
作者&投稿:漆娣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

If you are a child, in some night, you secretly turns on the closet,actually impressively discovered is gloomy in the closet quoin place,lets the person 寒毛 but actually vertical monster correct use greenspooky eye peep at you, you can make what response? Scream! Certainlyis the startled sound scream! But you do not know, like this mightcherish on center monsters under. Lives in us outside the world, themonsters also have to belong to their world, the high decibel screamwhich when maintains this monster world the only power energy comesreceives from the child frightens sends out, for this, the monstershas also established own monster limited company, speciallyresponsibly goes to the human world by this company's in monster tothreaten the children, thus collects their scream. Su Liwen (John古德曼) is a royal purple superficial knowledge, steadily theantenna big fellow monster, its appearance is fierce, is in themonster limited company illustrious goes against the level to threatenone of experts; Su Liwen exclusive threat assistant, simultaneouslyalso is its good friend's Mike (billy Christowe) is a green alone eyemonster, did not look the stature compared to Su Liwen 小好 several,the temperament may not be small, frequently likes from making theposition. In addition, in the company has all kinds of dispositioneach different member, CEO (is not should be called "chief threatofficial"?) Henry (the James tan oak is abundant), steadily the snakehead, the love are cracking a joke reception Greece Li Ya, but alsohas specially treats with Su Liwen is doing, mutually is not convincedBao Gesi... ... Each kind of of all forms monster performs its ownfunctions, operates not the company difference which sets up comparedto the humanity. But more and more becomes accustomed to along withthe children to the monsters threat acrobatics, wanted to obtain theirscream also to become an exceptionally difficult matter, but thisdifficult not to wise Su Liwen, he led Mike to arrive the human worldto prepare to make "the model worker example" to have a look for allthreats experts, but had not thought Su Liwen had disobeysconventional the procedure to bring an unexpected side effect - twoyear-old humanities little girls Abe (Mary Gibbs) accidentally tobring back to by them the monster world, several millenniums, only hadthe monster to arrive the world, Has not had the humanity to arrivethe monster world precedent, then might trouble in a big way, energyincomparably abundant Abe tossed about earth-shaking the monsterworld, in chaotic situation, including self-examined supernaturallybrave Su Liwen also took her to be at a loss, but Mike originally wasthe green 脸急 green, how did they have to make up this because ownsparse suddenly rushed big calamity?

在与人类世界并存的怪物世界里,维持电力供应的能源——小孩子受到惊吓时发出高分贝的尖叫变得短缺。喜欢和毛怪苏立文、大眼怪迈克作对的鲍格斯在一次偷偷加班时不小心把小女孩阿布带入怪物的世界。虽然小孩子都是害怕怪物的,但是在怪物的世界,人类更为恐怖。为了不让怪物世界发生恐慌,苏立文和迈克尽力把小女孩送回她的世界。精力无比充沛的阿布把怪物世界折腾了个天翻地覆,期间苏立文与迈克发现阿布其实是无害的,并与之产生了深厚的友谊。在他们即将把阿布送回家的时候发现了潜藏在公司内的阴谋,经过一番大战之后,苏立文和迈克胜利了,并成功的把阿布送回了家,而且他们发现了更好解决能源危机的办法——孩子的欢笑。 此部影片是由迪士尼旗下的3D动画小组Pixar制作的。在现代美国动画的创作理念中,对于儿童心理的把握来说,Pixar无疑是其中的佼佼者,而且同时捕获了成年观众内心深处的童心。在技术方面Pixar年年有所突破,在《怪物公司》里,他们研发的软件Fizt让毛发可以自主依照物理规律进行改变,而且能帮助绘制水蒸气和云朵此类无形的现象。怪物苏立文身上的毛发超过200万根,在毛发上粘着雪花的画面足以显示出电脑技术不仅可以乱真,甚至可以超过现实。为了一部动画影片而花费大量时间开发一个程序足见其对待动画态度的认真,技术也是便Pixar不容忽视的特质。 作为一部老少咸宜的家庭片,它没有任何真正意义上的恐怖镜头,更多的是洋溢着诙谐的喜剧气息。影片开始的段落妙趣横生,通过对怪物世界惟妙惟肖的表现,处处体现出对现代生活的映射。那些玩笑既有想象力又有一定的深度和智慧。怪物世界出现电力危机,新闻采访,工作人员不小心接触了人类导致防疫队隆重登场等等事件都体现出对现实世界的调侃与戏谑。它的喜剧效果不仅来自对现实生活的善意调侃,而且在人物方面也做足了功夫。迈克的一举一动都足以挑起观众的欢笑。在影片中,当迈克出现在媒体上时经常因为个子矮小而被公司Logo或条形码卷标之类物品遮住,一般来说大家会认为迈克会暴跳如雷,然而他却欢喜地不亦乐乎,毕竟他也上了电视。迈克与长着蛇头、爱开玩笑的接待员西利亚约会的一场戏也不容忽视,如此浪漫的约会确被阿布的到来彻底打乱,可爱的阿布竟然引发骚乱,使整个怪物世界都陷入了危机。在毛怪和迈克的家里,小阿布上演了一场闹剧更是让人捧腹。影片中充满幽默的细节可谓比比皆是,通过这些细节叠加起来获得轻松愉快的效果。和苏立文与迈克打招呼时的紫色冻状怪物不小心掉到下水道里、迈克煞有其事地为唯一的眼睛带上隐形眼镜、业绩光荣榜上永远没有迈克的整个头、拖地的清洁怪物边清理边制造污水、西利亚小姐决定不剪短头发时她头上的小蛇们长须一口气、不小心从门里带出一只小孩儿袜子的橙色毛怪的毛被防疫部队剃得精光……大量幽默细节在影片的各个角落对观众潜移默化的影响使得整个影片一直处于欢快的氛围中。配音方面,比利·克里斯托和约翰·古德曼本身就是很好的喜剧演员,走这种喜剧搞笑路线简直就是驾轻就熟。他们的声音完全没有辜负制片和观众的期望。片中迈克只有一直盖满全脸的大眼睛,再配上比利·克里斯托表情十足的声音,它的形象就体现的淋漓尽致了。动画片的配音对于喜剧角色尤为重要。在影片结尾,出现在房间里的竟是迈克,他以他独特的幽默使得孩子哈哈大笑,能量源源不断。这一方面呼应的开头,另一方面点名了影片的主旨:快乐才是能源的根本。 欢快的剧情让观众充满乐趣,温情的童话式结局使得观众的童心得以满溢。 《怪物公司》在当年以全球累计票房5亿多美元成为仅次于《狮子王》历年卖座成绩第二位的影片,它无疑是一部成功的商业动画影片。

The focus of /Monsters, Inc./ is a made-up world of monsters, Monstropolis, which is powered by the screams of little children. Since not all children have the same fears, monsters (and children) are carefully profiled such that the scream output is maximal. A child not afraid of a monster is therefore particularly terrifying to them.

Every night, the monsters venture into our world (through closet doors) and collect screams, with a running competition as to who collects the most. The scream leader is Sully (voiced by John Goodman), who's actually a good-hearted sort, and in second place, vying for first, is Randall Boggs (Steve Buscemi), who's evil even by monster standards.

One child, Boo (Mary Gibbs), who apparently isn't afraid of anyone except Randall, enters the monster world and causes panic. It turns out that Boo is a victim of a more global conspiracy that Sully and his friend Mike (Billy Crystal) must unearth. In doing so, they find a source of power that is more fulfilling than a child's scream.
The film contains some great animated sequences, including a chase scene involving thousands of doors. As with many other animated movies, the gadgets and workings in the power factory are imaginative and inspiring. /Monster's Inc./, like /Shrek/, is an animated film made for both young and old alike. While it doesn't delve too much into the realm of parody, it's novel story line combined with quality animation and voices make it a must-see on the big screen

John Goodman voices James P Sullivan or 'Sulley', a big furry monster with teeth and claws. His partner is Mike Wazowski (Billy Crystal), a monster that is almost entirely one enormous eyeball, and the two of them work at Monsters, Inc. This is the power company of the city of Monstropolis – at Monsters, Inc. the monsters travel through doors matched to those in children's' bedrooms and scare the children in order to make them scream. The screams are collected as the source of the city's power. Sulley is the number one scream-generator at Monsters, Inc. as well as being popular and respected by everyone except his work rival Randall Boggs (Steve Buscemi). Mike basks somewhat in Sulley's glory, handling his paperwork and changing his collecting cylinders.

Sulley and Mike's successful careers at Monsters, Inc. are suddenly under threat when they accidentally let a human child into the monster world. The problem is that monsters are terrified of children, and anything associated in any way with children is banned in Monstropolis. The little girl is called Boo (Mary Gibbs), and Sulley and Mike will have to find a way to hide her while they try to figure out how to get her home. This is difficult in the presence of the sneaky and suspicious Randall, who has evil plans of his own.

This is a fine animated film with plenty of action, humour and a fair bit of emotion. The story is fresh and interesting, and is also extremely intelligent – it doesn't succumb to talking down to its audience. The animation is sharp, colourful, and beautifully done with plenty of attention to detail, so that the furry monsters really do look furry. Boo is charming and sweet, and perfectly voiced by the little girl who plays her. If the film has one flaw, it is that on some occasions it seems to be trying to be cuter than it needs to be.

Monsters, Inc works on every level. Now this can be applied to just about all of the computer-animated Pixar films, but it is especially true of this one. It made me laugh, gasp in amazement, almost cry. Then it made me happy for about a week. Then I saw it again. It's that good.

Like they did in A Bug's Life, and the Toy Story movies, the good (read: amazingly talented) folks at Pixar have created a world, nay, a universe here. The basic premise is this: there exists a parallel universe populated entirely by monsters. Our New York or London is their Monstropolis, a huge city with a bustling economy that houses a gigantic corporation known as "Monsters, Inc." The company is responsible for providing the city with power by eliciting screams from children in the human universe. It employs "scarers," monsters who go through the doors of the unsuspecting kids' bedroom closets, scare them and collect their results. It's an interesting explanation for why we're afraid of what's in the dark recesses of our closet space.

The current top scarer is James P. Sullivan (John Goodman), eleven-time Employee of the Month and all-around lovable big lug. His assistant is Mike Wazowski (Billy Crystal), sarcastic, cynical and pretty much the opposite of "Sully," as he's referred to, in every way. Their rival -- and the film's eventual villain -- is Randall (Steve Buscemi), a shape-shifting, horrifyingly ugly purple monster who will do anything to get his name up on that Top Scarer's board, including coming in late at night and surreptitiously collecting extra screams.

One night, while shuffling through paperwork, Sully finds a door left on the Scare Floor. He goes in and comes out with a human child clinging to his back. But, you see, all monsters have been ingrained with the idea that the mere touch of a human child is deadly to them, and the presence of the kid will inevitably cause panic and ostracism. So Sully and Mike do their best to hide the little girl, voiced by little Mary Gibbs, while realizing that kids aren't so bad after all.

There are a lot of directions to go with this story, and I think Monsters, Inc. goes in all of them at some point or another. The most remarkable thing about it is that though it never breathes -- there is nary a moment when something crucial is not going on -- the emotional core of the story remains lucid. And it is beautiful: everything about childhood, growing up and open-mindedness is here, without any hint of preaching or talking down to the audience. I am convinced that if you look hard enough, the meaning of life -- whatever it is -- is in here somewhere.

Part of this may be because the kid, later nicknamed Boo, is so gosh-darn cute. But I think that her appeal goes beyond cuteness. Boo is a real child, not a figurehead, with real fears and idiosyncracies, and a personality that comes through even though she never even speaks a sentence. Yeah, she's cute, but not in the way E.T. is cute, or that puppy in Turner and Hooch. She's the real thing.

Monsters, Inc. left me feeling warm, and good and happy. By telling a story of monsters in a parallel universe, it somehow reaffirmed my faith in humanity. And, unlike ninety percent of feature-length animated movies, it doesn't just peter out, but ends with a bang. Its last shot is its best.





"Monsters, Inc." than this year's Oscar for best animated film "Ratatouille" to significantly stronger out of a length, and even trailers Snapshots are doing interesting full. The film has also proved that animation is the imagination of the most important element of the film are exemplary!

Shaken nuanced picture + creative + endless strange story of warmth cozy warmth.
Each of their animation, make me laugh again cried reading this. Does not require any profound reason, obscure allegory simply moved on enough to let me unforgettable.



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塔城市13710385921: 怪物公司英文影评 -
佟屠盐酸: 对电影《怪兽电力公司》的一句话影评 《怪物公司》比今年的奥斯卡最佳动画长片《料理鼠王》要明显强出一截,连片尾花絮都做得趣味十足.这部影片也证明了,动画片最重要的元素就是想象力,本片堪称典范!细致入微的震撼画面+无穷无...

塔城市13710385921: 急需一篇怪物电力公司的英文观后感 -
佟屠盐酸: 在与人类世界并存的怪物世界里,维持电力供应的能源——小孩子受到惊吓时发出高分贝的尖叫变得短缺.喜欢和毛怪苏立文、大眼怪迈克作对的鲍格斯在一次偷偷加班时不小心把小女孩阿布带入怪物的世界.虽然小孩子都是害怕怪物的,但是...

塔城市13710385921: 求一篇怪物公司的英文观后感,谢谢大家了,急用!
佟屠盐酸: There's something undeniably magical about a Disney movie that brings out your ... Sulley is a bear-like, blue and purple hairy and horned monster and Mike is a cyclopean ...

塔城市13710385921: 《怪物公司》观后感作文 -
佟屠盐酸: [《怪物公司》观后感作文] 《怪物公司》是美国迪斯尼一部动画片,《怪物公司》观后感作文.它情节生动,画面优美,非常好看. 《怪物公司》主要讲的是毛怪和一个小朋友之间的故事.怪物公司 是一个电力发电站,是靠吓唬小孩,收集尖叫声发电的.毛怪开始是很凶恶的,后来遇见了阿布这个小姑娘,变得很温和,为了帮助阿布回家,他们遇到了很多困难,但他们齐心协力,打败了又丑又坏的变色龙,把阿布安全地送回了家,观后感《《怪物公司》观后感作文》.毛怪和大眼仔在救阿布的过程中,得到了快乐与欢笑,后来他们办了一家收集小孩欢笑的公司. 这个电影告诉了我,帮助别人才是真正的快乐.《怪物公司》观后感作文200字小学生作文(/)

塔城市13710385921: 英文观后感 -
佟屠盐酸: There's something undeniably magical about a Disney movie that brings out your inner child and the streak continues to manifest itself in the latest with its fine track record with upstarts Pixar (the "Toy Story " films) in delighting children of all ages ...

塔城市13710385921: 求一篇《怪物公司》或者《僵尸新娘》的影评 -
佟屠盐酸: 怪物公司比较好写~ 1因为是迪士尼的动画 可以从'童心"“感动”之类的写很多,只要是看过,绝对会有感动. 2人物形象也比较精彩,毛绒绒的球怪,美丽的蛇发美女 3故事情节就像网上其他影评说的 前半部分比较精彩,后半部分就有些俗套了,当然写的时候不能这么写~还是走全家电影的风格,有完美的结局 4电影技术也棒,动画非常逼真,看到怪物身上的毛毛了吗?走的时候都会飘动,很可爱,关于技术方面可以上网查查 5毕竟是影评.其中要多些个人感想,还是去看看比较好,写的会比较真实.总之 也是值得看的片子

塔城市13710385921: 怪兽电力公司英文观后感,急!!!~~~~~~~ -
佟屠盐酸: 我的观后感:看完《怪兽电力公司》,感觉啥滋味都有.一部动画片,说的是怪物,反映的却是人类社会的现状.贪得无厌的人类对资源的攫取,永远都未曾停歇.牺牲其他物种来获取资源,这种勾当又是多么的令人唾弃!幸好,当长毛...

塔城市13710385921: 跪求怪兽公司英文读后感 -
佟屠盐酸: 一、In the world behind our closet doors, monsters like Mike and Sulley work hard for their income. To be exact, the monster world depends on our children's screams: It is their energy that makes lightbulbs glow and cars drive. Big companies like ...

塔城市13710385921: 怪兽 电力公司的介绍理由!要英文的 -
佟屠盐酸: 翻译结果 怪兽 电力公司的介绍理由!要英文的 The introduction of monsters company reason! To English

塔城市13710385921: 英语老师让看电影.怪物大学.然后让写300左右单词的影评..求速回..谢谢 -
佟屠盐酸: "Monsters University" is the sort of film that's easy to undervalue. It's not deep, nor is it trying to be, but its goals are numerous and varied, and it achieves every of them with grace. If you've ever seen a sports picture, you know how things have to ...

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