
作者&投稿:柯辰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


the best friend!

the表示特指, best 表示最好。

bosom friend 指密友,知心朋友。感觉程度不够。

This film is about the current queen Elizabeth ii's father, king George vi in the treatment of stuttering story, according to the British history is a true story.
As the duke of york, George is the second in line to the throne, father, king George v, elder brother is the prince of wales, prince Edward.George has a severe stutter, since childhood to cope with the speech and powerlessness, hence, along with his wife looking for language therapists to treat yourself, finally found the lane, the Australian Neil rogge (Lionel Logue), but the but again to break away from the chancellery with Jacques rogge.
George v died, acceded to the throne, prince Edward, but still live a sentimental life, ignored due to the rise of Nazi Germany is in danger of failure, and insisted on with a gorgeous is twice divorced woman get married, to marry and divorce has violated the church of England and the royal family inheritance rules, prime minister bao Edwin and Edward to make a choice, not willing to give up a beauty of Edward, choose to demise the throne to George, retire, said "the duke of Windsor.
George, this inadvertently won the throne by his brother, the abdication of irresponsible, had to be crowned the throne, is for George vi.George vi think rogge again at this time, in order to smoothly all kinds of speech, George vi hard going through a series of language training, not only with rogge become friends, stuttering is also improved.Is finally ending, George vi to at that time in the world war ii, a famous British wartime speech published smoothly, voices forcefully and inspired people across the country.

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask oursleves, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?" Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our prescence automatically liberates others."

太过则好说是非, 飘荡贪淫.不及则人物短小, 性情无常, 胆小无略, 行事反覆.四柱五行生克中对应需补的脏腑和部位 肾与膀胱互为脏腑表里, 又属脑与泌尿系统. 过旺或过衰, 较宜患肾,膀胱, 胫, 足, 头, 肝, 泌尿, 阴部, 腰部, 耳, 子宫, 疝气等方面的疾病.宜从事的行业与方位 宜水者...

祝你过得开心。Asunoomy 你好,感谢你这么早就回复我。不要担心,我懂中文,但是对我来说,在邮件中输入中文并不方便。不便之处,请多包涵。我想在同一张单子里订购一些样式不同的材料。或者是不同颜色,或者是不同尺寸,可以吗?是不是如果我订购了34个项目而这些项目的重量不超过1千克的话,它们...

I failed to get a good English result in this monthly exam. While all my other subjects‘ scores are more than 80 , however, I've got only 72.5 in the English exam.One of the key reasons should be my poor fundermental knowledge of English , which also makes it ...

사랑에 난 빠져 버렸어 我陷在爱情的沼泽里 혼자인 게 좋아 一个人也许更好 나를 사랑했던 나에게 对于...

我是从心底和灵魂深处深爱着你 我不知道,如果没有了你,我会怎么办。如果没有你的微笑,没有你的信仰,你的关心和你敏感的碰触 在我最需要的时候鼓舞着我。没有了你,我会有什么呢?我会是什么呢?我不能想象我还能存活,如果这个世界上再没有人像你这样爱我的话。你是唯一的 一位永远能够...

我知道这种感情不是别人劝你就能忘记的,但是我可以很肯定的告诉你它会随着时间慢慢淡掉,但是当某一天你想起时,心里还是会隐隐发痛,甚至有时还会梦到她!你如果不喜欢现在 的女朋友,请你考虑不要因为你耽误了人家的幸福,你不是她给你竟是折磨么?怎么还要在一起,她还是有她的好,她心里无论...


其实心里也在做着斗争,我只是帮兄弟写情书,不能这样,不能这样。无论是电视情节,还是现实生活中,总有一些男生暗恋女生。但是因为怕拒绝,故而不敢大胆的追求,怕拒绝的原因很多 。简单讲一个,学生时代嘛,写情书总是必不可少的。因怕自己的文笔不好,就找个文笔好的哥们,让他代笔。写完了,...

历史好的朋友帮我一下啦! 阅读下列材料; 材料一;“清朝中期,内外交困...


泗县13850735399: 英语好的朋友进来帮我下! -
通柿来络: I will cherish this precious love, never leave you and stay with you till the end of the universe.

泗县13850735399: 英文好的朋友帮我翻译 -
通柿来络: 这是英语啊,不过不是现代英语,好象是莎士比亚时期的英语.thee好象是you.前面的问句是个反问,后面那句要看上下文吧,现代英语中central做名词比较少,应该不能直译吧.

泗县13850735399: 英文好的朋友帮忙下...
通柿来络: ANSWERS'';; 1.''我努力去理解你,但是我的翻译不好...'' 2.''你的脸看起来像我一个中国同事的,她在几个月前和我们共事,但现在她住到了马赛.' '

泗县13850735399: 英语好的朋友帮我翻译一下这句翻译成英文
通柿来络: The wise Lord, how I can not complain about this world prayer 近义词或词组rogation | sext | said his beads | say his beads

泗县13850735399: 麻烦英文好的朋友帮我翻译一下
通柿来络: I will carry out the dismission on Feb 5. I am so appreciated for your support on my work. After my dismission, Jason will take over the work. Wish you could support Jason as always as on my work.

泗县13850735399: 英文好的朋友 请进来帮我翻译一下.
通柿来络: 你会让我爱你让我一直爱你, 这是一首歌的歌词

泗县13850735399: 英文好的朋友帮忙翻译下,谢!
通柿来络: 无论你是否消除了不可能,不可能已经成为了事实.-3-貌似是这个意思吧

泗县13850735399: 英语好的朋友帮忙翻译一下,谢谢! -
通柿来络: 1.The life is valued was persisting endures patiently2.Optimistic, brave, strong, is self-confident3.How could entirely as desired, but asks to have no qualms my heart4.应该用Dear Uncle5.Lu Yaozhi horsepower, will see the will of the people in the ...

泗县13850735399: 英语好的朋友,帮下忙,翻译下~!谢谢~![ti:][ar:][al:][by:][00:06.48]If I could[00:08.31]My love,[00:09.63]you're always[00:11.14]in my heart[00:13.87]Ah,[00:... -
通柿来络:[答案] [00:06.48]If I could 如果我可以的话[00:08.31]My love,亲爱的[00:09.63]you're always 你一直都是[00:11.14]in my heart 在我的心里[00:13.87]Ah,啊,[00:20.24]my love you're 亲爱的你一直在我的心里[00:23.15]...

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