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I was on a hungry.
正确的表达:I was hungry.


Is there a board on the wall?


谈 one 一词的几点用法

湖南省攸县教育局教研室 刘 静



one 用作数词时,其意义为“一”,强调数量关系,冠词“a”表示“一”时,侧重于类别。例如:1.He has one brother. 他有一个哥哥(意即不是两个或多个) 2.She is a professor. 她是教授(意即不是其他身份)


one 用作不定人称代词时,其意义相当于“people”,包括说话人和听话人。其所有格为one’s,反身代词为oneself。为了避免重复,常常用 he 代替 one (第二次出现),用 his 代替 one’s,用 himself 代替 oneself,往往用于正式用语。one作主语时,谓语动词用单数。例如:1. One must do one’s duty. (人须尽职尽责) 2. One should not praise oneself.(人不能自我吹嘘) 3. One must be patient if he /one wants to succeed. 4. In a self-service shop one serves oneself.


1. one 替代名词词组的中心名词

此时,one 替代可数名词单数,其复数为ones,ones 替代可数名词复数。如果名词词组的中心词是不可数,则不能用 one 或 ones 替代,应用that、some 或any。 例如:

1)I don’t like this book; I’d like a more interesting one.

(此处 one=book,即one替代名词词组a more interesting book中的book)

2) I'd like to have some big apples instead of small ones.

(此处 ones =apples)

注意: 作这种用法时,one 往往带有修饰语。修饰语可放在one /ones 之前(前置修饰语),也可放在其后(后置修饰语)。前置修饰语通常是限定词(多见于冠词和指示代词等)和形容词等,且通常重读,表示对比含义。后置修饰语通常是介词短语或定语从句。当one /ones 带有后置修饰语时,one /ones 前须有定冠词 the。 例如:1. I prefer an old coat to a new one. 2. Not this book. I mean the one on the desk. 3. Mr. Zhang gave the textbooks to all the pupils except ________ who had already taken them. [NMET'92]

A. these B. ones C. the ones D. the others

(答案为 C. ones 替代名词词组的中心名词 pupils,因为带有后置修饰语———定语从句,故 ones 前有定冠词the 。)

2. one 替代整个名词词组

当作这种用法时,one 不带任何前置修饰语,但可有后置修饰语。这时,one 是泛指同类事物中的任何一个(即“同名异物”),没有复数形式。如果要替代可数名词复数或不可数名词,则用 some ,而不用 ones 。例如:

1) Can you play the piano? There is one in the room.

(此处 one = a piano ;one 替代整个名词词组 a piano。 )

2) Here are a few apples. Would you like one?

(此处 one = an apple。 )

3) Here are a few apples. Would you like some?

(此处 some = some of them 或some of the apples; 这里不能用 ones 替代 apples。)

4) Here is the fruit. Would you like some ?

(此处 some = some of the fruit ;不能用 one 替代 the fruit。)

5) I hope there are enough glasses for each guest to have________.[NMET'95]

A. it B. those C. them D. one

(答案为 D:one = a glass ,替代整个名词词组a glass。 )


注意 one 、it 和 that 的区别:

one 是泛指同类事物中的任何一个,即“同名异物”,为泛指,其复数为ones。that 是指代“同名异物”,为特指,其复数为those。it 代替上文提到的“同名同物”,其复数为them。


1) My watch doesn’t work, I'll have it repaired.

(这里,it = my watch,是代替“同名同物”)

2) My watch doesn’t work, I'll buy a new one.

(这里,one = watch ,而不是 my watch,而是替代“同名异物”,为泛指)

3) ——Do you want a watch?

——Yes. I want one.

(这里,one = a watch)

4) Few pleasures can equal_______ of a cool drink in a hot day.[NMET'99]

A. some B. any C. that D. those

(答案为C。 that = the pleasure ,表示“同名异物”,为特指。)

5) This is a point of idiom rather than ________ of grammar.

A. it B. one C. this D. that

(答案为 B。 one = a point,表示“同名异物”, 为泛指。)

6) The furniture in your room is better than ______in my room.

A. it B. that C. one D. ones

(答案为B。 that=the furniture,表示“同名异物”,为特指。因为 furniture 为不可数名词,故不能用 one 替代;也不是“同名同物”,不能用 it 来代替。)

注意 one 与单位词的选择:

有些名词在表示数量时须用单位词。在这种情况下,就要注意one 与单位词的选择。 例如:

1) These shoes are a bit tight. Would you please show me another ______.

A. one B. ones C. pair D. some

(答案为 C。 因为 another 后接名词单数。根据常识买鞋时不能看一只,故答案C 表示 another pair of shoes。)

2) ——May I help you with some shoes, sir?

——Yes, I'd like to try on those brown ________.

A. one B. ones C. two D. pair

答案为B. 因为those 后接名词复数;ones 此处替代shoes。

one/ones 的省略:

当one/ones 用在形容词比较级及最高级、this 、that、which、another、序数词等之后时可以省略。 例如:

1) She prefers the smaller ( one ) of the apples.

2) He is always the last ( one ) to leave the office.

3) Off all the boys in the class, John is the tallest ( one ).

4) Here are all the pictures. Which ( one/ones ) do you like best?

5) Which ( one/ones ) of you would like to go with me?

Who is Lily?
The one is in red.

one是泛指,此句应该改为THE ONE WHO IS ON THE WALL,在句中作定语从句。

丹江口市18774938830: one of the 与 one of 的区别 和 the one of 与 one of 的区别 -
经促盐酸: 一、one of the 在“one of the +复数名词+定语从句”的结构中,从句谓语动词常用复数形式. 二、the one of 当one前面有the only,the very等词修饰时,从句谓语动词用单数形式. 三、one of 1、one of +代词宾格或名词复数 2、one of 短语做主...

丹江口市18774938830: THE ONE IS ON THE WALL这句话有错么说得简单点,ONE当代词怎么用? -
经促盐酸:[答案] 没错 ONE作代词时一般是指前面句子所说的那个名词. 举个简单的例子: Who is Lily? The one is in red.

丹江口市18774938830: THE ONE IS ON THE WALL这句话有错么 -
经促盐酸: 没错 ONE作代词时一般是指前面句子所说的那个名词. 举个简单的例子:Who is Lily?The one is in red.

丹江口市18774938830: 区别one,the one,it,that, -
经促盐酸: one:一个或某人的意思,除了做数量词外常用于列举(常有其中一个的意思) eg:There are two bags on the table,one is white,the other is blue. 当前面有定冠词the 的时候,the one 就有了“特定”的意思 eg:There are two bags on the table,mine ...

丹江口市18774938830: one of the 与 one of 的区别 和 the one of 与 one of 的区别 -
经促盐酸: 我想你要问的是定语从句中两者的情况吧 在“one of the +复数名词+定语从句”的结构中,从句谓语动词常用复数形式;但当one前面有the only,the very等词修饰时,从句谓语动词用单数形式.如:This is one of the best novels that have appeared this year. 这是今年出版的最好的小说之一.Tom was the only one of the boys who was on time. 汤姆是那些男孩中唯一一个准时到的.

丹江口市18774938830: the one on the right 还是 the one is on the right -
经促盐酸:[答案] 第二个是对的 需要有谓语is 望采纳:)

丹江口市18774938830: the one 和that的区别是什么? -
经促盐酸: 用the one the one 用来代替前面特指的单数名词,有时可用that代替(尤其在有后置定语的情况下. that=the+单数可数名词/不可数名词 代替前面出现的单数可数名词/不可数名词 the book on the desk is better than the one under the desk the populatin of china is larger than that of america. that常与介词of 一起使用

丹江口市18774938830: the refrigerator on the right和it is on the right . 和the one on the right是不是一个意思? -
经促盐酸: 第一个on the right是后置定语(做形容词,即“在右边的冰箱”) 第二个on the right 是介词短语 (作表语成分, 即“它在右边”) 第三个与第一个一样,只是the refrigerator变成the one而已.意思是一样的,语法成分不一样.

丹江口市18774938830: it, that, the one的区别 -
经促盐酸: it 代指同一个物体 one 代指单数名词表泛指,the one表特指 that 代指单数名词表特指=the one,同时that还可以代指不可数名词 例如: I have a book in my hand ,and I can lend it to you I need a bike ,so i will buy one The air in the country is fresher than that in the city

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