
作者&投稿:郭苑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Can she be a doctor?

He is a doctor and I am also a doctor.

He is a doctor and I am also a doctor.

she is a doctor,isn't she?

is she a doctor?

Is she a doctor?

Is she a doctor?

Is she a doctor?

What does your uncle do? He is a doctor.How old is Mike? He is 13 years old.Is Tom a Junior student in middle school? Yes, he is.Where are you from? China.

要看你怎么用:excuse me,是用在询问别人时。比如:excuse me,could you please help me?打扰一下,请问您可以帮我一个忙吗?disturb.也是打扰的意思,比如酒店房间外都可以挂上:no disturb,请勿打扰

英语和罗曼语族的语言,doctor表医生的意思是从doctor of medicine缩略而来,来源于拉丁语doceo教授的意思。doctor表博士的意思直接从doceo, to teach引申而来。二者算是来源于一个词。其余的日耳曼语族语言、斯拉夫语族语言,本身词汇里医生来源于其他的词汇,而博士是从拉丁语引入。但陆续后来都引入了...

he is a doctor.

用英语回答:  他是一个医生。(变一般疑问句)?
He is a doctor.一般疑问句:Is he a doctor?


For example: The doctor may allow her to return to work next week.Phrases and collocations related to doctors include:1. Private doctor 2. Clinician 3. Diagnostician 4. Flying doctor 5. Doctor on duty 6. Barefoot doctor (part-time paramedical workers in rural China in the 1960s...

回答:you are a doctor。

在表达你的梦想时,使用"be a"是为了表示成为某种角色或职业。在这种情况下,"be"是一个动词,用来指示状态或身份,而"a"则是一个冠词,用于指代一种角色或职业。具体到你的例子,"成为一名医生"可以用英语表达为"be a doctor"。这个结构中,"be"表示状态或身份,"a"指代一个具体的职业(医生)...

vt.& vi. 医疗,行医 vt. 修理,装配;假造;搀杂;修改,修饰 医生的另一种说法:medical man 英 [ˈmedikəl mæn] 美 [ˈmɛdɪkəl mæn]例句 1、As a medical man, have you enjoyed my work?身为一个医务人士你喜欢我的杰作吗?2...

达坂城区13221398090: 请帮把下面句子改为英文1.我与人和钱打交道.2.你姐姐在哪工作? - 在医院工作.3.她是干什么的? - 她是一名医生. -
寿花赛尼:[答案] 1. I am dealing with people and money. 2. where are your sister working at? She's working in the hospital. 3. what does she do? She's a doctor.

达坂城区13221398090: 是一位医生用英语怎么说 -
寿花赛尼: be(am is are was were,其中一者) a doctor

达坂城区13221398090: 五年前她是一个医生.用英语怎么说 -
寿花赛尼: She was a doctor after five years

达坂城区13221398090: She is a doctor.为什么要加个a -
寿花赛尼: 你想问的是,为什么中文说“她是医生”,英文非得要加上一个“a”,用来表示数量的词吧?——我来告诉你,这就是英语和中文在习惯上体现出来的不同.中文说别人职业的时候,直接说,他是警察,他是医生,就可以了;而英文在习惯上...

达坂城区13221398090: 他是一名医生 用英语怎么说 -
寿花赛尼:[答案] He is a doctor.

达坂城区13221398090: 她是我喜欢的老师英文,she is 后面有四个单词 -
寿花赛尼: 她是我喜欢的老师 全部释义和例句>>She is my favorite teacher.她是我喜欢的老师 全部释义和例句>>She is my favorite teacher.

达坂城区13221398090: 他是一名医生 用英文怎么说? -
寿花赛尼: He is a doctor.

达坂城区13221398090: 你的姐姐是一名医生吗?的英文否定回答 -
寿花赛尼: No, my sister is not a doctor. 不,我的姐姐不是医生

达坂城区13221398090: 李艳的阿姨是一个医生改为一般疑问句并做一种回答英语译文 -
寿花赛尼: 李艳的阿姨是一个医生.Li Yan's aunt is a doctor. 一般疑问句:Is Li Yan's aunt a doctor? 肯定回答:Yes,she is. 否定回答:No,she isn't.

达坂城区13221398090: 他他他是一个医生还是护士英语 -
寿花赛尼: 他他他是一个医生还是护士 He is a doctor or a nurse.他他他是一个医生还是护士 He is a doctor or a nurse.

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