
作者&投稿:铎委 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语作文 我的班级~


My class body, is a self-motivated, unity, love class body, other teachers like us, I also like my class body. All the students in our class have a long life.
Zhao Manyi, a real little book fan, in her reading, reading newspapers, really reached the state of selflessness, even if you no matter how to call her, she also ignore you.
The star, of course, is not the last. He goes out to practice every day.
He plays football well. This sports festival is all thanks to him, otherwise our class would not have done so well.
Of course, in our class, like them, there are a lot of students with characteristics, if it is said, can say on a day and a night!
Next, let's talk about the characteristics of our class!
Although we are not a very good in all aspects of the top class, but we are a let many teachers are personality favorite class body.
In the large masses of Class 41, there are students who grow up together with me and study together.
They accompany me through four years of time, I will never forget you, lovely students. I love my class!

my class and I
My class is very active,and all the students unite as one man .We all study very hard ,also very clever.After class ,we like to play.We like to enjoy the life ,and the sky .I think my class is the best one!
There are 50 students in my class.
26 students are boys,and others are girls.
We study Chinese,mathe,English,music,computer technology and many other subjects.
We always like singing,dancing,playing basketball and so on.
We care each other and love the class very much

周日, 08/06/2008 - 12:22am — BIY in college,we just study english for only two years. now it's time to say goodbye to the class. i feel a little sad. because i love the class deeply. studying in the class is one of my favourite things. my english teather Jiangqinwho is alwayes energetic optimistic and enthusiastic. she encourages us to try to do something. i have improved myself so much in the class. to be true ,i didn't train my englisd so much ,but my courage and characer.in college, many students don't pay attention to their english .many of them only care certificate of CET4 or CET6 or something esle so the english class is not so porpular in sophomore.but,in my opinion, the most important is your oral english and your mind. many will skip the class. but in my class, it's not only interesting but also substantial. Miss jiang will show us many latese things and most of her coursewares are made by herself. the most importanr thing is that she will teach us how to think and train our mind.to some extent, our class is one of the top-ranking from the respecteve of hard work. we will recite some paragraphs every unit and have dictation. the part "free talking" is our practice time and show time. you can stand up and say angthing interesting as more as you can. fancy music and good video will also be shown at class. so when our class is pulling in,miss jiang puts forward a suggestion that we should take a group photo one day. but after the wenchuan earthquake, it seems no progress . so i make my mind to plan the thing . now the thing is going very well and i got more familiar to them.

七年级五班用英语Class Five,Grade Seven,年级、班级的首字母都大写。1、class 英 [klɑːs] 美 [klæs]n.班;班级;课;上课;(某科目的)系列课程。v.把…归入某等级;把…看作。adj.很好的;优秀的;出色的。What it will do is create a whole new ruling class.它的作用就...

我们在一个班级就是一个集体,我们就是一家人,怎么给他们写一封信呢?下面我整理了写给班级的一封信,欢迎阅读。 写给班级的一封信篇一 我的班级: 首先感谢我身处其中的大学,是她让我有机会同你们相遇。也许这就是缘分的力量吧;其次是感谢你们组成了这么一个优秀、人物性格多样的群体,为我提供了一个非常好的徐...

“我在几年级几班”:I'm in class+班级 and grade+年级 例如:“我在3年级3班”翻译为:I'm in class 3, grade 3 重点单词介绍:1、class 英 [klɑːs] 美 [klæs]n. 阶级;班级;种类;班;等级 vt. 分类;把…分等级;把…归入某等级,把…看作(或分类、归类);...

A. 我与班级一起成长 作文500字 我的第二个家,一个由许许多多爱与心组成的家,我爱它!它既没有华丽的外表也没有绚丽的装点,但它内心充得满满的,满满的…… 在我的班级内中,有真挚的友谊,有真切的关爱,有谆谆的教导……我爱我的班,因为那是一个“爱的乐园”。 我们的火车头——老师,是带着我们前...

48个快乐的孩子,怀着对梦的执着;对美好青春的渴望;对未来无限的憧憬;踏进了六年五班。这是一个团结上进的班集体;一个温馨和谐的大家庭,一个充满爱的乐园。一个团结的群体,一个充满活力的群体,一个不甘落后的群体,一个饱含热情的群体 ;它不会因为矛盾而分散,不会因为压力而沉寂,不会因为...

我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 描述班级的语句 1、“团结”两个字在字典里的意思是“为了集中力量实现共同理想而结合的”,就是把大家看作一个整体,团结就是力量。美国总统林肯说的好:“一个裂开的房子是站立不住的!”是的,国家要团结,民族要团结,社会要团结,班级也要团结。 2、班级是师生共同学习...

我在几年级几班 英语怎么说
例如,我在五年级3班的英文:I'm in Class 3, Grade 5 一、 Class 读法 英 [klɑːs] 美 [klæs]n. 阶级;班级;种类 vt. 分类;把…分等级 adj. 极好的 短语:social class 社会地位;社会阶级 top class 顶层级;最高级 ruling class 统治阶级 class struggle 阶级斗争 ...

我的班级 初中作文

帮我取些班级口号!(校运会用的) 我的班级是六一班!谢谢 要顺口的!

这个班男女生人数相等。Tom is probably the brightest student in the class.汤姆大概是班里最聪明的学生。Everyone in the class seemed eager to learn.班上每个人似乎都热爱学习。in 基本词汇 【读音】英 [ɪn]美 [ɪn]【释义】prep.在…里面;在…内部;在…中;在(某地);穿...

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登服茵白: My class(我的班级)For most people, they only have one family, but for my 49 classmates, and me we have a second family, that is our class, a big and warm family.然后接你的~ There are 38 desks and chairs in my classroom. And there are 6 ...

宁都县18751691003: 英语作文我的班级 -
登服茵白: myclass myclassislikeabigfamily.iloveitverymuch.inthebigfamilyhasmyfavouriteteachersandmylovelyclassmates.thefllowingissomethingabooutmyclass. intheclasstime,wealllistentotheteacherscarefully,afterclass,weplaytogether....

宁都县18751691003: 英语作文 我的班级 -
登服茵白: I am in Class 2 Grade 5. There are 50 students in my class. Thirty-five are boys, the rest are girls. Our classroom is on the second floor. There are four windows and two doors in our classroom. We have a computer and a TV set in our ...

宁都县18751691003: 求一篇关于描写班级的英语作文,不少于80词 -
登服茵白: My classThis is my classroom. It's bright and clean. There are two blackboards in our classroom. One is on the front wall. It is for our teachers to write on. The other is at the back. It is for our wall newspaper.There are forty-five students in our class. ...

宁都县18751691003: 我的班级英语作文和翻译100字 -
登服茵白:[答案] My Class 我的班级 I am twelve years old and I am a student of Grade six.There are forty-five students in my class. Twenty-one are boys and twenty-four are girls.My classmates are active. Our teachers like us very much.They feel good to have lectures in ...

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登服茵白: My class is a healthy happy and lively up the class, always united, eternal home.译文:我的班级是一个健康活泼快乐向上的班级,永远团结,永恒的家.

宁都县18751691003: 英语作文 我的班级 50个词左右 在线等 -
登服茵白: My ClassI'm a love gerl.I'm in 闽江学院附中.I'm in Class seven Grade one.I have a big class.There are 60 people in my class.I have many teacher .Ther are Chinese teacher,math teacher,English teacher.....My classes are friendly for me.I love my class.应该还好吧

宁都县18751691003: 求英语作文我的班级,100~120字,在线等 -
登服茵白: In mine class and grade, has the sincere friendship, has clear showing loving concern, has the guidance earnestly ......I love my class, because that is “the paradise which loves”. in here, not only has our common friendship, but also has our ...

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登服茵白:[答案] There are fourty two(42) students in our class.The number of girl is 19(nineteen) ,the number of boy is 23(twenty three). Mr、Mo

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