英语 语法填空

作者&投稿:关固 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

冠词:the , a , an 代词:主格he, she, they, it, I, we, you。宾格him, her, them, it, me,us, you 形容词性物主代词:his,her,their,its,my, our,you 名词性物主代词:his, hers, theirs, its, mine, ours, yours。介词:up,down, off, to, on, in, out, before, after, at, into, from, of等。连词:and, but, so, because, however, besides, therefore, although, though, as等

61. was asked(被动)
62. his
63. frightened(非谓语作表语)
64. punishing(非谓语作介词of宾语)
65. successfully(副词修饰动词)
66. hands(名词复数)
67. with(用)
68. knew(过去时)
69. which(定从)
70. valuable(形容词修饰不定代词)

冠词:the , a , an
代词:主格he, she, they, it, I, we, you。宾格him, her, them, it, me,us, you
形容词性物主代词:his,her,their,its,my, our,you
名词性物主代词:his, hers, theirs, its, mine, ours, yours。
介词:up,down, off, to, on, in, out, before, after, at, into, from, of等。
连词:and, but, so, because, however, besides, therefore, although, though, as等

宣州区18295643496: 英语语法填空 -
其顾悉敏: 1. activities2. contribution3. yourself4. are built5. spent6. lucky7. that8. a 9. with10. to serve

宣州区18295643496: 英语语法填空
其顾悉敏: 1.that in 2.The harder, the better 3.better, more, more 4.the heavier

宣州区18295643496: 英语语法填空的技巧,急 -
其顾悉敏: 一、已给单词提示题型的技巧 此类题可以考查学生对单词形式变化的掌握程度.单词形式变化主要有两种,一是词的形、数、式的变化,一是词的派生变化.在判断出词的变化之后还应该进一步审题,看是否需要使用复合的变化形式,这一点是...

宣州区18295643496: 关于英语语法填空 -
其顾悉敏: 1.sorrowful伤心的.她含着悲伤的眼神折好了信放在一旁. 2.illegal非法的.没有专门的执照而持有枪支是非法的. 3.would have scored.他在射门之前犹豫了一下,不然的话那个球就能进了(事实上并没有进,所以用了虚拟语气). 4.their house broken into.用动词的过去分词做后置修饰语,在此处表被动----房子被闯入. 5.leaving.of后的动词要用ing形式.

宣州区18295643496: 英语语法填空简单的题目 求答案 谢谢 -
其顾悉敏: 1. requirements 2. have established 3. well 4. had happened 5. to find 6.had fallen 7.acting 8. instructions 想学好语法,可以看语法通霸这个资料

宣州区18295643496: 英语语法填空题 -
其顾悉敏: discuss If I were you, I'd not be inclined to ___discuss______ (discuss) the problem with her.如果我是你,我将不会倾向于和她讨论这个问题.

宣州区18295643496: 英语语法填空
其顾悉敏: on on his bike=by bike

宣州区18295643496: 英语语法填空,..... -
其顾悉敏: 61. cleverer 2.in 3.be committed 4.except 5.to tell 6.suddenly 7.will land 8.surprising 9.was 70. a

宣州区18295643496: 英语 语法填空 -
其顾悉敏: Scientists are convinced _of_ the positive effect of laughter.John thinks it won not be long_before_ he is ready for his new job.be convinced of 是一个短语.It's not (won't be) long before...是一个句子的结构.宝贝勤学好问,天天进步!

宣州区18295643496: 急求一道高二英语语法填空题,要十个空的.如题. -
其顾悉敏:[答案] 语法?不可能阿 只有完形 天空

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