the pros and cons of television

作者&投稿:华喻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
pros and cons~

辞 源 典 故

the pros and cons

:: 第 254 期 :: 中文: 正反意见

解释: 用法源自拉丁语。pro在此是指in favor of(赞成)的意思;而con则是拉丁语contra的简写,指in opposition to, against(反对)。两者现在为英文的拉丁字根,大都当前缀(prefix)用,此词语严格来讲,不加s,而加s的the pros and cons是名词,指“赞成者和反对者的论据”。但这里的pro和我们常讲到的“比赛遇到 pro”的不一样,后者是professional(行家,老手)的简称,具体用法要注意上下文。例:
Let's add up the pros and cons.

When my son Norrin was first diagnosed with autism, many people asked if I would quit working. I knew why they asked. At the time of diagnosis, Norrin was 2-years-old, he had the cognitive level of a 14-month-old and the language level of a 7-month-old. We were offered 15-20 hours a week of home based ABA therapy, 15 hours of center based therapy (a special needs preschool) and 3 hours of speech therapy. It was also suggested that Norrin be evaluated for occupational and physical therapy. As a working parent, how was I going to fit all of this into our day? How could I be part of his therapy?

Quitting my job wasn’t an option. Our family needed two incomes. I talked to my boss and I rearranged my work schedule. And my husband, Joseph, did the same. We managed to make things work and still take turns participating in Norrin’s therapy sessions.

Joseph has a new job with much less flexibility, so now the bulk of responsibility falls on me…which can be stressful. I am lucky enough that my boss is understanding of our situation. I can’t work from home, but my hours are flexible – so long as I work my 35 hours.

On Wednesdays, I leave work at 1pm. It’s my day of the week to get home early, pick Norrin up from the bus (or from school) and be a part of his therapy sessions. It’s not much, but it helps. The other day a coworker made a comment on how she wished she had the perk of leaving early. I don’t consider leaving early one day a week to care for my special needs child much of a perk. Because if Norrin were a typical kid, I’d work a straight 9-5 or 8-4 like any other secretary.
┏ (^ω^)=☞

1.About The Pros And Cons Of Television
We all know television is now playing a very important part in our lives. It’s not only a convenient source of entertainment, but also a comparatively cheap one. It keeps one informed about current events, allows one to follow the latest developments in science and politics and offers an endless series of programmes which are both instructive and entertaining. And there are a lot of television programmes introduce people to things they never thought of before and have never heard of before. TV has been good company to those who do not work, like house wives, lonely old people and so on. Through these facts, may be you think that I regarded TV is the best thing for people. You must be joking. In fact, TV also plays a negative role in the world. I don’t want to talk about violence, but about how television gives children a false sense of reality. The greatest danger of television is that it presents a world to children that doesn’t exist, and leads them to expect things that never happen. For example, on the screen, the taxi driver is very polite, he will take you to wherever you want to. But in real life, it is difficult to find such a driver. Besides, in real life, you can’t get the service which is as good as the one on the screen. And the lawyer on the screen is quite different from the one in the real world. In real life, no lawyer will spend day and night looking for evidence to prove his client is innocent, unless the client can offer a higher price. Finally, we should come to the conclusion, if children grow up in the unreality, they won’t be able to handle the difficult situation in the future.
All in all, television is now playing a positive role when you treat it in a right way. Otherwise it’ll work against you.

2.TV or not TV? That is the question...

Television is one of the greatest inventions of all time. For example, at 2:56 am Greenwich Mean Time on July 20, 1969, we were able to watch in our living room Neil A. Armstrong step out of the lunar module of the Apollo 11 spacecraft and haltingly walk on the surface of the moon. We were witnessing a milestone in the history of humanity. Such is the potential power of TV to inform, inspire, and unite.

Yet, in its current state, TV produces more problems than it offers blessings. The first problem is no matter how noble our intentions are to watch only worthwhile programming, once we start watching, it is all too easy to become ensnared in its almost hypnotic power to keep us watching regardless of the banality of the content.

I'm changing the subject for a moment, but there's a reason for it, so please bear with me. Now and then, an insect will find its way into my home. No matter how small it is, once it's spotted, my cat remains transfixed, and finally "attacks" the bug. My cat's behavior is due to what is called the "orienting response." That simply means that sudden movement grabs my cat's attention. We, too, have inherited this primitive response; the purpose of which is to alert us to the dangers of possible predators. Ever jump in fear because of a shadow or cringe in horror when something unidentifiable quickly moved across your path? They are examples of the orienting response.

The rapidly flickering, ever changing colors and shifting contrast of the TV screen seem to have the same effect. That is, TV captivates and transfixes us. So, before long, we are watching not for the content, but for the contrast, change, and captivating swirl of images. That is the danger. We may decide to catch a one-hour educational program, but find ourselves immobilized by TV's power and end up "watching" longer than we originally planned.

The behavior of many viewers supports the claim that we watch TV because of its power rather than for its content. The behavior I'm referring to is eating junk food and guzzling beer or pop while watching TV. What has this behaviour got to do with the reason we watch TV? Well, you don't munch potato chips and drink beer while you're reading a book, do you? So, why is it done while watching TV? The answer is because TV is boring, and snacking helps to while the time away. By the way, according to a 1989 study by Larry Tucker at Brigham Young University, "Men who watch television three or more hours a day are twice as likely to be obese than men who watch for less than an hour."

TV also decreases one's attention span and weakens one's imagination. It weakens our attention span because we grow used to quick, short bursts of information. As a result, we grow impatient if it takes a while to make a point. TV weakens our imagination because everything is portrayed for us. All we have to do is sit back and observe someone else's imagination. Books are just the opposite. They increase our attention span and help to develop our imagination. We need to be more like Groucho Marx (1895 ~ 1977) who said, "I find television very educational. Every time someone switches it on I go into another room and read a good book."

The mesmerizing effect of TV brings us to an interesting paradox. You see, after a day's work, many like to regain some energy by first relaxing before the TV. But the "orienting response" and swirling TV images that I mentioned earlier result in information overload. This over stimulus of the brain sucks the energy right out of us. That's the paradox, we watch it with the hope of reenergizing, but get drained instead. Compare this with going to the gym for a workout after a tiring day at the office. Instead of growing more tired, we become energized. So, if you want more energy, far better to engage in some activity than to plop down in front of a TV.

Besides the hypnotic like effect it has, another major problem is the way it is used by those who own and run television stations and networks. TV is not made to entertain, educate, or enlighten us. It is made to sell products and services. To quote Dr. George Gerbner, Dean of the Annenburg School of Communications at the University of Pennsylvania, "Living with television means growing up in a world of about 22,000 commercials a year, 5,000 of them for food products, more than half of which are for low-nutrition sweets and snacks." TV, then, is the throbbing heart of the monster called consumerism. Women are forced to go to work and children see less and less of their parents, all so we can buy more and more of the stuff TV tells us is indispensable for happiness.

In the book "Abandoned in the Wasteland: Children, Television and the First Amendment" another paradox of TV is mentioned; mainly, "Every day, all across the United States, a parade of louts, losers and con-men whom most people would never allow in their homes enter anyway, through television." That brings us to the next issue, TV violence.

Doesn't the extraordinary amount of violence on TV have an adverse impact on society? Oh, I know intellectuals like to disagree with that point. For instance, Dick Cavett mocked the TV-violence debate by quipping, "There's so much comedy on television. Does that cause comedy in the streets?" His remark makes a nice sound bite, but shows little understanding of sociology. We are socialized. We are taught how to think and feel by society, which consists of our parents, peers, schools, churches, role models, and, yes, TV. Of course it has an impact. To deny that is to say advertisers spend billions of dollars on TV ads that don't work. That's silly. TV ads influence us, and so does everything else that appears on TV.

TV creates great harm not only by its influence, but also by what it prevents. Marie Winn makes this point clear in her book "The Plug-In Drug." She writes, "The primary danger of the television screen lies not so much in the behavior it produces - although there is danger there - as in the behavior it prevents: the talks, the games, the family festivities and arguments..." The three hours a day that the average person spends watching TV could be used in countless ways to grow. Want to master the art of digital imaging, write poetry, learn how to play a keyboard, study a foreign language, learn how to dance, or just get out and meet some interesting people? All that and more is possible simply by turning off the TV and using that time more wisely. There's much talk about life extension. People want to live longer. A 20-year-old man who watches TV three hours a day until the age of 70, could have extended his life six and a quarter years merely by turning off the TV. Shutting it off not only gets you to live longer, but to live BETTER.

I'm not suggesting TV is completely worthless. For example, I immensely enjoyed John Kerry's nomination acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention. Yet, I am saying that even in TV's finest moments, we could probably do better by turning it off. What do you think?

The Pros And Cons Of Television
We all know television is now playing a very important part in our lives. It’s not only a convenient source of entertainment, but also a comparatively cheap one. It keeps one informed about current events, allows one to follow the latest developments in science and politics and offers an endless series of programmes which are both instructive and entertaining. And there are a lot of television programmes introduce people to things they never thought of before and have never heard of before. TV has been good company to those who do not work, like house wives, lonely old people and so on. Through these facts, may be you think that I regarded TV is the best thing for people. You must be joking. In fact, TV also plays a negative role in the world. I don’t want to talk about violence, but about how television gives children a false sense of reality. The greatest danger of television is that it presents a world to children that doesn’t exist, and leads them to expect things that never happen. For example, on the screen, the taxi driver is very polite, he will take you to wherever you want to. But in real life, it is difficult to find such a driver. Besides, in real life, you can’t get the service which is as good as the one on the screen. And the lawyer on the screen is quite different from the one in the real world. In real life, no lawyer will spend day and night looking for evidence to prove his client is innocent, unless the client can offer a higher price. Finally, we should come to the conclusion, if children grow up in the unreality, they won’t be able to handle the difficult situation in the future.
All in all, television is now playing a positive role when you treat it in a right way. Otherwise it’ll work against you.

The Pros and Cons of Computer Television Today
When does a trend become the accepted way for things to get done? Is it when everyone jumps on the bandwagon? Perhaps, just when the major players do? Whatever the case, the computer television trend might no longer be considered one. It's become a fact of life, the new frontier for developers and creators.

With just about every major network in the United States, cable and regular broadcast alike, and a whole host of other networks worldwide all taking part in offering computer television, there's no denying the marriage between TV and the computer has been sealed.

This provides both good and bad news for TV fans. Let's look at some of the pros and cons of computer television:


* Variety. It's virtually impossible for a regular cable or even satellite company to beat the variety that's offered by computer television. With stations coming in from all over the world as they air or on demand, online viewing just provides a whole lot of choice. Plus, there's the fact there's a lot of independent developers out there, providing more choice.

* Added content. Many networks air their shows as they would on broadcast, and then add to the content via online means. This means special web episodes, comic books, blogs and a whole bunch of other vehicles that advance the plotline outside of regular means. This gives fans something to check out in between regular airing and also helps writers and creators develop better show storylines.

* Pricing. Computer television is perhaps the cheapest way going to get the most content. You can't beat the package deals out there on streaming TV or the per episode costs versus having to buy an entire season on DVD to pick up that one show you missed!

* Freedom. Since federal regulators haven't put their fingers in the pot as of yet, the content online can follow more natural conclusions. There's not as big of a fear of censor retribution online.


* If you're a TV fan and you don't happen to have a computer and a broadband connection, you could be missing a lot about your favorite shows.

* Almost too much. It's hard to say whether this one is a pro or con, but the fact is there is a lot out there to watch, a whole lot. Making choices can be difficult!

* Quality. Not all computer television is of the highest quality, or even legal for that matter. To ensure high quality, services are often the best route to go. Streaming video can be fantastic, but sometimes there will be hiccups even when viewed directly from the network in question. Downloads generally provide a bit of a higher quality.

* Legalities. Some computer television simply isn't legal. There are those out there that take copyrighted material and put it online without permissions. This is unethical and illegal. The real problem is it can be difficult to tell the difference.

Computer television has been embraced by networks all over the world and is being pushed as the natural progression of this medium. The fact is the trend is no more; computer television is here to stay.

the pros and cons of television
Nowadays, people constantly find themselves exposed to various TV programmes. TV is indeed necessary to people. As a western saying goes,”Every coin has two sides”. Watching TV also has both advantages and disadvantages.
Generally, the advantages can be listed as follows:
Firstly, you can expand your knowledge by watching TV. As we all know, learning things by TV is much faster than by listening to the radio or just by reading books. For it provide vivid pictures as well as wonderful music.
Secondly, you can know anyone you want to know. Such as famous singers, super stars, scientists and so on.
What’s more, you can go everywhere by traveling programs. Let’s suppose, if you like traveling very much, but you have to work on weekends or holidays, you must be very sad. And now open your TV and it’ll take you to anywhere.
The disadvantages of watching TV are obvious. Some TV programmes are misleading. For example, they are full of extramarital affaires, and people are inclined to think that life without an extramarital affaires is not a normal life. Some TV programmes bring spiritual contamination. Vulgar scenes appear on the TV screen. At the sight of them, people will feel uncomfortable. Thus people’s daily life is affected by the negative TV programmes.
Therefore a strict law law should be issued to keep TV programmes under proper control. Under the guidance of the law, I think, TV will play a better and better role in the future.


绍兴市17323642637: the pros and cons是什么意思 -
亥茗龙血: 优点和缺点.pros是优点,cons是缺点

绍兴市17323642637: the pro's and con's 啥意思? -
亥茗龙血: 这两个词都的辞源都来自拉丁语,本来的拼法不加s,pro本意为赞成,con本意是反对.con是拉丁文contra(反对)的缩写.pro我记不清是什么的缩写了,抱歉.加上s后,pros 和cons 变成名词,意思是支持性的观点和反对性的观点.如果说笼统些,是说事务的正反两面,所以我认为一些情况下可以用advantages 和disadvantages代替.英文电影《克莱默夫妇》中,克莱默先生曾经用一条线把白纸分成左右两部分,然后一边写“pros”,一边写“cons”,就是列出一件事的利弊两个方面.

绍兴市17323642637: the pro's and con's 啥意思? -
亥茗龙血: pro和con是哪个单词的缩写? 回答:pro: proposition 命题/正方 引伸义:有利因素 con: contradition 反驳/反方 引伸义:不利因素 我把这句话改成"权衡利弊",可否用weighing the advantages and disadvantages?回答:完全可以!

绍兴市17323642637: pros and cons -
亥茗龙血: 辞 源 典 故 the pros and cons :: 第 254 期 :: 中文: 正反意见 解释: 用法源自拉丁语.pro在此是指in favor of(赞成)的意思;而con则是拉丁语contra的简写,指in opposition to, against(反对).两者现在为英文的拉丁字根,大都当前...

绍兴市17323642637: pros and cons怎么翻译啊? -
亥茗龙血: pros and cons 英文发音:[prəʊz ənd kɒnz] 中文释义:利弊;优缺点 例句: We balanced the pros and cons of the situation. 我们考虑了正反两方面的情况. 词汇解析: 1、pros 英文发音:[prəʊz] 中文释义:n.赞成的意见,pro的复数 例句...

绍兴市17323642637: the pros and cons这里面两个缩写是哪两个词的缩写?实际这个词组发音时发完整的音还是缩写的音?
亥茗龙血: 他们均源自拉丁语的词根.pro在此是指in favor of(赞成)的意思;而con则是拉丁语contra的简写,指in opposition to, against(反对).他们只发缩写的音.

绍兴市17323642637: pros and cons是什么词的缩写 -
亥茗龙血: pro 来自于拉丁文 prō,支持的意思 con 来自于拉丁文 contrā,反对的意思 例句: The pros and cons cancel out. 正反两种意见抵消.

绍兴市17323642637: 可以用pros和cons单独造句吗? -
亥茗龙血: The pros and cons cancel out. 正反两种意见互相抵消. The pros and cons of strike action were discussed. 人们商讨了支持和反对罢工活动的论点.

绍兴市17323642637: theprosandconsofeach请问,pros和cons
亥茗龙血: pros and cons是固定词组,事情的正反面的意思. pro n.赞成(某事)的观点 con n.反对意见 它们本身就是存在的单词

绍兴市17323642637: 英语翻译请帮我翻译下面英语The pros and cons of something are its advantages and disadvantage,which you consider carefully so that you can make a ... -
亥茗龙血:[答案] 1.一个事物的“pros and cons(利弊)”指的是它的优缺点,为了做出理智决定,两者都需认真考虑.2.如果说一件(体积大的)东西伸展到一段距离,或者是延伸,通常是在指明它的大小或方位.注明:第一句话是作者对“pros an...

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