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Founded in 1740, the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) is a medium-sized private comprehensive national university founded by Benjamin Franklin, a famous American scholar.
宾夕法尼亚大学( University of Pennsylvania ,简称 UPenn )成立于 1740 年,是由美国著名学者本杰明·富兰克林创办的一所中型私立综合性国立大学。
The school is located in Philadelphia, the largest city in Pennsylvania. Philadelphia was the place where the declaration of independence and the Federal Constitution were drafted during the American War of independence, so Pennsylvania is also known as the "cradle of the United States".

The University of Pennsylvania is one of the eight famous Ivy League colleges in the United States and one of the nine early American colonial colleges.


泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift),1989年12月13日出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州,美国流行音乐、乡村音乐创作型女歌手、音乐制作人、演员、慈善家。
Taylor Swift, born in Pennsylvania on December 13, 1989, is an American pop and country music singer, music producer, actor and philanthropist.
Early experience:
Taylor Swift was born in Reading, Pennsylvania, on December 13, 1989. He spent his childhood on an 11-acre Christmas Tree Farm in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, and attended kindergarten at Montessori School of Education, Alvaria.
At the age of nine, Taylor moved with her family to Wyoming, Pennsylvania; at the age of 10, Taylor began writing songs and singing in Karaok contests, festivals and around her hometown. She wrote a 350-page novel, but it was unpublished.
受《周六夜现场》的启发,泰勒加入了儿童短喜剧团队TheatreKids Live,成为其中的一员,在团队中,她显示了与生俱来的喜剧天赋。
Inspired by Live on Saturday Night, Taylor joined the children's short comedy team Theatre Kids Live and became one of them. In the team, she showed her innate comedy talent.
After watching her Karaoke performance, Kirk Kramer's mother suggested that Taylor devote herself to country music rather than theatre.
Taylor also won the National Poetry Contest with a three-page poem, "Monsters in My closet," but she was more focused on song creation.
In 2003, Taylor and her parents began working with Dan Demtrow, New York music broker and director.
After displaying his original songs to ABC, Taylor got a contract and began frequent trips to Nashville, followed by his family to Hendersonville, Tennessee.
The first studio album, Taylor Swift, was released in 2006 and was certified five times as platinum by the American Recording Industry Association.
Fearless, the second studio album released in 2008, won the 11-week championship on the Billboard album list in the United States. It is the best-selling album in the United States in 2009, with a certification of 7 times platinum.
The album won the 52nd Grammy Award annual album, making Taylor the youngest singer to win the award, and also the most awarded country music album.

扩展资料:2010年—2012年:《Speak Now》
2010年10月25日,泰勒发行了第三张录音室专辑《Speak Now》。专辑首支单曲《Mine》发行于8月4日,在单曲榜排行第三,乡村榜排第二。
专辑的后五支单曲《Back to December》、《Mean》、《The Story of Us》、《Sparks Fly》、《Ours》,除《The Story of Us》排名第41外,都进入了前20名。2011年2月,泰勒开启爱的告白世界巡回演唱会。

The state named in honor of William Penn, founder of its original colony, was also the site of the first Continental Congress, and is perhaps best known as the place where that subversive document, the Declaration of Independence, was drafted and signed in 1776. In the 19th century, as the Industrial Revolution replaced America's struggle for freedom from British rule, Pennsylvania's contributions to mining, manufacturing, and transportation were significant. And though the coal and petroleum industries have been hit hard in recent years, their production is still central to the state's highly diversified economy.
Pennsylvania's cities are centers of culture and learning: the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh symphony orchestras are highly regarded throughout the country; the Andrew Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh and the Philadelphia Museum of Art curate major traveling exhibitions year-round, in addition to housing their own impressive permanent art collections; and Carnegie-Mellon, Villanova, and Lehigh Universities are just a few of the respected names in American higher education. Add this to the bucolic scenery of Pennsylvania's green valleys, rich farmland, and mountain ranges, and it's no wonder that it's the fifth most populated state in the nation.

宾夕法尼亚 Pennsylvania PA 罗德岛 Rhode Island RI 南卡罗来纳 South Carolina SC 南达科塔 South Dakota SD 田那西 Tennessee TN 德克萨斯 Texas TX 犹他 Utah UT 维蒙特 Vermont VT 维吉尼亚 Virginia VA 华盛顿 Washington WA 西维吉尼亚 West Virgin WV 威斯康辛 Wisconsin WI 怀俄明 Wyoming WY ...

宾夕法尼亚 Pennsylvania PA 罗德岛 Rhode Island RI 南卡罗来纳 South Carolina SC 南达科塔 South Dakota SD 田那西 Tennessee TN 德克萨斯 Texas TX 犹他 Utah UT 维蒙特 Vermont VT 维吉尼亚 Virginia VA 华盛顿 Washington WA 西维吉尼亚 West Virgin WV 威斯康辛 Wisconsin WI 怀俄明 Wyoming WY ...

Pennsylvania PA 宾夕法尼亚 Harrisburg 哈里斯堡 Rhode Island RI 罗得岛 Providence 普罗维登斯 SouthCarolina SC 南卡罗来纳 Columbia 哥伦比亚 South Dakota SD 南达科他 Pierre 皮尔 Tennessee TN 田纳西 Nashville 纳什维尔 Texas TX 得克萨斯 Austin 奥斯汀 Utah UT 犹他 Salt Lake City 盐湖城 Vermon...

...著名洲府城市名以及世界著名国家以及城市名(英文+音标!!!)_百度知 ...
PA Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚州 哈里斯堡 RI Rhode Island 罗得岛州 普罗维登斯 SC South Carolina 南卡罗莱那州 哥伦比亚 SD South Dakota 南达科他州 皮尔 TN Tennessee 田纳西州 纳什维尔 TX Texas 得克萨斯州 奥斯汀 UT Utah 犹他州 盐湖城 VT Vermont 佛蒙特州 蒙比利埃 VA Virginia 弗吉尼亚州 ...

理查德·温特斯 The Richard is virtuous · especially 斯 宾夕法尼亚洲 The guest 夕 method 尼 is Asian 赫尔胥 Hilsch Harrisburg 哈里斯堡 参考资料:http:\/\/fy.iciba.com\/trans.php

宾夕法尼亚Pennsylvania -- PA哈里斯堡Harrisburg 罗得岛Rhode island -- RL普罗维登斯Providence 南卡罗来纳South carolina -- SC哥伦比亚Columbia 南达科他South dakota -- SD皮尔Pierre 田纳西Tennessee -- TN纳什维尔Nashville 得克萨斯Texas -- TX奥斯汀Austin 犹他Utah -- UT盐湖城Salt Lake City 佛蒙...

Pennsylvania PA 宾夕法尼亚 Harrisburg 哈里斯堡 Rhode Island RI 罗得岛 Providence 普罗维登斯 South Carolina SC 南卡罗来纳 Columbia 哥伦比亚 South Dakota SD 南达科他 Pierre 皮尔 Tennessee TN 田纳西 Nashville 纳什维尔 Texas TX 得克萨斯 Austin 奥斯汀 Utah UT 犹他 Salt Lake City 盐湖城 Vermont VT ...

美国有50个州。按美国人口调查局分区分别为:第一区(东北部)第一分区(新英格兰)——缅因州、新罕布什尔州、佛蒙特州、马萨诸塞州、罗得岛州、康涅狄格州 第二分区(中大西洋)——纽约州、宾夕法尼亚州、新泽西州 第二区(中西部)第三分区(中部东北)——威斯康星州、密歇根州、伊利诺伊州、...

宾夕法尼亚州:州名是英国贵格会教徒威廉·佩恩起的,是拉丁文,意思是“佩恩的林地”罗德岛州:全名是罗德岛与普洛威顿斯庄园州(The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations),是美国州名最长的一州 南卡罗来纳州:名称来源与北达科他州相同,名称来自于英国国王查理一世 南科达他州:名称...

请问.. 这些英文是什麼意思呢
音乐之城在田纳西洲的达斯克 纳什维尔 匹兹堡 宾夕法尼亚州

蓬莱市17826321105: 宾夕法尼亚州 -- 英文简介 -
郝哗三分: The state named in honor of William Penn, founder of its original colony, was also the site of the first Continental Congress, and is perhaps best known as the place where that subversive document, the Declaration of Independence, was drafted ...

蓬莱市17826321105: 求美国宾夕法尼亚 旅游介绍 英文版 求 -
郝哗三分: pennsylvania travel 自己上网用英文查的介绍 ,自己查才最靠谱.这是国宾夕法尼亚 旅游 的单词

蓬莱市17826321105: 美国所有州的英文名称?以及美国著名城市的英文名称? -
郝哗三分: AL Alabama 阿拉巴马州 蒙哥马利 AK Alaska 阿拉斯加州 朱诺 AZ Arizona 亚利桑那州 凤凰城 AR Arkansas 阿肯色州 小石城 CA California 加利福尼亚州 萨克拉门托 CO Colorado 科罗拉多州 丹佛 CT Connecticut 康涅狄格州 哈特福德 DE ...

蓬莱市17826321105: 求美国所有州名及其英文. -
郝哗三分: 美国州名英文 州名简写和简称 首府 首府英文名阿拉巴马洲 Alabama AL 蒙哥马利 Montgomery阿拉斯加洲 Alaska AK 朱诺 Juneau阿利桑那洲 Arizona AZ 菲尼克斯 Phoenix阿肯色洲 Arkansas AR 小石城 Little rock加利福尼亚洲 California ...

蓬莱市17826321105: 美国有几个州?最大的州与最小的州?(英文名称) -
郝哗三分: 刚建国时有13个州(星条旗上的13根条),随着“西进运动”的进行,西部土地逐渐被吸纳进联邦,成为新的州.发展到现在有50个(星条旗上的50颗星).美国最后两个州是夏威夷和阿拉斯加夏威夷州 衣阿华州 伊利诺州 堪萨斯州 麻萨诸塞...

蓬莱市17826321105: 美国所有州的英文名称和缩写都是什么?? -
郝哗三分: 亚拉巴马 阿拉斯加 亚利桑那 阿肯色 加利福尼亚 科罗拉多 康涅狄格 特拉华 佛罗里达 佐治亚 夏威夷 爱达荷 伊利诺伊 印第安纳 艾奥瓦 堪萨斯 肯塔基 路易斯安那 缅因 马里兰 马萨诸塞 密歇根 明尼苏达 密西西比 密苏里 蒙大拿 内布拉斯加 内华达 新罕布什尔 新泽西 新墨西哥 纽约 北卡罗来纳 北达科他 俄亥俄 俄克拉何马 俄勒冈 宾夕法尼亚 罗得岛 南卡罗来纳 南达科他 田纳西 得克萨斯 犹他 佛蒙特 弗吉尼亚 华盛顿 西弗吉尼亚 威斯康星 怀俄明

蓬莱市17826321105: 绿野仙踪作者简介20字英文版(绿野仙踪作者简介)
郝哗三分: 1、《绿野仙踪》是美国作家弗兰克·鲍姆的代表作.2、弗兰克·鲍姆(1856-1919),美国儿童文学作家.生于纽约州.父亲是个桶匠,后来到宾夕法尼亚州开采石油并...

蓬莱市17826321105: 谁能用英语介绍一下美国 50字左右 (急用) -
郝哗三分: The United States in the North Central and North America also includes the territory of Alaska and the Pacific northwest of the Hawaiian Islands in Central. North and the Canadian border, south through the Gulf of Mexico, west Pacific, East Bin ...

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