胡安·卡洛斯一世 (Juan Carlos I)的妻子和孩子

作者&投稿:达奚质 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

胡安·卡洛斯一世号战略武力投送舰(英语:Juan Carlos I Strategic Projection Ship)是西班牙海军的一艘融合了轻型航空母舰与两栖攻击舰功能的多用途军舰。

1、费尔南多五世(Fernando II;即费尔南多二世)1475年1月15日—1504年11月26日 与妻子伊莎贝尔一世共治。
2、伊莎贝尔一世(Isabella I)1474年12月11日—1504年11月26日 与丈夫费尔南多五世共治。
3、胡安娜(Juana)1504年11月16日—1555年4月12日 1504年到1506年与丈夫腓力一世共治。1516年到1555年与儿子卡洛斯一世共治。
4、腓力一世(Philip I)1505年11月26日—1506年9月25日 1504年到1506年与妻子胡安娜共治。
5、卡洛斯一世(Carlos I)1516年3月14日—1556年1月16日 1516年到1555年与母亲胡安娜共治。
6、腓力二世(Felipe II)1556年1月16日—1598年9月13日。
7、腓力三世(Felipe III)1598年9月13日—1621年3月31日。
8、腓力四世(Felipe IV)1621年3月31日—1665年9月17日。
9、卡洛斯二世(Carlos II)1665年9月17日—1700年11月1日。
10、卡洛斯大公(Archiduque Carlos;即查理六世)1703年9月12日—1715年7月2日(有争议觊觎者)。
11、腓力五世(Felipe V)1700年11月16日—1724年1月14日。
12、路易一世(Luis I)1724年1月14日—1724年8月31日。
13、腓力五世(Felipe V)1724年9月6日—1746年7月9日。
14、费尔南多六世(Fernando VI)1746年7月9日—1759年8月10日。
15、卡洛斯三世(Carlos III)1759年8月10日—1788年12月14日。
16、卡洛斯四世(Carlos IV)1788年12月14日—1808年3月19日。
17、费尔南多七世(Fernando VII)1808年3月19日—1808年5月6日。
18、约瑟夫·波拿巴(José I)1808年6月6日—1813年12月11日。
19、费尔南多七世(Fernando VII)1813年12月11日—1833年9月29日。
20、伊莎贝尔二世(Isabel II)1833年9月29日—1868年9月30日 1846年到1868年与丈夫弗朗西斯科一世共治。
21、阿玛迪奥一世(Amadeo I)1870年11月16日—1873年2月11日。
22、阿方索十二世(Alfonso XII)1874年12月29日—1885年11月25日。
23、阿方索十三世(Alfonso XIII)1886年5月17日—1931年4月13日。
24、胡安·卡洛斯一世(Juan Carlos I)1975年11月22日—2014年6月19日。
25、费利佩六世(Felipe VI)2014年6月19日—今。

西班牙王室只计算王室父系血统的情况下,其王室父系祖先Robert of Hesbaye (770-807),他的后代为“欧洲第一家族”法国王室卡佩家族的分支波旁家族。
现今国王费利佩六世一世即波旁家族成员,是Robert of Hesbaye父系血统的直系后代,在只计算父系血统王室中,世界上现存最长父系王室中排在第二位在日本菊花王朝之后。
西班牙阿拉贡地区出生的“天主教国王” 费迪南德二世和卡斯蒂利亚的伊莎贝拉看中了哥伦布征服海洋、探索未知世界的雄心,他们也想借助哥伦布,让他为西班牙在海外寻找一个新世界。

  大公主: Elena
  二公主: Cristina
  王储: Felipe
  王妃: Leticia
  The Spanish Royal Family represents the direct descendants of the present reigning King Juan Carlos I.
  At the time Spain declared republic in 1931, the royal family had to leave Spain for Rome, where Don Juan was born. However, he was sent back to Spain for education. His Spanish education and understanding of constitutional values and international law set the tone of his future popularity.
  For the first time in 1969, he was designated by Francisco Franco as the future Head of State and finally the King in 1975. The King has encouraged a new style in conducting relations with Latin America, emphasizing the identifying features of a cultural community based on a common language, and pointing out the need to generate common initiatives and take part in suitable kinds of cooperative activity. With his democratic thoughts and gentle manner, he has succeeded in retaining the trust, admiration and affection of the majority of the Spanish people and gained mass support.
  The spouse of King Juan is Sofia. They got married on May 14, 1962. Within the six years of their marriage, they became parents of three beautiful children: Princess Elena, Princess Cristina and Prince Felipe.
  Queen Sofia used to be the Princess of Greece. She was the first born daughter of the King and Queen of Greece, Paul I and Federika. Her family belongs to one of the oldest Royal Houses in Europe. She spent part of her childhood in Egypt and South Africa, as her family was obliged to go into exile during the Second World War. She returned to her country in 1946. Perhaps because of this, she can speak Greek, English, German and Italian. She began to learn Spanish after her engagement with don Juan. With her hard work, she made rapid progress. Although she still speaks Spanish with a little accent, she is regarded as the best Spanish speaker among all those princesses with foreign nationalities.
  Queen Sofia is specialized in pediatrics, classical music and archaeology. She took part as a reserve for the Greek sailing team in the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome.
  In addition to taking part in institutional events, the Queen devotes a great deal of attention to social and charity activities. She is the executive president of the Queen Sofia Foundation, which in 1993 has sent the major part of its funds to help Bosnia, and honorary president of the Royal Board on Education and Care of Handicapped Persons, and the Foundation for Aid for Drug Addicts.
  Having quite a lot of prestige in Spain, she is admired as the pattern of modern princesses.
  And then come the three children.
  The Princess Elena is the elder daughter of King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofia of Spain. At the present time she is the forth in line for the succession to the Crown. She began to work as an English teacher in a primary school in 1986, and then she pursued further study by doing a specialist course in sociology and education at the University of Exeter, in Great Britain. She has participated in many official events and taken positive parts in many activities of an educational, cultural and sporting nature. She is honorary president of the Spanish Pediatrics Society, and of Special Olympics Spain and of the Spanish Anti-AIDS Foundation.
  She is married with Jaime de Marichalar and is mother of two children.
  The Princess Cristina is the younger sister of Elena, and holds seventh place in the line of succession to the throne.
  In 1990 she obtained a master's degree in international relations at the University of New York. A year later she did a short course at the UNESCO in Paris. She is the first female who obtained a master’s degree in the history of the Spanish Royal Family.
  She is honorary chairperson of the Spanish Committee of UNESCO, and of the Infanta Cristina Foundation for the Physically and Mentally Handicapped, and takes part personally in sailing courses adapted to handicapped persons.
  She takes part in several sports, including skiing and, above all, sailing, and has participated in a number of national and international events. She was a member of the Olympic sailing team in the Seoul Games in 1988, where she was the standard bearer for the Spanish team in the opening parade.
  She is married and is mother of three children. And her husband is a bronze medal winner of handball.
  And now, let’s focus our attention on the legal heir of the crown – Prince Felipe, the third child and only son of the Kings.
  Felipe was born in Madrid. His birth, after that of his two sisters, ensured a male successor to the Spanish Throne. At the time of his birth he was titled as Infanta of Spain, as his father was not yet king and Felipe was not yet heir apparent.
  On January 30th, 1986, at the age of eighteen, he took the oath of loyalty in the Cortes to the Constitution and the King, thus taking on his full institutional role as heir to the Throne.
  From 1987 to 1993 he studied at Madrid's Autonomous University, where he took his degree in law, and also attended courses on economics. After that, he did a master’s course on international relations at the University of Georgetown, in Washington.
  He is honorary president of the Spanish Section of the Association of European Journalists, the Autonomous University Foundation and the Prince of Asturias Foundation.
  He also takes part in several sports, such as skiing, motocross and, especially, sailing. Standing 197 cm in height, Felipe was a member of the Olympic sailing team at the Barcelona Games in 1992, ranking sixth in the competition, which recalled his mother's and uncle's position on the Greek sailing team in 1960, and took part in the opening ceremony as the Spanish team’s standard bearer.
  He is excellent in many aspects, and is very handsome. But at that time everyone was concerning about the marriage of their prince because usually the royal members get married before the age of 25, and he was already more than 30. Finally, on November 1st, 2003, the King and Queen announced the engagement of their son and heir apparent to Leticia, who used to be a journalist, a newscaster, an editor and a reporter. She is the first Spanish commoner bride since 124 years ago.
  They got married in 2004 and now have two lovely daughters, Leonor y Sofia. Leonor holds second place in the line of succession to the throne, and Sofia is after her.


哈密市17666797814: 现任西班牙国王全名叫什么? -
淫堵怡普: 胡安·卡洛斯一世 (Juan Carlos I) 1938年1月5日生于罗马,是西班牙波旁王朝末代国王阿方索十三世之孙,其父为巴塞罗那伯爵.胡安·卡洛斯幼时随其父旅居意大利、瑞士和葡萄牙等国.1975年登基至今.满意请采纳

哈密市17666797814: 西班牙现任首相是谁?国王是谁?皇后是谁?最好详细点,要全名,谢谢?
淫堵怡普: 国王:胡安·卡洛斯一世胡安·卡洛斯一世(Juan Carlos I,),全名Juan Carlos Alfonso Víctor María de Borbón y Borbón-Dos Sicilias首相:何塞·路易斯·罗德里格斯·萨帕特罗José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero王后:索菲娅

哈密市17666797814: 胡安·卡洛斯一世在哪登基 -
淫堵怡普: 在二战后,西班牙国内反佛朗哥的声音一直未有间断,他们都希望把自由主义者、王位的法定继承人胡安亲王推上王位,但一直为佛朗哥所拒绝.后来,佛朗哥宣布将会恢复王室,由于担心胡安亲王会把他过往所推行的改革推翻,所以他指定了胡安亲王的长子胡安·卡洛斯为自己的继承人.1975年佛朗哥逝世,胡安亲王在支持者的反对声中,为了国家的稳定,宣布放弃法定继承人的地位,才让儿子顺利登基成为国王,是为胡安·卡洛斯一世他于1975年11月在西班牙首都马德里登基,王号为胡安·卡洛斯一世

哈密市17666797814: 西班牙是君主国吗?国王是谁呀?
淫堵怡普: 是的 西班牙国王 胡安·卡洛斯一世(Juan Carlos I) 1938年1月5日生于罗马,是西班牙波旁王朝末代国王阿方索第十三世的孙子,其父为巴塞罗那伯爵.胡安·卡洛斯幼...

哈密市17666797814: 西班牙的国家领袖是谁?
淫堵怡普: 胡安·卡洛斯一世,是西班牙王国的国王,1975年11月27日即位.他是西班牙的国家元首,也是该国武装部队最高统帅. 在当今世界所存的 20 多位君主中,大部分只起...

哈密市17666797814: 胡安·卡洛斯一世 (Juan Carlos I)的妻子和孩子 -
淫堵怡普: 你好!妻子:Sofía 王储:Felipe 公主:IrenaFiona希望对你有所帮助,望采纳.

哈密市17666797814: 现任的西班牙王后是谁 -
淫堵怡普: 现任的西班牙国王是胡安·卡洛斯一世,他于1975年11月登基.1962年,胡安·卡洛斯与希腊公主索菲娅结成连理,育有二女一子.索菲娅王后1938年11月生于希腊,系已故希腊国王帕普洛之长女.

哈密市17666797814: JUAN CARLOS 1 REY DE ESPANA.1975 是哪个国家的货币 -
淫堵怡普: DE ESPANA是西语,ESPANA是西班牙的意思,所以这是西班牙货币!(我是学西语的~~)

哈密市17666797814: 西班牙世上有哪些有名的皇帝? -
淫堵怡普: 胡安·卡洛斯一世

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