Geological and Hydrogeological Framework of the Basin

作者&投稿:咎贡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.1.1 origin project
Daerhanq is a border based on animal husbandry in Inner Mongolia pastoral flag, its economic, political and cultural centre of bailingmiaozhen is now located in the basin of the AI does not cover water supply source of sheep along the field, the existing water supply capacity of 5000m3/d. On the basis of baotou Daerhanq urban development planning, future Daerhanq and baotou baiyunebo area merged in Bayan OBO, bailingmiaozhen as its seat of municipal government. Urban residents in 2020 will reach 70,000 people need 15000 m3/d of water.
To address the bailingmiaozhen planning, drinking water, original geological prospecting in Inner Mongolia project tender organization of experts of the Commission on "Daerhanq bailingmiaozhen water supply hydrologic geology of Inner Mongolia detail" project was proof, that within the scope of 655km2 near the Daerhanq uher Hudag basin are expected to be completed daily supply possibility of 10000 m3 of water. Accordingly, the original Office of geological detail in Inner Mongolia project bidding Committee on July 2, 2008, 1-7 2008-water prospecting issued "geological exploration projects in geological prospecting in Inner Mongolia project bidding Committee assignments", borne by our "Inner Mongolia Daerhanq bailingmiaozhen water supply hydrologic geological detail".
1.1.2 objectives
The overall objective of the project is a basic hydrogeological conditions in identifying work areas, looking for 10000 for Daerhanq bailingmiaozhen of M3/d water, preliminary evaluation of groundwater resources, groundwater allowable withdrawal reach c-level accuracy requirements, to provide a basis for preliminary design of water source. Its specific tasks are:
1, the full collection, analysis and research work of meteorological, hydrological, geological, hydrogeological and other relevant information.
2, basic identifying basin geological structure of the tertiary aquifer conditions and spatial distribution and variation of water quantity, water quality.
3, basic identifying work fill diameter drainage conditions of groundwater in the region.
4, through the hydro-geological mapping, drilling, testing, and other means to determine the rich water section, select water supply sources, calculation and evaluation of groundwater resources

Wild river county for shenmu grotto major rivers of the Yellow River level, originating in DongShengShi tributary baal within the territory of the PRC shall DongShengShi, YiJinHuoLuoQi through ditch, the shenmu county, shaanxi province GeTai inflows aliena stone territory were ulam wood Aaron river, said in the store with NiuChuan intersection circumbendibus tower after the wild river, span called grotto 228km, a basin of 8706km2, XianJing 159km, XianJing keep basin of include large willow tower, chicken, jia bifurcation, hemp home tower, shop tower, shenmu town, baluster fort, solution home fort, tai village, sand Mao, HeGuChuan 11 towns, plan of the 3578km2, 46.86% of the total area. The main ZhiGou divan wild river WuSu ditch, often have test home ditch, hemp home tower ditch, XiGou, leiyang ditch, etc. So the wild river basin of grotto water environmental carrying capacity of research has important economic significance and social significance.

This paper based on the predecessor of the survey data and the wild river area grotto hydrological, geological and hydrogeological conditions, the paper analyzes the research of water environment pollution environment, including the analysis and water quality analysis, etc. On the basis of single factor pollution index method using water environment of research made evaluation, the results showed that the grotto wild river water in addition to the individual, the excess individual items with the other living standards for drinking water, for good or better living and drinking water. Zone for good or better groundwater life drinking water. Industrial water charges for good general boiler water samples, but for the average individual poor boiler water.

Wild river pollution PingShuiQi divan with relatively serious, main pollutants as petroleum, volatile phenol, ammonia nitrogen etc, mine drainage and coal related industrial waste water discharge of surface water environment pollution is serious, and with the rapid development of regional economy into the water quality deterioration.

Meanwhile integrating with environmental status and the calculation and analysis of the wild river basin of grotto forward prevention and control of water environment and measures.

As an intracratonic sedimentary basin,the Sichuan Basin occupies 200000 km2in southw estern China. The Basin contains 5 - 11 km of sediments w hich range in age from Sinian to Cretaceous. From the Late Sinian to the M iddle Triassic the basin w as under a marine condition. Limestone is the main rock of Ordovician, Devonian and Permian System ,and formations of Late Sinian,Cambrian,Carboniferous,and Low er and M iddle Triassic are cyclic carbonate-evaporite sediments. Only the Permian and the Low er and M iddle Triassic formations are continuous across the basin. The Upper Triassic formations that follow are interbedded sandstone and shale, w hich deposited in continental environments. The overlying Jurassic and Cretaceous system are red beds of mudstone w ith interbeds of sandstone. There are more than 300 anticlines in the basin ( Figure 19. 2 ) . Anticlines in the eastern-southeastern basin are long ,narrow ones,w hereas sedimentary strata are almost horizontal in the central-w estern basin. M ore than 20 brine-bearing aquifers of different age,w hich consist mainly of limestone and sandstone,have been identified. M ost of the brine-bearing aquifers occur w ithin Triassic rocks. Brines accompanied by natural gas as w ell as oil are often found rich in a number of anticlines. Hydraulic connection among aquifers and lateral flow of the brines in an aquifer are thought to be insignificant. Summaries of general lithology ,thickness for the aquifers and structure, hydrogeologic element of the basin can be found in Zhou and Li ( 1992 ) .

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征贺彤舒: 1. 不太一样,有点区别.地质勘查可以算是地质工程就一个就业方向,或者说是地质工程偏勘探方向较详细的分支. 2. 地质工程,英文Geological Engineering .研究人类的工程活动与地质环境的相互作用,以便认识评价,改造和保护地质环境...

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征贺彤舒: 差不多,科赋是和海力士都是sk公司的,科赋用的就是海力士的颗粒.做工各方面都很不错.金士顿老牌子也很好.这两个那个便宜就买那个.

乌当区13428794965: geologic和geological 区别 -
征贺彤舒: geologic KK: [] DJ: [] a. 1. 地质学上的;地质的geological KK: [] DJ: [] =geologic以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供

乌当区13428794965: geologic和geological的区别 -
征贺彤舒: geologic地质的 geological地质学的地质的:地质泛指地球的性质和特征;地质学的 指关于地球的性质和特征的学术、知识体系. 侧重的指“学”,学术、知识体系

乌当区13428794965: HY 金邦内存和金士顿的内存可以一起使用吗? -
征贺彤舒: 当然可以一起使用 HY是现代内存 金邦GEIL 金士顿是KINGSTONE 只要都是SDRAM 或者都是DDR DDR2就可以一起使用 没有兼容性问题 无非是频率不同 比如 是DDR 266 /333 /400的问题 如果频率不同之按最低频率运行 不会不兼容 只会影响性能而已 比如HY是DDR333 GEIL是DDR400 就都跑DDR333这个频率 DDR400的条子达不到实际性能而已 放心使用

乌当区13428794965: 体积相同氢离子浓度相同的一元强酸(HX)和一元弱酸(HY)溶液...... -
征贺彤舒: 本题选D 【解析】 ①这个肯定是错的,体积和氢离子浓度相同,那么物质的量肯定是一元弱酸的大.②这个是正确的,因为开始反应时,氢离子浓度是一样的 ③正确,因为HX在水中完全电离,随着H+的消耗,H+越来越少,反应速率大幅下降.④错误,HY在水中不完全电离,H+消耗,原本没有电离的HY电离产生新的H+.⑤错误,物质的量HY更多,所以产生H2应该是HY溶液的多 ⑥正确.上面解释了~ 所以,应该选②③⑥、既选D 祝学习进步~ 回答满意请采纳~

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征贺彤舒: 简单讲就是这个教授想确认你是不是想学Gological Engineering 而不是 Geology and Geophysics,他让你尽快回复他你想学的领域到底是什么,待他收到...

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征贺彤舒: 本文目录geological是什么意思地质灾害的概念及特征简述地质作用的定义表现形式及其分类地质灾害,用英语怎么说动力地质作用主要有哪几种什么是地质年代地质作用...

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征贺彤舒: A.向NaX溶液中通入CO2气体,只能生成HX和NaHCO3,则酸性H2CO3>HX>NaHCO3,向NaY溶液中通入CO2,只生成HY和Na2CO3,则酸性NaHCO3>HY,则有酸性由强到弱:H2CO3>HX>HY,故A正确; B.由A可知酸性H2CO3>HX>...

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征贺彤舒:[答案] 地质时间和地质时期

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