
作者&投稿:闵乳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
急求:与同学之间的一件事 英语作文 初四 我主要想要一件事~

一周的军训,在困苦与坚持中度过了,回首这几天的生活,真是有了一种”天将降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨“的豪迈与振奋感!是军训让我学会了独立生活,是军训让我学会了吃苦耐劳,是军训让我拥有了持之以恒的毅力!感谢军训,感谢教导我们的教官叔叔!我会把这美好的生活牢记心中,让这难以忘却的记忆成为我人生道路上的光明航标!Military training, for a haven't experience towards the school gate just students, it is just a word with troops about it, no one can tell the meaning of it. Now, I took my farewell elementary school of the joyful, with to the junior middle school life yearning, the beginning of a junior high school student life the first step, the real experience of military training special taste.

When the teacher let us in the playground after collection, several military instructor in a lack of green uniforms, set the pace of vigorous to our presence, and our eyes to see JiShuaShua to them, the eyes is full of expectations and admire. But unexpectedly, formal military training is not so relaxing, along with the drillmaster's "attention, at ease, turn left, March 121, 121, set..., at ease" password, we began to understand the monotony of the training. Especially the this movement, it is "autumn" rested, the sun irritablely shining, no wind, white cement floor also threatening eye, we walked a back and forth and back again, and my throat dry, wet head, the more want to hear instructor with a "dismiss" and then to "flee for life"! But we do not be the pain of military instructor mercy, they still so spirit to command, as if at this time is revealed they sang brave, the best time, is their as a soldier indomitable perseverance embodiment. Until we are exhausted, finally, we look forward to already a long time of "dissolution, 10 minutes rest" from the drillmaster's mouth! "Ah, finally liberated!" Suddenly, the playground lie down a large, no lie, is also sat slumped in the ground, his back against the each other back, head by weak shoulder, muttered: originally the army so bitter!

A week of military training, and the persistence and spent, looking back these days of life, is really a "day will drop in case they also, will first frustrates needs the heroic and ZhenFenGan!" Military training is to I learned to live independently, let I learned is military training to bear hardships and stand hard work, is the military training let me have the persistence of perseverance. Thank military training, thanks to teach our instructor uncle! I'll take that the good life remember heart, let this unforgettable memory to be my life path light beacons!

Things between my classmates and me


He was 7 years old this year, the individual is not that high, thin, but it seems very mentally. Retention his very short hair, handsome face with a pair of long black and bright eyes, nose high, like a red radish-like. Have been to his house, people thought he was handsome, a good-looking boy.

My sister grown very cute, she has 3 months of. A few days ago was the anniversary of my sister's 100 days, my mother holding baby sister driving a car to "Love You Baby" according to some photos. My sister a long a pair of small sparkling eyes, face swelling, mouth is particularly small. She has a pair of lovely ears, a pair of small-holding fist of manpower from time to time to swing forward. You see! That meat toot like a small bread-like feet, extremely cute! I love my sister.

In our class students is my favorite little handsome guy Genghao, you see! He was not tall, but grown very stocky, his arms and legs really like the mature corn on the cob. He likes to wear a jacket is not buttoning a shirt, heard him say: "that would be more imposing look." Geng Hao's head looks round, red-scarred face is round, and coincidentally he is also a pair of black shiny eyes round. I like his laugh, his shiny black eyes, a smile that became a two winding crescent. Red mouth with his favorite jokes, he always jokes that we did not put its own house before laughing out loud laugh, whereupon the winding crescent has emerged.

My father was a merchant offshore company mate. His tall stature, yellowish hair is naturally curly, square face, pale and full of wisdom embedded a pair of eyes, under the high bridge of the nose, a pair of nostrils seem particularly great. A kid, I often looked at his nostrils, asked: "Daddy, why so much of your nostrils?" He always smiled and replied; "we must select the horses were selected nostrils as big as a horse, because the big horse run fast nostril . father is a kid in school sprint champion, you do not believe you ask my mother. "At this time, my mother and I will be looking at his big nose with a laugh.

Dad grow thin, the middle one, long a sort of a small pair of eyes, Retention Xiaoping Tou, A prominent nose seem even more spirit. Edge profile of the lips covered with clear like a needle-like beard. Father's knowledge can be more often told me many wonderful interesting science stories, and I think of many ways to exercise.

In our class have such a small boy, he was not tall, the body is like a small tree limbs grow just like a small tree. His thin body has insisted on a big head, really be worried about the weak and the living body Nengcheng do? His face was white, the most striking pair to belong to his watery eyes, and stare was round, and sometimes really reminiscent of the Monkey King Journey to the West in the crystal-clear eyes. People say: "the eyes are the windows of the soul." His big head filled with a wealth of knowledge and people envy. He also has a smart mouth, red, and he sang a very touching song out of it! We know him, right? Would like to know if he is? Wang Yuxi, he is our class students.

My cousin this year, five years old, do not look that she was 5 years old, but she can be sometimes I say, let her one-third. Cousin is very cute, chubby face has two small dimples. Sometimes we laugh to her, she would say: "I know what you laugh, you are laughing my dimples." Then, you use chubby fingers Tongtong her dimples, very proud look. Cousin of the most liked place is her eyes, her black eyes particularly large, almost filling the real one eye, and dark dark, as if do not see in the end. When she asked you what, you use two eyes, begging to look at you and your heart just get soft, and she wants what is what Jiu Ji.

My mother in the health schools, a teacher. Her thick eyebrows beneath a pair of bright eyes, straighten the nose there is a nagging mouth, chest there is a caring heart.

Sun teachers are math teachers in our class. She is of medium build, 35-year-old looks like. An amiable face, always so kind. Since black-rimmed glasses disclosed in the eyes, always so bright and piercing, so good. The meaning of her language is always so profound, so amazing laugh.

The female teacher surnamed Song, because she was young, at most, but 20 years old, so we called her teacher Xiao Song, there are some female students affectionately call her big sister. Xiao Song teacher with a long tall man, dressed relatively simple. Long face with two seeds Liu Mei, Liu Mei embedded a pair of bright, but under the sharp eyes, as well as an articulate mouth. Xiao Song teachers have been giving her two long-tailed onto the shoulder.

Feng is the classmates in our class. He was not tall, his eyes large and bright, especially his long with two large ears and two thick lips, and looked like a tuba's bell. To this end, the students sent him a nickname - the "big bell." Also clever to say, from the second grade now, Feng class every day classroom door, locked the door, and an RBI as the bell, which called nickname opened.

My deskmate Shan Zhang, people long quite in delicate, very Shui Ling, but ended up feather boy's nickname - "Zhang Lu will."

Li Lamei due to meddling, it became a "two bars" health members. Even though her "official" small, a short, children can be a high voice. No matter who did something wrong, she insisted moment and let you get to the bottom and can not admit. So I stole her name be changed to "spicy plums."

The examiner teacher come in, the classroom immediately stopped the voice. His high bridge of the nose, dark eyebrows and long, the inlaid with a pair of piercing eyes, nose, even under a thick long beard, people 一看便知道 This is a harsh teacher examiner. He glanced over again to the classroom, began his speech: "Students, today is your great country to report to the primary grades, when problems must be carefully done, can not have a little slack, after receiving the papers, it is necessary to see the subject Do not hesitate or adopt, whispers, it is necessary to seriously answer sheets, to strive for success of this test. "

My father was a humorous person. My father short stature, thin fine fine, and white skin, black hair, and that an unwanted roll of the "big wave" haircut, who met with would be thought he was hot at the barber shop. His colleagues said he was reduced to Fei Xiang, I think so. He was engaged in art is a minor celebrity in five provinces of South Africa binding artist, his personal exhibition to be a lot of celebrities at home. He also was a Dingding is funny, especially loved a joke, I do not know that not all people who engage in the arts are very humorous, anyway I think my father who was full of humor cells. No matter how busy he was more tired at work, as long as one enter the house, exactly, he said, as long as one saw me, he immediately grin, I also followed up and dancing.

"The Expo Group Wei" is one of my biggest hobby. A 12-year-old girl naughty, stubborn, soft white and rosy little face trimmed with a delicate nose, coupled with normal love sip of the mouth, are extremely cute - it's just me. In a corner of a bookstore, you will meet a holding the book with relish being there, looked at her while smiling, as if to hear the cheers of the winners; while another tight frown, as if into deep difficulties encountered deep thoughts. She is to me, a small bookstore regulars.

Their mothers Ai Kanshu learning. My mother was a farmer, where busy busy all year round, there is no idle time. She was always dark and rough hands. Mother or a farmer to participate in self-examination of university students do, is really terrific!

I gave my father that look like paintings. Shelves with a return to his father Biliang black-rimmed glasses. He taught geography, this pair of glasses he saw in China helped to see the world; he also taught history, this pair of glasses he saw the book also helped the history of ancient and modern figures, understand the changing facts. Dad's glasses can be really a telescope 呀! I was drawn to the rim of the eye when my father drew a big black glasses frames, in the lens still drew a lot of loops. Do not look at his father's nose and can hold up, "telescope", but not how Spirit. Then back to his stew at home, sitting on the pot on the stove lying on the table prepared in this classroom is. Meat paste, and He was not smell, or if I go abroad to the Middle came in to tell him. Daddy's nose is not limited?

He has a melon head, angry face of a sudden, when very long, very like a horse. His face alone when you love are always put on a compassionate look at the same time kept shaking his head, seen from afar, like a big floating lantern. His eyes, you know? Large, gray-black, very deep, long in the horse goes on the face of it is very sick, he spoke like flying for everyone winks, be careful not let it hit you, that will make you Hunfeiposan's. His arm ah ah thin legs, like bamboo, clothing, sheets wrapped exactly like the body, erratic erratic, especially when there is a mysterious qualities, which determined that we play in the performing all acts of terror by the time he played the ghost to wear a wig.




















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同学间的友谊 英语
看情况可以用 1. the friendship between classmates 如Because I am too impulsive, shouldn't the love too seriously, thus destroyed the friendship between classmates!因为我太冲动了,不该把爱情看得太重,从而破坏了我们同学之间的友谊!2. friendship among classmates 如There is only ...

pleasant. 我们的学校很和谐,同学们都很尊重老师,老师对同学们也是很友好,同学们上课回答问题都很积极,我的同学们和每个人都友好相处,我们的老师也对我们很友好。 下课后回互相帮助,但是,有的也有同学之间会发生一些不愉快的事,有的同学有点不听话,可同学们都知错就改,所以我们相处的很愉快。

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