美国 Calvary Schools of Holland学校信息

作者&投稿:坚郊 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
密歇根州Holland的Calvary Schools of Holland 学校在什么位置?周边环境怎么样呢?社会治安情况好不好?~

地址是 518 Plasman Ave. Holland MI. 49423 就在密歇根州渥太华县荷兰镇







Elementary Campus on Plasman Avenue 小学校园Plasman大道

Secondary Campus on 147th Avenue 第147中学校园大道

In beautiful Holland, Michigan 美丽的荷兰,密歇根州 , , Calvary 髑髅 provides a comprehensive educational experience emphasizing outstanding academic preparation and spiritual development. 提供了一个全面的教育经验 , 强调优秀学术准备和精神方面的发展。 A school striving to train servant leaders and build Christian character. 学校努力培养和建立公务员领导人基督教特征。 A community devoted to sharing the love of God and training students to take His love to the "uttermost parts of the world." 社区致力于分享上帝的爱和培训的学生 , 利用他的爱情的“ uttermost世界各地。 ”

Students commute from 学生通勤 the Hamilton 汉密尔顿 , Zeeland, and Port Sheldon aread to our ,泽兰,港口谢尔登aread我们 Holland 荷兰 campuses to be a part of our unique family. Students know that at CSH, faculty and staff are dedicated to their well-being, both academically and spiritually. Both faculty and staff support and pray for students and their families, considering the 校园是一个独特的一部分 , 我们的家庭。学生知道 , 在肽和教职员工致力于他们的福祉,双方在学术和精神。两国和教职员工的支持和祈祷的学生和他们的家庭,考虑到 Calvary 髑髅 experience an extension of teaching provided at home by conscientious parents. 经验的延伸 , 提供教学的良心在家里的父母。

•Fully accredited through ACSI and NCA 认可通过ACSI和国家版权局 challenging academic and spiritual preparation 具有挑战性的学术和精神准备 •Strategic small school model builds a unique community 战略小型学校模式建立了一个独特的社会

From Pre-Kindergarten through a student's senior year in High School, Calvary Schools provides a unique educational experience for a wide range of ages stressing discipleship for all ages. 从学前教育幼儿园到学生的年级高中,各各学校提供了一个独特的教育经验 , 为各种各样的年龄强调门徒不分年龄人人共享的。 Calvary 髑髅 equips children for a life of serving Christ. 配备儿童的生活服务基督。

Choosing the place for a child's education is one of the most important decisions a parent will ever make. It is Calvary's mission and privilege to teach and model academic and spiritual excellence that will last a lifetime. 选址孩子的教育是最重要的一个决定的父母都不会作出。这是髑髅的使命和特权教导和示范的学术和精神追求卓越 , 将持续终生。

Now is the time to consider enrolling your student at Calvary Schools of 现在是时间来考虑你的学生在报读学校的髑髅 Holland 荷兰 . We are currently accepting applications for the 2009-2010 school year. 。目前 , 我们正在接受申请 2009-2010年学年。
You may refer to the Admissions Page for more information about the application process, tuition rates, campus tours and more. 您可以参阅招生网页 , 详细了解申请程序,学费利率,校园参观等。
Or, feel free to contact our Director of Admissions, Heather Wiersma at 616.396.4494 or info@cshk12.org 或者,请随时与我们的招生办公室主任,希瑟维尔斯曼在616.396.4494或info@cshk12.org

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Attention: We are currently seeking information on CSH and former CBS Alumni. Please help us update our records by contacting us 注意:目前 , 我们正在寻求的信息肽和前哥伦比亚广播公司校友。请帮助我们更新我们的记录与我们联系
at info@cshk12.org 在 info@cshk12.org

RenWeb ParentsWeb login RenWeb ParentsWeb登录

Weather for Holland, MI 天气荷兰,美国密执安
Mostly Cloudy 70°F (Feels like 70°F)多云70 ℃函数f (感觉就像70 ℉ )
High/Low: N/A°F / 71°F高/低:无/阿°的F / 71 ° F
Tonight: Scattered T-Storms今晚:散乱的T斯托姆斯
Weather data provided by weather.com®所提供的气象数据weather.com ®
Aug 22 (All Day) 8月22日(全天)

Varsity Boys Soccer vs Heritage Christian Tournament at Heritage Christian 大专学生对传统足球赛事遗产基督教基督教
Aug 25 5:30 pm 8月25日下午5:30

JV Girls Volleyball vs Howardsville Christian at Howardsville Christian 合资公司与Howardsville女子排球Howardsville基督教在基督教
Aug 25 7:00 pm 8月25日下午 7 时00分

Varsity Girls Volleyball vs Howardsville Christian at Howardsville Christian 大专女子排球与Howardsville基督教基督教在Howardsville

More... 更多...
Aug 24 6:00 pm 8月24日下午6:00

School Bd. 学校蓝光。 Mtg. MTG的。
Aug 24 8月24日

Teacher Retreat 教师务虚
Aug 26 8月26日

Teacher In-Service 教师服务

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We are currently accepting applications for new students.我们目前正在接受申请的学生。 Space is limited.空间是有限的。 Please schedule an appointment or contact us today.请安排预约,或与我们今天的会议。

Ask about our Scholarship Program!询问我们的奖学金计划!






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