
作者&投稿:步晓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 如果鱼缸配备有过滤设备,建议每三到五天更换约三分之一的 water。对于没有过滤系统的小型鱼缸,建议每一到两天更换约五分之一的 water。请注意,添加到鱼缸中的 new water 的 temperature 应尽量与原 water 的 temperature 保持一致,不要有太大的差异,最好在正负1度以内。
通常情况下,the frequency of water change depends on the specific situation. If the water becomes very turbid or the fish suffer from hypoxia, it is necessary to change the water immediately. In hot weather, it is recommended to change about one-third of the water every three to four days, while in spring and autumn, it can be extended to once a week. In winter, it can be reduced to once every half a month.
There are four types of water suitable for fish keeping:
1. New water, which is usually tap water or well water that has been left to stand for a while. Although it appears clean, it is very different from the natural environment in which fish live. Since there are no nitrifying bacteria in the water, the waste products from the fish and leftover food can rot and release ammonia, which is highly toxic to fish.
2. Old water, which is usually light green or a light amber color. It is rich in organic matter and beneficial microorganisms and algae, and has established a good ecological cycle. After the nitrogen cycle, it is broken down into harmless nitrates.
3. Green water, which contains an excessive amount of organic matter, leading to a proliferation of blue, green, and brown algae, as well as a sharp increase in bacterial content. The water becomes thick and green and may even smell bad, easily causing the death of all the fish in the tank.
4. Clear water, also known as biting water, occurs when there is too much algae and microorganisms in green water, which consume all the oxygen in the tank, leading to the death of algae and oxygen-loving bacteria, and leaving the water clear but containing a large number of anaerobic harmful bacteria.
It is important to note that not all types of water are suitable for goldfish. The most suitable water for goldfish is old water. The process of turning new water into old water is called "conditioning the water".
Most of the water we use for fish keeping is tap water, so the first step in conditioning the water is to remove the toxic substances, such as chlorine. This can be done by allowing the water to stand for 2-3 days or by exposing it to sunlight for 1 day. If the water is needed immediately, adding 0.63 grams of sodium thiosulfate per 100 kilograms of water can remove the chlorine immediately.
After the new water has been exposed to sunlight, it should be added to the tank and the filter should be turned on to circulate the water. Then, some hardy and inexpensive fish can be introduced to the tank to help remove ammonia from the water. Ammonia is highly toxic to fish, and its concentration needs to be reduced by using nitrifying bacteria. Nitrifying bacteria can be added to the water, but they need a surface to attach to in order to survive. If there is no suitable surface, the added nitrifying bacteria will die, and they are usually found attached to the filter media or substratum. In fact, water movement will naturally lead to the growth of nitrifying bacteria, which is the most commonly used method for cultivating them. The cultivation of nitrifying bacteria is the second step in conditioning the water.
Once the fish are introduced to the tank, they will release ammonia and other waste products into the water, causing the ammonia concentration to rise. The living nitrifying bacteria can decompose the ammonia (note: the formation of nitrifying bacteria takes a week or longer, so the fish may suffer during this time), and when the nitrifying bacterial community is established, the ammonia concentration will decrease to zero.
However, it's not that simple, because nitrifying bacteria can only convert ammonia to nitrite, which is still toxic to fish! So it's important to understand that as ammonia levels decrease, nitrite levels may increase. To reduce nitrite levels, it's necessary to change the water regularly and in a controlled manner to keep the concentration low, which will help maintain a relatively stable ecosystem and keep the water in an old water state.
It should be noted that while old water is the goal we strive for, green water also has many benefits for goldfish. For example, green water can make goldfish have a darker body color, but the high concentration of algae makes it difficult to see the fish, which is not suitable for viewing. Moreover, when algae are too abundant, fish may suffocate, so attention should be paid to controlling the amount of algae in the water when keeping goldfish in green water.


养鱼的时候,一般可以每周换一次水。如果在夏天,天气比较热,水容易变质,需要提高换水频率,改为每3-5天换一次。相反,如果在冬天,气温比较低,则可以减少换水,每10天左右换一次就行了。另外,如果鱼缸中有功率比较强的过滤系统,也可以适当减少换水次数。 一、养鱼几天换一次水 在养鱼的过程...

关于换水的频率,通常情况下,每周更换一次水即可。在夏季,由于气温较高,水质容易变差,建议将换水频率提高至每3至5天一次。而在冬季,由于气温较低,可以适当减少换水次数,大约每10天左右换一次水即可。此外,如果鱼缸中配备了高效的过滤系统,可以考虑进一步延长换水间隔。1. 季节与换水频率:- ...

鱼缸多久不换水合适 养鱼几天换一次水,
3. 冬季节制换水:在寒冷的冬季,鱼类的新陈代谢减慢,因此不需要过于频繁地换水。每10天至半个月换一次水即可,但也要注意观察水质的变化,必要时及时调整换水频率。



养小鱼几天换一次水2 可以选择一个星期换一次水,换水是不用换的太勤。换水的时候要先把水放到太阳下晒几天,水温要保持和鱼缸里的温度差不多。不能使用生水,生水是没有经过晾晒处理的自来水。于鱼缸里的水温度相差太大。每天吸污,也就是吸掉赃物和大约5分之一到10分之一的水,具体看水质...




肥西县15086515901: 鱼缸的水多长时间一换?? -
才鹏克瑞: 我建议: 1、如果你平时不怎么喂食,一个星期换一次就够了. 2、如果你平时老喜欢喂食,水就得勤换,一天一次最好了. 3、如果你养的是淡水鱼,建议换水后在水里撒一点盐,最好是什么都没加的盐. 4、如果你是用的那种大的功能鱼缸,养各种热带名贵鱼,就不要随便加盐了,水也不能随便换.

肥西县15086515901: 鱼缸几天换一次水啊 -
才鹏克瑞: 养鱼要定期换水, 这是保持水质环境的方法之一. 当然,给鱼缸换水也是有科技含量的,并非是说换就换,也不是每一次都要更换全部的. 鱼缸换水要根据养鱼的数量、天气环境等等来综合决定.那么鱼缸一般多久换水一次,几天更换一次会...

肥西县15086515901: 家庭养鱼几天换一次水比较好? -
才鹏克瑞: 如果是有过滤设备的鱼缸,每三至五天换换约三分之一.如果是无过滤系统的小鱼缸,那么每一至两天换约五分之一.应注意新水的水温要尽量和原缸内的水温保持一致,不要差太多,正负1度以内最好.

肥西县15086515901: 养鱼的水需要多少天换一次? -
才鹏克瑞: 金鱼多长时间换水,一般要看自己的情况.如果水很混浊,或者金鱼缺氧就要立即换.通常情况下,夏天是三四天换一次,春秋季一周一次,冬季半个月一次.每次换原来水体的三分之一. 对于养鱼的人来说,水分四种:一是新水,也就是刚刚晾好的...

肥西县15086515901: 养鱼的水多久换一次比较好? -
才鹏克瑞: 一般淡水鱼五天至一周,前提是有增氧机和自动过滤装置 如果没有水很浑就要勤一点.换之前要先晾两天!!

肥西县15086515901: 鱼缸多久换水一次
才鹏克瑞: 1、在这里我们建议是刚开缸的一个月内不要换水.因为刚开缸的这一个月内是属于水质波动比较大的阶段.2、养鱼所需要的水质是需要稳定性比较强的,所以这一个月内如果频繁的去换水的话,会让这个水质稳定的进程变得很慢.不利于我们养水,也不利于新入缸的鱼状态的稳定.3、所以开缸一个月内不要去换水.那么开缸一个月之后就可以保持一个星期,或者是10天换一次水,这个习惯了.

肥西县15086515901: 给鱼多长时间换一次水合适? -
才鹏克瑞: 给鱼7天换一次水合适,换水的做法及注意事项: 一、换水的时间:给鱼换水首先要注意天气,最好挑选晴朗天气换水.换水的时间一般在上午太阳刚出来后7~10时,或在下午的3~4点钟以后为最好.切忌中午烈日当头时换水和捞鱼,特别是对...

肥西县15086515901: 鱼缸放置多久换水合适
才鹏克瑞: 1、刚开缸的一个月内不要换水.因为刚开缸的这一个月内是属于水质波动比较大的阶段.养鱼所需要的水质是需要稳定性比较强的,所以这一个月内如果频繁的去换水的话,会让这个水质稳定的进程变得很慢.不利于我们养水,也不利于新入缸的鱼状态的稳定.所以开缸一个月内不要去换水.那么开缸一个月之后就可以保持一个星期,或者是10天换一次水.2、如果你的鱼生病了,就应该最好每3天换1次水,换水量是总量的1/3-1/4.直至鱼痊愈为止.因为鱼缸是人为制造的生态环境,和自然环境相差很大,为了达到近乎自然的生态环境就要不断换水,因为自然界多数都是活水,不断流动、不断有新鲜的水,而鱼缸却不是.

肥西县15086515901: 鱼缸换水换多久合适
才鹏克瑞: 1、鱼缸七天换一次水最好.换水如果太频繁,鱼儿会受到新水的刺激,从而使它产生应激反应,甚至会引发疾病.如果换水周期太长,水质容易恶化,水体氨氮含量增加,对鱼儿有一定的毒害作用.但具体的换水时间并不固定,根据水质的保持情况,大鱼缸和小鱼缸还是有差异的,需要适当调整一下.2、换水方法:准备给鱼缸换水前,需要先找一个管子,将其一头通到鱼缸的底部,另一头放在比缸底更低的地方,这样吸一口就可以将水从缸底抽出来了.除此之外,也可以直接用水泵抽水.抽完水后,将困过的新水从缸壁处缓缓兑入,这样不会引起水质波动.

肥西县15086515901: 养鱼的水几天换一次水 -
才鹏克瑞: 一周两次 不要直接晒太阳时间太长 金鱼不耐阳光 水在换的时候要先用软管抽出下层的脏东西 每次更换鱼缸的三分之二的时比较合适 新接的水要在太阳光下晒两三天 换的时候尽量不要造成温差过大 一周要全面地刷一个鱼缸

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