
作者&投稿:仍桦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The home that we do our best to protect

1. The struggle for ... 2. Observed someone doing something 3. Observed that a person is to do something 4. Respect for a person 5. ... Respect for a person 6. In order to support, in order to support

I would choose the history of the discipline. Because I grew up on the lover of history, I like to read the history of many historical things to see many historical aspects of knowledge. We Chinese are well-known ancient civilizations, has a long history of course, if I could 11 understand that I will be able to enhance their cultural awareness, rich content, a deeper understanding of Chinese history, but also have access to world history, becoming a who have the inside to support scholar.


My father who lived in a small village in Sichuan, Dad said that the mountains are into thin sheets, bamboo, emerald green, and he often came home from school and partners in the bamboo forest, playing in front of every household with all kinds of rice and rape every spring ...

1、见此情景,我猛然想起在60路沿线上有家福利工厂,女乘客可能就是个聋哑人听不见声音,我赶忙向男乘客做了解释,又用纸条写了一句话,举到女乘客的眼前:“对不起!他要下车,他问了您好几声,您是不是没听见?”女乘客点了点头,把道让开了。1, see this scenario, I suddenly remind of a...

There are three people in my family,my father ,my mother and I.Start from my father ,he is a good lawyer,and also a good father ,even a good husband. My father is a very important role in the family.Then my mother ,I love my mother best.My mother is a boss.I am ...

1, the company began to appear very promising, but soon in debt. 6 (they)2, although they age difference is very big, but became good friends. Despite (),3 and he was thinking about this question for a week later, finally solved it. (in one 's will over there),4 the...

她经常在早上6点起床 She has to get up 6:00 in the morning.在6点15到6点45期间她在阳台上做早操 At 6:15 to 6:45 during her balcony to do morning exercises.她每天早上都去慢跑,然后在7点半的时候就去上学。She went jogging every morning, and then in the 7:30 time go to ...

女士们,先生们,chenzheqi show time。Ladies and gentlemen, Chenzheqi show time.我是CZQ,今年15岁,我喜欢玩网络游戏,我也经常和朋友一起玩,我认为这很有趣,我也很喜欢运动,我喜欢打篮球,乒乓球和足球。I'm CZQ, fifteen years old, I like to play online games, I also like to ...

This painting is my good friend to help me to draw, and then give to me. I am looking forward to seeing you after the college entrance examination, and I hope to hand it to you by myself. And I wish you a happy birthday. Hope you learn Chinese as soon as possible. ...

我曾经以为 I used to think 拥有才是最美 It is the most beautiful 原来,只要在身后默默守候 Originally, as long as behind you silently waiting for you 也是一种不变的欢快 Is also a joy 静静许下心愿 Silently make a wish 要证明对你爱的坚持 To prove that the persistence of the ...

上游客户翻译为Upstream client,下游客户翻译为Downstream client。在企业中,上游客户一般是指供应商、被代理商,下游客户指终端买家客户、提供服务客户。通常上游客户是需要企业支付款项的,下游客户是支款款项给企业的。

涞水县17592144773: 帮我翻译一下,汉译英
营曹复方: My friends and I swam in the sea last summer. 自己翻译的 应该没错

涞水县17592144773: 帮我翻译一下,汉译英.
营曹复方: 1. The electicity is cut off because of the cold weather in Guizhou province. 2. Many tropical fishes in my home are died because of the cold weather. 希望你满意!

涞水县17592144773: 帮我翻译下
营曹复方: really! the words what you say are all from your heart!

涞水县17592144773: 汉译英 帮我翻译下 -
营曹复方: 目标在他眼里 Goals in his eyes 荣誉在他眼里 In his eyes honor 一切尽在你眼里Do everything in your eyes

涞水县17592144773: 帮我翻译下,中文翻译成英文
营曹复方: when you don't use the electrical take the plug out call on everyone look every day like the earthday

涞水县17592144773: 帮我翻译下,汉译英.我会选择历史这一学科.因为我从小就酷爱历史,我喜欢阅读许多历史史事,了解许多历史方面的知识.我们中国是著名的文明古国,有... -
营曹复方:[答案] I would choose the history of the discipline.Because I grew up on the lover of history,I like to read the history of many historical things to see many historical aspects of knowledge.We Chinese are w...

涞水县17592144773: 帮我翻译一下(汉译英)
营曹复方: hello everyone,my name'( ).I come from ...I'm ...years old.I have a long hair.two beautiful eyes with a cute mouth.I'm study at...I'm in the grade..class...I like eatting watermaler I also like watching TV.my favorite season is ...

涞水县17592144773: 谁能帮我翻译下句子??汉译英
营曹复方: 你好!我的译句如下: Count carefully the past years, a calling of sister is greater than the sky. 或意译 : Count carefully the past years, a calling of sister makes us forget all disagreement.

涞水县17592144773: 帮我翻译下,中译英.
营曹复方: 1.Alice is good at swimming . 2.John's father died last night . 3.There are some birds fly to the south in autumn . 4.My grandpapa gets up early in the morning. 5.There are many students come to the library to borrow books . 6.All of my brothers are ...

涞水县17592144773: 帮我翻译下英语中文,急!
营曹复方: You are a polite and helpful students, the Chinese have a strong interest in, and speaking well, you're good at math, like to do experiments, but sometimes not careful enough, in general, you are a very good student. Translated for me, do not be too long on it

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