These are scissors 变一般疑问句

作者&投稿:才旦很 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
these are carrots 变一般疑问句~

用 yes 和 no 作答的问句被称为一般疑问句.所以只要把 be 动词提前即可:
Are these carrots

肯定陈述句:These are sheep.
否定陈述句:These are not sheep.
一般疑问句:Are these sheep?
肯定回答:Yes, they are.
否定回答:No,they aren't.
特殊疑问句:What are these?
特殊疑问句回答:They are sheep.

are these scissors?

Are these scissors?

但是 通常剪刀会说 a pair of scissors

北碚区18425033865: this is 后加"a pen "还是"pen ",为什么"this is paper"可以不加?"these are scissors"可以不加? -
农阀萘丁: 在单数可数的情况下都可以加 |"a",或者"one"...例:this is a pen. this is a pen.在形容不可数名词的情况下定冠词可省略,即不可加“a”与任何表示数量的词 例: this is water or:this is the water 在复数的情况下(即该东西数量大于1以上) 也省略定冠词 例:these are pens. 或者 these are two pens.)___________________________ 补充:this is 与 these are 都是"这是..."的意思,区别在于前者形容单数,后者形容复数 that is与 those are "那是..."的意思,同理..

北碚区18425033865: THese+++are++++scissor的毛病在哪里
农阀萘丁: These用于单数,如TheseisscissorThose用于复数,如:Thosearescissor

北碚区18425033865: 英语“these are”和“this is”的区别是什么? -
农阀萘丁: 区别是this is 后面只能跟单数如an appe ,a book. 而there are后面必须跟复数,如 two books,three apples,many apples. this is 一个+可数名词的单数,these are 一些+可数名词的复数+s these are:这些都是These are这些是 These days are past这些日子也会过去的 these postcard are great这些都是伟大明信片 this is:这是 This is这是 this field is optional可选项 This romeo is bleeding罗密欧在流血

北碚区18425033865: 英语these are 和there are的区别 -
农阀萘丁: these是指示代词,“这些”.在句子中作主语.如: These are my new books.(这些是我的新书.)there are属于表示'某处有......'的句型.如: There are many trees on the hill. (山上有很多树.)

北碚区18425033865: these are 的用法 -
农阀萘丁: these 是复数,这些 are 是复数的系动词 所以后面要跟复数的名词 也可以是形容词,动词的现在分词,过去分词 可能性很多

北碚区18425033865: these are 后面要加some吗?如these are some books还是these are books -
农阀萘丁:[答案] 不加 these本身就是复数 单数是this 你自己翻译了看看 不加意思就是:这些是书 加了就变成:这些是一些书 同意楼上

北碚区18425033865: these are造句加中文 -
农阀萘丁: These are classroom.这些是教室

北碚区18425033865: 用These is和These are各造五个句子 -
农阀萘丁: These is a school These is a apple These is a rabbit These is a bird These is a dog

北碚区18425033865: these are和they are的区别(追40) -
农阀萘丁: these are这些,通常在开始即第一次提到是会用到. 但上文已经提到再次提到则用they are 其实这两种说法指代的都是相同的事物. 与此类似的还有.this/that is与 it is These are books,they are English books. That is my car,it is from Japan.

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