
作者&投稿:祁芝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语高手进 帮忙翻译一下啦~

Located in Sydney Harbour, surrouded by waters on three sides, Sydney Opera House is very wide and known all over the world by special architectural design.It looks like three triangles rising their heads looking forward to something eagerly by the river. The roof is white as a shell, hence enjoys the fame of " A quiet nun rising her head looking at the sky " .For it look like a white sailboat floating in the blue sea and comes the name of "sail roof theater"


Hello ,I think you look like my English teacher who was also my head teacher in high school so much since I have seen you .I remember that she was in a cheong-sam as you and she was so beatiful too when the first time I saw her .So , nice to meet you .I hope I am not the passenger who pasts you life .I could be your friend instead .


Hello, ever since to see you, I think you like my high school English teacher, that is my class, I remember the first time I see her when she is wearing a cheongsam, but also so beautiful, I am glad to understand the you, I hope I am not a passenger in your life can become friends.

Hello,ever since I have seen you,I think you look like my senier English teacher,that is my head teacher.I remembered that the first time I saw her,she also weared a cheong-sam as you.both of you are very beautiful.Do nice to meet you.I hope I am not a guest in your life and can be a friend of you.


Wen and Zhe are piggies,and they are innocent playmates.纹和哲是两只猪,从小青梅竹马.They lean close to and love each other very much.他们互相依偎,非常相爱.Zhe loot great care of Wen.哲无微不至地照顾着纹.He would leave the best to Wen at dinner.吃饭的时候,哲总会把最好的...

A:你在干什么呢,同学?What are you doing here?B:没干什么,享受自己的快乐生活.Nothing,I'm just enjoying my happy life.A:快乐生活?你不知道学生手册上规定,不准抽烟吗?、Enjoying your happy life? Don't you know the regulation of forbidding smoking in the student's handbook?B。:...

没有其它的语境了吗?intimidated 有威胁、恐吓、胁迫的意思,如果单看这个句子的话,翻译过来就是“我被售货员威胁”

反正 我回答的是正确的 除非有人再来复制我的 不信的话 你随便拉个韩国人 或者朝鲜族 问问 我回答的有没有错 无论是写发 还是发音方法 都是正确的 而且这些发音标记是正宗的韩国罗马标音 他们那一个个写的什么东西啊 哎 选不选我为最佳 这个决定权在你手里 主要还是为了能给你带来正确的帮助 ...

34. --对不起,我把我的作业忘在家里了。 --没事,不要忘记下午把它带到学校来。(I'm sorry that I left my homework at home.---Nothing serious(或It's OK),don't forget to bring it this afternoon.)35. 奶奶要求李锋帮她买些东西。(Grandma asked Li Feng to buy aomething for ...

那句话 我建议把MIO 放到 DIO 的前面来 HO PAURA DEL NUOTO...MIO DIO HO:我有 PAURA:害怕 DEL:的 NUOTO:游泳 MIO:我的 DIO:神、上帝 合起来就是 我害怕(怕)游泳...我的上帝啊

英语高手进,帮忙翻译一下,谢谢 第1题
拿到分再写下一篇 半个小时交货 最上面那两个一样 而且一看就翻译机做的 看第一句这什么啊 we recognize the 5 months,。。。楼上的 简简单单不代表语法就简简单单犯错 正文 My girl You must have been sleep now. But the thing that you don’t know is that I miss you so much even...

1 公共卫生间 공중화장실2 观光电梯 관광엘리베이터3 九莲潭 구연담4 天壶瀑布 천호폭포5 天梯 하늘사다리...

外语高手进 简单的文章 帮忙翻译下 谢谢
我来试试,见笑了:Love is a matter of difference 爱存关乎差异 Between you and me 你我之间的差异 Love is a matter of distance 爱在于距离 That you are too far away 你离我太远 Love is a matter of growing 爱是一种成长 And knowing true feelings 以懂得真实的感情 Love is a ...

Love..in comon 是不是为Love。。。in common 为都喜欢。。。nowadays 现在 linguist 语言学家 make a difference 使得有什么不同 quotation 引用 optimistic 乐观的,乐观主义的 identify 确定,认出,识别出 avarietyof是不是为a variety of 为多种的,各式各样的 ...

瓮安县18429781365: 英语高手进,帮忙翻译一个句子!谢谢! -
释仁羧甲: write the beginning letters and colour the sounds 写出首字母并且修饰它的声音 colour在这里作动词 vt.1. 涂颜色于,着色[O8] Tom coloured the picture red.汤姆将画涂成红色.The little girl was colouring pictures with crayons.这个小女孩正在用蜡笔在图画上涂颜色.2. 渲染;文饰;影响 Prejudice coloured his views.偏见影响了他的看法.

瓮安县18429781365: 英语高手进来 帮忙翻译 谢谢 -
释仁羧甲: 如下翻译就行:Maybe you have not known how the importance of you in my heart, that only I know . 希望以上能帮助你!

瓮安县18429781365: 英语高手请进,帮忙翻译一下这句话,谢谢 -
释仁羧甲: Through the exchange of students studying abroad to provide guidance and information to help students better suited to choose their own students, as well as provide advice to facilitate the study aims to help students have a better road to take abroad.

瓮安县18429781365: 请英语高手来帮忙翻译一下,...
释仁羧甲: 1.Be care the high temperature,please don't put your hand into the air outlet 2.Save on paper 3.Please take care of your property by yourself

瓮安县18429781365: 请英语高手帮忙翻译下 谢谢 急用 -
释仁羧甲: The predestination is that the day settle. If you have already can't accompany in the E nearby,So, I will say with smile to see again. Don't demand, not strong stay. If have him at you nearby.You will be happy. If get along with so, you can also smile of ...

瓮安县18429781365: 英语高手进 翻译一下 谢谢
释仁羧甲: 这样翻译: If you don't want to take notice of me, just tell me. I don't mind! 如果像楼上那样用Attention,应该是这样的不然有语法错误. If you don't want to pay attention to me, just tell me. I don't mind!

瓮安县18429781365: 英语高手进下,帮我翻译成中文,谢谢
释仁羧甲: 在这个世界上你可能是一个人(可以更好的翻译为:对于这个世界来说你是一个人),但是对于我来说你就是我的全世界. (最后一个单词"worl"应该不对,我认为是"world",意为世界.)

瓮安县18429781365: 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下,谢谢了!! -
释仁羧甲: 楼上的不要用翻译机器人应付人吧.这应该是一份做外贸的公司的条款单,我比较熟悉一些.1、不可分拆装运(装船),并请严格遵守贵方在报价单中提供的交货期.2、部分订单:请说明购买方是否有权购买部分货品.3、建议交货期:在接...

瓮安县18429781365: 英语高手进,帮忙翻译一下,谢谢nbsp;nbsp;第1题 -
释仁羧甲: 拿到分再写下一篇nbsp;半个小时交货nbsp;最上面那两个一样nbsp;而且一看就翻译机做的nbsp;看第一句这什么啊nbsp;wenbsp;recognizenbsp;thenbsp;5nbsp;months,...........楼上的nbsp;简简单单不代表语法就简简单单...

瓮安县18429781365: 英文高手来帮忙翻译下,谢谢! -
释仁羧甲: 晕死楼上的翻译!你可能感冒了,需要休息一下,还有就是晚上睡觉的时候不要直接让电扇对这你吹

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