
作者&投稿:季虹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)









 An English Evening to Be Held




 It is our great desire to improve our English studies to a new stage. So an English evening is going to be held in our school meeting-hall from 8:00 to 10:00 p.m. next Friday. You will enjoy English stories, songs, poems and short plays at the evening. Mr and Mrs Green from the USA working in our school, together with their children, will be invited to our evening. They will give us wonderful performances.

 我们非常希望把我们的英语学习提高到一个新的阶段。因此,一个英语晚会将于晚上8:00至10:00在我们学校的会议厅举行.m .下周五.晚上你将欣赏英语故事、歌曲、诗歌和短剧。在我们学校工作的美国格林夫妇和他们的孩子将被邀请参加我们的晚会。他们将给我们精彩的表演。

 All the teachers and students are welcome to attend our English evening。 We hope all of you will like the performances.


 Student's Union


 Nov.16, 2021


英语请柬范文篇三 mr. and mrs. _ request the honour of the presence of mr. and mrs. _ at the marriage of their daughter tomr. _saturday, the _ of _ at four o'clock p.m.church of __英语请柬范文怎么写相关 文章 :★ 英语请柬范文 ★ 邀请函英文 ★ 请柬格式...


1、英文会议通知首先可以写会议的有关信息,包括会议主题、会议时间以及会议地点等;2、其次可以写出席会议的领导;3、接着可以写会议议程以及会议主要内容;4、较后结尾部分可以写希望各位准时参加。To: All Managers The next Monthly Management Meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, ...

英文书信 的写作格式和中文书信有所不同,正确的英语写信格式是怎么样的?下面我整理了英语写信格式,供你参考。 英语写信格式篇一 英语写信的格式 1. 信头(heading) 信头包括写信人地址和写信日期,通常写在信笺的右上角。在比较熟识的朋友之间的通信,写信人的地址常可略去。日期通常有下列两种定法: 1.1 月、日...

英文版结婚请柬怎么写 结婚请柬英文范文
一、英文版结婚请柬怎么写 结婚请柬英文范文1.you are my life. you're my one and only dream. I love you ,and to you that i mean . together for always, i hope we will be .i 'll love you always.你是我的生命,你是我一的梦想。我爱你,只有你,我希望我们能永远在一起。我...

Dear Ms Liu, Dear Professor Chen等。正文这是书信的主要部分。在写公务信件的时候,应该力求开门见山,语言简洁,层次清晰,重点突出。在给亲友写信的时候,尽量做到态度热情、语言简练。3、结束语 与汉语的书信一样,英语书信也需要一个客套的结束语,内容和格式都比较单一固定:结束语的第一个字母总...

老虎的英文介绍可以从老虎的形态特征写。范文:The tiger's body is majestic, strong and tall, and its hair color is beautiful. It changes from yellow to red from north to south, with dark stripes.The head is round, the kiss is wide, the eyes are big, the mouth is white, ...


hours.We felt tired but happy.After we ate lunch,we went fishing by the river.There are a lot of lovely flowers.At night,I went back to Shenzhen.I had a exciting holiday,I hope I can go there for vacation next time.最好自己写哦,仅供参考,我自己写的,希望有帮到你哦~...

发英文给外国老板发邮件邀请他 开头怎么写
范文:Dear boss,亲爱的老板,It's our great honor to invite you to visit our company in XX, XXXX. This visit will provide an opportunity for you to make a better understanding of our marketing issues, and to discuss about our issues business cooperation in detail.我们非常荣幸地...

南郊区19780681474: 培训课程通知模板英语
歹榕复方: 英语书面通知格式万能模板是如下:1、通告正文上方的正中位置写上NOTICE(每个字母都大写).2、发出通知的单位写在正文结束后的右下角,或者写在NOTICE的正...

南郊区19780681474: 用英语写一篇通告,注意通告的格式,读懂题目再写you are planning a cycling tour to another city and are looking for someone who'd like to go with you.write ... -
歹榕复方:[答案] Announcement I am planning a cycling tour to San Jose,which is a beautiful city in California.I am looking for someone that would like to go with me.Any student that is good at English and Spanish can join me.Join me for the trip to San Jose!

南郊区19780681474: 写英语通告 -
歹榕复方: NOTICE Our class will go to the Red Star Farm to help the farmers to pick the apples tomorrow morning. We' ll meet outside the school gate at 6:30 tomorrow morning and will go to the farm by bus. We' ll have lunch at the farm. You' d better put on ...

南郊区19780681474: 如何写英文通知(能举个例子吗) -
歹榕复方:[答案] 通知是上级对下级、组织对成员或平行单位之间部署工作、传达事情或召开会议等所使用的应用文.通知的写法有两种,一种是以布告形式贴出,把事情通知有关人员,如学生、观众等,通常不用称呼;另一种是以书信的形式,发给有关人员,此种通...

南郊区19780681474: “通知”英文单词怎么写 -
歹榕复方: 通知: [ tōng zhī ]1. inform 2. notification 3. notice 4. notify近义词或词组fill one in | give notice | information | inform of | acquaint | apprize | apprise | a circular letter | advertize | circularize | be under notice ... be under notice | give notice of | advised...

南郊区19780681474: 写一篇英语通知,50词左右
歹榕复方: 一篇英语通知50词左右的示范文:To: All Grade 8 ClassmatesFrom: Grade 8 Class MonitorDay: Day/Month/Year Dear Classmates, I am glad to inform you that the Grade 8 ...

南郊区19780681474: 关于英语作文 通知 的格式? -
歹榕复方: 书面通知的英语作文格式要求: 1、通知的标志:标志一般要醒目,多用Notice作标题. 2、出通知的单位和时间:一般分别位于正文的右下角和右上角.不过,这两项有时可以省略. 3、通知的正文:要写明所做事情的具体时间、地点、概括性...

南郊区19780681474: 用英文写一则通知 -
歹榕复方: 1. We will meet at the entrance of the school at 8AM and proceed from there. 2. Please pay close attention and write down interesting facts/notes during the tour/visit. 3. Do not take pictures or make loud noices in the museum. 4. Bring your own pen...

南郊区19780681474: 英语通知、通告的格式 -
歹榕复方:[答案] 如果是什么组织比如学校的话在左上角写上通讯电话和传真,右上角写地址.然后空几行,在左边写日期,跟着下面写 Dear...(根据你要通知的人),跟着下面就可以写通知的内容,然后加上Yours sincerely Teleohone:12345679 88 xxx Road,xxxx(city)...

南郊区19780681474: 英文通告的格式 -
歹榕复方: 通告是使用于公布社会各有关方面应当遵守或者周知的事项.通告不同公告和通知. 通告主要用于有关单位开展业务工作需要. 格式内容: 1、标题的写法有三种: ①"通告" ②"关于XXX的通告". ③"XXX关于XXX的通告". 2、原由. 3、通告事项. 4、结语.用"特此通告"表达. 英语范文写作网,里面有相关介绍,可以看看:)~ http://www.blog.edu.cn/user1/12601/subject/ 英语写作网,很全的:)~~ http://www.blog.edu.cn/user1/12601/subject/

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