
作者&投稿:禽杨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
九年级英语问题 高悬赏20 在线等 回答的好追加50~

这里不必太在意and 他在这里只是个连词 译为停下来去做某事 stop doing sth to do sth

1 B

Attention guys and girls!
you're tired for study?so it's time for break!
we plan to visit The Red Star Park By bus this sunday,and it's also our National day.
we'll leave early in the morning at 6;30.please be on time,at about 7;00am,we'll arrive
there we begin with ating,enjoy swimming in the morning,at lunch time
we'll have a picnic under a big tree
during the afternoon,we can have a nice time in the english corner activities and enjoy taking photos
at 5;00 we can return with happiness

May I have your attention, please?

As you know, this Sunday is the National Day. We are going to the Red Star Park for celebration. Everyone must be ready before 6:30am and we shall take a bus there. Starting from seven, we are going to have many activities, including boating, swimming, having a picnic under the big tree in the morning and English Corner activities, taking photos in the afternoon. After that, we may leave at 5:00pm. Please prepare your belongings and don't be late!

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要快,高悬赏!!!30分!!! 我的知识集锦忘带回家了,明天老师要默写。需要知识集锦(老版)第43页成语之特全部内容。快!!快!!... 我的知识集锦忘带回家了,明天老师要默写。需要知识集锦(老版)第43页成语之特全部内容。快!!快!! 展开  我来答 2个回答 #热议# 得了狂犬病会有什么症状? 金槍魚 ...

我很乐意回答您的问题:I.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.There are two[ shelves](shelf)in the room.2.I've just finished[ reading ] (read) the book.3.Two[families] (fanily)live in this building.4.Do you want some[potatoes](potato) for supper?5.Today is[Children's](child) ...


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英语初中重点语法 高分悬赏 我需要英语人教版初中的各种重点语法,特别是从句的语法:宾语从句、定语从句...答案A. 本句虽没有明确的时间状语,但从语意上看出,在听的时候没有听懂这个动作发生在过去,因此应用...2)This is +形容词最高级+that…结构,that 从句要用现在完成时。例如: This is the best film ...

超高悬赏 跪求语文5年级期中试卷

括号内就是定语。你没有问什么是宾语,但自己举了个宾从的例子,我多句嘴,宾语就是谓语动作的承受者。2副词主要两类,一是修饰动词,像你那个例句里的faster,Tom比我跑得更快。其中的更快修饰谓语动词“跑”;另一种是修饰其他的形容词副词,表示程度,如very good里的very 3 这个in确实是副词...

高悬赏!!~~关于英语中 the one\/one\/that\/which\/it\/those区分问题。在线...
词义辨析 1. one:复数是 ones, 指代上文中提到的人或物。如果上文中提到的是泛指名词,单数用 one 指代,复数则用 ones;如果上文中提到的是特指名词,单数用 the one ,复数则用 the ones。如:第一题中的 a book 是带有不定冠词的单数泛指名词,后面的同位语就需要用 one 指代。如果把该...

慈溪市19272836008: 英语问题高悬赏!!快来啊!好的还有追加!!! -
罗珊施捷: Attention guys and girls!you're tired for study?so it's time for break!we plan to visit The Red Star Park By bus this sunday,and it's also our National day.we'll leave early in the morning at 6;30.please be on time,at about 7;00am,we'll arrive there we ...

慈溪市19272836008: 英语难题,快来!高悬赏啊
罗珊施捷: 61.No,they don't. 62.Yes, there is 63.Personal thought 64.Group goals. 65.然而,在一些亚洲国家,老师们常常感觉自己的工作就是将知识传授给学生们.

慈溪市19272836008: 问点英语问题,50分悬赏,不多三道,答的仔细,快,有提成! 首字母填空: 1,Peter goes back to his h_______ - every summer.His sparents live there. 2,... -
罗珊施捷:[选项] A. family,given B. family,last C. given,family D. given,first

慈溪市19272836008: 高悬赏!!!英语难题!!!
罗珊施捷: 1.has Have It are on 2.别担心,让我来修理它 我将要成为一名司机 我将要在这个海里游泳 我要去拜访我的祖父母 你要去香港吗 3.Can I have a drink? No,you can not go out! Be care of the tree! Has Daming got a cold? How many people are there?

慈溪市19272836008: 超简单的英语问题大家快来帮忙,急,拜托各位了!!!!有悬赏分的哦~~~~(好的在追加分)!!!
罗珊施捷: Early spring one day, in our class has organized a protection environment, cleaning up waste's active ,we ride the bicycle to go to protectorate ,we to pick and so on trash in the riverside ,we to insert the sign in the roadside “the protection ...

慈溪市19272836008: 英语超难题目!悬赏高啊!快,3分钟内必答,咱的作业呀!
罗珊施捷: 一1 with big eyes 2 at nineth street 3busy cleaning 二 1plays well /has a good time 2walk up 3pass 5through 四1airport 2place 4on by 5in 6a

慈溪市19272836008: 5个有关英语句子的问题,急求答案,高分悬赏,答得好再加20分 -
罗珊施捷: 1、如果你想告诉Gina,这本书不是Bob的,是你的.你会这么说:Gina,【this book is yours, not Bob's.或this book is not Bob's, but yours.】2、你想告诉Bob,让他打8063300找你.你可以这么和他说:Bob,【call me at 8063300或you can reach ...

慈溪市19272836008: 英语小问题(帮忙翻译一下)还有几个小问题(超高分悬赏,绝无作弊)
罗珊施捷: 第一,是how will you get there?不是how well you get there? how will you get there 意思是, 你将怎么到那里? Will 和well 是两个相差很大的词语.well '好'的意思,如 very well -很好 第二,how long will it take 的意思是 那要多久?

慈溪市19272836008: 英语问题 高悬赏!! -
罗珊施捷: the other 和 other 是三人以内,another是三人以上. other pens =the others

慈溪市19272836008: 几个很棘手的英语问题,高手来正解,求详细、权威.高悬赏
罗珊施捷: 举例: you don't wish that happen, do you? 你不希望这发生吧,是不是? 回答:Yes I do. (是的,我希望发生) No I don't. (不,我不希望发生) This is an apple, isn't it? 这是个苹果对吧? 回答:yes it is. (是的,是个苹果) No, it isn't. (不...

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