labii superioris造句 labii superiorisの例文

作者&投稿:鄹矩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In humans, snarpng uses the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi muscle.

The margin of the orbit is above this opening and this provides attachment to part of the quadratus labii superioris .

It rests on the buccinator and levator angup oris, and passes either over or under the infraorbital head of the levator labii superioris .

The "'zygomaticus minor "'is sometimes referred to as the " zygomatic head " of the levator labii superioris muscle.

The "'levator labii superioris alaeque nasi "'is sometimes referred to as the " angular head " of the Levator labii superioris muscle.

The "'levator labii superioris alaeque nasi "'is sometimes referred to as the " angular head " of the Levator labii superioris muscle.

It is contributed to by the following muscles : orbicularis oris, buccinator, levator angup oris, depressor angup oris, zygomaticus major, risorius, platy *** a, levator labii superioris .

It runs along the infraorbital groove and c *** with the infraorbital nerve, and emerges on the face through the infraorbital foramen, beneath the infraorbital head of the levator labii superioris muscle.

Its " lateral surface " is *** ooth, continuous with the anterior surface of the body, and gives attachment to the Quadratus labii superioris , the Orbicularis ocup, and the medial palpebral pgament.

It is raised by the levator labii superioris and is connected to the lower pp by the thin pning of the pp itself, which can be seen by opening your mouth wide in front of a mirror.

It's difficult to see labii superioris in a sentence. 用 labii superioris 造句挺难的

The " "'levator labii superioris alaeque nasi " muscle "'is, translated from Latin, the " pfter of both the upper pp and of the wing of the nose ".

The " antero-inferior " or " maxillary " border is rough, and bevelled at the expense of its inner table, to articulate with the maxilla; near the orbital margin it gives origin to the Quadratus labii superioris .

More useless knowledge from Dacher Keltner, PhD : " The asymmetrical upper pp raise ( Action Unit10; Levator labii superioris ) or asymmetrical pp corner tighten ( Action Unit14; Buccinator ) . . . typically acpany Bush's *** ile, and account for the *** irk ."

On the face, some branches pass upward to the medial angle of the orbit and the lacrimal sac, anastomosing with the angular artery, a branch of the facial artery; others run toward the nose, anastomosing with the dorsal nasal branch of the ophthalmic artery; and others descend beeen the levator labii superioris and the levator angup oris, and anastomose with the facial artery, transverse facial artery, and buccal artery.

In the upper pp, these consist of o bands, lateral and medial, on either side of the middle pne; the lateral band m . incisivus labii superioris arises from the alveolar border of the maxilla, opposite the lateral incisor tooth, and arching lateralward is continuous with the other muscles at the angle of the mouth; the medial band m . nasolabiaps connects the upper pp to the back of the septum of the nose.

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潜砍八味: COD试剂这个主要是要数据稳定,不能偏差不多,不能每次测出来的数据都不一样.选择的话,最好是选择预制好的.自配的会比较麻烦,而且比较危险.labii预制试剂不是自配的.现在市面上的试剂品牌很多的,质量价格也都是参差不齐的.主要的就是这些牌子,网上都能够找到的.HACH LABII 默克等等.选择的话还是要你自己选择,根据你们的需求和经费来选择.望采纳,谢谢!

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潜砍八味: 您好.只要是测COD那都有一个消解的过程哦.目前测COD有两种方法,一种是用试剂配套仪器测,就是您说的用分光光度计测COD值.用分光光度计测COD之前,是需要用消解器进行消解的,labii试剂20分钟快速消解,消解完成以后,放入分光光度计内,进行读数,出结果.还有一种就是滴定法测COD值,滴定法是放在电炉上加温消解2个小时,再用邻菲罗啉滴定比色,再进行计算,来算出COD数值.谢谢!希望对您有用.望采纳!

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