
作者&投稿:壬程 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1。Our system of harmony is based of intervals of thirds - tones combined with each other,threesteps apart.Chords may be defined as any combination of three,or more,tones which are sounded at the same time
我们的和谐的系统是基于时间间隔的三分之二的 - 色调互相结合,threesteps apart.Chords可以被定义为3或更多的任意组合而发声的同时调。 2。It then becomes obvious that we must know the 12 major scales as a prerequisite for a study of triadic harmony


What's your friend's name? Jim Green.
What's your father's phone number? It's one two three four five six seven eight.
What's his first/family name? Miller.
What's her last name? It's Jina.
That isn't his phone number, it's his father's (phone number).
What's her name? It's Linda.
Is your mother fine/OK/well? Yes, she's very well.
Is this your pen?
What's this in English? It's an eraser.Spell it, please.

What's your friend's name ? Jim green.
What's your father's telephone number ? 12345678.
What's his family name? (It's) Miller.
What's her name? Her name is zina.
That's not his telephone number, it was his father's telephone number.
What's her name? She called Linda.
How about his mother? Yes, she is very good
Is this your pen?
How do you say this in English? A rubber. Spell it.

What's your friend's name? Jim Green.

What's your father's phone number?

What's his family name? Miller.

What's her name? She is Gina.

That's not his phone number,but his father's.

What's her name? She is Linda.

How's his mother? She's fine.

Is this your pen?

What's it in English? It is an eraser. Spell it.

是译成英文吧?1,我宁愿他已经离开。I would rather he left.2,我承认变化随时可能发生。I admit that changes may happen at any moment.3,我认为他将不会通过考试,是不是?I don't think he will pass the exam,will he?


4.他们讲哪种语言? What language do they speak?5.Tian来自新加坡。他能说英语和汉语。 Tian is from Singapore. He can speak English and Chinese.6.你的叔叔来自日本吗? Is your uncle from Japan?7.我想在中国找一个笔友. I'm looking for a pen pal in China.8.我认为中国是一个有...

あなたが、私は终わりだあなたの自由を得た。さようなら、ウサギ、私に言って、最后の时间、闻かせ さようなら、私の大好きです。ので、私はあまりあなたを爱し私はあなたを放弃し、学ぶことが 上面是错的,它翻译会来是这样的:你,我收到了你的自由了。再见,兔,告诉我最后一次...

中文翻释英文句子 1.你认识的伤残人士中,有没有人曾乘搭天星小轮? Among the people with disabilities that you know has any one travelled on Star Ferry? 2.他们的意见如何?What are their opinions?3.你认为天星小轮有需要改善对残疾人士的服务吗?Do you think that Star Ferry needs to ...

1)我将在哪个地方呆一周,如果我有时间我会去看你。 I will stay in the place for a week. If I have time, I will go and visit you.2)昨天我收到了我哥哥的一封信,他告诉我,他很快 会来看我。 I received a letter from my elder brother yesterday. He told me that he would...

but that's not enough, there are still 40 million family flat trapped children need help. 24. Scientists have sent to Mars spacecraft. The spacecraft will fly a few months to get to Mars. More than ten thousand people attended 25.20 project hope.如果可以的话请采纳我的~谢 ...

2.他此刻正在被医生看病 3.警察说他之前在当地看到过这个男人 4.这个新的迷你电视必须看了以后才会被人相信(是否可看、是否令人满意)5.政府官员必须经常接受公众的监督 6.你今天不能去看医生了,你只能明天去看 7.我今天本应该被关注的!被公众关注是成名的一部分。希望我的回答能帮助到你O(∩_...

1我的故乡是**地方,我的故乡很美丽,邻居们都很熟悉,很友好。私の故郷は**地方でとてもきれいな故郷で、隣の人は皆かなり熟知しています。2非常伤心所以留下了眼泪 悲しんでたまらないですから、涙がこぼれました。3腿疼所以不好走路 足が痛いですから、歩きにくいです。

1.갑자기 뭘 말해야할지 모르겠어요 ,하지만 너무 기뻐요 ~2.要翻字典才能看懂哥哥的日志,但是神奇的是,我学的很快~2...

石楼县13017781831: 帮我把这些句子翻译成英文~我看见了猴子们正在荡,两只狮子在打架,大象们正在喝水,老虎在睡觉,鸟在飞,斑马在走,兔子在跳 -
安临黄芩:[答案] I saw the monkeys to swing, two lions were fighting, the elephants were drinking water, the tiger was sleeping, the bird was flying, the zebra was walking, the rabbit was jumping

石楼县13017781831: 谁帮我把这些句子翻译成英语 -
安临黄芩: Sunday, the little girl to see the water on the table opened in the past to power off, due to not pay attention to the customs of the time knocked over the pot to just boiling water directly flow to the little girl's body. To the side The little girl's mother on the ...

石楼县13017781831: 谁能帮我把这些句子翻译成英语,小弟分不高,希望有人能帮我一下下,谢谢 -
安临黄芩: What's your friend's name? Jim Green.What's your father's phone number? It's one two three four five six seven eight.What's his first/family name? Miller.What's her last name? It's Jina.That isn't his phone number, it's his father's (phone number).What...

石楼县13017781831: 【由于各种原因,他们只得把婚期推迟到圣诞节 】谁能帮我把这句话翻译成英文,小弟在此谢谢你们了 -
安临黄芩: Because of all kinds of reasons,they have to put off the date fo wedding to christmas day

石楼县13017781831: 英语翻译帮我把这几个句子翻译成英文 1.我们的英语老师在学习上对我们要求严格 2她对我们非常有耐心 3在她的帮助下 我们的英语已取得很大进步 4我们感... -
安临黄芩:[答案] 1.Our English teacher is very strict in our studies.2.She is very patient with us .3.With her help, we have made great progress in English.4.We are very grateful for her help and respectful to her.

石楼县13017781831: 谁能帮我把这几句话翻译成英文的!谢谢!我想我会一直孤单!一辈子都那么孤单!但是,我已经习惯了孤单. -
安临黄芩:[答案] I think I would be always lonely!Lonely for all my lifetime!However,I have benn accustomed to it.

石楼县13017781831: 帮我把这些句子翻译成英文 不会的不要乱翻译误导小弟哈
安临黄芩: 1.Three of them come from Japan./Three of them are from Japan. 2.He was only of his tens when he came to America. 3.Thousands of people go to the park on weekends. 4.That bridge is about 5 meters.哦,记住咯. 第二句还可以这样:He was still in his teens when he went to the States 哦,记住咯.

石楼县13017781831: 英语高手们能否帮我小弟翻译几个句子!拜托了各位!能否帮忙翻译一下句子:1.如果我有做的不对的,希望您第一时间提出,我会改正的2.以后就多多指教... -
安临黄芩:[答案] 1.If I ever do anything wrong,please point it out to me.I'll surely correct it. 2.Hope I can learn more from you in the days to come. 3.If there are any mistakes in my spoken English,please help me correct and improve. 给个小建议:如果你是跟老外沟通,大...

石楼县13017781831: 英语好的请进来帮小弟一个忙!请问谁能帮我翻译下面几句话,第一句,"要面带微笑,尊重客户.当他们有问题的时候,尽自己最大的努力帮助他们解决问题... -
安临黄芩:[答案] "To smile and respect to your customers.Do your best to help them to solve problems once they met." "With amicable and accommodating attitude, I regard helping customers to solve problems as my honor." "Work as part of a team, we should ...

石楼县13017781831: 谁能帮我翻译下这些句子呢?唯美些就更好了!小弟先谢谢了!The gov never yielded to public opinion is the best gov.The Prince is bewitched by the ... -
安临黄芩:[答案] 不向公众舆论屈服的政府是最好的政府王子被美丽无双的公主所蛊惑你真的十分美丽冲动就是魔鬼,当它在的时候我的兄长志愿去打仗并死在了边境爱允许ppl(人们 people)激情和梦想允许人们当mr yu(min hong)从仍然持续...

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