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I did not see any of the Mario Puzo movies until I was a senior in college. We had a Netflix account and had run out of the foreign films I fancied and the Wesley Snipes movies my other roommate enjoyed, so we went to some classic gangster movies. I was blown away by what I saw when it came to the vision of Francis Ford Coppola. Now you have a chance to experience what I did in a whole new way.

Starting this September 23rd, now available on DVD from Paramount Pictures Home Entertainment and the mind and vision of Francis Ford Coppola comes the ultimate edition of the greatest trilogy of gangster movies ever made. The Godfather – The Coppola Restoration is ready to burst into your living room, gun down your opposition and take you on a journey into the world of mob life. Bring home this definitive edition of one of the most influential movie series in American history.

Let’s be honest here – these movies do not need any explanation. Abe Vigoda, Al Pacino, James Caan, Marlon Brando, Robert De Niro, Mario Puzo, Francis Ford Coppola, Robert Duvall, Andy Garcia, Diane Keaton – these are the names which are completely linked to one of the greatest and most majestic movie series in the world. These three movies were nominated for 28 Academy Awards and won nine of them, including two for Best Picture.

This collector’s edition DVD boxed set is completely loaded down with special features. Each film comes completely remastered, in widescreen and with the original optional audio commentary from Francis Ford Coppola. In addition to the three movies, there are also two DVDs of nothing but special features. The first of those discs contain the original supplemental materials from the 2001 release, including a making of featurette, some additional scenes, a look into the family tree of the Corleones, the historical timeline of the movie and much, much more. The second disc is all new materials, including four short films about the movies, a look into how filming was almost stopped many times on the first film and so much more.

These movies are wonderful and seeing them in their restored glory is even greater. The special features breathe new life into movies which some of us have seen so many times that their appeal was beginning to fray on the edges. Francis Ford Coppola put, as we see in the special features, unbelievable amounts of work into the movies and he also put that same level of effort into the restoration of them. The final product speaks for itself.

"I believe in America" -- and America embraced The Godfather, turning it into a landmark artistic triumph and blockbuster hit. The movie was initially planned as a low-budget adaptation of Mario Puzo's Mafia family best-seller, and young director Francis Ford Coppola was hired because Paramount thought he would be easy to control. Instead, he fought the studio to cast little-known Al Pacino as Michael Corleone and foundering Marlon Brando as Don Vito, and he turned The Godfather into an operatic period epic about family, honor, and American economic success (the word "Mafia" is never used); in return, he was almost fired during production. The finished film's narrative drive and imagery were astonishing. Beginning with the opening sequence intercutting Vito's sepulchral study with the bright wedding outside, Coppola renders the Corleones threatening in their business and appealing in their closeness as they negotiate the legacy of Vito's prosperity. Gordon Willis' shadowy cinematography infused the film with shades of black, brown, and gold, contrasting bleak Family dealings with warm family loyalty. The famously extreme violence, particularly the horse head and Sonny's tollbooth demise (echoing 1967's Bonnie and Clyde), revealed the cost of protecting the family honor; the baptism montage elevated Michael's corruption to diabolical proportions as he consolidates his business power. Highly anticipated and critically revered, The Godfather became one of the biggest box-office hits of all time, adding several catchphrases to the cultural lexicon, revitalizing the gangster genre, turning Pacino into a star, and reviving Brando's career. Nominated for 11 Oscars, The Godfather won Best Picture, but Brando snubbed his Best Actor prize and Coppola lost Best Director to Cabaret's Bob Fosse. Willis' cinematography wasn't even nominated, and although Nino Rota's memorable music did initially receive a nomination, the Academy rescinded it when they discovered that Rota included material in the score from one of his earlier compositions. In 1998, the American Film Institute named The Godfather one of the three greatest American films ever made, testifying to its enduring artistic legacy. ~ Lucia Bozzola, All Movie Guide

Popularly viewed as one of the best American films ever made, the multi-generational crime saga The Godfather is a touchstone of cinema: one of the most widely imitated, quoted, and lampooned movies of all time. Marlon Brando and Al Pacino star as Vito Corleone and his youngest son, Michael, respectively. It is the late 1940s in New York and Corleone is, in the parlance of organized crime, a "godfather" or "don," the head of a Mafia family. Michael, a free thinker who defied his father by enlisting in the Marines to fight in World War II, has returned a captain and a war hero. Having long ago rejected the family business, Michael shows up at the wedding of his sister, Connie (Talia Shire), with his non-Italian girlfriend, Kay (Diane Keaton), who learns for the first time about the family "business." A few months later at Christmas time, the don barely survives being shot by gunmen in the employ of a drug-trafficking rival whose request for aid from the Corleones' political connections was rejected. After saving his father from a second assassination attempt, Michael persuades his hotheaded eldest brother, Sonny (James Caan), and family advisors Tom Hagen (Robert Duvall) and Sal Tessio (Abe Vigoda) that he should be the one to exact revenge on the men responsible.

After murdering a corrupt police captain and the drug trafficker, Michael hides out in Sicily while a gang war erupts at home. Falling in love with a local girl, Michael marries her, but she is later slain by Corleone enemies in an attempt on Michael's life. Sonny is also butchered, having been betrayed by Connie's husband. As Michael returns home and convinces Kay to marry him, his father recovers and makes peace with his rivals, realizing that another powerful don was pulling the strings behind the narcotics endeavor that began the gang warfare. Once Michael has been groomed as the new don, he leads the family to a new era of prosperity, then launches a campaign of murderous revenge against those who once tried to wipe out the Corleones, consolidating his family's power and completing his own moral downfall. Nominated for 11 Academy Awards and winning for Best Picture, Best Actor (Marlon Brando), and Best Adapted Screenplay, The Godfather was followed by a pair of sequels. ~ Karl Williams, All Movie Guide


9.你花时间和你的家人在一起吗? 我当然有. 很好!不照顾家人的男人,根本算不上是个男人。
16.我花了一辈子 ,就学会了小心 ,女人和小孩能够粗心大意 ,但男人不行。
就是诀窍。当你说‘不’字时,你得把‘不’字说得听上去就像‘是’字一样悦耳。另一个办法就是你得设法让他们说‘不’字 。你得耐心,还得不怕麻烦。
Don’t hate your enemy, or you will make wrong judgment.
Don’t let anybody know what you are thinking.
You make the choice, and this is your price.
Everything I do with my power, including something criminal, I just want to protect my family and my friends .
I don’t care what you did is right or wrong, I want you know only me have the right to make decision, cause I am the godfather until my death.
我不关心你的所作所为是正确的还是错误的,我只是要你知道,只有我有权利作出决定,因为我是教父,唯有我的死亡能否定它 。
I will never do anything guilty.
So, love somebody else.
Do you spend time with your family? Good. Because a man that doesn't spend time with his family can never be a real man.
I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse.
I spent my whole life trying not to be careless. Women and children can be careless. But not men.
I never wanted this for you. I work my whole life — I don't apologize — to take care of my family, and I refused to be a fool, dancing on the string held by all those big shots. I don't apologize — that's my life — but I thought that, that when it was your time, that you would be the one to hold the string. Senator Corleone; Governor Corleone. Well, it wasn't enough time, Michael. It wasn't enough time.
我从来没有想过要带给你这些。我工作了一辈子,来养家糊口,我没有道过歉,我不愿意当个傻瓜,可我总是在大人物所牵的绳 子上跳舞。我不会道歉的,这就是我的本色,不过我也想到过那一点,我想那时候是你的天下,你就是牵绳子的那个人。考利昂 参议员,考利昂州长。好了,时间不多了,迈克尔。时间不多了!(这是电影中,迈克接位后在花园里他的父亲老教父维多的话, 这也是整个电影里我觉得教父唯一的一次吐露自己真实内心的话。其中“大人物”指美国的一些政客,维多清楚的知道他们帮助 自己是为了利用他获得政治利益,同时维多也利用他们为自己的“生意”做庇护。显然维多是不会甘愿做木偶的,这也成了后来 电影和《教父归来》一书的线索——迈克努力的让所有生意合法,却越陷越深。“既然无论是政治人物,还是黑手党教父都免不 了被人利用,为什么还要这两者间费力的转化?”这个问题迈克的回答是:“这个世界,每一个人都免不了被利用!”

神父:“新郎,你愿意娶新娘为妻吗?”Priest: "groom, do you want to take the bride as his wife?"新郎:“是的,我愿意。”Groom: "yes, I do."神父:“无论她将来是富有还是贫穷、或无论她将来身体健康或不适,你都愿意和她永远在一起吗?”Father: "do you want to be with her ...

《教父》的故事梗概 要英文的
您要的应该是教父1的吧 The story begins as "Don" Vito Corleone, the head of a New York Mafia "family", oversees his daughter's wedding. His beloved son Michael has just come home from the war, but does not intend to become part of his father's business. Through Michael's...

求英文电影<<教父>>中的一段对白!! 谢谢! 注意思对白不是台词! 咳不要...
约所有的大家族都是我的后台,而塔塔格里亚家族是跟我搭伙干的。如果这场争吵继续下 去,那么考利昂家族就会孤立,陷于四面楚歌。如果你爸爸的身体还好,那也许还可以顶得 下去。而从另一方面讲,老大的为人根本不能同教父相提并论,我这话并没有贬的意思。而 爱尔兰籍参谋黑根,论威望,也不能同劲...

今晚,电影爱好者们,我在和你说话。我们将会给你一个无法拒绝的出价。We're going to make you an offer you can't refuse. 这是一个双关语,套用了电影《教父》里边马龙�6�1白兰度的一句著名台词。Make an offer: 出价,提出条件 经典英文电影台词 NO.1 Forrest Gump 1. ...

Language: English \/ Italian Color: Color (Technicolor)Sound Mix: 70 mm 6-Track (70 mm prints) \/ Dolby SR (35 mm prints)Certification: Canada:AA (Ontario) \/ Canada:PA (Manitoba) \/ Iceland:16 \/ Canada:R (Nova Scotia) \/ Argentina:16 \/ Australia:M \/ Canada:13+ (Quebec) \/...

教父的英文详细介绍 好的追50
Starring: (Marlon Brando Marlon Brando) (Al Pacino Al Pacino) (James Caan James Caan) (Richard Castellano Richard S. Castellano) (Robert Duvall Robert Duvall) (Sterling Hayden Sterling Hayden)Release: March 15, 1972 the United States Region: United States White: English Italian Latin...

1.I did not see any of the Mario Puzo movies until I was a senior in college. We had a Netflix account and had run out of the foreign films I fancied and the Wesley Snipes movies my other roommate enjoyed, so we went to some classic gangster movies. I was blown away...

Godfather Plot description:The summer of 1945, the U.S. headquarters Corleone Mafia family leaders, "Godfather" Don Vito Corleone Connie for the little girl held a grand wedding. "The Godfather" has three sons: the eldest son of Sunni lecherous, cowardly, the second son of Fred ...

Michael Corleone Michael is cold-blooded, ruthless, smart, and determined. His ability to think clearly under fire, to be decisive, and to command respect makes him an excellent Godfather. Of Vito’s children, he is certainly the best candidate to take over the family. But Michael...

展开全部 100部经典英文电影1、 《教父》The Godfather 1972年 8.9 科波拉黑帮经典《教父》的首部,派拉蒙公 司最成功的影片之一,坐稳IMDB头把交椅应属众望所归。虽然评论界一致对《教父》系列 的第2集推崇有佳,但大多数影迷似乎还是对《教父》情有独钟,这可能与马龙·白兰度极 具个人魅力的表演有关,直到今天...

沙坡头区13596669423: 教父经典英文台词 -
杜振凯复: 你绝对很意外的 我能弄到这些很不容易啊 教父经典语录!一、人生与处世 1、生活是这样美丽. 2、一个人只有一个命运. 3、不要让别人知道你的想法. 4、不要让人知道你伸手要抓什么. 5、我们都是伪君子. 6、当你说不时,你要...

沙坡头区13596669423: 求《教父》1、2、3的经典台词 -
杜振凯复: “永远别让你的敌人知道你想什么 “永远别恨你的敌人,那会影响你的判断力”. 我们开出的条件你是无法拒绝的,要么是你的签字要么是把你的脑浆留在这份合同上.” “我准备向他提出一个他不可能拒绝的条件.” “我费了一生的精力,试图不让自己变得十分粗心.女人和小孩子们可以很粗心,但男人不可以.” 我不关心你的所作所为是正确的还是错误的,我只是要你知道,只有我有权利作出决定,因为我是教父,唯有我的死亡能否定它.

沙坡头区13596669423: 英语翻译教父语录 -
杜振凯复:[答案] I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse 这个是原版翻译 afi经典台词第一名 楼上的是百度翻译的,不正宗

沙坡头区13596669423: 教父在主持婚礼的时候说的全部完整的话?要英文! -
杜振凯复: I,[Groom's name],take you [brede's name],to be my wife,my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our friendship and love you today,tomorrow,and forever. I will trust you and honor you. I will laugh with you and cry with you. I will love you ...

沙坡头区13596669423: 电影《教父》里的一句经典台词,原话怎么说的? -
杜振凯复: I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse. 我准备向他提出一个他不可能拒绝的条件.

沙坡头区13596669423: 教父这部书里最经典的部分?? -
杜振凯复: Amerigo Bonasera sat in New York Criminal Court Number 3 and waited for justice; vengeance on the men who had so cruelly hurt his daughter, who had tried to dishonor her.Th...

沙坡头区13596669423: 求 西方人在教堂祈祷时,教父说的话(中英文)如题,要中英文互译 的!谢谢啦! -
杜振凯复:[答案] Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name 我们在天上的父 愿人尊你的名为圣 Your kingdom come, your will be done 愿你... the power and the glory 因为国度、权柄、荣耀 Are yours, now and forever, Amen 全是你的 直到永远 阿们 祈祷时应该是教父...

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