is uncertain whether they would have the physical properties described by ball lightning if they did in fact exist and in great enough quantity to account for ball lightning reports. This explanation also would not account for their alleged co-occurrence with electrical storms.

Among the ancients of Japanese mythology, there is a myth that ball lightning is the wrath of the thunder god, Raijin from Japanese mythology

"...Our conclusion is that these fireballs are primarily RF in origin, and not nuclear phenomena..." - Corum
"...No theory of ball lightning exists which can account for both the degree of mobility that the ball exhibits and for the fact that it does not rise...." - Talbot
See also
St. Elmo's Fire
Naga fireballs
Hessdalen light
Will o' the wisp
Kiril Chukanov
Foo fighter
Further reading
Barry, James Dale (1980). Ball Lightning and Bead Lightning. New York: Plenum Press.
Cade, Cecil Maxwell; Delphine Davis (1969). The Taming of the Thunderbolts. New York: Abelard-Schuman Limited.
Coleman, Peter F. (2004). Great Balls of Fire—A Unified Theory of Ball Lightning, UFOs, Tunguska and other Anomalous Lights. Christchurch, NZ: Fireshine Press.
Golde, R. H. (1977). Lightning. Bristol: John Wright and Sons Limited.
Golde, R. H. (1977). Lightning Volume 1 Physics of Lightning. Academic Press.
Singer, Stanley (1971). The Nature of Ball Lightning. New York: Plenum Press.
Stenhoff, Mark (1999). Ball Lightning, An Unsolved Problem in Atmospheric Physics. New York, Boston, Dordrecht, London, Moscow: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Uman, Martin A. (1984). Lightning. Dover Publications.
Viemeister, Peter E. (1972). The Lightning Book. Cambridge: MIT Press.
^ "At one time BL was thought to be extremely rare, but this was because most BL eyewitnesses feared ridicule and wouldn't come forward. In reality, five percent of the population has seen BL close up." [1]
^ Wilder, Laura Ingalls (1937). On the Banks of Plum Creek. Harper Trophy.
^ a b Getline, Meryl, "Playing with (St. Elmo's) fire", USA Today, 2005-10-17.
^ Crowley, Aleister (1989-12-05). “Chp. 83”, The Confessions of Aleister Crowley: An Autobiography. Penguin. ISBN 0140191895.
^ Clarke, Ronald W. (1983). Benjamin Franklin, A Biography. Random House, 87.
^ "Frenchman Thomas Francois D'Alibard used a 50-foot long vertical rod to draw down the "electric fluid" of the lightning in Paris on May 10, 1752. One week later, M. Delor repeated the experiment in Paris, followed in July by an Englishman, John Canton. But one unfortunate physicist did not fare so well. Georg Wilhelm Reichmann attempted to reproduce the experiment, according to Franklin's instructions, standing inside a room. A glowing ball of charge traveled down the string, jumped to his forehead and killed him instantly.[2]
^ Singer, Stanley (2002). "Ball lightning: the scientific effort". Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London v360: 5-9.
^ Pippard, A. B. (1982). "Ball of Fire?". Nature v298: 702.
^ "Great balls of lightning", Physics Web, 2006-02-09.
^ Max Planck Institute, Berlin, 7 June 2006
^ Tesla, Nikola (1904-03-05). "The Transmission of Electrical Energy Without Wires". Electrical World and Engineer.
^ "Ball lightning explained", Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 2002-04-04.
^ This suggestion would tend to account for the reports of "ball lightning" persisting for various lengths of time, and of appearing to float within a room or other dwelling, etc. The commonly shared modern experience of such flashes directly related to flash-photographs, and present-day research of optical perception and neuro-opthalmology, provides yet another possiblity to add to the many hypotheses that have historically been proposed.



有可能是球状闪电~~ 这东西很玄的 可以悬浮空气中,甚至可以自由穿梭固体~~ 科学家也怀疑这是引起人体自燃的原因之一。



2011小学人教版语文第三单元试卷 急急急急~~~请们帮帮我,我考了...
有个人吓得大叫了一声。孩子听到叫声往下一望,两条腿不由得发起抖来。正在这时候,船长从船舱里出来,手里拿着一支枪。他本来想大海(欧 鸥)的,看见儿子在桅杆顶端的横木上,就立刻(瞄 描)准儿子喊:“向海里跳!快!不跳我就开枪了!”孩子心惊胆战,站在横木上摇摇晃晃的,没听明白什么他...

求高人帮我解梦!梦境如下,非常恐怖!我被吓醒了! 附图!









萍乡市13367412613: 谁给我解释下鬼压床现象 -
释士天麻: 1关于“鬼压身”的科学解释 人在睡觉时,突然感到仿佛有千斤重物压身朦朦胧胧的喘不过气来,似醒非醒似睡非睡,想喊喊不出,想动动不了,人们感到不解和恐怖,就好象有个透明的东西压在身上,再加上配合梦境,就被给了个“形象”的...

萍乡市13367412613: 请教一个怪异现象..相信科学的来帮我 -
释士天麻: 很简单,他本来就是鬼. 我也遇到过类似的情况. 我读初中的时候,经常逃课.晚上一般12点后才回家. 有天晚上12点过后,(当天晚上下大雨).我走到一条没有路灯的马路上(那个地方人很少,,因为路从小学的教学楼里穿过,所以2边都是围墙).当我走到教学楼下的时候.我看见一个个子大概1米3左右的老太婆站在楼下,我想大概是躲雨的把.我走过她的身边的时候发现他原来是面对着墙壁.头在向上望.也不知道在看什么. 我心里越想越怕,就开始猛跑回家,连伞都跑坏了. 第2天早上去读书.经过小学教学楼的时候,才看见昨天晚上老太婆站的地方有一堆烧过的纸钱.我说的句句实话.如果我撒谎骗人.让我出门被陨石砸死.

萍乡市13367412613: 怎么解释这种奇怪现象?
释士天麻: 嗯,我也经常听到.不一定是弹珠的声音,很多硬物坠落的声音都和弹珠相似的.所以你听到的音该就是真的物体掉落的声音.固体(楼板)中的声速要远远快于空气中的声速,所以声音通过这两种方式传播到你的耳朵里,你就有可能听到多次声响.在有就是楼上传来的声音并不一定就是你楼上那家发出的,还是楼板的问题,固体非常利于声音的传播,所以这个声音可能来自楼上其他的住户.所以那么多住户,经常有物体掉到地板上也不时什么太奇怪的事吧

萍乡市13367412613: 睡觉时出现的一种奇怪现象,求解释! -
释士天麻: 这个就是传说中的鬼压床了,我偶尔也会遇到,睡觉的时候突然有了意识但是身体不能动,事实上是罹患了睡眠障碍的疾病.“鬼压身”的现象,在睡眠神经医学上是属于一种睡眠瘫痪(sl...

萍乡市13367412613: 一件很诡异的事情,前晚深夜亲眼所见鬼火……听我慢慢道来.请懂得高手能给我解释一下. -
释士天麻: .当然也有可能是不法分子装神弄鬼.如果真是这样那么用不了多久你们家那里就会出现祛除鬼神的神人,.然后.怎么对发光现象这么敏感呢.这是自然地物理化学现象啊...

萍乡市13367412613: 怎么解释这种怪异的现象 -
释士天麻: Deja-vu现象,原文为法语dé jà vu,中文翻译为“即视感”,简单而言就是“似曾相识”,未曾经历过的事情或场景仿佛在某时某地经历过的似曾相识之感. 可是现代科学里解释这一现象成因的理论却远未让人满意.根据问卷调查显示,三分之...

萍乡市13367412613: 谁帮我解释这些奇怪的现象吖..? -
释士天麻: 鬼压身是美国科学家研究的濒死体验(NDE)第二种是大脑或是什么神经的问题 正常3应该很多人有吧 正常的4是不是楼上真的有东西掉下呀5你走路的声音你自己当然听到了啊6你眼睛的问题还是过...

萍乡市13367412613: 谁可以帮我解释一下这个怪现象?
释士天麻: 考虑是身体虚弱引起的暂时性脑缺血引起的现象.平时注意休息及增加营养.建议到医院检查确诊.祝你早日康复.

萍乡市13367412613: 怪梦 鬼压床? -
释士天麻:呵呵,鬼压床罢了,学名 梦魇,不算太奇怪,我有时候也有过,不用太在意,梦里感觉很清醒,就是控制不了自己的身体,是有时睡姿或者精神压力的问题,其实没啥的,起不来就起不来呗,这样想一会便没...

萍乡市13367412613: 怪异的现象,帮我解释一下 -
释士天麻: 心理学解秘“似曾相识”的感觉 你是否有过这样的经历:突然感觉眼前的场景无比熟悉,所有的一切每一个细节,甚至是接下来的所要发生的一幕,你都了如指掌,就好像曾经经历过.然而,事实上并非如此.据最近相关调查显示,有2/3的成...

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