
作者&投稿:翟钥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

反问句 与陈述句 肯定句 与双重否定句 间接引语与直接引语 这三种是最考的。当然句型知识还要讲扩句、缩句、比喻句、拟人句。


一、情景呈现句型( Presenting Patterns in Situations )
通过情景引出句型是常用的一种方法,把句子放在一定的情景中呈现出来,可以帮助学生理解句子的意思,激发兴趣,使学生真正学会在什么样的情况下使用什么样的句型,从而达到学会用英语交际的目的。例如在教5B Unit4 An English friend 一课时,教师可以在黑板上挂一个气球,并邀请男女生进行触摸气球的竞赛,男生跳得高摸到了气球,而女生跳得不够高,没有触摸到气球。这时教师可以渗透句型:
T:Does he jump high?
Ss: Yes, he do.
T: Does she jump high too?
Ss: No, she doesn’t.
二、问题呈现句型( Presenting Patterns by Raising Questions )
用提问的方法,介绍和引入新句型,这可以引起学生对某一表达法的兴趣,从而激发他们的求知欲,容易达到理想的教学效果。如教学“What time is it? ”句型时,教师可以不戴手表上课,假装看手腕,问学生:“ I don’t have a watch today. What time is it now? ”这时,学生们会不由自主地看手表,但不知用英语怎么说,那么,这就产生了信息差( information gap ),那么老师走过去看某一学生的手表,说:Oh ,it’s ...从而引出“时间表达法”的句型:What time is it? It’s...
三、歌谣呈现句型( Presenting Patterns by Chant )
用学唱歌谣的方法,介绍和引入新句型。教师可以根据本单元的新授句型,单词自己编写简单的歌谣,配上一定的节奏,这样来吸引孩子们的注意力。把课前的歌谣恰当有效地利用来导入新授,不是很好吗?如在教4B Unit7 At a snack bar时,我编了一段歌谣:
Hungry, hungry, I’m hungry. Hamburger, hamburger, I’d like a hamburger. Thirsty , thirsty, I’m thirsty. Coffee, coffee, I’d like some coffee.
唱完了后,我会说I’d like some hamburgers . What would you like?来引出本单元的句型,这样很自然地导入了新句型,再进行分步教学,效果较好。
四、看图呈现句型( Presenting Patterns by Pictures)
利用投影或图片介绍和引入新句型。例如教与学There be 句型时,教师可以用“投影”出示或挂上一幅图画,以引起学生想用英语描述图画的内容的动机。教师可指着图中的内容进行介绍。如:
This is a picture. There are many things in it.
There is a man in the picture. There is a house in the picture.
There is a dog behind the door. There’s a book on the desk.
老师在黑板上板书“There be+某物+某处”的句型进行教学。
五、动作表情呈现句型(Presenting Patterns through Action )
1. 利用动作呈现.如教现在进行时结构的句型时,教师可以边做动作边描述,也可以让学生做动作,教师对动作进行描述:
××,please read the text.
Listen, ×× is reading. What is he/she doing?
2. 利用表情呈现“Where is...”的句型。教师可以把一些随身带的物品放在教室某处,然后做出寻找的样子。
Where is my pen?
Where is my watch?
Where are my books?
3. 利用语调呈现教“陈述句变一般疑问句”的句型。教师可以通过强调语调变化来引起学生对疑问句的注意:
Mike is a boy.
Is Mike a boy?
He is twelve.
Is he twelve?
现在进行时(The PresentContinuous Tense).
第一人称单数 I+am+doing+sth
第一人称复数 We+are+doing +sth
第二人称单复数 You+are+doing +sth
第三人称单数 He(She,it)+is+doing+sth
第三人称复数 They+are+doing +sth
现在进行时的定义:现在进行时表示现在或当前一般时间正在进行的动作。可以表示有计划的未来。 现在分词变化规则
1.直接+ ing
A. 表示现在( 指说话人说话时) 正在发生的事情。
例:We are waiting for you.
B. 习惯进行:表示长期的或重复性的动作,说话时动作未必正在进行。
例:Mr. Green is writing another novel.
例:She is learning piano under Mr. Smith.
I'm leaving for a trek in Nepal next week.(已经安排了)
we're flying to Paris tomorrow.(票已经拿到了)
1.表示知道或了解的动词:believe,doubt,forget,imagine,know, remember,realize,suppose,understand
4表示构成或来源的动词 be come from.contain,include
5表示感官的动词 hear see smell sound taste
6表示拥有的动词belong to.need.own .possess.want wish
【No. 1】现在进行时的构成
【No. 2】现在进行时的应用
They are playing basketball now.现在他们正在打篮球。
(2)以look, listen开头的句子,提示我们动作正进行,这时要用现在进行时。如:
Listen!She is singing an English song.听,她正在唱英语歌。
(3)表示当前一段时间或现阶段正在进行的动作,且此时有this week, these days等时间状语,这时常用现在进行时。如:
We are making model planes these days.这些天我们在做飞机模型。
Look at the picture. The children are flying kites in the park.看这幅图,那些孩子正在公园放风筝。
【No. 3】现在进行时的变化
肯定句式:主语+be( am, is, are)+现在分词+其它.
否定句式:主语+be(am, is, are) +not +现在分词+其它.
一般疑问句:Be(am, is, are) +主语+现在分词+其它?
特殊疑问句:疑问词+be(am, is, are)+主语+现在分词+其它?
E. 表示渐变的动词有:get, grow, become, turn, run, go, begin等。
例:The leaves are turning red.
It's getting warmer and warmer.
F.与always, constantly, forever 等词连用,表示反复发生的动作或持续存在的状态,往往带有说话人的主观色彩。
例:You are always changing your mind.

My dictionary ___, I have looked for it everywhere but still___ it.
A. has lost, don't find B. is missing, don't find C. has lost, haven't found D. is missing, haven't found.
答案D. 前句是一个仍在持续的状态,应用进行时,由于没有找到,其影响仍然存在,应用完成时,瞬间动词用于否定式时可用于完成时。
He is always causing trouble.
The Present Continuous Tense 现在进行时
swimming,beginning,putting, shopping, stopping, hopping, travelling 要双写最后一个字母,之后加ing;
有一些特殊变化(或者说以Ie为结尾的重读闭音节的动词)的现在分词〔有3个〕,:lying—lie, dying ―die tying―tie 这些以ie结尾要去e再把I变y再加ing.



(1)一般情况下,动词词尾加 -ed ,如:
worked played wanted acted
(2)以不发音的 -e 结尾动词,动词词尾加 -d,如:
lived moved decided declined hoped judged raised wiped
(3)以辅音字母 + y结尾的动词,把-y变为-i 再加-ed,如:
studied tried copied justified cried carried embodied emptied
(4)以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,双写词尾辅音字母,再加 -ed,如:
stopped begged fretted dragged dropped planned dotted dripped
go - went,make - made, get - got ,buy - bought ,come - came ,fly-flew ,is/am-was, are-were ,see-saw ,bring-brought,do-did,teach-taught, think-thought, are-were, say-said,sit-sat.



教案 2009-09-04 11:03 阅读4 评论0 字号: 大大 中中 小小


Lesson 1

重点句子: What time is it? It’s_____?(会写)



Lesson 2

重点单词: room , kitchen , bathroom , living room

重点句子: (1) This is the ____ (2)These are_____(会写)

重点语法:(1)This is 和These are 的单复数的区别及用法。

(2)初步了解mine 和yours 的区别

Lesson 3

重点单词:refrigerator , stove ,sink , cook, make

重点句子: (1)It’s time for ____

(2)What would you like for ____? I would like____.

(3)We cook on the stove.(会写)

重点语法:(1)介词on 和in 的用法。例如:We cook on the stove. We wash dishes in the sink.

(2)了解mine 和yours 的区别

(3)翻译make 和cook,指出cook总是包含热食物的意思。当你用炉子时,你总是用cook。Make指做饭或其他物品。

Lesson 4

重点单词: bathtub, shower, toilet ,mine ,yours

重点句子: (1)This is /Here is the _____

(2)I need to _____

重点语法:区分mine 和yours 的不同用法。重点例句:(1)The green toothbrush is mine.

(2)The red toothbrush is yours.

Lesson 5

重点单词: dishes , clean, dirty, wash ,dry

重点句子:(1)What’s for supper?

(2) I’m cooking meat and vegetables.

(3) Let’s help my mother make supper.

(4)What are you doing? I’m washing the dirty dishes.

(5)May I help you? Sure, you can dry the dishes,

(6)Now the dishes are clean and dry.

重点语法:名词复数的变化。例如: dish—dishes pea---peas onion—onion carrot—carrots cabbage 和meat 是不可数名词

Lesson 6

重点短语: watch TV , sit in a chair, play cards, sit on the couch , read the newspaper, in the cornet, write a letter

重点句子:(1)What’s in the living room?

(2) Do you see _____?

(3)What are they doing? They ‘re ___ ing. (会写)

(4) Are the playing loudly or quietly? They’re playing quietly.

(5) Everyone in the living room is quiet.

重点语法: (1)现在分词的转换。例如:do—doing watch—watching sit---sitting

play---playing read ---reading write ---writing

(2) everyone 是一个单数词。

Lesson 9

重点单词:boots, umbrella , dry, wet , always, sometimes, usually, never

重点句子:(1)Time to go to school.

(2) I like to have my boots and umbrella on a rainy day.

(3) I’m dry . I’m wet.

(4)Jenny usually eats a sandwich for lunch.

(5) Sometimes she eats soup.

(6) Steven always wears pants.

(7)He never wears dresses.

(8) Here comes the school bus.

(9)Do you usually go to school by bus? Yes , I do./No, I don’t.

重点语法:(1)注意频率副词: always, sometimes, usually, never例句见重点句子。

Lesson 10

重点句子:(1)Where are you from? I’m from ______


(3)When did you come to China? I came on Monday.

(4) You speak good English.

Lesson 11:

重点单词: shape, circle ,line , square, triangle

重点句子:(1) What’s the temperature? It’s _____degrees. (搭配)

(2)What’s your favourite shape ?My favourite shape is ______.(填空)

重点语法: 天气温度的表达法。

Lesson 12

重点句子: (1) How many ____ are there?

(2) This is a ____

(3) These are many_____.

重点语法: (1) How many 后面跟名词的复数形式。‘

(2)名词变复数:第一种直接加s 例如:pencils , stamps

第二种以s. x. ch. sh .辅音加o .结尾的名词加es.例如:dresses, dishes,buses

第三种特殊的名词特殊记。例如:man---men woman ----women child ----children people---people

Lesson 13

重点句子: (1)Do you always __________? Yes , I do./No, I don’t.

(2) Let’s put a triangle for always.

重点短语: make a chart , do your homework, help your mother, dry the dishes, walk to

school, ride my bike, wear dresses

重点语法: 用句型练习形状及频率的副词。

Lesson 14

重点单词:bus driver, bus stop , school bus

重点句子:(!) Who likes to sing?

(2) Who wants to learn a new song?

(3) I am going to play the guitar.

(4)I want everyone to sing loudly.

重点语法: 形容词变副词。例如: loud—loudly soft- softly

Lesson 17

重点单词: winter, spring ,summer, fall

重点句子: (1) Winter ,spring,summer and fall are seasons. (会写)

(2) There are four seasons in a year.会口头描述四副图

(3) Different clothes for different seasons.

(4) I put on _____ (会写)

(5) I take off_____(会写)

(6)I (don’t ) like_____(会写)

(7)What do you wear in winter ,spring ,summer and fall?话题


重点语法: I like to 后面跟动词或动词短语

Lesson 18

重点单词:skate, ski ice ,snow

重点句子:(1) I like to skate on the ice. (会写)

(2) I like to ski on the snow. (会写)

(3)Snow is falling.

(4)What do you like to do in winter?I like to __.

(5)I want to learn ,Can you teach me?

(6)What a____ day!连词成句


重点单词: mittens(mitts) scarf, put on__ take off___

重点句子:(1)I’m going to put on my hat, scarf ,jacket, mitts and boots.

(2)Now I’m putting on my scarf. (会写)

(3) I’m taking off my scarf,too. (会写)

重点语法:(1) 变进行时put on----putting on take off ----- taking off

(2) be going to 表示将来时

Lesson 20

重点句子: Why? Because_______(会写)

重点语法:怎样叙述一件事情。例如: first…….then…….. snowman 变复数snowmen

重点短语: make a snowman , make a big ball of snow , make another snowball , smaller than , put this snowball on that snowball, slide on the snow

Lesson 21

重点单词:learn , teach , think

重点句子:(1) Put on your skates!

(2) Danny is going to teach Li Ming to skate.

(3)I think I can stand up.填空

(4)You learn fast.

重点语法:(1)不定式teach sb. to do sth.

(2) skate 的现在分词skating

(3) Can you…..?Yes, I can. /No I can’t.

Lesson 22

重点单词:rain, sun, sand

重点句子:(1)What’s your favourite season? I like …

(2) Why? Because……

(3) I like to …

重点短语: ski on the snow, sit in the sun, play in the wind

重点语法: like to do sth.

Lesson 25

重点单词:Christmas , Christmas tree, holiday, lights(注意大写)

重点句子: (1) Christmas is coming! (会写)

(2) It’s a Western holiday!

(3) Christmas is special! Why? Because we have Christmas trees,lights and Santa. (会写)

(4) Please come for Christmas!

(5) Merry Christmas! (会写)

(6) We have fun together! (会写)

(7) When is Christmas? It’s December twenty-fifth. (会写)

重点语法 invite sb. to someplace, bring sth. for sb., give sb. gift

Lesson 26

重点单词:yesterday, today , tomorrow, going to , card

重点句子:(1)Yesterday I ____ ed.

(2) Today I ____

(3) Tomorrow I am going to ____.

(4) Let’s find the card with Santa.


Lesson 27

重点单词:Santa , something, thing,

重点句子:(1) Danny and Li Ming are shopping for Christmas gifts in a big department store.

(2) At Christmas, department stores usually have Santas.

(3) I am going to give them something special from China for their Christmas trees.连词成句

(4) What do you want to buy? I want to buy…

(5) What would you like for Christmas? I’d like …

重点语法: 一般将来时


重点单词:invite, song , star

重点句子: (1) Where does the star go? The star always goes on top!

(2)Yesterday we bought gifts.连词成句

(3) Tomorrow is Christmas. We are going to open our gifts.

(4)Let’s invite Danny to help us put up the tree.

重点短语: put up 装饰 put on 放 ……

Lesson 29


重点句子:(1) Why do you give gifts at Christmas?

(2) Jesus was a special baby. Many people say he was the son of God.

重点语法:动词的过去式 is—was follow—followed bring--- bought know ---knew

grow---grew teach---taught put—put

动词的现在分词 shine--- shinning follow---following bring—bringing


Lesson 30

重点单词: bring , give , open ,toys

重点句子:(1)It’s Christmas morning!

(2) This morning we open our gifts.

(3) Did Santa bring gifts? Yes, he did./No, he didn’t.

(4) I don’t think so . (会写)

(5)It has he name on it.

(6)It’s from Santa.

(7)Then Li Ming give his gift to Mr. and Mrs.Smith.

(8) “Look, Santa brought me toys!”

(9) Now our Christmas tree will always have something Chinese on it.


英语作文重点句型 助你快速作出漂亮句子

http://xx.qhyedu.com 2009-3-16 8:57:01 清华园教育网

1. It must be pointed out that it is one of our basic State policies to control population growth while raising the quality of the population.
2. It is (has been) estimated that the worlds population could reach 6 billion by the end of the century.

3. It must be kept in mind that there is no secret of success but hard work.

4. It can be seen from this that there is no difficulty in the world we can overcome.

5. As is known man is the product of labor.

6. It is a common saying that man who has a settled purpose will surely succeed.

7. It is clear that the enemy has no desire for peace.

8. It is hard to imagine how Edison managed to work twenty hours each day.

9. Its hard to say whether the plan is practicable.

10. There is no doubt that others will help you if you have any difficulties.

11. It seems certain that they have made a series of experiments.

12. It is said that bats have been using radar for millions of years.

13. To tell the truth, many mistakes we made could have been avoided.

14. As we know, it was not until recently that the problem was solved.

15. It must be admitted that you havent done what you promised to do.

16. In my opinion, this computer is different from that one you saw.

17. It is certain that we have a long way to go.

18. All this shows that nothing can prevent us from reaching our aims.

19. As far as we know, it took him more than a year to write the book.

20. It has been proved that every substance, no matter what it is, is made up of atoms.

21. It has been decided that we are going to build a railway whose base must be completed within his year.

22. It is obvious (evident) that the success of the innovation depends on our concerted efforts.

23. To be frank, whether you like it or not, you have no other choice.

24. It is natural that one may have trouble expressing complicated ideas in simple English.

25. What is more important, the agreement they have negotiated is being carried out.

26. We will be successful as long as we persevere.

27. Frankly speaking, what you call the truth may not apply to things happening here.

28. It is true that we must redouble our efforts; otherwise we cannot catch up with the developed countries.

29. I take it for granted that they will support this idea.

30. In a certain sense, a successful scientist is a person who is never satisfied with what he has achieved.

31. The oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.

32. There is no denying the fact that the new management method has greatly increased the production.

33. There is no denying the fact that the new management method has greatly increased the production.

34. Upon hearing the unexpected news, he was so surprised that he couldnt utter a word.

35. As the saying goes, nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.

36. Our goal must be attained. Our goal can unquestionably be attained.

37. Noting can prevent us from realizing the four modernizations.

38. Now in China, more and more families can afford to buy high-grade goods, such as washing machines, TV sets, video orders.

39. No matter how difficult English may be, you should do your best to learn it.

40. It can be said that without knowledge of science and technology, it is impossible to build socialist modernizations.


一、情景呈现句型( Presenting Patterns in Situations )
通过情景引出句型是常用的一种方法,把句子放在一定的情景中呈现出来,可以帮助学生理解句子的意思,激发兴趣,使学生真正学会在什么样的情况下使用什么样的句型,从而达到学会用英语交际的目的。例如在教5B Unit4 An English friend 一课时,教师可以在黑板上挂一个气球,并邀请男女生进行触摸气球的竞赛,男生跳得高摸到了气球,而女生跳得不够高,没有触摸到气球。这时教师可以渗透句型:
T:Does he jump high?
Ss: Yes, he do.
T: Does she jump high too?
Ss: No, she doesn’t.
二、问题呈现句型( Presenting Patterns by Raising Questions )
用提问的方法,介绍和引入新句型,这可以引起学生对某一表达法的兴趣,从而激发他们的求知欲,容易达到理想的教学效果。如教学“What time is it? ”句型时,教师可以不戴手表上课,假装看手腕,问学生:“ I don’t have a watch today. What time is it now? ”这时,学生们会不由自主地看手表,但不知用英语怎么说,那么,这就产生了信息差( information gap ),那么老师走过去看某一学生的手表,说:Oh ,it’s ...从而引出“时间表达法”的句型:What time is it? It’s...
三、歌谣呈现句型( Presenting Patterns by Chant )
用学唱歌谣的方法,介绍和引入新句型。教师可以根据本单元的新授句型,单词自己编写简单的歌谣,配上一定的节奏,这样来吸引孩子们的注意力。把课前的歌谣恰当有效地利用来导入新授,不是很好吗?如在教4B Unit7 At a snack bar时,我编了一段歌谣:
Hungry, hungry, I’m hungry. Hamburger, hamburger, I’d like a hamburger. Thirsty , thirsty, I’m thirsty. Coffee, coffee, I’d like some coffee.
唱完了后,我会说I’d like some hamburgers . What would you like?来引出本单元的句型,这样很自然地导入了新句型,再进行分步教学,效果较好。
四、看图呈现句型( Presenting Patterns by Pictures)
利用投影或图片介绍和引入新句型。例如教与学There be 句型时,教师可以用“投影”出示或挂上一幅图画,以引起学生想用英语描述图画的内容的动机。教师可指着图中的内容进行介绍。如:
This is a picture. There are many things in it.
There is a man in the picture. There is a house in the picture.
There is a dog behind the door. There’s a book on the desk.
老师在黑板上板书“There be+某物+某处”的句型进行教学。
五、动作表情呈现句型(Presenting Patterns through Action )
1. 利用动作呈现.如教现在进行时结构的句型时,教师可以边做动作边描述,也可以让学生做动作,教师对动作进行描述:
××,please read the text.
Listen, ×× is reading. What is he/she doing?
2. 利用表情呈现“Where is...”的句型。教师可以把一些随身带的物品放在教室某处,然后做出寻找的样子。
Where is my pen?
Where is my watch?
Where are my books?
3. 利用语调呈现教“陈述句变一般疑问句”的句型。教师可以通过强调语调变化来引起学生对疑问句的注意:
Mike is a boy.
Is Mike a boy?
He is twelve.
Is he twelve?
现在进行时(The PresentContinuous Tense).
第一人称单数 I+am+doing+sth
第一人称复数 We+are+doing +sth
第二人称单复数 You+are+doing +sth
第三人称单数 He(She,it)+is+doing+sth
第三人称复数 They+are+doing +sth
现在进行时的定义:现在进行时表示现在或当前一般时间正在进行的动作。可以表示有计划的未来。 现在分词变化规则
1.直接+ ing
A. 表示现在( 指说话人说话时) 正在发生的事情。
例:We are waiting for you.
B. 习惯进行:表示长期的或重复性的动作,说话时动作未必正在进行。
例:Mr. Green is writing another novel.
例:She is learning piano under Mr. Smith.
I'm leaving for a trek in Nepal next week.(已经安排了)
we're flying to Paris tomorrow.(票已经拿到了)
1.表示知道或了解的动词:believe,doubt,forget,imagine,know, remember,realize,suppose,understand
4表示构成或来源的动词 be come from.contain,include
5表示感官的动词 hear see smell sound taste
6表示拥有的动词belong to.need.own .possess.want wish
【No. 1】现在进行时的构成
【No. 2】现在进行时的应用
They are playing basketball now.现在他们正在打篮球。
(2)以look, listen开头的句子,提示我们动作正进行,这时要用现在进行时。如:
Listen!She is singing an English song.听,她正在唱英语歌。
(3)表示当前一段时间或现阶段正在进行的动作,且此时有this week, these days等时间状语,这时常用现在进行时。如:
We are making model planes these days.这些天我们在做飞机模型。
Look at the picture. The children are flying kites in the park.看这幅图,那些孩子正在公园放风筝。
【No. 3】现在进行时的变化
肯定句式:主语+be( am, is, are)+现在分词+其它.
否定句式:主语+be(am, is, are) +not +现在分词+其它.
一般疑问句:Be(am, is, are) +主语+现在分词+其它?
特殊疑问句:疑问词+be(am, is, are)+主语+现在分词+其它?
E. 表示渐变的动词有:get, grow, become, turn, run, go, begin等。
例:The leaves are turning red.
It's getting warmer and warmer.
F.与always, constantly, forever 等词连用,表示反复发生的动作或持续存在的状态,往往带有说话人的主观色彩。
例:You are always changing your mind.

My dictionary ___, I have looked for it everywhere but still___ it.
A. has lost, don't find B. is missing, don't find C. has lost, haven't found D. is missing, haven't found.
答案D. 前句是一个仍在持续的状态,应用进行时,由于没有找到,其影响仍然存在,应用完成时,瞬间动词用于否定式时可用于完成时。
He is always causing trouble.
The Present Continuous Tense 现在进行时
swimming,beginning,putting, shopping, stopping, hopping, travelling 要双写最后一个字母,之后加ing;
有一些特殊变化(或者说以Ie为结尾的重读闭音节的动词)的现在分词〔有3个〕,:lying—lie, dying ―die tying―tie 这些以ie结尾要去e再把I变y再加ing.



(1)一般情况下,动词词尾加 -ed ,如:
worked played wanted acted
(2)以不发音的 -e 结尾动词,动词词尾加 -d,如:
lived moved decided declined hoped judged raised wiped
(3)以辅音字母 + y结尾的动词,把-y变为-i 再加-ed,如:
studied tried copied justified cried carried embodied emptied
(4)以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,双写词尾辅音字母,再加 -ed,如:
stopped begged fretted dragged dropped planned dotted dripped
go - went,make - made, get - got ,buy - bought ,come - came ,fly-flew ,is/am-was, are-were ,see-saw ,bring-brought,do-did,teach-taught, think-thought, are-were, say-said,sit-sat.
1. It must be pointed out that it is one of our basic State policies to control population growth while raising the quality of the population.
2. It is (has been) estimated that the worlds population could reach 6 billion by the end of the century.

3. It must be kept in mind that there is no secret of success but hard work.

4. It can be seen from this that there is no difficulty in the world we can overcome.

5. As is known man is the product of labor.

6. It is a common saying that man who has a settled purpose will surely succeed.

7. It is clear that the enemy has no desire for peace.

8. It is hard to imagine how Edison managed to work twenty hours each day.

9. Its hard to say whether the plan is practicable.

10. There is no doubt that others will help you if you have any difficulties.

11. It seems certain that they have made a series of experiments.

12. It is said that bats have been using radar for millions of years.

13. To tell the truth, many mistakes we made could have been avoided.

14. As we know, it was not until recently that the problem was solved.

15. It must be admitted that you havent done what you promised to do.

16. In my opinion, this computer is different from that one you saw.

17. It is certain that we have a long way to go.

18. All this shows that nothing can prevent us from reaching our aims.

19. As far as we know, it took him more than a year to write the book.

20. It has been proved that every substance, no matter what it is, is made up of atoms.

21. It has been decided that we are going to build a railway whose base must be completed within his year.

22. It is obvious (evident) that the success of the innovation depends on our concerted efforts.

23. To be frank, whether you like it or not, you have no other choice.

24. It is natural that one may have trouble expressing complicated ideas in simple English.

25. What is more important, the agreement they have negotiated is being carried out.

26. We will be successful as long as we persevere.

27. Frankly speaking, what you call the truth may not apply to things happening here.

28. It is true that we must redouble our efforts; otherwise we cannot catch up with the developed countries.

29. I take it for granted that they will support this idea.

30. In a certain sense, a successful scientist is a person who is never satisfied with what he has achieved.

31. The oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it.

32. There is no denying the fact that the new management method has greatly increased the production.

33. There is no denying the fact that the new management method has greatly increased the production.

34. Upon hearing the unexpected news, he was so surprised that he couldnt utter a word.

35. As the saying goes, nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it.

36. Our goal must be attained. Our goal can unquestionably be attained.

37. Noting can prevent us from realizing the four modernizations.

38. Now in China, more and more families can afford to buy high-grade goods, such as washing machines, TV sets, video orders.

39. No matter how difficult English may be, you should do your best to learn it.

40. It can be said that without knowledge of science and technology, it is impossible to build socialist modernizations.
第三册 第一单元
What’s in the classroom?
This is Zhang Peng,our new classmate.
We have a new classroom,.
Let’s go and have a look.
It’s so big.
Where’s my seat?
It’s near the door.
The wall is white.
Let’s clean the classroom.
Good idea.
Let me clean the window.
Look at the picture.
Good job!

How many books do you have? I have 6.
I have a new schoolbag.
What colour is it?
It’s black and white.
I have many books.
May I have a look?
Sure.Here you are.
How many English books can you see?
I can see ….Sorry,too many.
My schoolbag is heavy.
What’s in it?

My friend is strong.
He has short hair.
Who is he?
A Chinese friend?
What’ his name ?
His name is Zhang Peng.
This is his photo.
My friend likes music.
She’s quiet.
What’s her name?
Her name is Amy.
You’re right!

You can see a bedroom.
Is this your bedroom?
Yes,it is.
Is she in the living room?
No,she isn’t.
She’s here.
She’s in the kitchen.
Open the door,please.
Where are the keys?
Are they on the table?
No,they aren’t.
They’re in the door.

CanIhavesome noodles,please?
I’m hungry.
What’s for dinner?
Wait and see.
What would you like?
I’d like some rice and soup.
Everything’s ready.
Can I help you?
Pass me a plate,please.
Dinner’s ready.
I can use chopsticks.
Let me show you.
Help yourself.
I like Chinese food.
We had a good time.
See you tomorrow.

Come and meet family!
How many people are there in your family?
Who are they?
My family has seven members.
What’s your father?
My father is a doctor.
Who’s this man?


Where is the canteen?
It’s on the first floor.
Welcome to our school!
How many students are there in your class?
Do you have a library?
Do you have lunch at school?
The canteen is on the first floor.
This way, please.
Your school is beautiful.
We have a new computer room.
Let’s go there.
I like this one.
Is this the library?
Yes,it is.
Is that the art room?
No,it isn’t.
What’s on it?
Let’s go and have a look.
This is my computer.
That is your computer.
Is this a teacher’s desk?
Yes,it is.

It’s time for English class.
School is over.
Let’s go to the ….
Let’s go home.
Just a minute.
Let’s run.
That one is correct.
It’s time to go to school.
Breakfast is ready!
I’m ready!
Look at my clock.
It’s nice.
Can I have a try?
What time is it?
It’s two o’clock..
It’s 9:45.
It’s time for math class.

I like the white sweater with the green skirt.
Where is my skirt?
Whose is it?
It’s my T-shirt.
Whose is this?
It’s your baby brother’s!
So many colours!
Please pass me my T-shirt.
My T-shirt is red.
This small one?
Where are my socks?
Look at these.
What are they?
These are your baby pants.
They’re so small.
But what for?
Our neighbour has a new baby!
Hurry up!
This red T-shirt is pretty!
Is this your skirt?
No,it’s not.
What colour is it?
It’s white.

This is the weather report.
It’s cool in Lhasa.
Can I wear my new shirt today?
No,you can’t.
Come on .
Those are my shoes.
Where are they ?
They are on your feet?
Here’s the world weather.
What are you doing?
What’s the weather like in Beijing?
Not much.
It’s rainy today.
How about New York?
What’s the matter?
I have to close the window.
It’s warm today.
It’s cool
Let’s play football.
Is it cold?

一、情景呈现句型( Presenting Patterns in Situations )
通过情景引出句型是常用的一种方法,把句子放在一定的情景中呈现出来,可以帮助学生理解句子的意思,激发兴趣,使学生真正学会在什么样的情况下使用什么样的句型,从而达到学会用英语交际的目的。例如在教5B Unit4 An English friend 一课时,教师可以在黑板上挂一个气球,并邀请男女生进行触摸气球的竞赛,男生跳得高摸到了气球,而女生跳得不够高,没有触摸到气球。这时教师可以渗透句型:
T:Does he jump high?
Ss: Yes, he do.
T: Does she jump high too?
Ss: No, she doesn’t.
二、问题呈现句型( Presenting Patterns by Raising Questions )
用提问的方法,介绍和引入新句型,这可以引起学生对某一表达法的兴趣,从而激发他们的求知欲,容易达到理想的教学效果。如教学“What time is it? ”句型时,教师可以不戴手表上课,假装看手腕,问学生:“ I don’t have a watch today. What time is it now? ”这时,学生们会不由自主地看手表,但不知用英语怎么说,那么,这就产生了信息差( information gap ),那么老师走过去看某一学生的手表,说:Oh ,it’s ...从而引出“时间表达法”的句型:What time is it? It’s...
三、歌谣呈现句型( Presenting Patterns by Chant )
用学唱歌谣的方法,介绍和引入新句型。教师可以根据本单元的新授句型,单词自己编写简单的歌谣,配上一定的节奏,这样来吸引孩子们的注意力。把课前的歌谣恰当有效地利用来导入新授,不是很好吗?如在教4B Unit7 At a snack bar时,我编了一段歌谣:
Hungry, hungry, I’m hungry. Hamburger, hamburger, I’d like a hamburger. Thirsty , thirsty, I’m thirsty. Coffee, coffee, I’d like some coffee.
唱完了后,我会说I’d like some hamburgers . What would you like?来引出本单元的句型,这样很自然地导入了新句型,再进行分步教学,效果较好。
四、看图呈现句型( Presenting Patterns by Pictures)
利用投影或图片介绍和引入新句型。例如教与学There be 句型时,教师可以用“投影”出示或挂上一幅图画,以引起学生想用英语描述图画的内容的动机。教师可指着图中的内容进行介绍。如:
This is a picture. There are many things in it.
There is a man in the picture. There is a house in the picture.
There is a dog behind the door. There’s a book on the desk.
老师在黑板上板书“There be+某物+某处”的句型进行教学。
五、动作表情呈现句型(Presenting Patterns through Action )
1. 利用动作呈现.如教现在进行时结构的句型时,教师可以边做动作边描述,也可以让学生做动作,教师对动作进行描述:
××,please read the text.
Listen, ×× is reading. What is he/she doing?
2. 利用表情呈现“Where is...”的句型。教师可以把一些随身带的物品放在教室某处,然后做出寻找的样子。
Where is my pen?
Where is my watch?
Where are my books?
3. 利用语调呈现教“陈述句变一般疑问句”的句型。教师可以通过强调语调变化来引起学生对疑问句的注意:
Mike is a boy.
Is Mike a boy?
He is twelve.
Is he twelve?
现在进行时(The PresentContinuous Tense).
第一人称单数 I+am+doing+sth
第一人称复数 We+are+doing +sth
第二人称单复数 You+are+doing +sth
第三人称单数 He(She,it)+is+doing+sth
第三人称复数 They+are+doing +sth
现在进行时的定义:现在进行时表示现在或当前一般时间正在进行的动作。可以表示有计划的未来。 现在分词变化规则
1.直接+ ing
A. 表示现在( 指说话人说话时) 正在发生的事情。
例:We are waiting for you.
B. 习惯进行:表示长期的或重复性的动作,说话时动作未必正在进行。
例:Mr. Green is writing another novel.
例:She is learning piano under Mr. Smith.
I'm leaving for a trek in Nepal next week.(已经安排了)
we're flying to Paris tomorrow.(票已经拿到了)
1.表示知道或了解的动词:believe,doubt,forget,imagine,know, remember,realize,suppose,understand
4表示构成或来源的动词 be come from.contain,include
5表示感官的动词 hear see smell sound taste
6表示拥有的动词belong to.need.own .possess.want wish
【No. 1】现在进行时的构成
【No. 2】现在进行时的应用
They are playing basketball now.现在他们正在打篮球。
(2)以look, listen开头的句子,提示我们动作正进行,这时要用现在进行时。如:
Listen!She is singing an English song.听,她正在唱英语歌。
(3)表示当前一段时间或现阶段正在进行的动作,且此时有this week, these days等时间状语,这时常用现在进行时。如:
We are making model planes these days.这些天我们在做飞机模型。
Look at the picture. The children are flying kites in the park.看这幅图,那些孩子正在公园放风筝。
【No. 3】现在进行时的变化
肯定句式:主语+be( am, is, are)+现在分词+其它.
否定句式:主语+be(am, is, are) +not +现在分词+其它.
一般疑问句:Be(am, is, are) +主语+现在分词+其它?
特殊疑问句:疑问词+be(am, is, are)+主语+现在分词+其它?
E. 表示渐变的动词有:get, grow, become, turn, run, go, begin等。
例:The leaves are turning red.
It's getting warmer and warmer.
F.与always, constantly, forever 等词连用,表示反复发生的动作或持续存在的状态,往往带有说话人的主观色彩。
例:You are always changing your mind.

My dictionary ___, I have looked for it everywhere but still___ it.
A. has lost, don't find B. is missing, don't find C. has lost, haven't found D. is missing, haven't found.
答案D. 前句是一个仍在持续的状态,应用进行时,由于没有找到,其影响仍然存在,应用完成时,瞬间动词用于否定式时可用于完成时。
He is always causing trouble.
The Present Continuous Tense 现在进行时
swimming,beginning,putting, shopping, stopping, hopping, travelling 要双写最后一个字母,之后加ing;
有一些特殊变化(或者说以Ie为结尾的重读闭音节的动词)的现在分词〔有3个〕,:lying—lie, dying ―die tying―tie 这些以ie结尾要去e再把I变y再加ing.



(1)一般情况下,动词词尾加 -ed ,如:
worked played wanted acted
(2)以不发音的 -e 结尾动词,动词词尾加 -d,如:
lived moved decided declined hoped judged raised wiped
(3)以辅音字母 + y结尾的动词,把-y变为-i 再加-ed,如:
studied tried copied justified cried carried embodied emptied
(4)以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节动词,双写词尾辅音字母,再加 -ed,如:
stopped begged fretted dragged dropped planned dotted dripped
go - went,make - made, get - got ,buy - bought ,come - came ,fly-flew ,is/am-was, are-were ,see-saw ,bring-brought,do-did,teach-taught, think-thought, are-were, say-said,sit-sat.




以下是 为大家整理的关于小学三年级英语重点句型及用法大全的文章,希望大家能够喜欢!一、 Do you ...? 的用法。(第一模块)如:Do you use chopsticks in England?肯定回答:Yes, we do.否定回答:No, we don‘t.这个句型是在询问某人是否做某事的情况下用的,在回答这类疑问句时,注意人称...

小学语文基本句型一、基本句型句子依据用途或语气分类,可分为陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、感叹句。说明一件事情,表示陈述语气的句子,叫陈述句。提出一个问题,表示...3、关联词语起连接作用,可以把两句话并为一句。练习:给下面的句子加上恰当的关联词,并体会句子的意思。1、我班的杨帆同学( )踢足球,( )爱打篮球。2...

小学英语以简单句为主。下面主要以一般现在时举例,过去式主要是动词用过去式。如果你能完成以下练习,说明你基本掌握了简单句造句。陈述句:有三种基本句型。I、be动词句。Be动词是___的合称,必须和人称正确搭配,否则就是错误,所以有以下句型。一定要背会以下口诀基本掌握所有句型。单数句子:I am...

科学普及出版社小学英语句型肯定句 被动句 祈使句 特殊疑问句 一般疑问句 学英语主要句型汇总 I 询问姓名...你比我重。 3. ---How do you go to school? ---你怎么上学? ---Usually I go to school...——How many kites can you see?你可以看到几只风筝? ——I can see 12. 我看到12只。 —...

各位亲们 ~ 小妹求三到六年级英语重点句型 最好带翻译 ~
小学四---六年级重点句型汇总Book 41) This is my computer. That is your computer. 2) Is this a teacher’s desk? Yes, it is. 3) What time is it? It’s two o’clock. 4) It’s 9:45. It’s time for math class. 5) Is this your T-shirt? No, it’s...

小学语文句型转换 有答案
他要去补习。(双重否定句)他不可以不去补习.你明天难道不来上学吗?(反问改陈述)你明天不来上学。他要去看书。(双重否定句)他不得不去看书。陈述句:你吃过饭了 反问句:难道你没吃过饭?设问句:你吃过饭了吗?一定吃过了.疑问句:你吃过饭了吗?被字句:饭被你吃了.把字句:你把饭吃了.否...

英语小学所有句型都写出来,并把汉语附上 解释什么名词啊……什么的...
英语小学所有句型都写出来,并把汉语附上 解释什么名词啊……什么的意思 2个回答 #热议# 孩子之间...1. ---How many kites can you see? ---你可以看见几只风筝? ---I can see 12. ---我可以...---你有多重? ---I’m 48 kg. You’re heavier than me. ---我有48公斤。你比我重。3....

☆其中how又可以和其他一些形容词连用组成特殊疑问词组用来提问,如: how many(多少(数量)), how much(多少(钱)), how tall(多高), how long(多长), how big(多大), how heavy(多重)例句:How many pencils do you have? I have three pencils.How many girls can you see...

复合句的主语往往可以独立存在,从句则只作一个句子成分。本单元重点掌握疑问句,弄清楚各种疑问句的结构及用法,能正确完成附加疑问句部分,能回答各种疑问句。掌握简单句、并列句及复合句的句型结构;学会简单句与并列句、简单句与复合句、并列句与复合句的转换;学会将直接引语变为间接引语;掌握名词从句的用法。 注意...

小学英语的句型转换就只有那几种类型,只要我们掌握了正确的方法,就不怕不会做啦!一、肯定句改否定句的方法 1、 在 be动词后加 not。如: is not , are not , am not 2、 在 can,should, will等后加not。如: can not, should not,will not;3、 上述都没有的,在动词前加助...

阜新蒙古族自治县18987612641: 小学全部重点句型? 、快!好的加50 -
谭咸紫杉:[答案] 一、 对称句 这里所说的对称句,并不是通常所说的对称句.通常所说的对称句,指的是整句,包括排比句、对偶句、连用四... 但对于我们的高中生来说,高考作文中灵活地运用各种句式无疑会给文章增文加彩,灵活多变的句式当然地成为获取阅卷老...

阜新蒙古族自治县18987612641: 谁能把小学的句型.重点句子告诉我 -
谭咸紫杉: 一、情景呈现句型( Presenting Patterns in Situations ) 通过情景引出句型是常用的一种方法,把句子放在一定的情景中呈现出来,可以帮助学生理解句子的意思,激发兴趣,使学生真正学会在什么样的情况下使用什么样的句型,从而达到学会...

阜新蒙古族自治县18987612641: 小学英语的所有重点句型
谭咸紫杉: 1 what + be的疑问句型.例如:What's your name? What are those things? 2 how + be 的疑问句型.例如:How are you? How is your mother? 3 there + be 句型.例如:There are two apples in the basket. 4 简单的陈述句.例如:My name is... ...

阜新蒙古族自治县18987612641: 谁能告诉我小学所学过的所有句形 -
谭咸紫杉: 反问句 与陈述句 肯定句 与双重否定句 间接引语与直接引语 这三种是最考的.当然句型知识还要讲扩句、缩句、比喻句、拟人句.

阜新蒙古族自治县18987612641: 一至六年级语文句型 -
谭咸紫杉: 教版小学语文总复习资料--句子、诗词部分 一、句子部分 【复习要点】 1、知道什么是句子,从语气和作用上了解句子的类型. 2、扩句和缩句练习. 3、认识几种常见的修辞手法. 4、认识并修改常见的病句. 5、进行句式变换练习. 6、掌握...

阜新蒙古族自治县18987612641: 小妹求三到六年级英语重点句型 最好带翻译 -
谭咸紫杉:[答案] 小学四---六年级重点句型汇总Book 41) This is my computer. That is your computer. 2) Is this a teacher's desk? Yes, it is. 3) What time is it? It's two o'clock. 4) It's 9:45. It's time for math class. 5) Is this your T-shirt? No, it's not. 6) What colour is it...

阜新蒙古族自治县18987612641: 小学语文4大句式都有啥? -
谭咸紫杉: 北京新东方泡泡少儿老师建议1.陈述句:用于告诉别人一件事或一个道理,表示陈述语气的句子,一般语调平和,句尾一般用句号.例:(1)小明的好朋友是学生.(2)明天我们去秋游.(3)夜空中满是闪闪的星星.2.疑问句:用于提出问题的句子,句尾语调上升,常有疑问词“呢、吗、呀、么等等”句尾用问号.例:(1)这本书是你的吗?(2)你吃过午饭了吗?(3)他在做什么呢?3.祈使句:表示命令、请求、希望或者劝阻的句子,根据语句语调可以用叹号、也可用句号.例:(1)不许随便乱走.(2)请把那本书给我.4.感叹句:用于抒发感情、表示感叹的句子,句尾用叹号.例:(1)春天的景色真美呀.(2)种子的力量竟然有这么大.

阜新蒙古族自治县18987612641: 小学作文写作中常用到哪些句式 -
谭咸紫杉: 小学语文常见的句式类型陈述句、问句(反问句、设问句、疑问句) 、肯定句、否定句、双重否定句、把字句、被字 句、感叹句、拟人句、比喻句.1 、陈述句:陈述句是用来说明事实的句子. 它的后面用句号表示, 语调一般是平的. 有...

阜新蒙古族自治县18987612641: 小学英语必须掌握的句型? -
谭咸紫杉: 小学英文要掌握的句型如下:一、肯定句改否定句的方法 :1、在be动词后加not.如:is not , are not , am not2、在can,should, will等后加not.如:cannot, should not, will not;3、上述都没有的,在动词前加助动词否定形式don't/doesn't/didn...

阜新蒙古族自治县18987612641: 小学阶段,语文,需要掌握那些句式?就是句子的掌握!!具体点,最好是有例句的!!
谭咸紫杉: 陈述句:北京是个美丽的城市. 疑问句:你喜欢夏天吗? 祈使句:起立! 感叹句:多么幸福的孩子啊! “把”字句:我把作业写完了. “被”字句:她被告上法庭.

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