冰河世纪2的英文简介 短一点,十句话左右。

作者&投稿:佛曼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It\\'s a very good film.The animals in it all very lovely,and this cartoon make me happy.So funny!I love it very much,it is really worth watching.

冰河世纪2:消融 Ice Age: The Meltdown(2006)
While Skrat the Saber Toothed Squirrel is still ineffectually trying to regain his precious acorn, the misfit trio of Manny the Mammoth, Sid the Sloth and Diego the Sabretooth Tiger have settled down in an isolated valley with numerous other animals. However, the trio discover that the ice wall surrounding the valley is barely holding back a massive body of water behind it and it's melting state threatens to break and flood the valley. With their one chance of survival being a boat at the other end of the valley, the trio follow the desperate exodus there. Along the way, they meet Ellie, a female mammoth who is convinced she's a opossum like her brothers. While the strange group continues the trek, they must learn to get along even as Manny struggles to find some connection to this strange female who may be the only other one of his kind.

冰河世纪2:消融 Ice Age: The Meltdown(2006)


While Skrat the Saber Toothed Squirrel is still ineffectually trying to regain his precious acorn, the misfit trio of Manny the Mammoth, Sid the Sloth and Diego the Sabretooth Tiger have settled down in an isolated valley with numerous other animals. However, the trio discover that the ice wall surrounding the valley is barely holding back a massive body of water behind it and it's melting state threatens to break and flood the valley. With their one chance of survival being a boat at the other end of the valley, the trio follow the desperate exodus there. Along the way, they meet Ellie, a female mammoth who is convinced she's a opossum like her brothers. While the strange group continues the trek, they must learn to get along even as Manny struggles to find some connection to this strange female who may be the only other one of his kind.



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覃塘区18295107912: 冰河世纪2的英文简介 短一点,十句话左右. -
赞姿贝科: 冰河世纪2:消融 Ice Age: The Meltdown(2006)剧情简介:While Skrat the Saber Toothed Squirrel is still ineffectually trying to regain his precious acorn, the misfit trio of Manny the Mammoth, Sid the Sloth and Diego the Sabretooth Tiger have ...

覃塘区18295107912: 谁知道《冰河世纪2》的英文简介? -
赞姿贝科: 冰河世纪2:消融 Ice Age: The Meltdown(2006)剧情简介:While Skrat the Saber Toothed Squirrel is still ineffectually trying to regain his precious acorn, the misfit trio of Manny the Mammoth, Sid the Sloth and Diego the Sabretooth Tiger have ...

覃塘区18295107912: 冰河世界2内容简介 -
赞姿贝科:电影 冰河世纪2:冰川溶解 【领衔主演】约翰·雷吉扎默 奎恩·拉提法 丹尼斯·利里 【影片地区】卡通动画 【内容介绍】 在《冰河世纪2》中,地球上的冰河期就快要结束了,大大小小...

覃塘区18295107912: 冰河世纪的英文简介 -
赞姿贝科: 20,000 years before, our planet is entering an ice age. All kinds of animals begin immigrating to the south, seeking more warm climates. Sid, a sloth who never stops talking is left behind sleeping while everyone else begins the journey to the south. ...

覃塘区18295107912: 冰河时代2英语简介
赞姿贝科: Manny, Sid, and Diego are currently living in a large valley surrounded by an enormously high ice wall on all sides. When a water park begins to form, the trio discovers that the ice wall is actually a wall that is barely holding a massive body of water ...

覃塘区18295107912: 冰川时代2的介绍 -
赞姿贝科: 《冰川时代2》(Ice Age: The Meltdown)是一部2006年的美国动画电影,为电影《冰川时代》的续集,由蓝天工作室制作,二十世纪福克斯发行,卡洛斯·沙尔丹哈执导,雷·罗马诺,约翰·雷吉扎莫,丹尼斯·利瑞,西恩·威廉·斯科特主演配音.1影片主要讲述了曼尼、希德和迭哥又面临一个新的历险,冰河时代即将结束,动物们对于这个新的世界感到兴奋:一个融水的天堂,间歇喷发的泉水.但他们发现,数英里远,正在融化的一个冰川,将在他们的山谷引发一场大洪水,他们必须立即告诉大家,并且在洪水来临前,找到逃生之路.

覃塘区18295107912: 介绍下冰河世纪2
赞姿贝科: 片名:《冰河世纪2:消融》Ice Age 2:The Meldown 导演:卡洛斯·桑达纳Carlos Saldanha 编剧:乔恩·维蒂 Jon Vitti 配音:雷·罗曼诺Ray Romano, 约翰·雷吉扎莫John Leguizamo, 丹尼斯·利维Denis Leary, 奎恩·拉提法Queen ...

覃塘区18295107912: 谁有冰河世纪的英文概括或感想? -
赞姿贝科: Twenty thousand years ago, the Earth was being overrun by glaciers, and creatures everywhere were fleeing the onslaught of the new Ice Age. In this time of peril, we meet...

覃塘区18295107912: 快快快……冰河世纪英文简介
赞姿贝科: Back when the Earth was being overrun by glaciers, and animals were scurrying to save themselves from the upcoming Ice Age, a stupid sloth named Sid, a woolly mammoth named Manny, a saber-toothed tiger named Diego, and an acorn-loving ...

覃塘区18295107912: 冰河世纪2 英文影评 -
赞姿贝科: 这里找到几篇,仅供参考 ·The original Ice Age, released in 2002, was an undemanding kid's film: fast, fun and imaginative, it combined old-fashioned cartoon slapstick with a gently bantering script strong on family values. The sequel plays in ...

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