
作者&投稿:能霄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语八大时态变成被动语态的句子要翻译!!!!! 急急急!!!~

His homework is usually finished at 9pm.他一般晚上9点完成作业。

The house is being built these days. 这些天房子正在建设中。
The road has been constructed since last week. 上周这条路就施工完毕了。
The laptop was sent to the shop for repair yesterday. 昨天把笔记本电脑送店里维修了。
5. 过去进行时
The radio was being repaired when you called me. 你打电话的时候,我正在修理收音机。

6. 过去完成时
The book had been returned to you before I went for tranvelling. 我去旅行前就把书还给你了。

7. 一般将来时
This movie will be played in the cinema next week. 这部电影将在下周上映。

无被动语态。按照语法逻辑,将来被动时的结构为will be being done,但实际不存在。
The bike will have been repaired when you come to me at the week. 周末你过来的时候,自行车应该已经修好了。


eg: He waters the flowers every day.
The flowers are watered by him every day.

eg: He took care of his little brother yesterday.
His little brother was taken care of by him yesterday

例句:Helen is writing a letter.
A letter is being written by helen.

eg:He was making a model plane.
A model plane was being made by him.

主语+be going to be+动词过去分词
eg:They will clean the windows tomorrow.
The windows will be cleaned by them.

主语+was/were going to be +动词过去分词
eg:He said he would finish the project by the time we reached there.
He said the project would be finished by the time we reached there.

主语+have/has + been+动词过去分词
eg:he has sung a nice song.
A nice song has been sung by him.

八) 过去完成时
主语+had +been +动词过去分词
eg:He had posted the letter .
The letter had been posted by him.

一) 一般现在时
eg: He waters the flowers every day.
The flowers are watered by him every day.
eg: He took care of his little brother yesterday.
His little brother was taken care of by him yesterday


例句:Helen is writing a letter.

A letter is being written by helen.

eg:He was making a model plane.
A model plane was being made by him.

主语+be going to be+动词过去分词
eg:They will clean the windows tomorrow.
The windows will be cleaned by them.

主语+was/were going to be +动词过去分词
eg:He said he would finish the project by the time we reached there.
He said the project would be finished by the time we reached there.

主语+have/has + been+动词过去分词
eg:he has sung a nice song.
A nice song has been sung by him.

八) 过去完成时
主语+had +been +动词过去分词
eg:He had posted the letter .
The letter had been posted by him.

1.一般现在时: be+ v-ed(表示动词的过去分词)2.一般过去时:was\/were+ v-ed. 3.一般将来时:will be +v-ed.4. 过去将来时:would have bee 5. 现在进行时:is\/am\/are being+ v-ed6. 过去进行时:was\/were being +v-ed 7. 现在完成时:has\/have been +v-ed8. 过去完成时:...

八大时态的被动语态 要简单明了
八种时态的被动语态:(变 be 的时态即可,done不动)1、一般现在时:am \/ is\/ are + done Granny looks after the little girl every day.→The little girl is looked after by Granny every day.奶奶每天照顾那个小女孩。2、一般过去时:was \/were + done My aunt brought up me.→I was...

英语所有时态 的被动语态句型 谢谢~
挑了中学英语中最常用的八种时态,其被动语态结构如下:1.一般现在时:am\/is\/are + 过去分词 2.一般过去时:was\/were + 过去分词 3.一般将来时:will\/shall be + 过去分词 或 am\/is\/are going to be + 过去分词 4.现在进行时:am\/is\/are being + 过去分词 5.过去进行时:was\/were being...

一般现在时:am\/is \/are done 现在进行时:am\/is\/are being done 现在完成时has\/have been done 一般过去时was \/were done 过去完成时had been done 过去进行时was\/were being done将来时 will be done 过去将来 would be done ;情态动词 +be done ...

(1)一般现在时的被动语态:am [is,are]+过去分词 (2) 一般过去时的被动语态:was [were]+过去分词 (3) 一般将来时的被动语态:will be+过去分词 (4) 现在完成时的被动语态:have [has]been+过去分词 (5) 过去完成时的被动语态:had been+过去分词 (6) 现在进行时的被动语态:am [is,are...

3、一般将来时:will\/shall be+given 4、过去将来时:would be+given 5、现在进行时:am\/is\/are being+given 6、过去进行时:was\/were being+given 7、现在完成时:has\/have been+given 8、过去完成时:had been+given 9、将来完成时:will\/shall have been+given 英语中被动语态的构成不...

1、一般现在时的被动语态构成:is \/ am \/ are + 及物动词的过去分词 Our classroom is cleaned everyday.我们的教室每天都打扫。2、一般过去时的被动语态构成:was \/ were + 及物动词的过去分词 Dinosaur eggs were laid long long ago.恐龙蛋是很久以前就产的。3、现在完成时的被动语态构成:has...

是的,但是它还有不同时态时不同的语法.被动语态的语法:1)一般现在时的被动语态构成: is\/am\/are+ 及物动词的过去分词 2) 一般过去时的被动语态构成: was\/were+及物动词的过去分词 3)现在完成时的被动语态构成: have\/has+been+及物动词的过去分词 4) 一般将来时的被动语态构成: will+be+...

一般现在时 is\/am\/are+done 现在进行时 is\/am\/are+being done 现在完成时 have\/has+been done 一般过去时 was\/were+done 过去进行时 was\/were+being done 过去完成时 had been done 过去将来时 would be done 一般将来时 was\/were done 不知道这是不是你说的八种时态,其他比较常用的还有:现在...

一般现在时do-is\/are done 现在进行时is\/are doing-is\/are being done 现在完成时has\/have done-has\/have been done 一般过去时did-was\/were done 过去进行时was\/were doing-was\/were being done 过去完成时had done-had been done 一般将来时will do-will be done 将来进行时will be doing-...

赞皇县13454003083: 用英语八大被动时态各写一个句子(废话就不要进来了!!!)
源蚂刺五: 一) 一般现在时 被动语态: 主语+be+动词过去分词+by(加宾格) eg: He waters the flowers every day. The flowers are watered by him every day. 二)一般过去时 被动语态:主语+was\were+动词过去分词 eg: He took care of his little brother ...

赞皇县13454003083: 8种时态的被动语态造句 每种时态各造2个句子,共造16个句子.一般现在时的被动语态:一般过去时的被动语态:一般将来时的被动语态:现在进行时的被动... -
源蚂刺五:[答案] 1. 一般现在时 Rice is grown in the south of the states. 大米长在南方的州上. We are not allowed to enter the chemistry lab without a teacher. 我们不允许在没有老师陪同的情况下进入实验室. 2. 一般过去时 T...

赞皇县13454003083: 求英语被动语态的八大时态的例句 -
源蚂刺五:[答案] 、语态概述 英语的语态是通过动词形式的变化表现出来的.英语中有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态. 主动语态表示主语是动作的执行者.巧记为:主动、主动、主去动. 例如:Many people speak English. 谓语:speak的动作是由主语many people来执...

赞皇县13454003083: 被动语态各时态的造句各一句 -
源蚂刺五: 被动语态的时态由被动结构“be+过去分词”中的动词be来体现,其基本结构和用法如下: (1)一般现在时的被动语态:am [is, are]+过去分词 (2) 一般过去时的被动语态:was [were]+过去分词 (3) 一般将来时的被动语态:will be+过去分...

赞皇县13454003083: 被动语态的八种结构各造一句并且翻译,急急急急急急急!!!! -
源蚂刺五: 1一般现在时 My computer is used by me ev...

赞皇县13454003083: 英语八大时态例句并变为被动语态,每个时态写两个例句,并分别变为被动语态,哪位英语高手帮帮忙,谢谢了! -
源蚂刺五: 一般现在时:1. She teaches us English.English is taught by her. 2. We see her enter the house every day.She is seen to enter the house every day.一般过去时:1. He gave me a present yesterday.I was given a present by him yesterday.2. They ...

赞皇县13454003083: 求英语各种动词时态的被动语态的被动语态例句. -
源蚂刺五: 一般现在时 am/is/are +p.p. 2. 一般过去时 was/were +p.p. 3. 一般将来时 will/shall/be +p.p. is /am/are going to be +P.P. 4. 现在完成时 have/has been +p.p. 5. 过去完成时 had been + p.p. 6. 现在进行时 am/is/are being + p.p. 7. 过去进行时 was/were ...

赞皇县13454003083: 用英语八种时态and情态动词 主动句变被动句造句 每种造两个句子 -
源蚂刺五: 英语八大时态: 一般现在时eg.1. She sings with the band Crazy Boy. 2. I don't think you are right. 一般过去时eg.1. Suddenly,the clouds cleared and the rain stopped. 2. I was very thin in my childhood. 一般将来时eg.1. I will not be free tomorrow. 2. ...

赞皇县13454003083: 用英语八大时态各造十句话,在选五句改成被动语态的句子, -
源蚂刺五:[答案] 一)一般现在时 被动语态: 主语+be+动词过去分词+by(加宾格) eg:He waters the flowers every day. The flowers are watered by him every day. 二)一般过去时 被动语态:主语+was\were+动词过去分词 eg:He took care of his little brother yesterday. ...

赞皇县13454003083: 英语八大时态及其被动语态的造句 -
源蚂刺五: 一说到时态,主要是涉及动作发生的时间,分为过去,现在,将来,着重动词的变形,四种变形,在原形后面变化, 原形(一般现在时,将来时) 原形词尾加s或es(一般现在时主语第三单), 现在分词(进行时),过去式(一般过去时), ...

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