
作者&投稿:泷玲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

他最终的看的是,谁砍的树最多(或者是,看出那棵树是老大) (这里很难翻译,tree huggers直译的话,树的拥抱者,应该是上面两种情况里的一种,你自己判断一下)。砍倒树是目前唯一能增长技能度的方法。技能越高,越能出两倍掉率。竟可能高吧,这样会让你有一个保障。
很长时间对修理手艺的着迷,通过修复旧的和破损的装备,这会让你得到回报(就是你要学了修理技能,有好处!)。这项技能 能帮助玩家在用铁砧修理装备用更少的材料(用一个铁砧,单词是anvil.)铁砧是在一个工作台上用9个铁锭合成的。

蒸汽作为动力的工作流体复苏废气通过螺丝扩展器。机械功率通常从外部热源,如燃烧的产品,在郎肯循环系统中,使用蒸汽作为工作流体。然而,近年来,随着兴趣已经使用热源在低温下对权力的复苏,有一个越来越明显的趋势寻找替代工作流体和热源温度高达约200◦C。在大多数情况下,它已经表明,有机郎肯循环系统(兽人),使用光碳氢化合物orcommonrefrigerants代替蒸汽,有其独特的优势。这些液体具有独特的属性和艺术的最佳系统,电力恢复从agiven热源,是基于选择最合适的流体[1 - 5]。

把大前天译成Daqian Tian,也就是汉语拼音。
把两个名词performance report并列。把语气词“吧”译成酒吧的吧bar。
give everyone something to talk about完全不通。。


rorry 译的好。

First of all, very sorry Daqian Tian did not took the stage, because we go to a performance report of Tianjin. And now I will give everyone something to talk about performance bar. The show is a teacher in Tianjin to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of founding of new China choir party, my school teaching and administrative staff in the previous chorus in this "for the motherland Fangge" faculty Choir Competition second prize. Our teachers and students from the 100-member choir, a teacher of 60 people, including the Head of the Department and our Teacher Li. Piano accompaniment is our classes **, he is a handsome piano's.我们. When we stood on the stage, the cheerful Pieces sounded when I was not nervous. We sing the Song of Youth, to express our joy for the motherland 60 Daqing. The show was very successful, but also my only time to participate in such a large-scale performances, I am very happy.

First of all, very sorry Daqian Tian did not took the stage, because we go to a performance report of Tianjin. And now I will give everyone something to talk about performance bar. The show is a teacher in Tianjin to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of founding of new China choir party, my school teaching and administrative staff in the previous chorus in this "for the motherland Fangge" faculty Choir Competition second prize. Our teachers and students from the 100-member choir, a teacher of 60 people, including the Head of the Department and our Teacher Li. Piano accompaniment is our classes **, he is a handsome piano's. We show the location in Tianjin Grand Theater, where the stage than the big stage of our school a lot. When we stood on the stage, the cheerful Pieces sounded when I was not nervous. We sing the Song of Youth, to express our joy for the motherland 60 Daqing. The show was very successful, but also my only time to participate in such a large-scale performances, I am very happy.

kind of busy a little busy a little bit busy

我现在很忙,忙完了打给你。这句话怎么翻译成英文? My hands are full. As soon as I’m done, I will call you back.……这里面主要是my hands are full这个用法,记忆一下然后as 。soon as I am done这个表达,“我一完成我就……”一个很好用的表达。帮忙翻译这句话 翻译成英文 ...

牛仔很忙The Cowboy Is Busy 彩虹Rainbow 青花瓷Porcelain 阳光宅男The Sunny House Boy 蒲公英的约定 Dandelion' Promissory 无双 No Match 我不配 I Deserve Not 扯 Gossip 甜甜的 Sweet 最长的电影The Longest Movie

大家忙忙翻译一下,谢谢了~~ 急~~
On one day morning,I was on my way to school,there was a house firing .I called 119 right now .But i thought the fireman would come later ,so i called the neighborhood to help,finally rescued the person and the firman came....

Some idle away their time and some are swamped.

英语句子翻译 1、目前我很忙,咱们下周找时间再讨论吧 2、三月初新学期...
1. I‘m busy right away,we can make it next week to talk about it.2. In early March,new term is approaching.3. Two visitors reached at the same time.4. Once these counties declared war to each other while now they make peace.5. You can come and go whenever you want....

“帮我一个忙”这个短语在英语中的翻译可以是“do me a favor”,它是一个常用的口语表达。在英语中,“do me a favor”通常用于请求别人帮助自己完成某件事情,或者请求别人做出某种行为,这种行为可能会带来某种好处或者改善某种情况。举个例子,如果你需要朋友帮忙照看你的宠物狗一段时间,你可以说...

小学六年级 英语一小段作文翻译 很简单 时间紧迫拜托了
My nother is a teacher, she is very busy. She cooks for us at six in the morning. She usually goes to work at seven. Sometimes she takes a taxi. She is busy from eight in the morning to four in the afternoon. She goes home at five. But sometimes he gets home late. ...


I'm going to be a busy weekend."a busy weekend"的意思是忙碌的一个周末。

惠济区19738159530: 求英语高手帮忙用英语翻译一段话,急,在线等 -
从贵洛那: 例句:li wasn't sure if you know i have a crush on you for many years.我不晓得你是否明白我的想法:我从很早以前就已经喜欢你好几年了 所以吧,个人觉得 文中“我喜欢你很久了”用 have a crush on you 这个词组更地道、恰当,更符合外国人...

惠济区19738159530: 帮忙翻译一段英语!急!悬赏!You look in my eyesand I get emotional InsideI know it's crazybut You still can touch my heartI still believesomeday you and me ... -
从贵洛那:[答案] I STILL BELIEVE mariah carey 玛丽娅·凯莉 You look in my eyes And I get emotional Inside I know it's crazy but You still can ... Just give me one more time And love Again I had a dream,someday you and me Will find ourselves in love Again 中文翻译: ...

惠济区19738159530: 帮忙把一段话翻译成英语,急急急急急 -
从贵洛那: 他说崇高元音发音已逐渐失去了它在过去几年中作为崇高的上层阶级口音的地位.她的口音的确要比50年前听起来略少的崇高.但这些都是非常,非常小的和缓慢的变化,我们在年复一年中很难注意到这些变化 .

惠济区19738159530: 帮忙翻译一段英语,急急急 -
从贵洛那: 1.如果你不冒险,什么事也做不成. 2.直译:如果你自己当驴子,就不要埋怨别人批评你. 意译为:要别人尊重你就要自己有被尊重的资本. 3.如果你的耳朵发热,那么有人在他说你. 4.原意:你如果你把奶牛给卖了,与此同时,你也把她的奶给卖了. 引申意: 杀鸡取卵 涸泽而渔5.你从哪儿发现的那书,你就该还放那儿.

惠济区19738159530: 帮忙翻译一段英语对话!!!!急!!!!!恩,我最难忘的事是第一次站在全班面前演讲,我记得我非常的紧张,甚至都忘了该说什么,最后还是在老师的... -
从贵洛那:[答案] Graciousness, I most unforgettable matter is the first station lectures in front of all personnel, I remember my unusual anxiety, even forgot to say anything, finally completed the lecture under teacher's reminder…

惠济区19738159530: 帮忙翻译一段英语,急!急!急! -
从贵洛那: 如果没有圣诞树就不是圣诞节了.在假期之前的日子,西方的孩子开始装饰圣诞树.他们把五颜六色的灯,星星,还有很多漂亮的东西挂圣诞树上.但是你知道第一棵圣诞树从哪里来吗?有很多关于圣诞树的故事呢.

惠济区19738159530: 帮忙翻译一段英文句子!急急急!
从贵洛那: I hope that the flowers could fly, I hope the leaves will dance, I hope the grass will go, I hope ... I am a head full of strange ideas girl fantasies from a young age they can fly like a bird in the same blue sky fly fly! Uninterrupted, suddenly find themselves ...

惠济区19738159530: 谁能帮忙翻译一段英文!...
从贵洛那: honey, i love you, .. do you know? i have been being attracted by your beauty since the first sight. because of you, my life becomes colorful, i hope we could love each other forever, you are going to be my love for my lifetime, love you forever! 祝你成功

惠济区19738159530: 英语翻译:求大神帮忙把下面一段话翻译成英文(急) -
从贵洛那: 7、At present, the human in the solar system detected nine (eight)major planets, but only in the nearest to the Earth Mars might just have the existence of life. 8、Human life exploring the energies of most on the study on Mars, and try to transform it into human livable planet.

惠济区19738159530: 帮忙翻译一段英文,急!!
从贵洛那: 1,亲爱的Yu,我不知道我是否可以坚持末端,对我自己总说没有付清,因为我比足够支付了更多. 2,爱在过去形状和陌生人.

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