
作者&投稿:相翁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Pete Conrad used to say he was prouder of his walk on the moon. "Some people even get mad," he said. " 'What do you mean, the moon isn't the biggest thing in your life?' I say: 'Well,it isn't'. They think,' Well, it should be'. I say:'Why? I'm the guy that did this'."
Maybe life is one long "wet paint" sign: you don't believe it until you reach out and touch.


Certainly, Dave Scott, of Apollo 15, thought so. Standing on the moon, he voiced his thoughts to Houston:"I realise there's a fundamental truth to our nature: man must explore." Home is never far from our thoughts, though. How many times have you looked forward for months to a holiday,only to find that on day three you're already dreaming of your own bed? But when you return, the process starts all over again.This idea of life as a perpetual cycle seems particularly comforting in a recession. Even though we're overreached(and overborrowed),and been reminded of some home truths, we konw that one day we'll reach out once more.

毫无疑问,大卫斯科特,阿波罗15的乘员之一,也是这么认为的。站在月球上,他将他的想法用声音传给休斯顿:“我意识到我们的本性中有最真实的本能:人类必须探索。”即便如此,家园从未远离我们的思绪。多少次你盼望了好几个月的假期,度假第三天你就开始想念起自己的床榻?但每次你回来,这样一个过程又开始周而复始。特别是在衰退时期,这种认为生命轮回恒久反复的观念令人鼓舞。即便是我们的野心已经过度(我们的预支也已经过度), 每当想起这些有些恼人却又无可争辩的事实,我们会意识到终有一日我们会再度出发。

Another of Bean's thoughts sums up the very essence of the Apollo missions, indeed of all human travel: that it isn't about who you are. "Everybody came back just more like I knew them. I think maybe success doesn't change you as much as reveal you."


Yet despite the astronaut's protestations that the moon itself was a letdown, which of us, given the chance,wouldn't want to go there? The Chinese are planning missions of their own, and the commercial investment being ploughed into space tourism proves just how much we yearn for new experiences. So much so that we resent anyone who dampens our excitement.


尽管有宇航员“月球令人失望”的异议,我们中的任何人,如果有机会的话,谁不想到月亮上去?中国人正在制订他们自己的登月计划,正在被投入太空旅游的商业投资证明,我们多么向望新鲜的经历。 我们憎恶那些泼我们冷水的人。


flowing plot NO.16, north of liberation NO.1000, Baiyun District of Guangzhou city,Guangdong Province.


第一篇 Love is everlastingly patient and kind;Never be jealous, boastful and arrogant;Never indulges in shameful act and selfish gains.Love is never easily irritable, never resentful,It rejoices in plain truth but not disloyalty;Forbearance, trust, hope and patience are its traits;Lo...

大虾们,帮帮忙 翻译一下-英语\\急!!
我们公司对运输带托轮非常感兴趣(恢复设置(上下) ,槽设置,带清洁,槽清洁) :具体信息在文件中,请查收。你们能给我们提供这样的托轮吗?我们能从你们那里获得它的规格和价钱吗?另外你对于配货怎么安排?你们可以安排吗?愿一切都好 纳迪娅 ...

5、Dear beauty. We sells outside in such a cold winter but only few to earn. Please, will u let me get some profit!(这里不是问句,是强调) I have to support my poor family.6、Come again if u r satisfied.~~~ 我差不多都按原文翻的 有几句有点变动 不过意思大致没变 ...

初中仁爱英语 我要中考,大虾们帮我个忙!
初中仁爱英语 我要中考,大虾们帮我个忙! 悬赏分:80 - 离问题结束还有 13 天 6 小时 我马上要中考了,感觉英语不好(120分左右),急需恶补语法知识和一些短语(EX:there will be加什么 ,be busy 加doing 还是do 等等一类的) 把整个初中仁爱英语需要掌握的语法知识完整地发给我。(格式错了,不给分哦) 格式:...

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The original text is as follows: respect leadership: hello!in spite of being very busy thanks you to be able to extract the time to read myself seeking employment from the letter of recommendation. I am XX institute 09 year numerical control specialized graduate. When soon ...

We may provide you with all client lists and sales contracts since our company was established, meanwhile make a list about our expendicure in detail, so both sides of us can get a clear and true understanding."

I want the soundly asleep.The breathing of the death starts spread

兰山区13035405974: 求:英文大虾们帮忙翻译一下这些英文.一定追加高分.是关于阿波罗登月的.谢!! -
拓蕊盐酸: Which is why the greatest reason to celebrate this 40th anniversary isn't scientific or environmental or political; it's personal.值此40周年(指的是阿波罗登月)庆典之际,最值得欢庆的原因的不是科学、环境或者政治,而是人本身.The next time ...

兰山区13035405974: 求:英文大虾帮忙翻译一下这些英文.是关于阿波罗登月的.一定追加高分!
拓蕊盐酸: 那篇评论(乔治.哈里森以前为披头士乐队感到失落而不平是因为“我们是唯一没有看过披头士演出的人”)揭示了有关阿波罗任务的惊人真相:它们不是关于月球的.而是关于地球的.

兰山区13035405974: 英语翻译请英语大虾们帮忙翻译以下的句子,“最重要的一点是我想能过面谈让你对我们公司更加的了解及信任,这样会有利于我们以后长期的合作.因为我们... -
拓蕊盐酸:[答案] The most important point for us meeting face to face is so that you could have a better understanding and trust of our company,this will be quite beneficial to our long-term cooperation.What we are fo...

兰山区13035405974: 求助 词语英文翻译 大虾帮忙啊
拓蕊盐酸: 清水:water,纸:paper?

兰山区13035405974: 求英语大虾帮忙翻译一下下如下物理实验的1, D结束时(RemTime : 00h00m00s)、一直在放电.(alam响没响都不知道)2,应为感觉异常所以立马停止了3,... -
拓蕊盐酸:[答案] The following experiment at the end of 1, D (RemTime: 00h00m00s), has been in the discharge. (Alam response did not do not know) 2, should be immediately stopped 3 feel so, determine the Log, setting time is 14hr00min, about 13hr15min to stop the...

兰山区13035405974: 英语翻译Kaulikoro,Bamako,KasKas,请大虾们将这三个英文词汇翻译成汉语,会的我会多加分的,不懂的别瞎说! -
拓蕊盐酸:[答案] 第一个应该是Koulikoro 库利科罗 马里西部城市.在尼日尔河西北岸,西南距巴马科57公里.人口约1.7万(1976).尼日尔河中游航线起点,塞内加尔—马里铁路终点,水陆运输枢纽.花生、棉花、稻谷和畜产品集散中心,有碾米、榨油等工业.设有师范...

兰山区13035405974: 跪求大虾帮忙翻译一句英文! -
拓蕊盐酸: 这是谁说的话啊,语法肯定不对,不过如果翻译的话应该是:放下我刚才说的这些话,我知道你现在一定很难过.采纳为答案吧,肯定对.

兰山区13035405974: 请各位大虾,帮我翻译一下,你永远都不会知道,在我内心深处我有多爱你这句话!一些翻译器翻译的就免了!求英文好的大虾翻译啊! -
拓蕊盐酸:[答案] You will never know my affection to you deep down. 或者 You will never know how I love you deep down. You will never know how much you mean to me deep down.

兰山区13035405974: 各位大虾帮忙翻译一下英语 ...
拓蕊盐酸: Now I can go to worky by foot instead of car. "Do you have it" is often used in American English while British often say “have you got it ” This is my last request. I won't ask you any request again

兰山区13035405974: 请求众大虾帮忙帮下面的句子翻译成英文,能让外国人一下就看得明白的.. -
拓蕊盐酸: From complaint on now, I haven't received any information from the agent middleman.

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