
作者&投稿:仲孙邓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

He's very kind and we all like him
What made you cried so sorrowly yesterday?
Where did you have meal?
What are you discussing on?
Who is cooking in the kitchen?
We are not playing, we are making research on the computer
Children, help yourselves with some fish
At the end of the story, the prince and the princess got married.
He gets well along with his classmates
Xi'an is famous as an ancient city
HIs room is full of books
He fell asleep as soon as he returned home
Ths little girl is afraid of living alone
Finally, I took his place to join the match in Beijing

I prefer to go out to play rather than stay at home
A crowd of students went to the street to celebrate the festival
It's long distance from Beijing to New York
Thank you all the same
The children will grow up slowly, then live a life of their own
The country is famous for its beautiful beach
Thanks to your help so that I can finish work on time
He is as tall as I.
I want to buy a pair of trousers

1、世界正在变得越来越小。The world is getting smaller and smaller,
2、你能开得更快点么? Can you driver faster?
3、学英语时,听和说一样重要。When learning English, listening and speaking are both important.
4、工作越努力,得到的结果越好。The harder you work, the better result you will get.
5、没有人比我更了解你。 No one knows you better than me.
6、在所有课程中,数学好像是最难的。In the all courses, it seems that math is the most difficult one.
7、 Internet is one of the greatest inventions in the last decades.
8、她是三姐妹中最小的,但是也是最聪明的一个。 She is the yougest one among three sisters, but the smartest one too.
9、世界各地的人都很喜欢这部新影片。 People around the world all llike this new movie.
10、那天他像往常一样很早来到了学校。He went to school early as usual.

11、如果不努力,你就会落后。 Work hard, or you will fall behind.
12、我为我们所做出的工作感到自豪。I feel proud of what we have done .
13、明天谁值日?Who is on duty today?
14、你最好不要一个人去,那里很危险。You'd better not go alone, because it's dangerous.
15、他起得很早是为了赶上第一班火车。(两种说法)In order to catch the early train, he gets up early. He gets up early to catch the first train,
16、他在回家的路上遇见了两个陌生人。He met two strangers on his way home.
17、遇见不熟悉的单词你应该查字典。 When you meet the unfamiliar words, You'd better look up in the dictionary.

1. The mother couldn't help laughing when she saw Jack's painting.
2. Mr. Smith will be in charge of the whole department when the manager is away.
3. It is not wise to make a decision in a hurry before understanding the facts.
4. Since you have time this weekend, why don't you join us for skating?
5. I'm not interested in this type of movie at all.
6. The more calm you are, the less mistake you would make during exams.

1.Mother couldnt help laughing when she saw the drawing of Jack.
2.Mr. Smith will be in charge of this department in the absence of manager.
3.It is unwise to make decision in hurry before you make the fact clear.
4.Why not join in us to skate as you are free this weekend?
5.I am not interested in this style of films.
6.The calmer you are in the exam, the less mistakes you will make.

1 After wacthing jack's drawings, his mother couldn't help laughing.
2Mr. Smith takes charge of the whole office when the manager is away.
3it is unwise to make a hurry decision before working out the facts.
4since you are free this weekend, why not join us to go stating?
5i am not interested in this kind of movie at all.
6 when you are calmer in the exam, you will make less mistake.

Seeing Jack's picture, his mother can't help but laugh.
Mr. Smith will take charge of the whole section when the manager is out.
It is inadvisable to hurry to make a decision before the fact is not clear.
Since you are available this weekend, how about going skating with us?
I do not have any interest in this kind of films at all.
The calmer you are in the test, the fewer mistakes you will make.

The Internet is the key to all the knowledge and information in the world today。2.老师的任务是协助学生获取知识。The teacher's task is to help students acquire knowledge。3.教育孩子是社会每个成员的责任。It is the responsibility of every member of society to educate children。4.私家...

中译英 句子
It's a complete mystery how the inmate escaped.2.只要你承诺在11点之前回来,你就可以出去。(as long as)As long as you promise to be back before 11 o'clock, you may go out.3.医学的进步使一个人活100年成为了可能。(make it possible)Advances in medicine has made it possib...

7. 如果他以前没有不断地练习讲英语,那么他现在就不能如此出色地用英语表达思想。If he hadn't repeatedly practised speaking English, he could't be able to express himself so excellently.8. 如果你昨天帮她搬家具的话,她今晚就会请你跳舞了。If you had helped her move the furniture, ...

Don't worry, the rain stopped. He'll be back.从现在开始,我们应该更加努力学习英语。From now on, we should be more efforts to learn English.火车开走后他才到达火车站。The train had left before he got to the train station.我来这已有两周了。I'm here for two weeks.我们没乘出...

aspects it;s no wonder where there is a Disney Land ,where there is a flourishing tourism with these scene spots.some students are interested in outside-door sports,others prefer inside-door sports he is a writer instead a teacher when he woke up he found it;s dark out....

I am expected all of my schoolmates to succeed in college entrance examination .2.如果你能充分利用时间,你的学习很快会好起来(make use to).If you made use to time ample , you would be scholarly .3.正当我十分焦急时,一个孩子走上前来,指给我去车站的路(come up).Just when I was...

10.学生们在英语辩论赛中的出色表现受到英语老师的大力称赞。(performance)Students' excellent performance in the English Debates is highly praised by the English teacher.11.液晶电视机的价格在下降。而且,他们的质量在不断改进。(furthermore)The prices of LCD TV sets are falling, furthermore,...

2.I am keeping close connection still with most schoolmate of middle school 3.More than the correct or required number candy being used for food is able to arouse the healthy problem 4.That I have looked at this parcel only is what therefore the once, being unable to guess ...

1. Newyork is oone of the busiest cities in the world.2. He spends half an hour having a walk.3. What is the most interesting way from Hong Kong to London?4. How is Becky? She behaves very well.

2.You didn't complete your homework, you must be watching TV yesturday.3.Be quik, you mum is waiting for you at home.4.I might go to Beijing next week.5.Mr Lee can't be in Beijing, because i just saw him at the mall few minutes ago .6.It's impostable that it ...

岳阳市18546089555: 英语句子汉译英(初中1 既然那样,我们就不再等了2 我坚持我昨天说过的话3 务必马上关掉那台机器4 夏天这里有充足的雨量5 他们偶尔一起去游泳 -
古沈利君:[答案] 1 既然那样,我们就不再等了 In that case,we'll wait no longer 2 我坚持我昨天说过的话 I stick to what I said yesterday 3 务必马上关掉那台机器 Be sure to turn off the machine immediately 4 夏天这里有充足的雨量 In the summer there is plenty of rain 5 ...

岳阳市18546089555: 【初中】英语,句子汉译英.1你应该和老师讨论一下这个问题2我认为你在家教孩子并不明智3她的新眼镜使她看起来不一样4他在等公共汽车时遭到袭击5... -
古沈利君:[答案] 1. You are supposed to discuss this question with your teacher.2. I think it is not wise that you teach children at home.3. She looks different with her new glasses.4. He got attack when he was waitin...

岳阳市18546089555: 英语句子汉译英(初中 -
古沈利君: 1 既然那样,我们就不再等了 In that case, we'll wait no longer2 我坚持我昨天说过的话 I stick to what I said yesterday3 务必马上关掉那台机器 Be sure to turn off the machine immediately4 夏天这里有充足的雨量 In the summer there is plenty of rain5 他们偶尔一起去游泳 Sometimes they go swimming

岳阳市18546089555: 初中英语句子汉译英
古沈利君: I feel painful You need to see a doctor You need to take some medicine

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古沈利君:[答案] 1Lucy looks very energetic. 2 It's common in China. 祝你快乐:)

岳阳市18546089555: 初中英语句子翻译 -
古沈利君: 1. I went home as soon as i finished my homework.2. I stayed there for two months last year.3. He didn't go to Wuhan this summer, because he had been there before.4. my aunt will come to see me. She will arrive soon.5. George was reading a book...

岳阳市18546089555: 初三英语 翻译句子1.我保证永远爱你.2.我爸爸答应给我买一部新自行车.3.听到这个好消息,我感觉到幸福到极点.4.你喜欢哪种书籍?5.明天我们是否去野炊取... -
古沈利君:[答案] 1.I Promise i will love you forever. 2.My dad promise to buy a new bicyle to me. 3.Hearing the good news,i feel very happy. 4.Which kind of books you like best? 5.Wether we go to picnic tomorrow it depends on weather. 6.It is not difficulty to learn english ...

岳阳市18546089555: 英语翻译初中英语句子翻译1.至于这个难题,少数几个学生可以做出来2.Lucy不健康,因为她从不锻炼3.你一周锻炼多少小时?4.5.我想刘翔每天都锻炼6.两种... -
古沈利君:[答案] 1.To the problem, few students can work out. 2.Lucy isn't healthy, because she does never exercises . 3.How many times do you do exercises every week? 4.Thank you for your regarding me. 5.I think Liu Xiang does exercises every day. 6.There are ...

岳阳市18546089555: 初中英语 句子翻译 -
古沈利君: 1 Thank you for doing effort for this matter2 I will not play tricks on my friends any more3 How many hours do you spend on your homework after school4 The cards of last year discount sales5 This talbe is made of glass and wood6 The books are ...

岳阳市18546089555: 中译英..句子翻译..快点啊(初中的) -
古沈利君: we always love to share our joys and sorrows, and we will be g...

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