
作者&投稿:叱干奇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Read all about it.
The snow.
Touble is a friend.
Pretty boy.
Only love.
Anytime you need a friend.

a little love
歌手的嗓音很甜美很甜美 有一点小女生的感觉
声音很轻 这首歌能让你忘记烦恼
听一下 相信你会喜欢

这几首的发音都比较纯正,特别是Celine Dion的歌,我个人的最爱就是Sarah Connor的 Christmas in My Heart和Celine Dion的In His Touch及
A new day has come

Celine Dion的
A new day has come

A new day has come
I was waiting for so long
For a miracle to come
Everyone told me to be strong
Hold on and don't shed a tear
Through the darkness and good times
I knew I'd make it through
And the world thought I had it all
But I was waiting for you
Hush, love
I see a light in the sky
Oh, it's almost blinding me
I can't believe
I've been touched by an angel with love
Let the rain come down and wash away my tears
Let it fill my soul and drown my fears
Let it shatter the walls for a new, new sun
A new day has... come
Where it was dark now there's light
Where there was pain now there's joy
Where there was weakness, I found my strength
All in the eyes of a boy
Hush, love
I see a light in the sky
Oh, it's almost blinding me
I can't believe
I've been touched by an angel with love
Let the rain come down and wash away my tears
Let it fill my soul and drown my fears
Let it shatter the walls for a new, new sun
A new day has... come
A new day has... come
Let the rain come down and wash away my tears
Let it fill my soul and drown my fears
Let it shatter the walls for a new, new sun
A new day has... come
A new day has... come
Ohhh, a light
Hush, now
I see a light in your eyes
All in the eyes of the boy
I can't believe
I've been touched by an angel with love
I can't believe
I've been touched by an angel with love
Hush, now

Celine Dion 的 In His Touch

Forgive me
Don't know where to start
I guess we've come to
The serious part
I need to find out
If there's a chance
For us...

Don't give me that same old look
It won't win me over
Don't give me that same old speech
You don't have to speak at all

You can say you love me
That I'm your perfect crush
How it hurts to need someone that much
You can swear you mean it
But that ain't good enough
Cuz when a man loves a woman it is all
In his touch...

I wish you could see (yeah)
Just how simple
It's supposed to be
'Cause now that we've come this far
We don't want to lose it
If you wanna win my heart
Baby just shut your mouth

You can say you love me
That I'm your perfect crush
How it hurts to need someone that much
You can swear you mean it
But that ain't good enough
Cuz when a man loves a woman it is all
In his touch...

Then words don't mean that much

You can say you love me
That I'm your perfect crush
How it hurts to need someone that much
You can swear you mean it
But that ain't good enough
Cuz when a man loves a woman it is all
In his touch...

Sarah Connor的 Christmas in My Heart

every time we say goodbye
there is something breaking deep inside
I try to hide my feelings to keep myself controlled
but somehow I can't deny what's deep inside my soul
after always on the run
so many different places having fun
but like river always knows just where to flow
now that disevery comes a feel like coming home
it's Christmas in my heart when I'm with you
no matter where we are or what we do
tomorrow maybe great
we may be torn apart
but if you stay tonight
It's Christmas in my heart
It's Christmas in my heart
I don't know how just stay alive
without your touch without you by my side
just like the deserts always waiting for the rain
oh baby I wish the holly night will come again
it's Christmas in my heart when I'm with you
no matter where we are or what we do
tomorrow may be great
we may be torn apart
but if you stay tonight
it's Christmas in my heart
everywhere I could and everywhere I know
it makes a lots of wishes for a same o'clock
but what I really need tonight is for you to come and hold me tight
what a Christmas without you here by my side
I need you tonight
it's Christmas in my heart when I'm with you
no matter where we are or what we do
tomorrow maybe great
we may be torn apart
baby if you stay tonight for Christmas
you'll fulfill at all my wishes
if you stay tonight it's Christmas in my heart
it's Christmas in my heart

Backstree Boys,N'Sync,Britney Spears合唱的
Let The Music Heal Your Soul

Oh if someone writes a song
With a simple sound
Just a song, where his feelings show
And if someone feels the same
About that simple song
Oh, sometimes, you can hear them say
Music gives you happiness or sadness
But it also, it also heals your soul

Let the music heal your soul
Let the music take control
Let the music give you the power to move any mountain

Oh, if someone plays piano
With some simple chords
So melodic, and endearing too...
I know if someone plays guitar
With the old piano
And maybe, you can hear them sing
Music gives you happiness or sadness
But it also, also heals your soul

Let the music heal your soul
Let the music take control
Let the music give you the power to move any mountain
oh yes...
Let the music heal your soul
Let the music take control
Let the music heal your soul
oohhh, oh yes...

Let the music heal your soul
Let the music take control
(In your soul...)
Let the music heal your soul
(heal your soul...)
Let the music take control
Let the music take control
Let the music heal your soul
Let the music take control
Oh yes...
Let the music heal your soul
Everybody sing...

Let the music take control
(Let the music take control)
Let the music heal your soul
Let it heal your soul...)
Let the music take control
Let the music heal your soul
Let the music take control...

Ricky Martin 的
You Stay With Me

Met you underneath the moon
Night was over much too soon
We shared a kiss till daylight came
And kissed the night goodbye
When the sun came up that day
We smiled and went our separate ways
But I can't leave the thought of you behind
Oh, you stay with me
You stay with me
Oh, in my heart
And on my mind
Oh, like a melody that keeps haunting me
Oh, you stay
I look inside the small cafés
And hope by chance I'll see your face
I hear your voice and realize
It's just the summer wind
Something in your eyes that night
Swept away this heart of mine
Now I just want you in my arms again
Oh, you stay with me
You stay with me
Oh, in my heart
And on my mind
Oh, like a melody that keeps haunting me
Oh, you stay
How was I to know in that one night
My whole life would change
From the moment I looked in your eyes
I've never been the same
And if I could have one chance to have that
Moment back again
I'd never let it end
I'd never let it end
Met you underneath the moon
Night was over much too soon
We shared a kiss till daylight came
And kissed the night goodbye
When the sun came up that day
We smiled and went our separate ways
But I can't leave the thought of you behind
Oh, you stay with me
You stay with me
Oh, in my heart
And on my mind
Oh, like a melody that keeps haunting me
Oh, you stay

先从westlife和布兰妮等的歌开始听吧 歌词都比较简单
还有blue 野人花园的都不错 处级者可以听听


孩子学英语的最佳年龄 几岁是学英语的最佳时期

想学英语 推荐适合学习英语的 电视剧
1.生活类的适合下饭的剧 《老友记》类似爱情公寓的故事,每集有不一样的故事,情节和语言都很生活化,虽然可能时间有点久远了,但是里面的一些语言还是很值得学习的。《查理成长日记》一家人,几个熊孩子的故事,是家里的大孩子为自己刚出生的小妹妹录视频的形式,很多搞笑无厘头的片段,迪士尼出品,有...

适合小学生免费学英语的软件有人教点读、纳米盒、51点读、鲤鱼辅导、有道少儿思维、之江汇等。1、人教点读 人教点读APP由人民教育出版社官方出品,是专为中小学生量身打造的优质学习资源产品。2、纳米盒 纳米盒APP是一款风靡全国7000多万中小学生的在线学习APP,配套全国主要教材,为中小学生提供正版专业的语...



初步学英语,推荐英语流利说、多邻国和百词斩等软件。推荐的这些软件都是非常适合初学者学习英语的,每个软件都有其独特的特点和优势。下面详细介绍这些软件:一、英语流利说 英语流利说是一款集口语、听力、阅读于一体的英语学习软件。它采用真实场景模拟,通过互动对话的方式帮助学习者练习口语和听力。初学者...

对于中年人来说,学习英语不仅需要耐心和毅力,还需要适合的学习材料。以下是为零基础的中年人推荐的一些英语学习书籍:基础语法学习 《English Grammar in Use》:这本书是语法学习的经典之作,其内容分为基础(红色封面)、中级(蓝色封面)和高级(绿色封面),使学习者可以按照自身水平逐步深入学习。新...

有没有好听的英文歌推荐一下 适合写作业时听的那种
1. 《Negative Things》和《Beautiful Birds》等歌曲旋律柔和,节奏平静,非常适合在学习英语时聆听。2. 经常接触英文歌曲能够有效提升语感。在语言学习过程中,语感是非常关键的一个环节。例如,在阅读或听到一个中文句子时,我们通常会首先感知其是否流畅自然,而不是立即分析其语法结构或成分。3. 在日常...


石棉县19211831955: 推荐几首适合学英文的歌曲,要好听的 -
机叶丁禾: 1、3、Flying without wings 4、I have a dream/Seasons in the sun 5、Fool again 6、Against all odds (with Mariah Carey) 7、My Love 8、Uptown girl 9、I say my love on you 10、When you're looking like that 11、Queen of my heart 12、World of ...

石棉县19211831955: 想要几首适合学英语的歌曲 -
机叶丁禾: Missy Higgins ——Sugarcane Sons Of Day ——Oceans Deep Timbaland ——Apologize Lene Martin ——Sitting Down Here David Cook ——The Time Of My Life 西城——Something Right ——You Raise Me Up Craig David——Unbelievable 上面这些的节奏都不很快,歌词也很少有俚语,发音很清晰希望对你有帮助.但是,如果想练口语希望能多听一些语音材料,背诵和跟读才是正道

石棉县19211831955: 最近学英语,帮忙给推荐些英语歌.最好是不出名又好听的.出名好听的大家都知道哈~~感激不尽!!
机叶丁禾: 推荐Secondhand Serenade的专辑A Twist In My Story 超好听的 是今年的新专辑 主唱也很帅 大部分歌很舒缓 单词发音很清晰 仔细听都能听懂 挺适合学英语听的

石棉县19211831955: 推荐几首提高英语听力的歌曲? -
机叶丁禾: 我的英语也在修炼期.常找一些好听又简单的曲子.共享一下吧.希望你喜欢:dance with my father\ Come Away With Me(norah jones 号称爵士公主)\ The Last Waltz\ kiss from a rose (seal的)\ Ready for the Times to Get Better only love (Trademark,还有很多好歌) 是不同人的歌,有的比较老,节奏慢很抒情,很好听.还有台湾新出道的王若琳也唱爵士,家学渊源,才华横溢,很棒,成名曲Start From Here \For No Reason等等 .

石棉县19211831955: 什么英语歌曲适合学英语 -
机叶丁禾: 嘻哈,摇滚,等等这些快节奏的音乐听起来比较吃力. 还是听一些慢节奏的punk,抒情的音乐,美国乡村也好,慢一些的吧《as i lay down》《wake me up when spetember ends》《apologize》《don't speak》《let it be》《nothing's gonna change my love for you》等等,不过你要喜欢听才能事半功倍,还要看懂歌词.

石棉县19211831955: 推荐几首好听的英文歌曲,有助于英语学习的~~~ -
机叶丁禾: 比较慢、比较清晰的的适合练习听力. God is a girl Because of you burning my loveif I let you go show me the meaning of being alone

石棉县19211831955: 求几首英文歌曲,最好是适合学英语的..10首以上我给补分..谢谢.
机叶丁禾: 《she》《burning》《trouble is a friend》《maybe I love you》《force of nature》 《wrote me out》《are you ready》 《moonlight shadow》《poison》《god is a girl》

石棉县19211831955: 求一些简单好听的英文歌曲,适合学英语的. -
机叶丁禾: 给楼主说说筝儿最近喜欢的英文歌吧~ Until You--Shayne Ward(强烈推荐这位男歌手,很有磁性的声音啊) Heartbeats——Amy Diamond(空灵的声音,淡淡的音乐) This Is Me----Camp Rock (节奏很不错,女歌手的声音也很有...

石棉县19211831955: 哪些英文歌适合学英语
机叶丁禾: 1.the one - F.T.Island 这首歌歌词很好理解,而且旋律优美.2.迈克学摇滚 - take me to your heart 老歌了,不多解释,很容易懂.3.blue - Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word 个人非常喜欢,这首歌词势很工整.情歌一首.4.blue - all rise 虽然歌词很难懂,但是很有意思.个人非常非常喜欢.4.老鹰乐队 - 加州旅馆 经典曲目,讲的是关于毒品的事.5.迈克学摇滚 - That's Why You Go Away 很抒情的一首歌,里面主要是咱们学的句型.

石棉县19211831955: 能不能给我推荐几首适合的英文歌,我用来练英语用的. -
机叶丁禾: rich girl Fallin' feedback Like Me give it to me Just One Last Dance Are_You_The_One Don't Cry For Me Argentina The Time Of Our Lives If I ain't got you Buttons DON'T CHA Luxurious Hollaback Girl Harajuku Girl Fergalicious London Bridge car ...

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