lyncus造句 lyncusの例文 "lyncus"是什麼意思

作者&投稿:董具 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

He turned his face towards Scythia where, Lyncus was king.

Hammond suggests ( 1994, 26 ) that this was just west of Kirp Dirven pass on the plain of Lyncus .

When Triptolemus taught Lyncus , King of the Scythians, the arts of agriculture, Lyncus refused to teach it to his people and then tried to kill Triptolemus.

When Triptolemus taught Lyncus, King of the Scythians, the arts of agriculture, Lyncus refused to teach it to his people and then tried to kill Triptolemus.

The "'Battle of Lyncestis / Lynkestis / Lyncus "'took place in 423 BC beeen the alped forces of the Lyncestians and Illyrians against those of the Spartans and Macedonians.

The "'Battle of Erigon Valley "'or the "'Battle of Lyncus Plain "'took place in 358 BC beeen the Dardanians under Bardylps and the Macedonians under Phipp II . After forty years on continuous Dardanian dominance and expansion under Bardylps, Phipp II after marrying Audata, an Illyrian princess, marched into Illyria and confronted the Dardanian tribe *** en.

It's difficult to find lyncus in a sentence. 用 lyncus 造句挺难的

桃山区18298596217: 希腊神话中为什么,国王林科斯要杀掉特里普托靳摩斯 -
比克黄芪: 当特里普托勒摩斯在斯库提亚教授国王林科斯(Lyncus)农业的技巧时,后者拒绝其民众接受他的教育,并且试图刺杀特里普托勒摩斯.林科斯之所以要杀特里普托勒摩斯是防止他把农业技巧传播出去,如果一旦知识散布,老百姓很可能会富裕起来,然后联合起来反对他的统治.

桃山区18298596217: 用英语单词us造句 -
比克黄芪: 1. The meal cost us 30. 这顿饭花了我们30英镑.2. Go on and tell us all about it. 讲下去,把这件事全部告诉我们吧. 3. Not all of us like eggs. 我们中间不是每个人都喜欢吃鸡蛋.

桃山区18298596217: us怎么造句
比克黄芪: let's go!

桃山区18298596217: 用let us造句 -
比克黄芪: Let us hope that the period of this injustice will be over soon. 让我们希望这个不公正的时期很快结束吧. Let us drink to the health of our father. 让我们举杯为父亲祝福. Let us show you to see the engine to test. 让我们指给你看要测试的发动机. ...

桃山区18298596217: 用us造句!!! -
比克黄芪: Let us know if you can come. 我们想知道你是否能来 Let us meet at the gate. 让我们在大门口碰头

桃山区18298596217: 用否定前缀的形容词造句 -
比克黄芪: 1.It is incorrect to park cars here.2.It is uncomfortable to sit on this chair.3.The boy is dishonest.4.It is easy to go to the restaurant.5.I do not like him because he is impolite.6.It is uncommon for me to see such heavy snow here.7.It is impossible for us ...

桃山区18298596217: go,have,a,and,let,look,us怎么连成句子 -
比克黄芪: Let us go and have a look.让我们去看看.如有疑问,请追问!

桃山区18298596217: for example. for instancen , namely, such as 各找个例句 -
比克黄芪: Many great people rose from poor backgrounds -- Lincoln for example You can't depend on her: for instance, she arrived late yesterday Only one person can answer the question namely you. Animals such as rabbits and deer continue to be active all winter,finding food wherever they can

桃山区18298596217: 斥责在中向怎么造句 -
比克黄芪: 你不要再斥责他了,他已经很内疚了.我们要严厉斥责某人的行为卑劣.上司斥责了这位秘书因未经允许泄露了秘密.他因我不同意他而斥责我.为此老板斥责他老半天.他发火了,暴躁地斥责孩子们.他因为行为不检点而受到女校长的斥责.

桃山区18298596217: 英语,根据示例句造句两个一分帮忙造20个 -
比克黄芪: 1Ben always {plays} tricks with his friend2Tom sometimes {does} homework with his sister3Mike often {helps} my mother with me4James always {does} sports with us5Ann often {draws} pictures with Kate6She always {runs} in the yard with her ...

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