Today is a gift,so we call it Present是什么意思

作者&投稿:苌房 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery. today is a gift, so we call it present.出自?~


Yesterday is a history,
tomorrow is a mystery,
but today is a gift,
that is why it is called Present.


Yesterday is a history,
tomorrow is a mystery,
only today is a gift,
that's why we call it Present.


Yesterday was history,
Tomorrow will be a mystery,
Present is gift.




所以这句话是一语双关: "今日"是一份赠礼,我们称之为现在(礼物).

濉溪县18939964245: today is a gift这句话有什么特殊含义啊, -
沈榕低分:[答案] Yesterday is a history,tomorrow is a mystery,today is a gift 直译是 :昨天已是历史,明天还是未知,今天是一个礼物 昨日之日不可留,明日之日不可求,今日之日不可丢.

濉溪县18939964245: 谁能告诉我 'today is a gift'是什么意思啊!
沈榕低分: 直译为今天是一个礼物.意思就是要珍惜今天的时光.

濉溪县18939964245: today is a gift是什么意思 -
沈榕低分: 今天是份礼物

濉溪县18939964245: Today is a gift什么意思 -
沈榕低分: 今天是份礼物,这是《功夫熊猫》里乌龟说的话,借用的是present和gift两个意思

濉溪县18939964245: 《功夫熊猫》里Master跟阿宝说的那句经典的话是什么? 好象是“Today is a gift…” -
沈榕低分: Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mystery.Only today is a gift.that's why we call it - The Present.

濉溪县18939964245: 功夫熊猫里这句话的原版英文是什么,知道的说一下,我要原版的"过去是历史,未来是迷团,今天才是上天的礼物" -
沈榕低分:[答案] Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mystery.But today is a gift.That is why it's called the present (the gift)

濉溪县18939964245: Today is a gift,so we call it Present是什么意思 -
沈榕低分: 这句谚语的意思是:今天是珍贵的礼物,那是它为何被称做今天的原因.从字面上也可以理解,gift是礼物的意思,present也可以作为礼物来解释,类似同义词替换,但是意境又有提高,因为present也可以解释为:当下,现在.

濉溪县18939964245: 《功夫熊猫》里龟仙人死之前说的那句关于昨天、今天、明天的那句话是怎样说的要原话:yestday is ,tomorrow is ,but today is a gift! -
沈榕低分:[答案] Yestday is a history,tomorrow is a mystery,but today is a gift,that is why it is called present.

濉溪县18939964245: today is a gift这句话有什么特殊含义 -
沈榕低分: Today is a gift. 今天就是礼物. 日复一日, 如果不珍惜一日,一生就浪费了.如果将今日当作礼物而珍惜,不让其白白走过, 一生将充满意义.

濉溪县18939964245: Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is mystery.Today is a gift.That's why it is called present*!这句话的最最最早来源是什么?全文是什么? -
沈榕低分:[答案] 桃李满天下,龟仙人桃树下教导熊宝宝,说了句著名的英语谚语: Yesterday is a history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that is why it is called Present. 这句谚语最早我是从一部叫《力克千年虫》的新加坡剧集中知道的,但稍微有些不...

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