
作者&投稿:桓丽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

What will be done 做主语从句,从句当然要用陈述语气。



I will go to the univercity tomorrow.
I will start my own business after three years.
He will marry Lily after graduation.
She will go shopping this weekend.
Our class will go to picnic this hoilday.
He won't become lawyer in the future.
I won't ask Tom for help because he is preparing his final examination.
She won't go to the party.
He won't hand in the paper until he finishes it.
It won't rain tomorrow.
Will she come to the party in the afternoon?
Will you go sightseeing with Tim?
Will the library close at 10 o'clock in the evening?
Will that football team win the match?
Will Susan come to banquet today?
Where will you go after graduation?
Who is your boy friend?
What are you doing in such a small room?
Which country do you like best?
When will you and Mary go to the zoo?

主语+will do+sth
主语+will not/won't do+sth
Will sb/sth do sth?
What/Where/Who(等特殊疑问词)+will sb dosth?

肯定句;will do
否定句;will not do
一般疑问句;what/who/where/how will sb do

将来时态的5种句型是如下:1、肯定句:We will visit you tomorrow.2、否定句:We will not go to school on Sunday.3、疑问句:Shall we go shopping?4、特殊疑问句:Why won’t go with us?5、不定式,意为马上做某事:be about to。例句:Every one feels that a disaster is imminent, ...

He won't go to school tomrrow.

谁知道英语将来时态的肯定句,否定句,一般疑问句(这个要加回答) 要带上...
肯定句:The new semester will begin next week. 新学期将从下周开始(上课)。否定句:He won't (will not) go to school tomorrow. 他明天将不会去学校。疑问句:Will you come to my birthday party this Saturday? 这礼拜六你会来我的生日派对吗?回答1:Yes, I will. 是的,我会...

一般将来时的肯定句句型结构为:主语 + will\/shall + 动词原形 + 其他成分。其中,will用于第一人称和第三人称,shall用于第二人称和第一人称复数。动词原形是指动词的基本形式,例如go、eat等。以下是一些例句:I will travel to Japan next month. 我下个月将去日本旅行。He will study hard for...

将来时态的5种句型是如下:一、肯定句:We will visit you tomorrow。二、否定句:We will not go to school on Sunday。三、疑问句:Shall we go shopping。四、特殊疑问句:Why won’t go with us。五、不定式,意为马上做某事:be about to。

一般将来时态肯定句.否定句.疑问句的基本结构是什么 否定句
肯定句:主+ be going to do 主+will+ 动词原形 否定句:主+ be not going to do 主+ will not+ 动词原形 疑问句:be+主+ going to do will+主+ 动词原形

英语的一般将来时态用于描述未来的动作或情况,由助动词“will”和动词原形组成。肯定句中,“will”位于主语后,否定句中,“not”放在“will”后,疑问句中,“will”提到主语前,特殊疑问句中,疑问词放在“will”前。理解这些结构和用法可以更自如地表达未来的动作和情况。肯定句 在肯定句中,助动词...

will的一般疑问句形式是把will提到句子主语之前做句首。用yes,主语+will\/no,主语+won’t来表示。Will是将来时的标志,意思为将要、将会,后面加动词原形。Will和情态动词的基本用法一致,不存在时态的变化。Will等同于be going to,所以将来时态的肯定句可以用主语+will、主语+be going to来表示。

do\/does 的一般将来时态形式:(shall\/will) do do\/does 的一般将来时态的被动语态:(shall\/will) be done一般将来时态的肯定句、否定句、疑问句形式:肯定句例句:People will have robots in a few years.否定句例句:People (will not\/won't) have robots in a few years.一般疑问句例句:Will people have ro...

一般将来时态的用法 一般将来时态怎么用
肯定句:I\/We shall\/will go. You\/He\/She\/They Will go.否定句:I\/We shall\/will not go. You\/He\/She\/They Will not go.疑问句:Shall I\/we go? Will you\/he\/she\/they go?简略答:(肯)Yes,主语shall\/will (否) No,主语 shall\/will not 特殊疑问句:般特殊疑问句疑问词放句首接...

荣成市17753254941: 将来时态的肯定句,将来时态的否定句,将来时态的一般疑问句,将来时态的特殊疑问句 -
燕孟桑麻: 1.将来时态的肯定句 I will go to the univercity tomorrow. I will start my own business after three years. He will marry Lily after graduation. She will go shopping this weekend. Our class will go to picnic this hoilday. 2.将来时态的否定句 He won't become ...

荣成市17753254941: 一般将来时的语法.(肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句、肯定回答、否定回答、特殊疑问句) -
燕孟桑麻:[答案] 答:谓语用will/shall+V构成. shall用于第一人称.will用于其它人称. 否定在will/shall后加not 疑问将will/shall提前,后加? 例: ... What will he do this afternoon? 注:现代英语,肯定、否定句,第一人称可用will, 疑问句还用shall 但疑问句,第一人称也用...

荣成市17753254941: 一般将来时的肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句和特殊疑问句. -
燕孟桑麻:[答案] 给你个例句 肯He will go th beach 否;he won't go to beach 一般will he go to beach 特疑:when/where/why will he go to beach?

荣成市17753254941: 一般将来时与将来进行时句子肯定句,否定句,一般疑问句各一句 -
燕孟桑麻:[答案] 一般将来时的基本形式:am/is/are+going to do sth; will do sth.如:(肯定)I am going to the concert.=I will go to the concert.(我将会去这场音乐会) (否定)I am not going to the concert.=I won't go to ...

荣成市17753254941: 将来时态的肯定句、疑问句、否定句怎么写??? -
燕孟桑麻: I will go to school tomorrow. Shall I go to shcool tomorrow? I won't go to school tomorrow. He will go to school tomorrow. Will he go to shcool tomorrow? He won't go to school tomrrow.

荣成市17753254941: 八年级下册英语主要要学的时态都有哪些只需列举出名字即可` -
燕孟桑麻:[答案] 1 一般将来时 2 一般将来时态的肯定句、否定句、疑问句形式3 过去将来时态(将来时态的委婉说法)4 过去将来时态的肯定句、否定句、疑问句形式 5过去进行时态 过去将来时态的肯定句、否定句和疑问句形式 6 现在完成进行时态形式 7现在完成...

荣成市17753254941: 八下英语二单元语法 -
燕孟桑麻: Unit 2 What should I do?重点语法:过去将来时态(将来时态的委婉说法) do/does 的过去将来时态形式:(should/would) do do/does 的过去将来时态的被动语态:(should/would) be done 过去将来时态的肯定句、否定句、疑问句形式:肯...

荣成市17753254941: 一般将来时句型:肯定句否定句一般疑问句特殊疑问句选?F -
燕孟桑麻: 一. Will 肯定句: I will have lunch in the afternoon. 否定句:I won't have lunch in . (won't=will not) 一般疑问句:Will you have lunch the afternoon? 肯定及否定回答:Yes, I will. No, I won't. 特殊疑问句:针对时间提问:When will you have lunch? 针...

荣成市17753254941: 一般将来时态肯定句.否定句.疑问句的基本结构是什么 否定句 -
燕孟桑麻: 肯定句:主+ be going to do 主+will+ 动词原形 否定句:主+ be not going to do 主+ will not+ 动词原形 疑问句:be+主+ going to do will+主+ 动词原形

荣成市17753254941: 一般将来时句型:肯定句否定句一般疑问句特殊疑问句选?F还有个选择疑问句,现在进行时也要这些句型 -
燕孟桑麻:[答案] 一.Will 肯定句:I will have lunch in the afternoon. 否定句:I won't have lunch in .(won't=will not) 一般疑问句:Will you have lunch the afternoon?肯定及否定回答:Yes,I will.No,I won't. 特殊疑问句:针对时间提问:When will you have lunch? 针对事件提...

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