一篇关于茶叶的英文翻译 高分悬赏

作者&投稿:雪项 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

首先是定位,英语名片是给老外看的,他们不懂中国的历史,所以不要翻译宋朝和点这些只有中国人才懂的东西,可以翻译成 皇家的或者古典的 饮茶再加上年份即可。


综上所述,我觉得翻译成China Royal Tea Since 1258 (中国皇家茶,传承于1258年)
或者China Classical Tea Since 1098 (中国古典茶,传承于1098年)


普洱茶需以沸水冲泡。有茶友习惯洗茶,即在短时间内用沸水浸泡茶叶,洗去茶叶在生产过程中积累的灰尘。洗茶之后,再以100°C (212°F)的沸水冲泡茶叶,时间控制在半分钟至5分钟内,确保茶叶沉底。


The width collects the tea is “collects in by the width” the upscale tea, the tea set and the home and the Taiwan well-known tea, the tea set brand sale primarily and has the leisure teahouse's specialized brand shop. Is situated at Xuzhou to be liveliest, most to have the quality and the influence characteristic commercial circle gold discusses, east near Xuzhou center business circle one of five big core projects “Peng city one”, the width collects the tea take to bring honor to the tea culture, the initiative health life as the guiding principle, by modern science's mode of administration, the reasonable conformity tea tea set resources, causes the tea tea set to be healthier, the environmental protection, has user-friendly. The pursue most is high the tea tea set which savors is the head store ultimate objective. “drinks the good tea, collects to the width”, lets the good tea enter everyone, the width collects the intention, the friend felt relieved!

The width collects the tea is “collects in by the width” the upscale tea, the tea set and the home and the Taiwan well-known tea, the tea set brand sale primarily and has the leisure teahouse's specialized brand shop. Is situated at Xuzhou to be liveliest, most to have the quality and the influence characteristic commercial circle gold discusses, east near Xuzhou center business circle one of five big core projects “Peng city one”, the width collects the tea take to bring honor to the tea culture, the initiative health life as the guiding principle, by modern science's mode of administration, the reasonable conformity tea tea set resources, causes the tea tea set to be healthier, the environmental protection, has user-friendly. The pursue most is high the tea tea set which savors is the head store ultimate objective. “drinks the good tea, collects to the width”,

Width converges tender tea leaves tea is that top grade tea , the tea set reach famous tea of Taiwan with in the homeland , the tea set brand marketing gives first place to in plate one "converge with width" matches the special field brand store who has the saloon who lies fallow together. Field place Xu Zhou is the most flourishing , quality and the influence characteristic commerce enclose gold field Shang Dou county have most, east one "Peng Cheng who faces one of Xu Zhou centre merchant circle five big core projects width converges tender tea leaves tea to develop and expand tea culture, propose that healthy life is a guiding ideology, with the modern sciences supervisor mode, integrate tea tea set resource rationally, the messenger tea tea set is more healthy , environmental protection, personalizes more . Running after the maximal taste tea tea set is ultimate target of this store. "Drink good tea , converge " to width, let good tea walk into huge numbers of families , width converging intention , the friend are at ease

Department of tea is a wide "wide sink" brand in the high-grade tea, tea sets, and the mainland and Taiwan well-known tea, tea brand sales-oriented and casual cafe with a professional brand stores. Xuzhou is located in the most prosperous and most influential characteristics of quality and business circles have golden supplier, Xuzhou, east, central business district, one of the five core projects, "Pengcheng Ichigo" Wide Meeting in order to promote the tea culture, tea, promote healthy living the guiding ideology, modern and scientific management methods, rational integration of tea and the tea resources to make tea and the tea is more healthy, more environmentally friendly and more humane. The pursuit of the highest taste of tea and the tea is the restaurant's ultimate goal. "Drink tea, to the wide-sink", so that tea into millions of households, wide exchange motives, friends, rest assured!

英翻: 中国茶叶在世界上享有盛誉,早在唐朝时就被传到日本,形成了日本的...

Tea 5 grams, 6 grams orange peel, orange Piqie Si to increase with the bubble tea drink. Its effectiveness: Qi phlegm, cough Wen Lung effectiveness. Tanduo appropriate cough, expectoration in patients with drinking in a bad mood.好好的学习英语啊~~~这么简单都不知道,悲哀啊 ...

)含有刺五加两侧,属性与人参皂甙非常相似。中国药草师认为它们是能益气提神的健康草药。专家建议一天可喝三杯或三杯以上的绿茶。一天中可随时随地,以热或冰,或尝试加入柠檬和您最喜欢的甜味剂,来享用这美味的茶。语言:英语(美国) ; 远东语系:简体中文(中国); 亚非语系:阿拉伯语(沙特阿拉伯)...

余秋雨那篇散文诗关于 茶的

supergrade, top grade



茶是斜刀剪红绢,功成赐宴麟德殿。效通消息一件件。Sweet three thousand Weiyang road,Fame did not consider rimaud.The cry rang Ying effect.Tea is inclined scissors red silk,Gongcheng feast Lin Tak temple.One piece of news.6.哪位高人知道有关茶tea 的英文诗歌啊 1. Tea Stove ...

茶文化英文资料 【茶的起源】“我国何时开始饮茶,人人言殊,莫衷一是。唯大体上可谓开始于汉,而盛行于唐。唐以前饮茶,陆羽《茶经》卷下《六茶之饮》概为言之,谓:“茶之为饮,发乎神农氏,闻于鲁周... 【茶的起源】“我国何时开始饮茶,人人言殊,莫衷一是。唯大体上可谓开始于汉,而盛行于唐。唐以前饮茶,...


承德县17874961594: 一篇关于茶叶的英文翻译 高分悬赏 -
淳谢大黄: The width collects the tea is “collects in by the width” the upscale tea, the tea set and the home and the Taiwan well-known tea, the tea set brand sale primarily and has the leisure teahouse's specialized brand shop. Is situated at Xuzhou to be ...

承德县17874961594: 有没有关于茶叶的英语介绍400 - 600单词左右 -
淳谢大黄: The Chinese people, in their drinking of tea, place much significance on the act of "savoring." "Savoring tea" is not only a way to discern good tea from mediocre tea, but also how people take delight in their reverie and in tea-drinking itself. ...

承德县17874961594: 一篇关于茶叶的翻译 -
淳谢大黄: Abstract: This article Zhongdi Dang green tea as raw material to work on a simple tea in the tea polyphenols active ingredients, caffeine, tea polysaccharide from the compound of ultrasound technology, and green tea contained in the tea ...

承德县17874961594: 急求一篇word形式有关茶叶出口的英文文献,回答后有加分,谢谢,急求,谢谢啊啊啊 -
淳谢大黄: 外文文献有,翻译没有,翻译得靠你自己了,如果需要回复邮箱地址即可,希望能满足你的需要,能帮到你,多多给点悬赏分吧,急用的话请多选赏点分吧,这样更多的知友才会及时帮到你,我找到也是很花时间的 英文文献都是PDF格式的,都有文献版式,你可以通过PDF浏览器打开后文本选择复制到Word中 请直接百度Hi中留言需求及邮箱地址

承德县17874961594: 有关茶的英文短语有吗? -
淳谢大黄: TEA=Task Equipment Analysis 专用设备分析 not my cup of tea"这个短语在美国,可以用来形容你不喜欢或不在意的东西.相反的, "one's cup of tea"自然可以用来表示"某人感兴趣或喜爱的东西tea urn 茶壶 tea processing 茶叶加工 tea graying 茶叶变暗淡(由于烤得过火) tea fanningss 茶屑,茶末 tea estate 茶园 tea cloth 茶巾 tea catechin 茶叶儿茶酸 strong tea 浓茶 make tea 泡茶

承德县17874961594: 关于茶文化的,请高手帮忙翻译成专业的英文,不要用软件的!好的定会加分!
淳谢大黄: Tea as cosmopolitan drinks, increasingly get the welcome of people. Both developed or developing country, in recent years the tea consumption was increasing. This is the function of tea itself with relevant. China is the cradle of tea, tea areas wide ...

承德县17874961594: 一句英语翻译 谈到中国的茶叶,可以追溯到远古时代,它是从唐代与宋代兴盛起来的. -
淳谢大黄: 手工翻译如下:Speaking of Chinese tea, it can date back to ancient times. It was during the Tang and Song Dynasty that it began to prosper.如果可以,烦请点击页面中的 选为满意回答 按钮,谢谢!

承德县17874961594: 求查到高手翻译一段关于太平猴魁茶叶的英文成中文.机器翻译的勿扰! -
淳谢大黄: 它的叶片可长达60毫米;这是绿茶名种中叶片最大的一种了.但令人惊奇的是,其尺寸丝毫不影响它精致的兰花香味,四次浸泡后其香醇依旧回味无穷.在透明的玻璃杯中,茶叶叶片形状优雅,于水中轻轻摆动,其态被誉为“龙飞凤舞”.

承德县17874961594: 将汉语翻译成英语1.众所周知,中国茶叶是世界上最好的茶叶2.你
淳谢大黄: As we know, Chinese tea is the best tea in the world. Can you give me a piece of paper to write down the answer? I will see you off in the airport as arranged. My older sister is willing to go to the America so much, noboday can stop her.

承德县17874961594: 高分悬赏英语翻译一段. -
淳谢大黄: In this study the fine varieties -- Huang Huai chrysanthemum chrysanthemum as test material, to validate the established droplet vitrification cryopreservation technology of preservation of small yellow chrysanthemum system feasibility for the purpose, ...

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