Dream Snow 英文绘本

作者&投稿:爰娜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 圣诞节就要到了,给儿子买了一本关于圣诞的绘本送给他,想借此给予儿子一次了解圣诞的机会,并充分调动他的读书兴趣。


On a small farm there lived a farmer。 ---------------在一个小农场上住着一个农民。

He had only  a few amimals. ---------------他只有几个朋友。

He could count them on the fingers of one hand.  ---------------他能用一只手的手指数它们。

So the farmer named his anirmals One,Two,Three,Four and Five.  ---------------于是农夫给他的动物取名为一、二、三、四和五。

By the end of the barn stood a small tree.  ---------------牲口棚的尽头有一棵小树。

The farmer named it Tree. ---------------农夫给它取名为树。

"Hello,Tree,"he would say when he passed it.“---------------你好,树,” 当他经过时他会说。

The farmer took good care of One,Two,Three,Four and Five. ---------------这位农民仔细照顾一、二、三、四和五。

Every day he fed them and cleaned their stalls. ---------------他每天喂他们吃饭,打扫他们的窝。

In the evening,when his farm work was done... ---------------晚上,当他的农活做完时……

...he went to his house.---------------...他回他家了

Then he sat in his favorit chair,---------------然后他坐在他最喜欢的椅子上,

drank a cup of hot peppermint tea and ate a slice of bread with honey on it.---------------喝了一杯热薄荷茶,吃了一片上面有蜂蜜的面包。

One night as he sat there...---------------一天晚上,他坐在那里……

The farmer felt very cozy and a bit tired.---------------农夫感到很舒服,有点累。

“Heavens!”he said,yawning.---------------“天哪!“他打着哈欠说。

“It’s almost Christmas and it hasn’t snowed yet.” With that he fell asleep.---------------“快到圣诞节了,还没下雪。”说完,他睡着了。

Soon he dreamed of  falling snowflakes.---------------不久他就梦见了飘落的雪花。

They gently covered him with a white blanket.---------------它们像一条白毯子一样轻轻地盖住了他。

The snowflakes gently covered One with a white blanket.---------------雪花像一条白毯子一样轻轻地盖住了一。

The snowflakes gently covered Two with a white blanket.---------------雪花像一条白毯子一样轻轻地盖住了二。

The snowflakes gently covered Three with a white blanket.---------------雪花像一条白毯子一样轻轻地盖住了三。

The snowflakes gently covered Four  with a white blanket.---------------雪花像一条白毯子一样轻轻地盖住了四。

The snowflakes gently covered Five  with a white blanket.---------------雪花像一条白毯子一样轻轻地盖住了五。

The farmer woke up from his dream,---------------农夫从梦中醒来。

Looked out of his window and saw snow.---------------从他的窗户向外望去,看见了雪。

It was not dream snow.It was real snow.---------------那不是梦中的雪,是真正的雪。

It had snowed while he had napped.---------------他打盹的时候下雪了。

Now the snow clouds had moved away.---------------现在雪云已经飘走了。

The moon and stars sparkled in the wintry right sky.---------------月亮和星星在冬天的右边天空中闪闪发光。

One,Two,Three,Four and Five were safe and fast asleep.---------------一、二、三、四和五睡得很安稳。

“Oh my!Oh my!”cried the farmer.”I almost  forgot.”---------------“哦,我的天!哦,我的天哪!农夫喊道:“我差点忘了。”

Quickly he put on his warm coat,his warm boots,---------------他迅速地穿上暖和的外套,暖暖的靴子,

His warm hat and his warm gloves.---------------他的暖帽子和暖手套。

He grabbed a box,slung a sack over his shoulder and drshed outside.---------------他抓起一个盒子,把一个麻袋扛在肩上,摔到外面。

Running past One,Two,Three,Four and Five,---------------跑步经过了一、二、三、四、五the farmer shouted,"I almost forgot! I almost forgot!" warking up the animals.---------------农夫喊道:“我差点忘了!我差点忘了!”吵醒了动物。

They looked and wondered what  the farmer was up to now.---------------他们看了看,想知道农夫现在在干什么。

They watched as he unpacked the box and emptied the sack.---------------他们看着他打开箱子,清空袋子。

One,Two,Three,Four,and Five watched as he decorated Tree.---------------一、二、三、四和五看着他装饰树。

Then he shouted,Merry Christmas to all!---------------然后他喊道:“大家圣诞快乐!”

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段干竹法安: 梦雪 是名字么, 可以直接翻 Mengxue 如果你问单独的话: 梦是dream 雪是snow 所以是dream-snow

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