
作者&投稿:雍亲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
谁帮我翻译一段话 急急急~


The animated feature film > is produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation. This film is based on the Chinese legend of , ((but modern US is the core.)). It tells the story of heroine, Hua Mula breaking free from the traditional view to pursue individuality release,trying hard to challenges oneself and resisting external pressure from the society. It is a story that inspire us to realize our self- values.

It was a summer when I was five years old. My mom gave me a big red balloon with the Monkey King on it. With a gentle throw towards the sky, it would float up slowly and stay there for a while before it sank down again. It was really a lot of fun playing with it and I always showed it off in front of the other kids.
One day after a heavy rain, many puddles appeared in the ground of the backyard. Since the rain had stopped, I ran into the yard to play with my red balloon. It floated and danced in the air and I chased it joyfully, shouting "It's so much fun! It's so pretty!" Suddenly, the balloon was trapped by one of the puddles. I ran over and picked it up immediately, but it was already stained by mud. What should I do? I remembered that last time when my handkerchief was made dirty, mom brought it near the fire and dried it. I could do that! So, I found some paper in the room and ignite it with a match, then I brought the dirty balloon close to the flame. Suddenly, with a loud "bang" the balloon exploded. I was so startled that I almost jumped to the roof. The beautiful balloon was turned into pieces all at once. When I finally woke from the shock, I could not help crying...


When I was 5, my mom sent me a bright red balloon with a image of Monkey King. Only if you threw it gentlely,it would fly high into the sky and then fell down. How funny it was! I am always showing it off before my friends.
One day, it just stopped raining, and there was a lot of holes full of water. I saw the rain stopped and went to play with the balloon in the yard. The balloon was flying in the sky and I went after it and shouted "so funny" as well.
But suddenly it fell down on a dirty water hole. I went forward quickly and picked it up. Wow! It was so unlucky that there was much dirty water on it. What should I do? I remembered that last time I made my handkerchief dirty and my mom dry it beside the stove. So why didn't I do the same? Then I found some paper and matches. Then I bring the balloon in and fired the match. I put the balloon with mud to the fire. Suddenly, the balloon exploded with a sound of "bang". I am really scared and jumpped up. The beautiful balloon became into pieces all at once. When I clear my mind, I could not help crying...

When I was 5, my mom sent me a bright red balloon with a image of Monkey King. Only if you threw it gentlely,it would fly high into the sky and then fell down. How funny it was! I am always showing it off before my friends.
One day, it just stopped raining, and there was a lot of holes full of water. I saw the rain stopped and went to play with the balloon in the yard. The balloon was flying in the sky and I went after it and shouted "so funny" as well.
But suddenly it fell down on a dirty water hole. I went forward quickly and picked it up. Wow! It was so unlucky that there was much dirty water on it. What should I do? I remembered that last time I made my handkerchief dirty and my mom dry it beside the stove. So why didn't I do the same? Then I found some paper and matches. Then I bring the balloon in and fired the match. I put the balloon with mud to the fire. Suddenly, the balloon exploded with a sound of "bang". I am really scared and jumpped up. The beautiful balloon became into pieces all at once. When I clear my mind, I could not help crying...

That is I five summers, delivers me a big balloon, above Wukong. As soon as so long as you throw to the sky, it arrives at the midair, then falls, is very interesting. I show off it in front of the child. One day, rains hard, in my family courtyard the small puddle, my rain has stopped, runs up to the courtyard the balloon to play. Balloon in airborne, as soon as I pursue, as soon as shouted: “really amusing! Really attractive!”The balloon fell suddenly in a small puddle. I run busily, as soon as gets up looked, is really bad luck, on the balloon has moistened big spate. How! I remembered previous me to make the hand, to the fire nearby matter, I why not also took the fire to roast adeptly? Therefore I also looked. I take the balloon in the room, looks for the matches, then catches up with moistens the spate the balloon to approach the fire, suddenly “pa” a balloon exploded. I one big jumped, cannot help but jumped. The beautiful balloon instant has become the fragment. Waits for me to be sober, my eye could not bear has flowed ......

Spring Festival is my favorite holiday,because I can go shopping, can get red packets, wearing new clothes.我们的月考就是考的my favorite holiday 呵呵我得了9分(满分10分)

谁能帮我翻译一段话呀 急! 译成英文
1. Shock may lead to falling into the water were killed. Therefore, the most important to stay calm.2. In case fell into the water to breath stopped, hand your nose to avoid choking the water.3. A lot of river water not very deep, to try to see if I can stand up. ...

energetic.Obviously,she\/he paid much attention to the class and always analize each key point to us seriously.For the teacher's hard work,I will focus on my study to return her\/him with my excellent grades.呼呼,累死了。。。可能细节上会有点问题-v-你再看一下吧。。。

男孩帮助了她拾起书。 他是如此亲切和平坦的他如此温和说,"下次很小心 ." 她甜美地点头了她的头而且微笑了。" 它有几乎班级的时间 , 我 ' ve 开始去 ".他说。 女孩没有了时间谢谢他,但是他逃走。 Fortunetely,他们有了运气在学校军中福利社中再见面,女孩得到了一个机会谢谢他。 他们吃了晚...

You go along the first street, turn left when you saw a restaurant, go straight, then you will see a white building, my house is on the third floor.Welcome you to my home ...

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Very much welcome your visit to China travel, you are biased against China's remarks did not let me feel you are very good, but I think you are very ignorant, extensive and profound Chinese culture, has a long history, China's national defense construction is obvious to all, ...

let's play a game,now ,take out your paper and pen,write down a number which you think is a lucky one.then multiplied it by six,then plus nine,you can get a number.multiplied it by one hundred,plus this number again,multiplied it by thirty,then plus this number,at last ...

我今天在家看你的照片,Today,I enjoyed looking at your photos at home.看你自己给自己照的照片,非常的有趣,The photo which tooked by yourself is really funny.不知道我们真的见面的时候,是怎样的一种感觉,我有着太多的幻想,哈哈。I wonder what's the feeling it will be when we ...

滁州市18719853157: 谁能帮我翻译一段话?那天,我刚刚走进滨河公园,便听到从小树林中传出了画眉的叫声.循声走去,我看见一只画眉正在花坛里跳来跳去.我仔细观察,... -
辛萍谷合:[答案] One day ,I heard the sounds made from thrushes in the woods when I was just walking into the Binhe Park. I walked towads to the sound and saw a thrush hopping about in the flowerbed.I carefully observ...

滁州市18719853157: 翻译一段话中文翻译成英文谁能帮我把这段话翻译成英文不要百度翻译: - 路边开的花 嫩嫩的绿芽 - 透露着坚强 像我一样倔强 - 等着那一束光芒 - 没有太多话 太... -
辛萍谷合:[答案] Flowers were opened by the roadside to tender green shoots Revealed its adamancy stubborn as me Waited for the beam of light It's not much talking or idea Also continued to grow up to soar ideally Let the wind dry the tears and sweat Morning has ...

滁州市18719853157: 有谁可以帮我翻译一下一段话,急用!!
辛萍谷合: 希望你的测验顺利!我记得我们去年的测验...天那,他们的那些问题太难了!会让你以为他们认为我们是天才能!!我不知道你买了一些辣椒种子,希望它们能好好的长起来.他们炸起来更好吃...学校里,我们的学期快结束了,因为这周是这学期的最后一周,我的合唱团正在很努力的练习,为了我们在SYDNEY的演出!!天那我太激动了!!我们的演出就像打仗,我们要为战争而准备好,我们队的男生很幸运,因为我拥抱了他们,另一个女孩亲了他们,还有其他什么的,因为他们就要去参战(演出)了...其他的队里面,他们只是拍了拍他们的男生的背而已,很好玩...希望你那边过得愉快.

滁州市18719853157: 急急急 谁帮我翻译下这段话 急用!!! -
辛萍谷合: (Explore the hand-dug pile construction experience) in today's...

滁州市18719853157: 哪位英语高手帮我翻译一段话 急 急 急 急 -
辛萍谷合: The establishment of WTO and its member states with each other...

滁州市18719853157: 英语翻译那个好心人帮帮我翻译英语一段话,非常急!你对我们非常友好并且你很善良,非常的喜欢帮助我们学习英语,我们非常怀念和你么一起度过的时... -
辛萍谷合:[答案] You were very friendly and kind to us. We all liked your help with our English study very much.Now we miss the time you spent with us and the manner in whch you helped with our English.

滁州市18719853157: 帮我把一小段话翻译成汉语,急用,谢谢! -
辛萍谷合: 一个家庭在英国,到“时光倒流” ,看看有什么生活,就像没有所有的发明我们今天所拥有的. 〜祖父母,与他们的女儿,盟友孙子本杰明, 10 ,和托马斯, 7 ,花了9个星期,在20世纪40年代众议院.他们没有洗衣机,微波炉,电脑或手提电话.

滁州市18719853157: 谁帮我翻译一下这段话成英语.急!急!...
辛萍谷合: 演讲结束了,我却失败了.我感到非常羞愧.但是转念一想.失败乃成功之母.我这次虽然失败.但是不能灰心,不能自责.我要从中吸取教训.重新准备.相信下次一定会成功的. 译:Finished his speech, and I failed. I am very ashamed. But ...

滁州市18719853157: 英语翻译谁能帮我翻译一段话“我看到了一些希望,但看不到结果“语法一定要对啊. -
辛萍谷合:[答案] I saw something hopeful,but couldn't see any results.

滁州市18719853157: 帮我翻译一段话..紧急啊!!!! -
辛萍谷合: Although Ballack left the team, Desler was troubled by his injury, and the bad situation of Bayen, I still support Bayen at all times. Every time, when I watch the football game at home, I am also excited. In despite that I live far from you, but I can still feel ...

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