求《寒蝉鸣泣之时》ED《why,or why not》的中文和英文歌词

作者&投稿:学厚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
请问谁有《寒蝉鸣泣之时》ED《why or why not》的中文歌词?~

  why,or why not
  ひぐらしのなく顷に ED


  To get my happiness I had done everything,
  but had done nothing to be blamed and accused of.
  The sound of footsteps became louder every day,
  Then I noticed the fact there was no time.
  I was a believer in life to be myself always,
  and was asking whether I would be alive.
  Give me a reason why not to adopt in this way,
  or judge me to be guilty of so many incurable sins.
  Tell me why,or why not.Complaining this way too much,
  maybe I overlooked something fatal for me.
  The whole world was at a complete standstill,
  and I was in fetters,at the mercy of the mob.
  The silent warning became louder every day.
  Then I kept pretending not to hear.
  Its meaning had been in the eyes of beholder all along.
  It had grown dark before I found a sign.
  "Among the nonsense tragedies,what on earth you are looking for?
  You only have to be honest to yourself and your own fate."
  Tell me why,or why not.Complaining way too much,
  maybe I overlooked something fatal for me.
  There is nobody who knows there will be nobody.
  Except for me,all the world has gone mad.
  So what is forgiveness you are willing to withhold?
  What is the well-being you are willing to make?
  Now what?So what?Don't you come interrupt me,oh please,
  while I am interrupting myself

To get my happiness I had done everything
but had done nothing to be blamed and accused of
The sound of footsteps became loouder every day
Then I noticede the face there was no time

I was a believer in life to be myself always
and was asking whether I woule be alive

Give me a reason why not to adopt in this way
or judge me to be gulity of so many incurable sins
Tell me why,or why not,Complaining way too much
maybe I overlooked something fatal for me
The whole world was at a complete standstill,
and I was in fetters,at the mercy of the mob
The silent watning became louder every day
Then I kept pretengding not to hear

its meaning had been in the eyes of behold all along
it had grown dark before I found a sign

Among the nonsens tragediea ,what on earth you are looking for?
You only have to be honest to yourself and your own fate
Tell me why,or why not.Complaining way too much
maybe I overlooked something fatal for me

There is nobody who knows there will be nobody
Except for me ,all the world has gone mad

So what is forgiveness you are willing to withhold?
What is the wellbeing you are willing to make?
Now what?So what?Don't you come interrupt me,oh please
while I am interrupting myself

告诉我 为何不能够选择这条道路
否则 请制裁我这无法治愈的罪孽 告诉我 为什么 或为什么不
诉说着无数的不平 或许曾经的我 一直俯视着 对我来说致命的危险 整个世界都已停止转动 我满身束缚 苟活于暴徒的仁慈下 无声的警告一天比一天响亮
它的意味 早已落入旁观者的眼中 在我发现征兆之前 就已陷入黑暗 无谓的悲剧中 你到底在寻找什么 你只需要诚实地面对自己 和命运” 告诉我 为什么 或为什么不 诉说着无数的不平 或许曾经的我 一直俯视着 对我来说致命的危险 如今无人晓知 这里即将空无一人 除了我 整个世界都已经陷入疯狂 什么是你们愿意保留的笑容? 什么是你们所希望制造的安宁? 我又该怎样? 那又会如何? 在我能够制止自己的时候 请别来妨碍我


  why, or why not
  ひぐらしのなく顷に - 寒蝉鸣泣之时 ED
  To get my happiness I had done everything
  but had done nothing to be blamed and accused of
  The sound of footsteps became loouder every day
  Then I noticede the face there was no time

  I was a believer in life to be myself always
  and was asking whether I woule be alive

  Give me a reason why not to adopt in this way
  or judge me to be gulity of so many incurable sins
  Tell me why,or why not,Complaining way too much
  maybe I overlooked something fatal for me

  The whole world was at a complete standstill,
  and I was in fetters,at the mercy of the mob
  The silent watning became louder every day
  Then I kept pretengding not to hear

  it’s meaning had been in the eyes of behold all along
  it had grown dark before I found a sign

  Among the nonsens tragediea ,what on earth you are looking for?
  You only have to be honest to yourself and your own fate
  Tell me why,or why not.Complaining way too much
  maybe I overlooked something fatal for me

  There is nobody who knows there will be nobody
  Except for me ,all the world has gone mad

  So what is forgiveness you are willing to withhold?
  What is the wellbeing you are willing to make?
  Now what?So what?Don't you come interrupt me,oh please
  while I am interrupting myself

  惟独面对谴责和非难 我无可奈何
  我终于察觉到 时间已经所剩无几
  对于自己的人生 我是虔诚的信徒
  总是在不停询问 是否继续生存
  告诉我 为何不能够选择这条道路
  否则 请制裁我这无法治愈的罪孽
  告诉我 为什么 或为什么不 诉说着无数的不平
  或许曾经的我 一直俯视着 对我来说致命的危险
  整个世界都已停止转动 我满身束缚 苟活于暴徒的仁慈下
  无声的警告一天比一天响亮 我却只有假装什么也听不到
  它的意味 早已落入旁观者的眼中
  在我发现征兆之前 就已陷入黑暗
  无谓的悲剧中 你到底在寻找什么
  告诉我 为什么 或为什么不 诉说着无数的不平
  或许曾经的我 一直俯视着 对我来说致命的危险
  如今无人晓知 这里即将空无一人
  除了我 整个世界都已经陷入疯狂
  什么是你们希望的救赎? 什么是你们所希望制造的结果?
  我又该怎样? 那又会如何? 请别来控制我

《why or why not》

To get my happiness I had done everything
but had done nothing to be blamed and accused of
The sound of footsteps became louder every day
Then I noticed the fact there was no time

I was a believer in life to be myself always
and was asking whether I would be alive

Give me a reason why not to adopt in this way
or judge me to be guilty of so many incurable sins
Tell me why, or why not, Complaining way too much
maybe I overlooked something fatal for me

The whole world was at a complete standstill,
and I was in fetters ,at the mercy of the mob
The silent warning became louder every day
Then I kept pretending not to hear

its meaning had been in the eyes of behold all along
it had grown dark before I found a sign

Among the nonsense tragedies, what on earth you are looking for?
You only have to be honest to yourself and your own fate
Tell me why, or why not. Complaining way too much
maybe I overlooked something fatal for me

There is nobody who knows there will be nobody
Except for me ,all the world has gone mad

So what is forgiveness you are willing to withhold?
What is the wellbeing you are willing to make?
Now what? So what? Don't you come interrupt me, oh please
while I am interrupting myself

为了寻找幸福 我付出了一切努力
惟独面对谴责和非难 我无可奈何
我终于察觉到 时间已经所剩无几
对于自己的人生 我是虔诚的信徒
总是在不停询问 是否继续生存
告诉我 为何不能够选择这条道路
否则 请制裁我这无法治愈的罪孽
告诉我 为什么 或为什么不
或许曾经的我 一直俯视着 对我来说致命的危险
整个世界都已停止转动 我满身束缚
苟活于暴徒的仁慈下 无声的警告一天比一天响亮
它的意味 早已落入旁观者的眼中
在我发现征兆之前 就已陷入黑暗
无谓的悲剧中 你到底在寻找什么
你只需要诚实地面对自己 和命运
告诉我 为什么 或为什么不
或许曾经的我 一直俯视着 对我来说致命的危险
如今无人晓知 这里即将空无一人
除了我 整个世界都已经陷入疯狂
我又该怎样? 那又会如何?
在我能够制止自己的时候 请别来妨碍我

why, or why not
ひぐらしのなく顷に - 寒蝉鸣泣之时 ED
To get my happiness I had done everything
but had done nothing to be blamed and accused of
The sound of footsteps became loouder every day
Then I noticede the face there was no time

I was a believer in life to be myself always
and was asking whether I woule be alive

Give me a reason why not to adopt in this way
or judge me to be gulity of so many incurable sins
Tell me why,or why not,Complaining way too much
maybe I overlooked something fatal for me

The whole world was at a complete standstill,
and I was in fetters,at the mercy of the mob
The silent watning became louder every day
Then I kept pretengding not to hear

it’s meaning had been in the eyes of behold all along
it had grown dark before I found a sign

Among the nonsens tragediea ,what on earth you are looking for?
You only have to be honest to yourself and your own fate
Tell me why,or why not.Complaining way too much
maybe I overlooked something fatal for me

There is nobody who knows there will be nobody
Except for me ,all the world has gone mad

So what is forgiveness you are willing to withhold?
What is the wellbeing you are willing to make?
Now what?So what?Don't you come interrupt me,oh please
while I am interrupting myself

惟独面对谴责和非难 我无可奈何
我终于察觉到 时间已经所剩无几
对于自己的人生 我是虔诚的信徒
总是在不停询问 是否继续生存
告诉我 为何不能够选择这条道路
否则 请制裁我这无法治愈的罪孽
告诉我 为什么 或为什么不 诉说着无数的不平
或许曾经的我 一直俯视着 对我来说致命的危险
整个世界都已停止转动 我满身束缚 苟活于暴徒的仁慈下
无声的警告一天比一天响亮 我却只有假装什么也听不到
它的意味 早已落入旁观者的眼中
在我发现征兆之前 就已陷入黑暗
无谓的悲剧中 你到底在寻找什么
告诉我 为什么 或为什么不 诉说着无数的不平
或许曾经的我 一直俯视着 对我来说致命的危险
如今无人晓知 这里即将空无一人
除了我 整个世界都已经陷入疯狂
什么是你们希望的救赎? 什么是你们所希望制造的结果?
我又该怎样? 那又会如何? 请别来控制我


请问在《寒蝉鸣泣之时》鬼隐篇里,主犯是谁?选中答案后我再追加分~... 请问在《寒蝉鸣泣之时》鬼隐篇里,主犯是谁?选中答案后我再追加分~ 展开  我来答 5个回答 #热议# 如何缓解焦虑情绪?十六月妖梦 2006-12-07 知道答主 回答量:16 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:0 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 ...


2021版寒蝉鸣泣之时剧情简介: 远离城市中心,被浓郁的自然环境所环绕的村落——雏见泽村。 原本早在过去就要沉入大坝底部的这个村落,如今仍然以同从前别无二致的景色,迎来了转学生——前原圭一。对于以前一直住在都市里的圭一而言,和雏见泽的同伴共度的热闹而平和的生活,本该是永远持续下去的幸福时光。 一年一度举...


我在不剧透的情况下先帮你理解下,蝉鸣里的每个短篇如楼上说的 那是平行世界,也就是一个世界中发生了某些事件,某为了拯救某让时间回归到了原点.但是目明篇是绵流篇的解 罪灭篇是鬼隐篇的解这四篇两两分别讲的同一个故事,而崇杀篇和皆杀篇是最重要的两篇因为事后都发生了"雏见沢大灾害"(这个...

在已泪流满脸的 绿与黄之中 感觉到 征兆 跨过去吧 跨过去吧 跨过命运的齿轮 你并不是 地狱的花 请不要在那种地方 消逝 消逝 也不要 留下种子 否则 发芽之时 将再次陷进因果的轮回 摆脱吧 摆脱吧 摆脱那过于悲惨的命运 你并不是 地狱的花 请不要在那种地方 绽放 绽放 不要被缠绕 时间的...

我也14 龙骑士07写剧本的动漫都值得一看.他写的东西非常吸引人.并不是像说地那么恐怖.恩.去看看也不错 我绝对不同意L4的说法= =!先去看解的话,就没有办法完整地感受到龙骑士07剧本的魅力了!这样的话,还不如不看!

第一部是26话 第二部寒蝉鸣泣之时·解 刚刚开始发送 官方说一共会有24话 现在刚出到第4话


桥东区18958628466: 求《寒蝉鸣泣之时》ED《why,or why not》的中文和英文歌词
连梅捷通:why, or why not 片雾烈火 作曲&编曲:大嶋启之 ひぐらしのなく顷に - 寒蝉鸣泣之时 ED To get my happiness I had done everything but had done nothing to be blamed and accused of The sound of footsteps became loouder every day Then I ...

桥东区18958628466: 请问谁有《寒蝉鸣泣之时》ED《why or why not》的中文歌词? -
连梅捷通: why,or why notひぐらしのなく顷に ED歌:片雾烈火作词:interface作曲、编曲:大嶋启之To get my happiness I had done everything,为了得到幸福我竭力而为but had done nothing to be blamed and accused of.但从没做任何事可被指...

桥东区18958628466: 寒蝉鸣泣之时所有OP和ED叫什么名字
连梅捷通: 寒蝉鸣泣之时 第一季OP:ひぐらしのなく顷に (岛みやえい子)ED:why or why not (片雾烈火)寒蝉鸣泣之时 解OP: 奈落の花 (岛みやえい子)ED: 対象a (anNina) 寒蝉鸣泣之时 礼OP: Super scription of data (岛みやえい子) ED: まなざし (anNina) 摘自 百度百科 我只有前3首.在酷狗上是可以全部找到的. 回答完毕,哈哈.

桥东区18958628466: 求寒蝉鸣泣之时各部的片头曲和片尾曲歌名 -
连梅捷通: 寒蝉鸣泣之时OP:ひぐらしのなく顷に-(岛みやえい子 )寒蝉鸣泣之时ED: why or why not -(片雾烈火)寒蝉鸣泣之时 解OP:奈落の花-(岛みやえい子) 寒蝉鸣泣之时 解ED:対象a -(anNina)寒蝉鸣泣之时 礼OP:Super scription of data-(岛みやえい子) 寒蝉鸣泣之时 礼ED:まなざし -(anNina)寒蝉鸣泣之时 扩 ED:YOU愈月版本

桥东区18958628466: 求寒蝉鸣泣之时第一季和第二季的所有OP和ED -
连梅捷通:寒蝉鸣泣之时 第一季OP:ひぐらしのなく顷に(岛みやえい子)作词: 岛みやえい子作曲: 中沢伴行编曲:中沢伴行+高瀬一矢歌手:岛みやえい子ED:why or why not歌:片雾烈火寒蝉鸣泣之时解 OP《奈落の花》 作词:岛みやえい子作/编曲:中泽伴行歌:岛みやえい子ED《对象a》作词:interface作/编曲:inazawa歌:anNina 寒蝉鸣泣之时礼OP: Super scription of data (岛みやえい子)ED: まなざし(anNina)

桥东区18958628466: 求寒蝉鸣 泣 之时中所以主题曲以及片尾曲名字
连梅捷通: 1.ed why or why not 2.op TVアニメ「ひぐらしのなく顷に」オープニングテーマ 3.[解] op 奈落之花 4.[解] ed you5.[解]こころむすび 印象歌 6.[绊] 追想の绝望 7.古手梨花 8.命运の轮 9.碎片の尽头 10.誓岛 11.无限回廊 12.dear you-cry礼奈 13.祭典 op 叹きノ森 14.[礼]op Super scription of data 15.[礼] ed まなざし(眼差し/目光,眼神,视线的含义) 16.月の夜のつめたい风(月下决斗者) 17.

桥东区18958628466: 寒蝉鸣泣之时的主题曲 -
连梅捷通: 寒蝉鸣泣之时 OP ひぐらしのなく顷に(岛みやえい子) ED Why,Or why not (片雾烈火 ) 寒蝉鸣泣之时.解 OP 奈落の花(岛みやえい子) ED 对象a(anNina) 确实好听呢,岛みやえい子的声音很棒,歌很好听~

桥东区18958628466: 寒蝉鸣泣之时主题曲叫什么 -
连梅捷通: 2楼的是错的 LZ你如果说要"寒蝉鸣泣之时"的OP 那叫"ひぐらしのなく顷に".2楼说的是"寒蝉鸣泣之时 解"的OP名アーティスト/ キャスト岛みやえい子 (アーティスト) I've (作曲者)高濑一矢 (作曲者) 商品番号: FCCM-135メディア: マキシシングルCD组枚数: 1发卖日: 2006/05/24 收录曲1. ひぐらしのなく顷に2. all alone3. ひぐらしのなく顷に Instrumental4. all alone Instrumental这才是寒蝉鸣泣之时的OP,不过”奈洛之花 ”也是岛みやえい子 唱的 ,也很不错

桥东区18958628466: 寒蝉鸣泣之时的结尾曲的名字是什么
连梅捷通: 寒蝉鸣泣之时-ED why or why not http://music.fenbei.com/12735641 寒蝉鸣泣之时解-ED 対象a http://music.fenbei.com/12787942

桥东区18958628466: 求伤感点的歌曲,最好是日文歌,像分岛花音那样带有玄幻的声音最好了,中文歌也行,越多越好哦~ -
连梅捷通: 推荐下寒蝉鸣泣之时的ED1 why or why not,虽然是英文的,但是是寒蝉里的镇魂曲呢~

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