
作者&投稿:黄耿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Liu Xiang was born on July 13th 1983,and he is the first champion of Olympic 110m man's hurdle.He has a variety of hobbies,the favorite of which is singing.He is a confident and firm man who's never afraid of challenges and enjoys the pleasure that running has offered.On August 27th 2004,he won the first place in the 110m hurdle of Athens Olympic Games.Two years later,he broke the world record with 12'88''.Not only had he realized his dream,his nation had gained more glory for his brilliant performance..

Tracy McGrady Biography:
Houston Rockets small forward/shooting guard Tracy "T-Mac" McGrady was born in Bartow, Fla., on May 24, 1979. The 6' 8" hoops prodigy was one of the earliest players to go straight out of high school and get drafted into the National Basketball Association (NBA). Taken ninth overall by the Toronto Raptors, McGrady very nearly went to the Chicago Bulls in a deal that would have sent Bulls small forward Scottie Pippin to the Vancouver Grizzlies, but superstar point guard Michael Jordan threatened retirement if his teammate was to be traded away.

McGrady grew up playing baseball and basketball in his hometown of Auburndale, Fla. When he was young, his father wasn't around much, and he was raised by his mother and grandmother. He attended Auburndale High School, and when a neighboring town's coach saw him play he contacted Joe Hopkins, the basketball coach at Mount Zion Christian Academy in Durham, North Carolina. Hopkins took T-Mac to visit the school, and on the way he offered him a full scholarship. His NBA career would begin after leaving Mount Zion.

Early in his career he was overshadowed by teammate Vince Carter, who is also McGrady's cousin. In 2000 the two would lead Toronto to its first postseason but failed to reach the second round. The next fall T-Mac was traded to the Orlando Magic where he improved so much during his first season in his new home that he made the all-star team. McGrady kept on improving, and in the 2002-03 season he averaged 32 points per game, winning the NBA scoring title. The following season he averaged 28 points per game, capped off with a career high 62 against the Washington Wizards late in the year.

During the 2004 off season McGrady was traded to the Houston Rockets in a seven player deal. There he teamed up with 7' 6" Chinese phenom Yao Ming, and together they led the team to the playoffs. But for T-Mac, again his team failed to make it out of the first round. Going into his sixth NBA season, McGrady has been one of the most successful young players to come straight from high school and has a promising career ahead of him特雷西·麦克格雷迪:
早在他的职业生涯,他被蒙上了队友文斯卡特,谁是麦克格雷迪的表妹。2000个会导致多伦多的第一场季后赛但未能达到二轮。下一个秋季麦迪被交易到魔术队,他改进了这么多在他的第一个赛季在他的新家,他进入了全明星队。麦克格雷迪不断改进,并在02 - 03赛季他平均每场32分的得分,赢得冠军。接下来的赛季,他平均每场28分,限制了职业生涯新高的62对华盛顿奇才的在今年年底。
在2004赛季麦克格雷迪被交易到了休斯敦火箭队一七球员交易。在那里他联手与7 '6“中国歌星姚明,和他们一起带领球队在季后赛。但麦蒂,他的团队没有做出来的第一轮。在他的第六个赛季,麦克格雷迪一直是一个最成功的年轻球员来直接从高中和有前途的职业生涯在他前面 译文是百度翻译的 不准确 如需人工翻译 请追问

姚明:He is a basketball player.He now plays in NBA,a worls famous basketaball team.For his good acheivement in Rocket,he becomes a postcard of China.

刘翔:He made history in track and field events,and got a golden medal of 110 meters jumps in Athens Olympic Game.He is the pride of China.

张怡宁:She is a great Chinese ping-pong player,and got four golden medals in Olympic Games,especially in Athen Olympic Game,she got the hundredth golden medal for Chinese Summer Olympic history.So far,she has realized two grand slam,and got 19 world class champions.

今天先写这么多 待续


Yaoming,Liuxiang,Tracy McGrady,Michael Phelps,Zhangyining

they are all athletes....


姚明简介和刘翔简介98 谁有刘翔和姚明的资料?(要英文的)27 为什么丁俊晖的名气不如姚明和刘翔?1 刘翔,姚明和丁俊晖谁的未来更辉煌?谁有关于 刘翔和姚明 的视频文件3 刘翔资料 刘翔资料大全 刘翔详细资料 谁知道?60 姚明,刘翔的资料,事迹(英文)5 更多相关问题>> 用APP一键提问“刘翔,姚...”...

关于成功的故事(比如:姚明啊,刘翔啊,...) 知道的速度点明天要用!(由于本站刚新开,所以本站举行活动奖励)★活动时间:7:30分—8:30分★(过了时间无任何奖励)快来答题吧!答题好的,有许许多多的分哦!被采纳前面,加分... 知道的速度点 明天要用!(由于本站刚新开,所以本站举行活动奖励)★活动时间:7:30分...


姚明、李娜、刘翔、丁俊晖、朱婷,谁是你心里中国体育的门面担当_百度知 ...

假如刘翔去跑马拉松 姚明去踢足球 林丹去打网球 孙杨去跳水...他们会...



初中作文 我的偶像刘翔
田径是我国在奥运赛场上的一个软肋,但刘翔却是这软肋中的一块硬骨头.刘翔这位“亚洲飞人”相 信咱地球人都知道吧!脸上长满青春痘,高高的个子,不胖不瘦的中等身材,就是刚刚二十出头的世界 冠军——刘翔,别看他年纪轻轻,他凭着自己非凡的实力,不但惊人地“平地一声雷”打破了尘封十三 年之久的...

我认为是姚明,世界知道刘翔的人不多,知道姚明的人要多一点。刘翔是民族项雄,只在中国承认。而姚明是公认的。姚明第一年去NBA就成了亿万富翁了。个人见解 如果说是世界性的,那我认为是贝克汉姆比较有钱了,曾经踢一脚球赚了一亿多美元,再加上长的帅,广告费也利害,另外还有他滴老婆也是很有钱,...


宜宾县19736558568: 用英语介绍姚明、刘翔、特雷西·麦克格雷迪、菲尔普斯、张怡宁每人各5句.不要太深奥.差不多初一、二水准. -
守单哈伯:[答案] 姚明:He is a basketball player.He now plays in NBA,a worls famous basketaball team.For his good acheivement in Rocket,he becomes a postcard of China.刘翔:He made history in track and field events,an...

宜宾县19736558568: 用英语介绍姚明、刘翔、特雷西·麦克格雷迪、菲尔普斯、张怡宁每人各5句.
守单哈伯: 姚明:He is a basketball player.He now plays in NBA,a worls famous basketaball team.For his good acheivement in Rocket,he becomes a postcard of China. 刘翔:He made history in track and field events,and got a golden medal of 110 meters ...

宜宾县19736558568: 用英语介绍这两位名人刘翔 1983,上海多次获得世界110米跨栏冠军,2004年雅典奥运会冠军不久以后还打破了世界记录爱好:音乐,唱歌姚明 1980年,上... -
守单哈伯:[答案] Liu xiang 1983 ,Shanghai Won several world 110 metres hurdles champion,2004 Athens Olympic Games champion soon after he broke the world record Hobbies:music,singing 刘翔 1983,上海 多次获得世界110米跨栏冠军,2004年雅典奥运会冠军不...

宜宾县19736558568: 英语翻译姓名:特雷西·麦克格雷迪(Tracy Mcgrady) 呢称:T - MAC 生日:1979 - 5 - 24 号码:1 位置:得分后卫 身高:2.03 米 体重:98公斤 球队:火箭 他... -
守单哈伯:[答案] Full name:Teleixi · Mac Geleidi (Tracy Mcgrady) fits:T-MAC birthday:1979-5-24 numbers:1 location:Score the full back height:2.03 meters of weight:98 kilograms of team:Rocket he is a all-round score t...

宜宾县19736558568: 用英语来介绍姚明、科比和刘翔 (初2的水平就行了,最好描述一下外貌) -
守单哈伯: Yao Ming has a square face his face is according to some Asians by Bryant shot like a gun is Liu Xiang, China's first fast.

宜宾县19736558568: 求一份麦迪的介绍,主要是外貌描写,英文的,不需很长,100多字就行!急需~! -
守单哈伯: 姓名: 特雷西·麦克格雷迪(Tracy Mcgrady) 呢称:T-MAC 生日: 1979-5-24 号码: 1 位置: 得分后卫 身高: 2.03 米 体重: 98公斤 球队: 火箭 他是一个全面的得分后卫,也是联盟最好的得分后卫之一,联盟连续的二届得分王.他的中投...

宜宾县19736558568: 急需一些体育明星的英文介绍?中国的、外国的都行,如姚明,郭晶晶,刘翔等都可以,很简单的英文介绍就可以,不知哪里有啊? -
守单哈伯:[答案] Liu Xiang after his win at the 10th Chinese National Games (Jiro Mochizuki-Agence SHOT) During the course of nearly 16 months since Liu Xiang became Olympic 110m Hurdles champion,equalling the World record in Athens,we have reported on a ...

宜宾县19736558568: 英语作文 姚明好还是刘翔好 急要用对比.70词 -
守单哈伯:[答案] 刘翔,中国田径队(110米跨栏)一级运动员.2004年雅典奥运会上以12.91秒的成绩平了保持11年之久的世界纪录;2009年12月11日,在东亚运动会田径男子110米栏决赛中,以13秒66的成绩轻松夺得冠军,成就“三冠王”.2011年刘翔成为中国人...

宜宾县19736558568: 假设你是李华,正在美国参加学习,课堂上老师要求你简要介绍我国的名人,你选择了姚明和刘翔,两位体育明星,他们的基本情况如下: 姓名 姚明 刘翔 ... -
守单哈伯:[答案] Hi, everyone. I would like to introduce two famous sport stars, Yao Ming and Liu Xiang. Yao Ming, born in Shanghai in 1980, is a world famous basketball player. He is now one of the best players ...

宜宾县19736558568: 关于"我最喜欢的运动员"的英语文章要2008奥运的!最好是姚明或刘翔!三分钟演讲 -
守单哈伯:[答案] LIUXIANG:My name is ***,my fome 中国,My favorite althlete in 2008 Beijing Olympics My favorite althlete in 2008 Beijing Olympics is Liu Xiang.Liu Xiang was borned in Shanghai on 31st of July,1983.His ...

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