问题:when did we go to the town hall? when did the clock stop?

作者&投稿:自弦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 我们什么时候去了市政厅?
 【When did we go to the town hall? 】
2 那一天是哪一天?
 【What date was that day】
3 有多少人聚集在市政厅?
 【How many people gathered in the town hall 】
4 他们聚集在市政厅的什么地方?
  【Where did they get together in the town hall?】
5 多少分钟后,大钟将敲响12下?
 【How many minutes later the clock will strike 12? 】
6 在什么时候,大钟停了?
 【When did the the clock stop? 】
7 什么东西不动了?
 【What thing did not move?】
8 有人去修理那个钟吗?
 【Did anyone go to repair the bell?】
9 我们等了很久,情况有什么变化吗?
 【We waited for a long time. Did the situation have any change?】
10 突然有人告诉我一件事情?还是突然有人喊起来?
 【Did someone suddenly tell me one thing? Or did someone cry?】

11 什么时候有人突然喊起来?
  【When someone suddenly cried?】
12 我看了我的手机还是看了我的手表?
 【Did I look at my cell phone or look at my watch?】
13 谁不愿意迎接新年?
  【Who refused to welcome the New Year?】
14 最后,大家都做了什么?
 【What did everybody do at last?】
15 去年的最后一天晚上,你是怎么度过的?
  【How did you spend the last night of last year?】
16 今年的除夕之夜,你是怎么度过的?
  【How did you spend this New Year's eved?】
17 你会拒绝迎接新年吗?
  【Will you refuse to welcome the New Year?】

When did you go to bad yesterday?
When will you go to Beijing?
When do you get up in the morning?

When will we meet this weekend?

When will we go to school?

When does the bus usually leave?
when did you leave the bus station?
When will you leave for HongKong?

When did you finish your homework?
When did you get there?

星期三晚上,我们来到大会堂。这是今年的最后一天,一大群人已经在大会堂时钟前聚集。将在20分钟后敲响12点钟声。 15分钟过去了,在11点55时,时钟停止乐。大分针没有再动。我们等啊,等啊,但什么都没有发生。突然有人喊道:“已经12时02分!时钟已停止咯额!我看了看手表。这是真的。大钟拒绝迎接新年。在那一刻,大家都笑着欢快的歌唱。

1.It would strike twelve in twenty minutes' time. 这句话写清了是23:40
2. Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped. 这句话说明是23:55大钟停止


23:40 23:55

金家庄区13081133281: when we got to the cinema.这是个完整正确的句子吗?缺那部分? -
无垄法布: 肯定是不完整的.你是要疑问呢,还是话还没说完呢?疑问的话,缺少助动词.When did we get to the cinema? 话没说完的话,你这一句可以做时间状语从句,你再补充一个主句就可以了.例如,when we got to the cinema, it began to rain.

金家庄区13081133281: when was when did有什么区别 -
无垄法布: 1、一般疑问句: Did + 主语+ 动词原形, 如: Did you go to movies yesterday? Was/ Were + 主语+ 其他: 如: Was he at school yesterday? Could + 主语+ 其他, 如: Could you swim when you were ten years old? 2、特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词+ 一般疑问句.

金家庄区13081133281: when are we与when we are的区别 -
无垄法布: when are we和when we are的意思是一样的,只是语序不一样,句式也就不一样了.when are we是特殊疑问句的语序.疑问副词when可以引出一个特殊疑问句,这种特殊疑问句就用疑问副词when开头,后面跟的是一个疑问句的句型,也就是说...

金家庄区13081133281: 用when分别造一般过去式和一般将来式的句子,一问一答,各两个 -
无垄法布: When will you be here tomorrow? At around 11:00 in the morning.When did we have the Physics test? I think it was last week.

金家庄区13081133281: 关于when和while的问题 -
无垄法布: 要看具体意思及用法 一般来说,我们区别的时候是在解释为"当……的时候“引导时间状语从句位置随意 但while引导的从句中必须用进行时(过去,现在) when(主过从过,主将从现)

金家庄区13081133281: When did you go?要怎么回答? -
无垄法布: 首先要知道回答部分的主体是地点,因为问“where”;然后要搞清楚时态,由“did”可知这是过去时,因此回答必须与问题一样,也要用过去时,这就意味着回答中的动词要用过去式,即“go”的过去式“went”;再就是回答的主语应该是...

金家庄区13081133281: when did you fikn slif we 什么意识啊? -
无垄法布: when did you……we部分都是英文:你什么时候……我们 fikn slif 这两个词有3种可能1.打错了2.不是英文3.原来可能是大写的,是某个词组的首字母缩写 这句子后面的“我们”竟然用we,这个从语法上是不正确的

金家庄区13081133281: when的用法 -
无垄法布: when于何时;在那时;当……时;尽管(1)when did you come(2)It was raining when we arrived.(3)How can I help them to understand when they won”t listen to me?1.什么时候/场合When did you last see him? When(=in what circumstances...

金家庄区13081133281: when did you 和 when were you -
无垄法布: 举几个例子:when did you go there ?when did you eat it ?when did you come ?用于普通的一般过去式疑问 when were you employed ?when were you punished ?when were you borrowed the book ?when were you hit by the stone ?多用于被动,也可用于某些搭配,如下 when were you seated here ? 也可表过去进行时

金家庄区13081133281: when是对什么提问 -
无垄法布: 你好!when 是对时间提问的,相当于what time.比如: When did you start answering questions at bai du zhi dao? (你是什么时候开始在回答问题的?)还不如: When did you receive the presents(prize) from bai du zhi dao? (你什么时候受到给你的奖品的thanks!

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