
作者&投稿:梁尹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



1 applied 2 filled 3 paid 4 promised 5 have written 6 have visited 7 have waited

The writer says"Just give me a ring,"but he hasn't got a telephone!


1 received 2 lent 3 in my way 4 teacing 5 sold 6 brought 7 passed 8 lives 9 a spare 10 made 11 spare 12 in this way 13 urgent 14 spare 15 on the way

2 has been 3 bought 4 haven't 5 received 6 have never 7 telephoned 8 Have you been

2 Why have you just bought twelve pigeons?
3 When did a pigeon carry the first message from Pinhurst to Silbury?
4 How long did the bird take to cover the distance?
5 How many messages have you sent?

E(A possible answer)
Mr.Scott phoned at 3 o'clock this afternoon.He left a message about your car.It is ready and you can collect it from Silbury Garage this evening.The spare parts are $28.40 and the cost of the service is $75.35.Can you please collect it soon?

《新概念英语2(口语练习)》作为《新概念英语2》(新版)的配套辅导用书,由著名教授何其辛主持编著,由L·G·ALEXANDER的Julia ALEXANDER和ROY KINGSBURY亲自审订,旨在为中国英语学习者提供全面且深入的学习支持。这套教材紧密结合中国读者的学习实际,旨在帮助学习者最大化发挥潜能,通过深入学习《新概念英语...

1.yesterday 2.tomorrow 3.today 4.this afternoon 5.the day after tomorrow 6.the day before yesterday 7.last night 8.tomorrow morning 9.this morning 10.yesterday afternoon K 1.at 2.on 3.in 4.in 5.on L 1.over 2.under 3.across\/in 4.along 5.on 6.in 7.off 8.between ...


本文介绍的是朗文·外研社·新概念英语2A练习册的作者阵容。两位杰出的英国作者共同参与了这本书的创作,他们是L.G. Alexander和Julia Alexander,以及Roy Kingsbury。L.G. Alexander,一位全球公认的英语教学权威,曾是欧洲现代语言教学委员会的成员,他在英语教学领域有着深远的影响。他的著作对交际教学法...

下面是英语练习册2的部分目录内容,涵盖了丰富的话题和练习:第一单元:欢笑与泪水的交织——"I laughed till l cried!"第二单元:观看惊悚电影的经历——"I saw a terrible movie"第三单元:兼职工作的探索——"Have you ever done a part time job?"第四单元:探索各种交通工具——"I've ...

Lesson39 A: Sotheywantedtoknowhowoldyouwere. Andtheywantedtoknowwhereyouwereborn. Theywantedtoknowif\/whetheryouweremarriedorsingle. Theyaskedif\/whetheryouhadeverbeeninsuredbefore. Theywantedtoknowif\/whetheryousmoked. Theywantedtoknowif\/whetheryouwereingoodhealth. B 1howlong 2howmuch 3...

新概念英语第2册Lesson67重点内容 重要句型或语法 1、can、be able to与manage to 本课与第43课的内容差不多,主要对比can、be able to和manage to的用法。其中,can强调的是某人具备做某事的能力,be able to强调擅长做某事,而manage to强调的是成功做成某事。比如: He could not get into the town this ...

新概念英语二,L27,but ever since he moved in,ever小词作什么用?_百...
ever, 副词,汉语意思很丰富,常见的意思有——曾经,从来,愈发,究竟,到底,确实等等。具体可以参照图片——在这里,ever 与since连用,构成固定连词 ever since,意思是【自从】,比since单独使用语气更强,更突出与过去的对比。but ever since he moved in翻译成——但是,自从他搬进来后【情况就有...

B、1、left, have never regretted, have just left, was 2、have lost, opened ,haven't openedC、1、He ran so quickly that I could not catch him. 2、It's such an awful day that we ought to stay at home. 3、Don is so impatient that he never dose any job...

新概念英语练习册,一部深受全球英语学习者喜爱的经典教材,由双语出版人沈维贤和合作出版人李朋义联手推出。亚历山大(L.G. Alexander)、金斯伯里(Roy Kingsbury)和何其莘(He Qixin)共同编译,为教材的专业性和权威性增添了重量级保障。策划编辑蔡女良倾力策划,朗文的管燕红和蔡德慧,以及外研社的任...

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富程甲磺: 原发布者:571636160qq新概念英语第二册第五课课后习题答案详解Lesson 5 1.c根据课文底第3行but Mr. Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage判断,只有c. He cant get one 是对的.2. a根据课文内容,养鸽子的目的是为了传递信息...

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富程甲磺: A:1.applied 2.filled 3.paid 4.promised 5.have written 6.have visited 7.have waited The writer says just give me a ring,but he hasn't got a telephone! B:1 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 我就不打英语额.C:1.has been 2.bought 3.haven't seen 4.received 5.have ever been 6.telephoned 7.have you beeen等级不够,,要不然发图片额

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富程甲磺: Lesson 55 A 1 a;would 2 c;was preparing 3 a;had always imagined 4 b;stopped 5 c;have givenup 6 c;will 7 a;is singing 8 c;may 9 a;left 10 b;to run B 1 use 2 am used to 3 used to 4 am using 5 was used to C 1 had,were having,used to have/would ...


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