
作者&投稿:塔衬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.Lisa won't go shopping next Monday.
Will Lisa go shopping (next Monday) ?Yes,he will;No,he won't.
When will Lisa go shopping ?
2.We won't buy any drink for our classmates.
Will you buy any drink for our classmates ?Yes,we will;No,we won't.
What will you buy for our classmates ?
3..Mr Wang won't teach us math next semester.
Will (Mr Wang) teach us math next semester?Yes,he will;No,he won't.
Who Will teach us math next semester?
4.Wang Ning won't (go shopping) this friday.
Will Wang Ning go shopping this friday ?Yes,he will;No,he won't.
What will Wang Ning do this friday ?
5.There won't be a concert in the gym to night.
Will there be a concert (in the gym) tonight ? Yes,there will;No,there won't.
Where will there be a concert tonight ?

1.Do you think Ann is interested in Beijing?
Yes,I think so.______She plans to take many photos so that she can tell her friends about China_____.(her friends/so that/she/take many photos/can tell/she/about China/plans to)

2.What did you do last night?
Well,_____I wrote the notices in several languages in order that the tourists would understand them_______.(understand them/I/the tourists/would/wrote the notices/in several languages/in order that)

1.This match is so important that nobody wants to miss it.
This is _such_______ ____an _____ _important_________ match that nobody wants to miss it.

2.The water is too dirty for people to drink.
The water is ____so_______dirty______that_______people can't drink it.

.1.I think you have a p_roblem____.you eat too little.
2.it's hard to b__elieve__ that it is so warm in Australia.
3.Many foreigners are learning Chinese m_edicine____ now.
When you __have___ ___a__ __cold___,you _shouldn't____ work _too___ __much___.
It's ___important___ to __have__ ____a_ ___rest___for ___a___ ___moment___.
I hope _yo_____ _can_____ ___get___ ___back___ tomorrow.

4 when you catch a cold. you should work much less

6. i hope you will come back tomorrow

4.have a cold, shouldn't,too much
5.important,have a rest ,some time
6.you can get back

4、catch a cold shouldn't,too much
5、important,have a rest ,some time
6、you can come back tomorrow.

4 when you catch a cold. you should work much less
5 it's pivotal to take a break for a while.
6. i hope you will come back tomorrow.

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I will not go to bed until the TV play __over.1 is 2 was 3 will 4 will be 答案:1 翻译:直到电视节目结束了我才去睡觉。分析:not 。。。until 直到。。。才。。。,until引导的从句发生在主句之前,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时。They decided __out for the camp.1 ...

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