
作者&投稿:陆阙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

英文意思是:On the table
英文也可以读作:On the table
on the table
英 [ɔn ðə ˈteibl] 美 [ɑn ði ˈtebəl]
英 [ˈteɪbl] 美 [ˈtebəl]
第三人称单数: tables 复数: tables 现在分词: tabling 过去式: tabled

At table意为“正在餐桌上吃饭”at the table意为“坐在桌旁”on the table“什么东西在桌子上”

At table意为“正在餐桌上吃饭”
at the table意为“坐在桌旁”
on the table“什么东西在桌子上”

在餐桌上是on the table
at the table 是指坐在桌子旁吃饭、写字等

The children are doing their homework at the dining room table.
She set the dish on the table.
I set the table.
She spread a cloth on the table.
Plates and dishes were piled on the table.
He drummed his fingers on the table.
The objects laid out for a meal on this article of furniture.
She set the table for five.
At the table,the man addressed his friend in a stage whisper.
He sat the child at table.
他在餐桌上举止粗鲁, 在座的人颇为难堪.:
His ignorant behaviour at the dinner table caused much embarrassment.
在餐桌边:at table
A metal stand with short feet, used under a hot dish on a table.

at table 是在就餐 就是一定在吃饭 而 at the table 则是在餐桌上 不一定在吃饭 可能在玩

在餐桌上是on the table

翻译为:餐桌上有许多菜 There are many dishes on the table.

韩国餐桌礼仪 英语作文
Table Manners The main difference between Chinese and western eating habits is that unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, be prepared for a ton...

China Dining Custom Table Manners The main difference between Chinese and western eating habits is that unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, be ...

2013-11-03 关于酒桌上的英语的祝福语?? 2 2014-03-27 在饭桌上。怎样译英文 5 2015-04-27 用英语写一篇现在年轻人在饭桌上玩手机的现象的作文 12 2017-01-12 我国的“饭桌上谈生意”这个习俗,用地道的英文怎么表 2014-02-01 饭桌用英语说 7 2016-09-03 用英文写出三句餐桌礼貌用语 7 更多...

Possible version Nowadays no matter where you are, you can see many adults and children playing with their mobile phones. This can happen at a bus stop, in a restaurant or at a supermarket. Why is that? We've probably got two reasons. The first reason is supposed to be ...

China Dining Custom Table Manners The main difference between Chinese and western eating habits is that unlike the West, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, be ...

在英语中,桌子的称呼根据其功能和设计有所不同。一般来说,我们称之为"table",它涵盖了餐桌(dining table)和茶几(coffee table)等日常使用的平面家具。然而,"desk"则特指教室或办公室中用于学习和工作的桌子,通常配有桌洞和抽屉等储物设施。因此,desk和table在外观上的主要区别在于功能性设计...

在礼仪之邦中国,热情好客的主人总是以细致入微的举止招待客人,如何用英语地道地表达“夹菜”和“盛饭”呢?1. 用筷子夹菜与盛饭的英语表达 在餐桌上,用筷子夹菜的正确表达是 "pick up food with chopsticks",这个短语形象地传达了夹取食物的动作。比如,可以说 "Chinese are accustomed to ...

你好!我家餐桌上的食物 My food that on the table in my home.

A child went home with his parents for Spring Festival. But he just lowered his head to play the phone at the table, which made his grandparents very upset\/feel unhappy.

芳村区15138414552: 在餐桌上用英文怎么说 -
关雍见林: At table意为“正在餐桌上吃饭”at the table意为“坐在桌旁”on the table“什么东西在桌子上”

芳村区15138414552: 在桌子上 的英语怎么写? -
关雍见林:[答案] 看什么桌子啊?书桌?on the desk 餐桌?on the table

芳村区15138414552: "我和我的父母每天在餐桌上吃饭"用英文怎么说? -
关雍见林:[答案] I have a meal on the dining table with my parents everyday

芳村区15138414552: 在餐桌上我爸爸和他哥哥讨论音乐时 英语翻译 -
关雍见林: 在餐桌上我爸爸和他哥哥讨论音乐时.英语:My father and his brother started talking about music when they sit around the dinner table.

芳村区15138414552: 我在吃饭用英语怎么说 -
关雍见林: 我在吃饭用英语有以下几种表达方式:1、i'meating.(这种最口语化,通常是和熟悉的人说)2、i'mhavingdinner.(dinner是正餐,这种是比较正式的表达)3、i'mhavingameal.(这种是最一般的说法)

芳村区15138414552: 英语翻译 翻译下列句子. 1.你不该用手吃东西. - ______________________ - 2.在餐桌上你不该说话. - ______________________ - 3.你不... -
关雍见林:[答案] 1.You're not supposed to eat with your hands. 2.You're not supposed to talk at the table. 3.You're not supposed to pick up your bowl to eat. 4.You're not supposed to eat while walking along the street. (答案不唯一)

芳村区15138414552: 我把西瓜放在桌子上的英文造句怎么写 -
关雍见林: 简单的 I put the watermelon onto the table. 我把西在了桌子上.难一点的 I gently put the watermelon onto the dining table. 我轻轻的把西瓜放在了餐桌上. I put the watermelon onto the table with care. 我小心的把西瓜放在了桌子上.

芳村区15138414552: 在桌子旁边的英文是 -
关雍见林: beside the desk 此外表示在...旁边还有两个词:near(邻近,附近),next to(紧挨着),但表示在桌旁似乎不符 beside“在…旁边”一般指空间上 Come and sit beside me. near:“不远的,接近的”指空间或时间上 the near future 不远的...

芳村区15138414552: 餐桌的英语怎么说 -
关雍见林: 餐桌的英文是table

芳村区15138414552: 112 在飞机上用餐 英语怎么说 -
关雍见林: 在飞机上用餐 Eat a meal on an airplane 重点词汇在飞机上onboard 用餐have dinner 如果在飞机上遇到同事,他们可以面对面或在供四人使用的错列餐桌上用餐.If colleagues are on the flight they can dine facing each other or on a staggered table for four.

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