multinational companies谁能帮我写个小作文250字就可以写出他的优点和缺点 用英文,谢谢啊~~非常感谢~~

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As the war ended he set out to establish a new firm, and early in 1919 established the Compo Company on the outskirts of Montreal, offering to press records for other firms.

Multinational Companies

With the development of globalization, multinational companies play a more and more important role in modern society.

Multinational companies benefit the world economy greatly and many countries have noticed the importance of international cooperations among these large corporations. We can find out that these corporations do lots of good in economy.

First, multinational companies help the exchange of sources and commodities around the world. People may achieve cheaper products than before and much money is saved for other uses.

Second, multinational companies are large ones. They usually employ many people. For many hosting countries, they like to be helped by these companies to reduce the employment rate.

Third, for many hosting countries, they can learn advanced technology and management from multinational companies.

Fourth, taxes from multinational companies hold a large portion of financial incomes in many less developed countries.

But every coin has two sides. MNCs also bring threatens to hosting countries.

First, MNCs can achieve advantages in the competetion against local enterprises easily due to its scale and efficiency.

Second, MNCs tend to control governments of hosting countries by providing financial aid. As a result, many countries become dependent on these large corporations.

Third, operations of MNCs in other countries, especially the less developed countries, will lead to problems of environments.

Anywaw, MNCs have become a part of the world and we have to learn how to use them postively.

Multinational Business
The advantages of a multinational business are:

Gaining a strong foothold into the international market
Low-cost locations
Cheaper labor costs
Cheaper raw materials and distribution costs
Taking advantage of the many tax breaks offered by foreign countries
Access to new technologies and methods
Availability of government grants
Disadvantages include:

Trade restrictions imposed at the government-level
Taxes or tariffs imposed on imports from other countries
Limited quantities (quotas) of imports
Effective management of a globally dispersed organization

and these:
There are various advantages and the disadvantageos the multinational companies the host country. The main advantages are
as fallows
1.They are the source of income for the state government as it collects lots of the tax from them.

2.The seccand advantage is that it peovides enployement uppertunties to the local people and living standard of the people will increase.

3.It also trains the local people and the skill, effency, confidence of the local people will increase resulting the increase in the skilled manpower for the country.

4. Local people can use the goods of the international standard in the cheap price.

5. There will be the utilization of the local resources.

6. The ruputation of the country's product will increase in the international market.

There are certain disadvantages of the multinational companies to the host country. Which are stated below.
1. there may be the over exploitation of the resources(natural.human)
2. There may be the collapsing in the national companies due to the over influence if the multinaitoal companies.

3 These companies may influence in the internal affaiers of the country if the government policy is poor, so as to increase their monopoly.


Multinational companies usually provide a broader base of markets in which to sell their goods/services. This makes them somewhat more resilient in national depressions. However, it is also far more challenging to understand different cultures and their buying patterns without substantial market research. Likewise, many countries tend to be at least somewhat protectionist about their domestic companies and try to give them slight advantages via subsidies or tariffs. This means it is often risky and expensive to break into foreign markets. There are far more answers, but these are a few of the major ones

-Advantages for Multinational Purchasing and Global Sourcing Companies

Buyers may not get to touch and feel what they are buying but the case differs hugely when it is wholesale purchase, for example, in the case of global sourcing and multinational purchasing. While channelizing is rather simpler over the online market, as in the case of global sourcing and multinational purchasing companies, it is a bit tedious to entice loyaly with the retail consumer due to all the differences that keep retail online market separated from large multinational purchasing and global sourcing one.

Online market enjoys a clear edge when it comes to trade between multiple countries as in the case of global sourcing and multinational purchasing activities. Online market players will have established payment and supply channels with regular transactions with most of the associated activities being automated, thus eliminating chance human errors in the repetitive works. However, the global sourcing and multinational purchasing companies are pretty much aware of using online market for international transaction requires thorough insight of global rules and regulations about legal implications of their steps.

If multinational companies provide employment, infrastructure development and growth in economies, then on the other hand, there are various disadvantages of multinational companies. Firstly, multinational companies can severely impact the local industries because it increases the competition in the economy. Secondly, multinational companies can negatively impact the culture of the economy. Thirdly, because of the trade restrictions the multinational companies can face various problems. The availability of resources are limited in an economy and when multinational companies are opened then resources can get scarce. Moreover, though a company can grow because of investments brought by multinational companies but still the economies can grow more if the local investors make these investments.

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Nowdays, more and more multinational companies appeared rapidly with the help of the high technologies. What we can do is to develop ourselves and improve the ability to adjust this situation. We must be aware both advantages and disadvantages caused by these multinational companies.

The goods effects caused by this major trend make us stimulating. Firstly, multinational companies make the products global and the internal management is closer to global as well. Secondly, one multinational company well-cooperated with other enterprises abroad can collect the more professional information easily from different specialists. It can make the most of all recourses worldwide to make it competitive from all aspects and have more opportunities for products innovation.

However, the disadvantages are exited simultaneity. More financial supports must be needed to run one multinational company. Secondly, the different culture and conception may make some confliction.

Finally, as far as I am concerned, the advantages are overwhelmed the advantages of it, we should improve ourselves as much as we can to create more with this trend.

The Multinational Corporations (MNC) have expanded into new markets very quickly, the rise of MNC has become a concern. These companies manage production or deliver services in more than one countries and can have a powerful influence in local economies. And they play a great role in globalization.This report discusses the advantages and disadvantages of MNC.

Many big companies choose to wxpand their business overseas and benefit a lot in doing so.

First of all, by doing business in other countries, company can gain a strong foothold into the international market.The world top beverage producer Coca-Cola company is a good example. Established in 1892, Coca-Cola has expanded its business worldwide and gainde 48% market share of beverage in the world.

Secondly,a multinational corporation can take advantage of mand tax breaks offered by foreign countries. Many emerging nations , like China,India make a beneficial policy to foreign investors, in order to attract foreign capital to boost its local economy. In these countries, they can have a cheaper labor costs and cheaper raw materials and distribution.

Finally, the MNC can collect many original ideas and methods from local talent when they attempt to make theirs goods fit to the local market.


The MNC'x expansion has a great influence in the local market, so many medium-small sized companies may go bankrupt owing to the lack of a powerful fiancial support. The competition becomes fiecersly. Local government finds if necessary to impose taxes or tariffs on imports from other countries, in oder to protect the development of its local economy.

Secondly, running business overseas,MNC has to effectively manage the global dispersed organization. Cultural differences may block an effective exchange of ideas, and cause many trouble.

What's more, recruitment is a problem. The companies employ a great number of people. However, some companies may find it hard to find a skilled and professional worker, because the applicants may not be well trained or qualified to do the job. Training has to be arranged to make workers competent to the job and thus they can guarantee a hiagh quality product.

通许县18785223048: MNC是什么东东啊? -
壤田调经: 1,英文全称:MultiNationalCompany,多国公司.“多国公司”这一术语用以指那种拥有遍布全球的子公司或销售网络的大公司,对这类商业企业的另一种称法是“世界公司”; 2,移动网号(MNC),是一组十进制码,用以唯一地表示某个国家(由MCC确定)内的某一个特定的GSMPLMN网

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壤田调经: international company:国际公司=multinational company:多国公司;指由两个或两个以上国家的经济实体所组成,并从事生产、销售和其他经营活动的国际性大型企业.又称国际公司或多国公司.跨国公司的雏形最早出现在16世纪,成长于...

通许县18785223048: Multinational Company是什么公司的问题啊? -
壤田调经: 同学你好,很高兴为您解答!Multinational Company是跨国公司,多国公司的意思. 在几个国家经营的公司. 马上就要2015年下半年CMA资格考试了,在这里祝大家好好考试,每个人都超常发挥,取得好成绩! 希望我的回答能帮助您解决问题,如您满意,请采纳为最佳答案哟. 再次感谢您的提问,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道. 高顿祝您生活愉快!

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壤田调经: multinationals是跨国公司的意思 错不了的

通许县18785223048: multinational companies谁能帮我写个小作文250字就可以写出他的优点和缺点 用英文,谢谢啊~~非常感谢~~ -
壤田调经: Multinational Companies With the development of globalization, multinational companies play a more and more important role in modern society. Multinational companies benefit the world economy greatly and many countries have noticed the ...

通许县18785223048: multinational company(跨国公司)与global company(全球公司)区别在哪? -
壤田调经: multinational companies have investment in other countries, but do not have coordinated product offerings in each country. more focused on adapting their products and service to each individual local companies have invested and...

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